, use
.',\n list[i]\n );\n }\n }\n addAttr(el, name, JSON.stringify(value), list[i]);\n // #6887 firefox doesn't update muted state if set via attribute\n // even immediately after element creation\n if (!el.component &&\n name === 'muted' &&\n platformMustUseProp(el.tag, el.attrsMap.type, name)) {\n addProp(el, name, 'true', list[i]);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction checkInFor (el) {\n var parent = el;\n while (parent) {\n if (parent.for !== undefined) {\n return true\n }\n parent = parent.parent;\n }\n return false\n}\n\nfunction parseModifiers (name) {\n var match = name.match(modifierRE);\n if (match) {\n var ret = {};\n match.forEach(function (m) { ret[m.slice(1)] = true; });\n return ret\n }\n}\n\nfunction makeAttrsMap (attrs) {\n var map = {};\n for (var i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {\n if (\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' &&\n map[attrs[i].name] && !isIE && !isEdge\n ) {\n warn$2('duplicate attribute: ' + attrs[i].name, attrs[i]);\n }\n map[attrs[i].name] = attrs[i].value;\n }\n return map\n}\n\n// for script (e.g. type=\"x/template\") or style, do not decode content\nfunction isTextTag (el) {\n return el.tag === 'script' || el.tag === 'style'\n}\n\nfunction isForbiddenTag (el) {\n return (\n el.tag === 'style' ||\n (el.tag === 'script' && (\n !el.attrsMap.type ||\n el.attrsMap.type === 'text/javascript'\n ))\n )\n}\n\nvar ieNSBug = /^xmlns:NS\\d+/;\nvar ieNSPrefix = /^NS\\d+:/;\n\n/* istanbul ignore next */\nfunction guardIESVGBug (attrs) {\n var res = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {\n var attr = attrs[i];\n if (!ieNSBug.test(attr.name)) {\n attr.name = attr.name.replace(ieNSPrefix, '');\n res.push(attr);\n }\n }\n return res\n}\n\nfunction checkForAliasModel (el, value) {\n var _el = el;\n while (_el) {\n if (_el.for && _el.alias === value) {\n warn$2(\n \"<\" + (el.tag) + \" v-model=\\\"\" + value + \"\\\">: \" +\n \"You are binding v-model directly to a v-for iteration alias. \" +\n \"This will not be able to modify the v-for source array because \" +\n \"writing to the alias is like modifying a function local variable. \" +\n \"Consider using an array of objects and use v-model on an object property instead.\",\n el.rawAttrsMap['v-model']\n );\n }\n _el = _el.parent;\n }\n}\n\n/* */\n\nfunction preTransformNode (el, options) {\n if (el.tag === 'input') {\n var map = el.attrsMap;\n if (!map['v-model']) {\n return\n }\n\n var typeBinding;\n if (map[':type'] || map['v-bind:type']) {\n typeBinding = getBindingAttr(el, 'type');\n }\n if (!map.type && !typeBinding && map['v-bind']) {\n typeBinding = \"(\" + (map['v-bind']) + \").type\";\n }\n\n if (typeBinding) {\n var ifCondition = getAndRemoveAttr(el, 'v-if', true);\n var ifConditionExtra = ifCondition ? (\"&&(\" + ifCondition + \")\") : \"\";\n var hasElse = getAndRemoveAttr(el, 'v-else', true) != null;\n var elseIfCondition = getAndRemoveAttr(el, 'v-else-if', true);\n // 1. checkbox\n var branch0 = cloneASTElement(el);\n // process for on the main node\n processFor(branch0);\n addRawAttr(branch0, 'type', 'checkbox');\n processElement(branch0, options);\n branch0.processed = true; // prevent it from double-processed\n branch0.if = \"(\" + typeBinding + \")==='checkbox'\" + ifConditionExtra;\n addIfCondition(branch0, {\n exp: branch0.if,\n block: branch0\n });\n // 2. add radio else-if condition\n var branch1 = cloneASTElement(el);\n getAndRemoveAttr(branch1, 'v-for', true);\n addRawAttr(branch1, 'type', 'radio');\n processElement(branch1, options);\n addIfCondition(branch0, {\n exp: \"(\" + typeBinding + \")==='radio'\" + ifConditionExtra,\n block: branch1\n });\n // 3. other\n var branch2 = cloneASTElement(el);\n getAndRemoveAttr(branch2, 'v-for', true);\n addRawAttr(branch2, ':type', typeBinding);\n processElement(branch2, options);\n addIfCondition(branch0, {\n exp: ifCondition,\n block: branch2\n });\n\n if (hasElse) {\n branch0.else = true;\n } else if (elseIfCondition) {\n branch0.elseif = elseIfCondition;\n }\n\n return branch0\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction cloneASTElement (el) {\n return createASTElement(el.tag, el.attrsList.slice(), el.parent)\n}\n\nvar model$1 = {\n preTransformNode: preTransformNode\n};\n\nvar modules$1 = [\n klass$1,\n style$1,\n model$1\n];\n\n/* */\n\nfunction text (el, dir) {\n if (dir.value) {\n addProp(el, 'textContent', (\"_s(\" + (dir.value) + \")\"), dir);\n }\n}\n\n/* */\n\nfunction html (el, dir) {\n if (dir.value) {\n addProp(el, 'innerHTML', (\"_s(\" + (dir.value) + \")\"), dir);\n }\n}\n\nvar directives$1 = {\n model: model,\n text: text,\n html: html\n};\n\n/* */\n\nvar baseOptions = {\n expectHTML: true,\n modules: modules$1,\n directives: directives$1,\n isPreTag: isPreTag,\n isUnaryTag: isUnaryTag,\n mustUseProp: mustUseProp,\n canBeLeftOpenTag: canBeLeftOpenTag,\n isReservedTag: isReservedTag,\n getTagNamespace: getTagNamespace,\n staticKeys: genStaticKeys(modules$1)\n};\n\n/* */\n\nvar isStaticKey;\nvar isPlatformReservedTag;\n\nvar genStaticKeysCached = cached(genStaticKeys$1);\n\n/**\n * Goal of the optimizer: walk the generated template AST tree\n * and detect sub-trees that are purely static, i.e. parts of\n * the DOM that never needs to change.\n *\n * Once we detect these sub-trees, we can:\n *\n * 1. Hoist them into constants, so that we no longer need to\n * create fresh nodes for them on each re-render;\n * 2. Completely skip them in the patching process.\n */\nfunction optimize (root, options) {\n if (!root) { return }\n isStaticKey = genStaticKeysCached(options.staticKeys || '');\n isPlatformReservedTag = options.isReservedTag || no;\n // first pass: mark all non-static nodes.\n markStatic$1(root);\n // second pass: mark static roots.\n markStaticRoots(root, false);\n}\n\nfunction genStaticKeys$1 (keys) {\n return makeMap(\n 'type,tag,attrsList,attrsMap,plain,parent,children,attrs,start,end,rawAttrsMap' +\n (keys ? ',' + keys : '')\n )\n}\n\nfunction markStatic$1 (node) {\n node.static = isStatic(node);\n if (node.type === 1) {\n // do not make component slot content static. this avoids\n // 1. components not able to mutate slot nodes\n // 2. static slot content fails for hot-reloading\n if (\n !isPlatformReservedTag(node.tag) &&\n node.tag !== 'slot' &&\n node.attrsMap['inline-template'] == null\n ) {\n return\n }\n for (var i = 0, l = node.children.length; i < l; i++) {\n var child = node.children[i];\n markStatic$1(child);\n if (!child.static) {\n node.static = false;\n }\n }\n if (node.ifConditions) {\n for (var i$1 = 1, l$1 = node.ifConditions.length; i$1 < l$1; i$1++) {\n var block = node.ifConditions[i$1].block;\n markStatic$1(block);\n if (!block.static) {\n node.static = false;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction markStaticRoots (node, isInFor) {\n if (node.type === 1) {\n if (node.static || node.once) {\n node.staticInFor = isInFor;\n }\n // For a node to qualify as a static root, it should have children that\n // are not just static text. Otherwise the cost of hoisting out will\n // outweigh the benefits and it's better off to just always render it fresh.\n if (node.static && node.children.length && !(\n node.children.length === 1 &&\n node.children[0].type === 3\n )) {\n node.staticRoot = true;\n return\n } else {\n node.staticRoot = false;\n }\n if (node.children) {\n for (var i = 0, l = node.children.length; i < l; i++) {\n markStaticRoots(node.children[i], isInFor || !!node.for);\n }\n }\n if (node.ifConditions) {\n for (var i$1 = 1, l$1 = node.ifConditions.length; i$1 < l$1; i$1++) {\n markStaticRoots(node.ifConditions[i$1].block, isInFor);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction isStatic (node) {\n if (node.type === 2) { // expression\n return false\n }\n if (node.type === 3) { // text\n return true\n }\n return !!(node.pre || (\n !node.hasBindings && // no dynamic bindings\n !node.if && !node.for && // not v-if or v-for or v-else\n !isBuiltInTag(node.tag) && // not a built-in\n isPlatformReservedTag(node.tag) && // not a component\n !isDirectChildOfTemplateFor(node) &&\n Object.keys(node).every(isStaticKey)\n ))\n}\n\nfunction isDirectChildOfTemplateFor (node) {\n while (node.parent) {\n node = node.parent;\n if (node.tag !== 'template') {\n return false\n }\n if (node.for) {\n return true\n }\n }\n return false\n}\n\n/* */\n\nvar fnExpRE = /^([\\w$_]+|\\([^)]*?\\))\\s*=>|^function(?:\\s+[\\w$]+)?\\s*\\(/;\nvar fnInvokeRE = /\\([^)]*?\\);*$/;\nvar simplePathRE = /^[A-Za-z_$][\\w$]*(?:\\.[A-Za-z_$][\\w$]*|\\['[^']*?']|\\[\"[^\"]*?\"]|\\[\\d+]|\\[[A-Za-z_$][\\w$]*])*$/;\n\n// KeyboardEvent.keyCode aliases\nvar keyCodes = {\n esc: 27,\n tab: 9,\n enter: 13,\n space: 32,\n up: 38,\n left: 37,\n right: 39,\n down: 40,\n 'delete': [8, 46]\n};\n\n// KeyboardEvent.key aliases\nvar keyNames = {\n // #7880: IE11 and Edge use `Esc` for Escape key name.\n esc: ['Esc', 'Escape'],\n tab: 'Tab',\n enter: 'Enter',\n // #9112: IE11 uses `Spacebar` for Space key name.\n space: [' ', 'Spacebar'],\n // #7806: IE11 uses key names without `Arrow` prefix for arrow keys.\n up: ['Up', 'ArrowUp'],\n left: ['Left', 'ArrowLeft'],\n right: ['Right', 'ArrowRight'],\n down: ['Down', 'ArrowDown'],\n // #9112: IE11 uses `Del` for Delete key name.\n 'delete': ['Backspace', 'Delete', 'Del']\n};\n\n// #4868: modifiers that prevent the execution of the listener\n// need to explicitly return null so that we can determine whether to remove\n// the listener for .once\nvar genGuard = function (condition) { return (\"if(\" + condition + \")return null;\"); };\n\nvar modifierCode = {\n stop: '$event.stopPropagation();',\n prevent: '$event.preventDefault();',\n self: genGuard(\"$event.target !== $event.currentTarget\"),\n ctrl: genGuard(\"!$event.ctrlKey\"),\n shift: genGuard(\"!$event.shiftKey\"),\n alt: genGuard(\"!$event.altKey\"),\n meta: genGuard(\"!$event.metaKey\"),\n left: genGuard(\"'button' in $event && $event.button !== 0\"),\n middle: genGuard(\"'button' in $event && $event.button !== 1\"),\n right: genGuard(\"'button' in $event && $event.button !== 2\")\n};\n\nfunction genHandlers (\n events,\n isNative\n) {\n var prefix = isNative ? 'nativeOn:' : 'on:';\n var staticHandlers = \"\";\n var dynamicHandlers = \"\";\n for (var name in events) {\n var handlerCode = genHandler(events[name]);\n if (events[name] && events[name].dynamic) {\n dynamicHandlers += name + \",\" + handlerCode + \",\";\n } else {\n staticHandlers += \"\\\"\" + name + \"\\\":\" + handlerCode + \",\";\n }\n }\n staticHandlers = \"{\" + (staticHandlers.slice(0, -1)) + \"}\";\n if (dynamicHandlers) {\n return prefix + \"_d(\" + staticHandlers + \",[\" + (dynamicHandlers.slice(0, -1)) + \"])\"\n } else {\n return prefix + staticHandlers\n }\n}\n\nfunction genHandler (handler) {\n if (!handler) {\n return 'function(){}'\n }\n\n if (Array.isArray(handler)) {\n return (\"[\" + (handler.map(function (handler) { return genHandler(handler); }).join(',')) + \"]\")\n }\n\n var isMethodPath = simplePathRE.test(handler.value);\n var isFunctionExpression = fnExpRE.test(handler.value);\n var isFunctionInvocation = simplePathRE.test(handler.value.replace(fnInvokeRE, ''));\n\n if (!handler.modifiers) {\n if (isMethodPath || isFunctionExpression) {\n return handler.value\n }\n return (\"function($event){\" + (isFunctionInvocation ? (\"return \" + (handler.value)) : handler.value) + \"}\") // inline statement\n } else {\n var code = '';\n var genModifierCode = '';\n var keys = [];\n for (var key in handler.modifiers) {\n if (modifierCode[key]) {\n genModifierCode += modifierCode[key];\n // left/right\n if (keyCodes[key]) {\n keys.push(key);\n }\n } else if (key === 'exact') {\n var modifiers = (handler.modifiers);\n genModifierCode += genGuard(\n ['ctrl', 'shift', 'alt', 'meta']\n .filter(function (keyModifier) { return !modifiers[keyModifier]; })\n .map(function (keyModifier) { return (\"$event.\" + keyModifier + \"Key\"); })\n .join('||')\n );\n } else {\n keys.push(key);\n }\n }\n if (keys.length) {\n code += genKeyFilter(keys);\n }\n // Make sure modifiers like prevent and stop get executed after key filtering\n if (genModifierCode) {\n code += genModifierCode;\n }\n var handlerCode = isMethodPath\n ? (\"return \" + (handler.value) + \".apply(null, arguments)\")\n : isFunctionExpression\n ? (\"return (\" + (handler.value) + \").apply(null, arguments)\")\n : isFunctionInvocation\n ? (\"return \" + (handler.value))\n : handler.value;\n return (\"function($event){\" + code + handlerCode + \"}\")\n }\n}\n\nfunction genKeyFilter (keys) {\n return (\n // make sure the key filters only apply to KeyboardEvents\n // #9441: can't use 'keyCode' in $event because Chrome autofill fires fake\n // key events that do not have keyCode property...\n \"if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&\" +\n (keys.map(genFilterCode).join('&&')) + \")return null;\"\n )\n}\n\nfunction genFilterCode (key) {\n var keyVal = parseInt(key, 10);\n if (keyVal) {\n return (\"$event.keyCode!==\" + keyVal)\n }\n var keyCode = keyCodes[key];\n var keyName = keyNames[key];\n return (\n \"_k($event.keyCode,\" +\n (JSON.stringify(key)) + \",\" +\n (JSON.stringify(keyCode)) + \",\" +\n \"$event.key,\" +\n \"\" + (JSON.stringify(keyName)) +\n \")\"\n )\n}\n\n/* */\n\nfunction on (el, dir) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && dir.modifiers) {\n warn(\"v-on without argument does not support modifiers.\");\n }\n el.wrapListeners = function (code) { return (\"_g(\" + code + \",\" + (dir.value) + \")\"); };\n}\n\n/* */\n\nfunction bind$1 (el, dir) {\n el.wrapData = function (code) {\n return (\"_b(\" + code + \",'\" + (el.tag) + \"',\" + (dir.value) + \",\" + (dir.modifiers && dir.modifiers.prop ? 'true' : 'false') + (dir.modifiers && dir.modifiers.sync ? ',true' : '') + \")\")\n };\n}\n\n/* */\n\nvar baseDirectives = {\n on: on,\n bind: bind$1,\n cloak: noop\n};\n\n/* */\n\n\n\n\n\nvar CodegenState = function CodegenState (options) {\n this.options = options;\n this.warn = options.warn || baseWarn;\n this.transforms = pluckModuleFunction(options.modules, 'transformCode');\n this.dataGenFns = pluckModuleFunction(options.modules, 'genData');\n this.directives = extend(extend({}, baseDirectives), options.directives);\n var isReservedTag = options.isReservedTag || no;\n this.maybeComponent = function (el) { return !!el.component || !isReservedTag(el.tag); };\n this.onceId = 0;\n this.staticRenderFns = [];\n this.pre = false;\n};\n\n\n\nfunction generate (\n ast,\n options\n) {\n var state = new CodegenState(options);\n // fix #11483, Root level ","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./Alert.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./Alert.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./Alert.vue?vue&type=template&id=81b24250\"\nimport script from \"./Alert.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./Alert.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","var SetCache = require('./_SetCache'),\n arraySome = require('./_arraySome'),\n cacheHas = require('./_cacheHas');\n\n/** Used to compose bitmasks for value comparisons. */\nvar COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG = 1,\n COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG = 2;\n\n/**\n * A specialized version of `baseIsEqualDeep` for arrays with support for\n * partial deep comparisons.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to compare.\n * @param {Array} other The other array to compare.\n * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `baseIsEqual` for more details.\n * @param {Function} customizer The function to customize comparisons.\n * @param {Function} equalFunc The function to determine equivalents of values.\n * @param {Object} stack Tracks traversed `array` and `other` objects.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the arrays are equivalent, else `false`.\n */\nfunction equalArrays(array, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) {\n var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG,\n arrLength = array.length,\n othLength = other.length;\n\n if (arrLength != othLength && !(isPartial && othLength > arrLength)) {\n return false;\n }\n // Check that cyclic values are equal.\n var arrStacked = stack.get(array);\n var othStacked = stack.get(other);\n if (arrStacked && othStacked) {\n return arrStacked == other && othStacked == array;\n }\n var index = -1,\n result = true,\n seen = (bitmask & COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG) ? new SetCache : undefined;\n\n stack.set(array, other);\n stack.set(other, array);\n\n // Ignore non-index properties.\n while (++index < arrLength) {\n var arrValue = array[index],\n othValue = other[index];\n\n if (customizer) {\n var compared = isPartial\n ? customizer(othValue, arrValue, index, other, array, stack)\n : customizer(arrValue, othValue, index, array, other, stack);\n }\n if (compared !== undefined) {\n if (compared) {\n continue;\n }\n result = false;\n break;\n }\n // Recursively compare arrays (susceptible to call stack limits).\n if (seen) {\n if (!arraySome(other, function(othValue, othIndex) {\n if (!cacheHas(seen, othIndex) &&\n (arrValue === othValue || equalFunc(arrValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack))) {\n return seen.push(othIndex);\n }\n })) {\n result = false;\n break;\n }\n } else if (!(\n arrValue === othValue ||\n equalFunc(arrValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack)\n )) {\n result = false;\n break;\n }\n }\n stack['delete'](array);\n stack['delete'](other);\n return result;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = equalArrays;\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Arabic (Algeria) [ar-dz]\n//! author : Amine Roukh: https://github.com/Amine27\n//! author : Abdel Said: https://github.com/abdelsaid\n//! author : Ahmed Elkhatib\n//! author : forabi https://github.com/forabi\n//! author : Noureddine LOUAHEDJ : https://github.com/noureddinem\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var pluralForm = function (n) {\n return n === 0\n ? 0\n : n === 1\n ? 1\n : n === 2\n ? 2\n : n % 100 >= 3 && n % 100 <= 10\n ? 3\n : n % 100 >= 11\n ? 4\n : 5;\n },\n plurals = {\n s: [\n 'أقل من ثانية',\n 'ثانية واحدة',\n ['ثانيتان', 'ثانيتين'],\n '%d ثوان',\n '%d ثانية',\n '%d ثانية',\n ],\n m: [\n 'أقل من دقيقة',\n 'دقيقة واحدة',\n ['دقيقتان', 'دقيقتين'],\n '%d دقائق',\n '%d دقيقة',\n '%d دقيقة',\n ],\n h: [\n 'أقل من ساعة',\n 'ساعة واحدة',\n ['ساعتان', 'ساعتين'],\n '%d ساعات',\n '%d ساعة',\n '%d ساعة',\n ],\n d: [\n 'أقل من يوم',\n 'يوم واحد',\n ['يومان', 'يومين'],\n '%d أيام',\n '%d يومًا',\n '%d يوم',\n ],\n M: [\n 'أقل من شهر',\n 'شهر واحد',\n ['شهران', 'شهرين'],\n '%d أشهر',\n '%d شهرا',\n '%d شهر',\n ],\n y: [\n 'أقل من عام',\n 'عام واحد',\n ['عامان', 'عامين'],\n '%d أعوام',\n '%d عامًا',\n '%d عام',\n ],\n },\n pluralize = function (u) {\n return function (number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) {\n var f = pluralForm(number),\n str = plurals[u][pluralForm(number)];\n if (f === 2) {\n str = str[withoutSuffix ? 0 : 1];\n }\n return str.replace(/%d/i, number);\n };\n },\n months = [\n 'جانفي',\n 'فيفري',\n 'مارس',\n 'أفريل',\n 'ماي',\n 'جوان',\n 'جويلية',\n 'أوت',\n 'سبتمبر',\n 'أكتوبر',\n 'نوفمبر',\n 'ديسمبر',\n ];\n\n var arDz = moment.defineLocale('ar-dz', {\n months: months,\n monthsShort: months,\n weekdays: 'الأحد_الإثنين_الثلاثاء_الأربعاء_الخميس_الجمعة_السبت'.split('_'),\n weekdaysShort: 'أحد_إثنين_ثلاثاء_أربعاء_خميس_جمعة_سبت'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'ح_ن_ث_ر_خ_ج_س'.split('_'),\n weekdaysParseExact: true,\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'D/\\u200FM/\\u200FYYYY',\n LL: 'D MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n },\n meridiemParse: /ص|م/,\n isPM: function (input) {\n return 'م' === input;\n },\n meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {\n if (hour < 12) {\n return 'ص';\n } else {\n return 'م';\n }\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[اليوم عند الساعة] LT',\n nextDay: '[غدًا عند الساعة] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [عند الساعة] LT',\n lastDay: '[أمس عند الساعة] LT',\n lastWeek: 'dddd [عند الساعة] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'بعد %s',\n past: 'منذ %s',\n s: pluralize('s'),\n ss: pluralize('s'),\n m: pluralize('m'),\n mm: pluralize('m'),\n h: pluralize('h'),\n hh: pluralize('h'),\n d: pluralize('d'),\n dd: pluralize('d'),\n M: pluralize('M'),\n MM: pluralize('M'),\n y: pluralize('y'),\n yy: pluralize('y'),\n },\n postformat: function (string) {\n return string.replace(/,/g, '،');\n },\n week: {\n dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return arDz;\n\n})));\n","import _typeof from \"./typeof.js\";\nexport default function toPrimitive(t, r) {\n if (\"object\" != _typeof(t) || !t) return t;\n var e = t[Symbol.toPrimitive];\n if (void 0 !== e) {\n var i = e.call(t, r || \"default\");\n if (\"object\" != _typeof(i)) return i;\n throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\");\n }\n return (\"string\" === r ? String : Number)(t);\n}","import _typeof from \"./typeof.js\";\nimport toPrimitive from \"./toPrimitive.js\";\nexport default function toPropertyKey(t) {\n var i = toPrimitive(t, \"string\");\n return \"symbol\" == _typeof(i) ? i : i + \"\";\n}","var _typeof = require(\"./typeof.js\")[\"default\"];\nvar toPrimitive = require(\"./toPrimitive.js\");\nfunction toPropertyKey(t) {\n var i = toPrimitive(t, \"string\");\n return \"symbol\" == _typeof(i) ? i : i + \"\";\n}\nmodule.exports = toPropertyKey, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon minus-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M19,13H5V11H19V13Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","
\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./Minus.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./Minus.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./Minus.vue?vue&type=template&id=0c939f99\"\nimport script from \"./Minus.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./Minus.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon account-plus-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M15,14C12.33,14 7,15.33 7,18V20H23V18C23,15.33 17.67,14 15,14M6,10V7H4V10H1V12H4V15H6V12H9V10M15,12A4,4 0 0,0 19,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,4A4,4 0 0,0 11,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,12Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","
\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./AccountPlus.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./AccountPlus.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./AccountPlus.vue?vue&type=template&id=a16afc28\"\nimport script from \"./AccountPlus.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./AccountPlus.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon phone-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M6.62,10.79C8.06,13.62 10.38,15.94 13.21,17.38L15.41,15.18C15.69,14.9 16.08,14.82 16.43,14.93C17.55,15.3 18.75,15.5 20,15.5A1,1 0 0,1 21,16.5V20A1,1 0 0,1 20,21A17,17 0 0,1 3,4A1,1 0 0,1 4,3H7.5A1,1 0 0,1 8.5,4C8.5,5.25 8.7,6.45 9.07,7.57C9.18,7.92 9.1,8.31 8.82,8.59L6.62,10.79Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","
\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./Phone.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./Phone.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./Phone.vue?vue&type=template&id=67bcca57\"\nimport script from \"./Phone.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./Phone.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar toObject = require('../internals/to-object');\nvar toAbsoluteIndex = require('../internals/to-absolute-index');\nvar toIntegerOrInfinity = require('../internals/to-integer-or-infinity');\nvar lengthOfArrayLike = require('../internals/length-of-array-like');\nvar setArrayLength = require('../internals/array-set-length');\nvar doesNotExceedSafeInteger = require('../internals/does-not-exceed-safe-integer');\nvar arraySpeciesCreate = require('../internals/array-species-create');\nvar createProperty = require('../internals/create-property');\nvar deletePropertyOrThrow = require('../internals/delete-property-or-throw');\nvar arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport = require('../internals/array-method-has-species-support');\n\nvar HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT = arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport('splice');\n\nvar max = Math.max;\nvar min = Math.min;\n\n// `Array.prototype.splice` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.splice\n// with adding support of @@species\n$({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: !HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT }, {\n splice: function splice(start, deleteCount /* , ...items */) {\n var O = toObject(this);\n var len = lengthOfArrayLike(O);\n var actualStart = toAbsoluteIndex(start, len);\n var argumentsLength = arguments.length;\n var insertCount, actualDeleteCount, A, k, from, to;\n if (argumentsLength === 0) {\n insertCount = actualDeleteCount = 0;\n } else if (argumentsLength === 1) {\n insertCount = 0;\n actualDeleteCount = len - actualStart;\n } else {\n insertCount = argumentsLength - 2;\n actualDeleteCount = min(max(toIntegerOrInfinity(deleteCount), 0), len - actualStart);\n }\n doesNotExceedSafeInteger(len + insertCount - actualDeleteCount);\n A = arraySpeciesCreate(O, actualDeleteCount);\n for (k = 0; k < actualDeleteCount; k++) {\n from = actualStart + k;\n if (from in O) createProperty(A, k, O[from]);\n }\n A.length = actualDeleteCount;\n if (insertCount < actualDeleteCount) {\n for (k = actualStart; k < len - actualDeleteCount; k++) {\n from = k + actualDeleteCount;\n to = k + insertCount;\n if (from in O) O[to] = O[from];\n else deletePropertyOrThrow(O, to);\n }\n for (k = len; k > len - actualDeleteCount + insertCount; k--) deletePropertyOrThrow(O, k - 1);\n } else if (insertCount > actualDeleteCount) {\n for (k = len - actualDeleteCount; k > actualStart; k--) {\n from = k + actualDeleteCount - 1;\n to = k + insertCount - 1;\n if (from in O) O[to] = O[from];\n else deletePropertyOrThrow(O, to);\n }\n }\n for (k = 0; k < insertCount; k++) {\n O[k + actualStart] = arguments[k + 2];\n }\n setArrayLength(O, len - actualDeleteCount + insertCount);\n return A;\n }\n});\n","var constant = require('./constant'),\n defineProperty = require('./_defineProperty'),\n identity = require('./identity');\n\n/**\n * The base implementation of `setToString` without support for hot loop shorting.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} func The function to modify.\n * @param {Function} string The `toString` result.\n * @returns {Function} Returns `func`.\n */\nvar baseSetToString = !defineProperty ? identity : function(func, string) {\n return defineProperty(func, 'toString', {\n 'configurable': true,\n 'enumerable': false,\n 'value': constant(string),\n 'writable': true\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = baseSetToString;\n","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon delete-circle-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M12,2C17.53,2 22,6.47 22,12C22,17.53 17.53,22 12,22C6.47,22 2,17.53 2,12C2,6.47 6.47,2 12,2M17,7H14.5L13.5,6H10.5L9.5,7H7V9H17V7M9,18H15A1,1 0 0,0 16,17V10H8V17A1,1 0 0,0 9,18Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","
\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./DeleteCircle.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./DeleteCircle.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./DeleteCircle.vue?vue&type=template&id=2541703b\"\nimport script from \"./DeleteCircle.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./DeleteCircle.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","var userAgent = require('../internals/engine-user-agent');\n\nmodule.exports = /web0s(?!.*chrome)/i.test(userAgent);\n","// TODO: Remove this module from `core-js@4` since it's split to modules listed below\nrequire('../modules/es.symbol.constructor');\nrequire('../modules/es.symbol.for');\nrequire('../modules/es.symbol.key-for');\nrequire('../modules/es.json.stringify');\nrequire('../modules/es.object.get-own-property-symbols');\n","var getMapData = require('./_getMapData');\n\n/**\n * Checks if a map value for `key` exists.\n *\n * @private\n * @name has\n * @memberOf MapCache\n * @param {string} key The key of the entry to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if an entry for `key` exists, else `false`.\n */\nfunction mapCacheHas(key) {\n return getMapData(this, key).has(key);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = mapCacheHas;\n","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon information-outline-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M11,9H13V7H11M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M11,17H13V11H11V17Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","
\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./InformationOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./InformationOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./InformationOutline.vue?vue&type=template&id=76818e70\"\nimport script from \"./InformationOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./InformationOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","'use strict';\nvar aSet = require('../internals/a-set');\nvar SetHelpers = require('../internals/set-helpers');\nvar clone = require('../internals/set-clone');\nvar size = require('../internals/set-size');\nvar getSetRecord = require('../internals/get-set-record');\nvar iterateSet = require('../internals/set-iterate');\nvar iterateSimple = require('../internals/iterate-simple');\n\nvar has = SetHelpers.has;\nvar remove = SetHelpers.remove;\n\n// `Set.prototype.difference` method\n// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-set-methods\nmodule.exports = function difference(other) {\n var O = aSet(this);\n var otherRec = getSetRecord(other);\n var result = clone(O);\n if (size(O) <= otherRec.size) iterateSet(O, function (e) {\n if (otherRec.includes(e)) remove(result, e);\n });\n else iterateSimple(otherRec.getIterator(), function (e) {\n if (has(O, e)) remove(result, e);\n });\n return result;\n};\n","var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar from = require('../internals/array-from');\nvar checkCorrectnessOfIteration = require('../internals/check-correctness-of-iteration');\n\nvar INCORRECT_ITERATION = !checkCorrectnessOfIteration(function (iterable) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-array-from -- required for testing\n Array.from(iterable);\n});\n\n// `Array.from` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.from\n$({ target: 'Array', stat: true, forced: INCORRECT_ITERATION }, {\n from: from\n});\n","'use strict';\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\n\nmodule.exports = function (METHOD_NAME, argument) {\n var method = [][METHOD_NAME];\n return !!method && fails(function () {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-call -- required for testing\n method.call(null, argument || function () { return 1; }, 1);\n });\n};\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START tslib,_map,_observable_from,_innerSubscribe PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport * as tslib_1 from \"tslib\";\nimport { map } from './map';\nimport { from } from '../observable/from';\nimport { SimpleOuterSubscriber, SimpleInnerSubscriber, innerSubscribe } from '../innerSubscribe';\nexport function mergeMap(project, resultSelector, concurrent) {\n if (concurrent === void 0) {\n concurrent = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;\n }\n if (typeof resultSelector === 'function') {\n return function (source) { return source.pipe(mergeMap(function (a, i) { return from(project(a, i)).pipe(map(function (b, ii) { return resultSelector(a, b, i, ii); })); }, concurrent)); };\n }\n else if (typeof resultSelector === 'number') {\n concurrent = resultSelector;\n }\n return function (source) { return source.lift(new MergeMapOperator(project, concurrent)); };\n}\nvar MergeMapOperator = /*@__PURE__*/ (function () {\n function MergeMapOperator(project, concurrent) {\n if (concurrent === void 0) {\n concurrent = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;\n }\n this.project = project;\n this.concurrent = concurrent;\n }\n MergeMapOperator.prototype.call = function (observer, source) {\n return source.subscribe(new MergeMapSubscriber(observer, this.project, this.concurrent));\n };\n return MergeMapOperator;\n}());\nexport { MergeMapOperator };\nvar MergeMapSubscriber = /*@__PURE__*/ (function (_super) {\n tslib_1.__extends(MergeMapSubscriber, _super);\n function MergeMapSubscriber(destination, project, concurrent) {\n if (concurrent === void 0) {\n concurrent = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;\n }\n var _this = _super.call(this, destination) || this;\n _this.project = project;\n _this.concurrent = concurrent;\n _this.hasCompleted = false;\n _this.buffer = [];\n _this.active = 0;\n _this.index = 0;\n return _this;\n }\n MergeMapSubscriber.prototype._next = function (value) {\n if (this.active < this.concurrent) {\n this._tryNext(value);\n }\n else {\n this.buffer.push(value);\n }\n };\n MergeMapSubscriber.prototype._tryNext = function (value) {\n var result;\n var index = this.index++;\n try {\n result = this.project(value, index);\n }\n catch (err) {\n this.destination.error(err);\n return;\n }\n this.active++;\n this._innerSub(result);\n };\n MergeMapSubscriber.prototype._innerSub = function (ish) {\n var innerSubscriber = new SimpleInnerSubscriber(this);\n var destination = this.destination;\n destination.add(innerSubscriber);\n var innerSubscription = innerSubscribe(ish, innerSubscriber);\n if (innerSubscription !== innerSubscriber) {\n destination.add(innerSubscription);\n }\n };\n MergeMapSubscriber.prototype._complete = function () {\n this.hasCompleted = true;\n if (this.active === 0 && this.buffer.length === 0) {\n this.destination.complete();\n }\n this.unsubscribe();\n };\n MergeMapSubscriber.prototype.notifyNext = function (innerValue) {\n this.destination.next(innerValue);\n };\n MergeMapSubscriber.prototype.notifyComplete = function () {\n var buffer = this.buffer;\n this.active--;\n if (buffer.length > 0) {\n this._next(buffer.shift());\n }\n else if (this.active === 0 && this.hasCompleted) {\n this.destination.complete();\n }\n };\n return MergeMapSubscriber;\n}(SimpleOuterSubscriber));\nexport { MergeMapSubscriber };\nexport var flatMap = mergeMap;\n//# sourceMappingURL=mergeMap.js.map\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nvar UnsubscriptionErrorImpl = /*@__PURE__*/ (function () {\n function UnsubscriptionErrorImpl(errors) {\n Error.call(this);\n this.message = errors ?\n errors.length + \" errors occurred during unsubscription:\\n\" + errors.map(function (err, i) { return i + 1 + \") \" + err.toString(); }).join('\\n ') : '';\n this.name = 'UnsubscriptionError';\n this.errors = errors;\n return this;\n }\n UnsubscriptionErrorImpl.prototype = /*@__PURE__*/ Object.create(Error.prototype);\n return UnsubscriptionErrorImpl;\n})();\nexport var UnsubscriptionError = UnsubscriptionErrorImpl;\n//# sourceMappingURL=UnsubscriptionError.js.map\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START _util_isArray,_util_isObject,_util_isFunction,_util_UnsubscriptionError PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport { isArray } from './util/isArray';\nimport { isObject } from './util/isObject';\nimport { isFunction } from './util/isFunction';\nimport { UnsubscriptionError } from './util/UnsubscriptionError';\nvar Subscription = /*@__PURE__*/ (function () {\n function Subscription(unsubscribe) {\n this.closed = false;\n this._parentOrParents = null;\n this._subscriptions = null;\n if (unsubscribe) {\n this._ctorUnsubscribe = true;\n this._unsubscribe = unsubscribe;\n }\n }\n Subscription.prototype.unsubscribe = function () {\n var errors;\n if (this.closed) {\n return;\n }\n var _a = this, _parentOrParents = _a._parentOrParents, _ctorUnsubscribe = _a._ctorUnsubscribe, _unsubscribe = _a._unsubscribe, _subscriptions = _a._subscriptions;\n this.closed = true;\n this._parentOrParents = null;\n this._subscriptions = null;\n if (_parentOrParents instanceof Subscription) {\n _parentOrParents.remove(this);\n }\n else if (_parentOrParents !== null) {\n for (var index = 0; index < _parentOrParents.length; ++index) {\n var parent_1 = _parentOrParents[index];\n parent_1.remove(this);\n }\n }\n if (isFunction(_unsubscribe)) {\n if (_ctorUnsubscribe) {\n this._unsubscribe = undefined;\n }\n try {\n _unsubscribe.call(this);\n }\n catch (e) {\n errors = e instanceof UnsubscriptionError ? flattenUnsubscriptionErrors(e.errors) : [e];\n }\n }\n if (isArray(_subscriptions)) {\n var index = -1;\n var len = _subscriptions.length;\n while (++index < len) {\n var sub = _subscriptions[index];\n if (isObject(sub)) {\n try {\n sub.unsubscribe();\n }\n catch (e) {\n errors = errors || [];\n if (e instanceof UnsubscriptionError) {\n errors = errors.concat(flattenUnsubscriptionErrors(e.errors));\n }\n else {\n errors.push(e);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (errors) {\n throw new UnsubscriptionError(errors);\n }\n };\n Subscription.prototype.add = function (teardown) {\n var subscription = teardown;\n if (!teardown) {\n return Subscription.EMPTY;\n }\n switch (typeof teardown) {\n case 'function':\n subscription = new Subscription(teardown);\n case 'object':\n if (subscription === this || subscription.closed || typeof subscription.unsubscribe !== 'function') {\n return subscription;\n }\n else if (this.closed) {\n subscription.unsubscribe();\n return subscription;\n }\n else if (!(subscription instanceof Subscription)) {\n var tmp = subscription;\n subscription = new Subscription();\n subscription._subscriptions = [tmp];\n }\n break;\n default: {\n throw new Error('unrecognized teardown ' + teardown + ' added to Subscription.');\n }\n }\n var _parentOrParents = subscription._parentOrParents;\n if (_parentOrParents === null) {\n subscription._parentOrParents = this;\n }\n else if (_parentOrParents instanceof Subscription) {\n if (_parentOrParents === this) {\n return subscription;\n }\n subscription._parentOrParents = [_parentOrParents, this];\n }\n else if (_parentOrParents.indexOf(this) === -1) {\n _parentOrParents.push(this);\n }\n else {\n return subscription;\n }\n var subscriptions = this._subscriptions;\n if (subscriptions === null) {\n this._subscriptions = [subscription];\n }\n else {\n subscriptions.push(subscription);\n }\n return subscription;\n };\n Subscription.prototype.remove = function (subscription) {\n var subscriptions = this._subscriptions;\n if (subscriptions) {\n var subscriptionIndex = subscriptions.indexOf(subscription);\n if (subscriptionIndex !== -1) {\n subscriptions.splice(subscriptionIndex, 1);\n }\n }\n };\n Subscription.EMPTY = (function (empty) {\n empty.closed = true;\n return empty;\n }(new Subscription()));\n return Subscription;\n}());\nexport { Subscription };\nfunction flattenUnsubscriptionErrors(errors) {\n return errors.reduce(function (errs, err) { return errs.concat((err instanceof UnsubscriptionError) ? err.errors : err); }, []);\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=Subscription.js.map\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START _mergeAll PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport { mergeAll } from './mergeAll';\nexport function concatAll() {\n return mergeAll(1);\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=concatAll.js.map\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START _of,_operators_concatAll PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport { of } from './of';\nimport { concatAll } from '../operators/concatAll';\nexport function concat() {\n var observables = [];\n for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n observables[_i] = arguments[_i];\n }\n return concatAll()(of.apply(void 0, observables));\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=concat.js.map\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START _observable_concat,_util_isScheduler PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport { concat } from '../observable/concat';\nimport { isScheduler } from '../util/isScheduler';\nexport function startWith() {\n var array = [];\n for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n array[_i] = arguments[_i];\n }\n var scheduler = array[array.length - 1];\n if (isScheduler(scheduler)) {\n array.pop();\n return function (source) { return concat(array, source, scheduler); };\n }\n else {\n return function (source) { return concat(array, source); };\n }\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=startWith.js.map\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START _Observable,_util_isScheduler,_operators_mergeAll,_fromArray PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport { Observable } from '../Observable';\nimport { isScheduler } from '../util/isScheduler';\nimport { mergeAll } from '../operators/mergeAll';\nimport { fromArray } from './fromArray';\nexport function merge() {\n var observables = [];\n for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n observables[_i] = arguments[_i];\n }\n var concurrent = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;\n var scheduler = null;\n var last = observables[observables.length - 1];\n if (isScheduler(last)) {\n scheduler = observables.pop();\n if (observables.length > 1 && typeof observables[observables.length - 1] === 'number') {\n concurrent = observables.pop();\n }\n }\n else if (typeof last === 'number') {\n concurrent = observables.pop();\n }\n if (scheduler === null && observables.length === 1 && observables[0] instanceof Observable) {\n return observables[0];\n }\n return mergeAll(concurrent)(fromArray(observables, scheduler));\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=merge.js.map\n","'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure');\nvar NativePromiseConstructor = require('../internals/promise-native-constructor');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar getBuiltIn = require('../internals/get-built-in');\nvar isCallable = require('../internals/is-callable');\nvar speciesConstructor = require('../internals/species-constructor');\nvar promiseResolve = require('../internals/promise-resolve');\nvar defineBuiltIn = require('../internals/define-built-in');\n\nvar NativePromisePrototype = NativePromiseConstructor && NativePromiseConstructor.prototype;\n\n// Safari bug https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=200829\nvar NON_GENERIC = !!NativePromiseConstructor && fails(function () {\n // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-thenable -- required for testing\n NativePromisePrototype['finally'].call({ then: function () { /* empty */ } }, function () { /* empty */ });\n});\n\n// `Promise.prototype.finally` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-promise.prototype.finally\n$({ target: 'Promise', proto: true, real: true, forced: NON_GENERIC }, {\n 'finally': function (onFinally) {\n var C = speciesConstructor(this, getBuiltIn('Promise'));\n var isFunction = isCallable(onFinally);\n return this.then(\n isFunction ? function (x) {\n return promiseResolve(C, onFinally()).then(function () { return x; });\n } : onFinally,\n isFunction ? function (e) {\n return promiseResolve(C, onFinally()).then(function () { throw e; });\n } : onFinally\n );\n }\n});\n\n// makes sure that native promise-based APIs `Promise#finally` properly works with patched `Promise#then`\nif (!IS_PURE && isCallable(NativePromiseConstructor)) {\n var method = getBuiltIn('Promise').prototype['finally'];\n if (NativePromisePrototype['finally'] !== method) {\n defineBuiltIn(NativePromisePrototype, 'finally', method, { unsafe: true });\n }\n}\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Bambara [bm]\n//! author : Estelle Comment : https://github.com/estellecomment\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var bm = moment.defineLocale('bm', {\n months: 'Zanwuyekalo_Fewuruyekalo_Marisikalo_Awirilikalo_Mɛkalo_Zuwɛnkalo_Zuluyekalo_Utikalo_Sɛtanburukalo_ɔkutɔburukalo_Nowanburukalo_Desanburukalo'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort: 'Zan_Few_Mar_Awi_Mɛ_Zuw_Zul_Uti_Sɛt_ɔku_Now_Des'.split('_'),\n weekdays: 'Kari_Ntɛnɛn_Tarata_Araba_Alamisa_Juma_Sibiri'.split('_'),\n weekdaysShort: 'Kar_Ntɛ_Tar_Ara_Ala_Jum_Sib'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'Ka_Nt_Ta_Ar_Al_Ju_Si'.split('_'),\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL: 'MMMM [tile] D [san] YYYY',\n LLL: 'MMMM [tile] D [san] YYYY [lɛrɛ] HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd MMMM [tile] D [san] YYYY [lɛrɛ] HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[Bi lɛrɛ] LT',\n nextDay: '[Sini lɛrɛ] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [don lɛrɛ] LT',\n lastDay: '[Kunu lɛrɛ] LT',\n lastWeek: 'dddd [tɛmɛnen lɛrɛ] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: '%s kɔnɔ',\n past: 'a bɛ %s bɔ',\n s: 'sanga dama dama',\n ss: 'sekondi %d',\n m: 'miniti kelen',\n mm: 'miniti %d',\n h: 'lɛrɛ kelen',\n hh: 'lɛrɛ %d',\n d: 'tile kelen',\n dd: 'tile %d',\n M: 'kalo kelen',\n MM: 'kalo %d',\n y: 'san kelen',\n yy: 'san %d',\n },\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return bm;\n\n})));\n","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon medical-bag-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M10,3L8,5V7H5C3.85,7 3.12,8 3,9L2,19C1.88,20 2.54,21 4,21H20C21.46,21 22.12,20 22,19L21,9C20.88,8 20.06,7 19,7H16V5L14,3H10M10,5H14V7H10V5M11,10H13V13H16V15H13V18H11V15H8V13H11V10Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","
\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./MedicalBag.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./MedicalBag.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./MedicalBag.vue?vue&type=template&id=629bdee2\"\nimport script from \"./MedicalBag.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./MedicalBag.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon sort-descending-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M19 7H22L18 3L14 7H17V21H19M2 17H12V19H2M6 5V7H2V5M2 11H9V13H2V11Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","
\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./SortDescending.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./SortDescending.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./SortDescending.vue?vue&type=template&id=299b67cf\"\nimport script from \"./SortDescending.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./SortDescending.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","var baseGetAllKeys = require('./_baseGetAllKeys'),\n getSymbols = require('./_getSymbols'),\n keys = require('./keys');\n\n/**\n * Creates an array of own enumerable property names and symbols of `object`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names and symbols.\n */\nfunction getAllKeys(object) {\n return baseGetAllKeys(object, keys, getSymbols);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = getAllKeys;\n","'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure');\nvar DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar global = require('../internals/global');\nvar path = require('../internals/path');\nvar uncurryThis = require('../internals/function-uncurry-this');\nvar isForced = require('../internals/is-forced');\nvar hasOwn = require('../internals/has-own-property');\nvar inheritIfRequired = require('../internals/inherit-if-required');\nvar isPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-is-prototype-of');\nvar isSymbol = require('../internals/is-symbol');\nvar toPrimitive = require('../internals/to-primitive');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar getOwnPropertyNames = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-names').f;\nvar getOwnPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor').f;\nvar defineProperty = require('../internals/object-define-property').f;\nvar thisNumberValue = require('../internals/this-number-value');\nvar trim = require('../internals/string-trim').trim;\n\nvar NUMBER = 'Number';\nvar NativeNumber = global[NUMBER];\nvar PureNumberNamespace = path[NUMBER];\nvar NumberPrototype = NativeNumber.prototype;\nvar TypeError = global.TypeError;\nvar stringSlice = uncurryThis(''.slice);\nvar charCodeAt = uncurryThis(''.charCodeAt);\n\n// `ToNumeric` abstract operation\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tonumeric\nvar toNumeric = function (value) {\n var primValue = toPrimitive(value, 'number');\n return typeof primValue == 'bigint' ? primValue : toNumber(primValue);\n};\n\n// `ToNumber` abstract operation\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tonumber\nvar toNumber = function (argument) {\n var it = toPrimitive(argument, 'number');\n var first, third, radix, maxCode, digits, length, index, code;\n if (isSymbol(it)) throw TypeError('Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number');\n if (typeof it == 'string' && it.length > 2) {\n it = trim(it);\n first = charCodeAt(it, 0);\n if (first === 43 || first === 45) {\n third = charCodeAt(it, 2);\n if (third === 88 || third === 120) return NaN; // Number('+0x1') should be NaN, old V8 fix\n } else if (first === 48) {\n switch (charCodeAt(it, 1)) {\n case 66: case 98: radix = 2; maxCode = 49; break; // fast equal of /^0b[01]+$/i\n case 79: case 111: radix = 8; maxCode = 55; break; // fast equal of /^0o[0-7]+$/i\n default: return +it;\n }\n digits = stringSlice(it, 2);\n length = digits.length;\n for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {\n code = charCodeAt(digits, index);\n // parseInt parses a string to a first unavailable symbol\n // but ToNumber should return NaN if a string contains unavailable symbols\n if (code < 48 || code > maxCode) return NaN;\n } return parseInt(digits, radix);\n }\n } return +it;\n};\n\nvar FORCED = isForced(NUMBER, !NativeNumber(' 0o1') || !NativeNumber('0b1') || NativeNumber('+0x1'));\n\nvar calledWithNew = function (dummy) {\n // includes check on 1..constructor(foo) case\n return isPrototypeOf(NumberPrototype, dummy) && fails(function () { thisNumberValue(dummy); });\n};\n\n// `Number` constructor\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-number-constructor\nvar NumberWrapper = function Number(value) {\n var n = arguments.length < 1 ? 0 : NativeNumber(toNumeric(value));\n return calledWithNew(this) ? inheritIfRequired(Object(n), this, NumberWrapper) : n;\n};\n\nNumberWrapper.prototype = NumberPrototype;\nif (FORCED && !IS_PURE) NumberPrototype.constructor = NumberWrapper;\n\n$({ global: true, constructor: true, wrap: true, forced: FORCED }, {\n Number: NumberWrapper\n});\n\n// Use `internal/copy-constructor-properties` helper in `core-js@4`\nvar copyConstructorProperties = function (target, source) {\n for (var keys = DESCRIPTORS ? getOwnPropertyNames(source) : (\n // ES3:\n 'MAX_VALUE,MIN_VALUE,NaN,NEGATIVE_INFINITY,POSITIVE_INFINITY,' +\n // ES2015 (in case, if modules with ES2015 Number statics required before):\n 'EPSILON,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,isFinite,isInteger,isNaN,isSafeInteger,parseFloat,parseInt,' +\n // ESNext\n 'fromString,range'\n ).split(','), j = 0, key; keys.length > j; j++) {\n if (hasOwn(source, key = keys[j]) && !hasOwn(target, key)) {\n defineProperty(target, key, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));\n }\n }\n};\n\nif (IS_PURE && PureNumberNamespace) copyConstructorProperties(path[NUMBER], PureNumberNamespace);\nif (FORCED || IS_PURE) copyConstructorProperties(path[NUMBER], NativeNumber);\n","'use strict';\nvar DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar create = require('../internals/object-create');\nvar normalizeStringArgument = require('../internals/normalize-string-argument');\n\nvar nativeErrorToString = Error.prototype.toString;\n\nvar INCORRECT_TO_STRING = fails(function () {\n if (DESCRIPTORS) {\n // Chrome 32- incorrectly call accessor\n // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- safe\n var object = create(Object.defineProperty({}, 'name', { get: function () {\n return this === object;\n } }));\n if (nativeErrorToString.call(object) !== 'true') return true;\n }\n // FF10- does not properly handle non-strings\n return nativeErrorToString.call({ message: 1, name: 2 }) !== '2: 1'\n // IE8 does not properly handle defaults\n || nativeErrorToString.call({}) !== 'Error';\n});\n\nmodule.exports = INCORRECT_TO_STRING ? function toString() {\n var O = anObject(this);\n var name = normalizeStringArgument(O.name, 'Error');\n var message = normalizeStringArgument(O.message);\n return !name ? message : !message ? name : name + ': ' + message;\n} : nativeErrorToString;\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Konkani Devanagari script [gom-deva]\n//! author : The Discoverer : https://github.com/WikiDiscoverer\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n function processRelativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {\n var format = {\n s: ['थोडया सॅकंडांनी', 'थोडे सॅकंड'],\n ss: [number + ' सॅकंडांनी', number + ' सॅकंड'],\n m: ['एका मिणटान', 'एक मिनूट'],\n mm: [number + ' मिणटांनी', number + ' मिणटां'],\n h: ['एका वरान', 'एक वर'],\n hh: [number + ' वरांनी', number + ' वरां'],\n d: ['एका दिसान', 'एक दीस'],\n dd: [number + ' दिसांनी', number + ' दीस'],\n M: ['एका म्हयन्यान', 'एक म्हयनो'],\n MM: [number + ' म्हयन्यानी', number + ' म्हयने'],\n y: ['एका वर्सान', 'एक वर्स'],\n yy: [number + ' वर्सांनी', number + ' वर्सां'],\n };\n return isFuture ? format[key][0] : format[key][1];\n }\n\n var gomDeva = moment.defineLocale('gom-deva', {\n months: {\n standalone:\n 'जानेवारी_फेब्रुवारी_मार्च_एप्रील_मे_जून_जुलय_ऑगस्ट_सप्टेंबर_ऑक्टोबर_नोव्हेंबर_डिसेंबर'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n format: 'जानेवारीच्या_फेब्रुवारीच्या_मार्चाच्या_एप्रीलाच्या_मेयाच्या_जूनाच्या_जुलयाच्या_ऑगस्टाच्या_सप्टेंबराच्या_ऑक्टोबराच्या_नोव्हेंबराच्या_डिसेंबराच्या'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n isFormat: /MMMM(\\s)+D[oD]?/,\n },\n monthsShort:\n 'जाने._फेब्रु._मार्च_एप्री._मे_जून_जुल._ऑग._सप्टें._ऑक्टो._नोव्हें._डिसें.'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsParseExact: true,\n weekdays: 'आयतार_सोमार_मंगळार_बुधवार_बिरेस्तार_सुक्रार_शेनवार'.split('_'),\n weekdaysShort: 'आयत._सोम._मंगळ._बुध._ब्रेस्त._सुक्र._शेन.'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'आ_सो_मं_बु_ब्रे_सु_शे'.split('_'),\n weekdaysParseExact: true,\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'A h:mm [वाजतां]',\n LTS: 'A h:mm:ss [वाजतां]',\n L: 'DD-MM-YYYY',\n LL: 'D MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY A h:mm [वाजतां]',\n LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM Do, YYYY, A h:mm [वाजतां]',\n llll: 'ddd, D MMM YYYY, A h:mm [वाजतां]',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[आयज] LT',\n nextDay: '[फाल्यां] LT',\n nextWeek: '[फुडलो] dddd[,] LT',\n lastDay: '[काल] LT',\n lastWeek: '[फाटलो] dddd[,] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: '%s',\n past: '%s आदीं',\n s: processRelativeTime,\n ss: processRelativeTime,\n m: processRelativeTime,\n mm: processRelativeTime,\n h: processRelativeTime,\n hh: processRelativeTime,\n d: processRelativeTime,\n dd: processRelativeTime,\n M: processRelativeTime,\n MM: processRelativeTime,\n y: processRelativeTime,\n yy: processRelativeTime,\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}(वेर)/,\n ordinal: function (number, period) {\n switch (period) {\n // the ordinal 'वेर' only applies to day of the month\n case 'D':\n return number + 'वेर';\n default:\n case 'M':\n case 'Q':\n case 'DDD':\n case 'd':\n case 'w':\n case 'W':\n return number;\n }\n },\n week: {\n dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week\n doy: 3, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year (7 + 0 - 4)\n },\n meridiemParse: /राती|सकाळीं|दनपारां|सांजे/,\n meridiemHour: function (hour, meridiem) {\n if (hour === 12) {\n hour = 0;\n }\n if (meridiem === 'राती') {\n return hour < 4 ? hour : hour + 12;\n } else if (meridiem === 'सकाळीं') {\n return hour;\n } else if (meridiem === 'दनपारां') {\n return hour > 12 ? hour : hour + 12;\n } else if (meridiem === 'सांजे') {\n return hour + 12;\n }\n },\n meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {\n if (hour < 4) {\n return 'राती';\n } else if (hour < 12) {\n return 'सकाळीं';\n } else if (hour < 16) {\n return 'दनपारां';\n } else if (hour < 20) {\n return 'सांजे';\n } else {\n return 'राती';\n }\n },\n });\n\n return gomDeva;\n\n})));\n","var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\n\nvar MATCH = wellKnownSymbol('match');\n\nmodule.exports = function (METHOD_NAME) {\n var regexp = /./;\n try {\n '/./'[METHOD_NAME](regexp);\n } catch (error1) {\n try {\n regexp[MATCH] = false;\n return '/./'[METHOD_NAME](regexp);\n } catch (error2) { /* empty */ }\n } return false;\n};\n","var isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property');\n\n// `InstallErrorCause` abstract operation\n// https://tc39.es/proposal-error-cause/#sec-errorobjects-install-error-cause\nmodule.exports = function (O, options) {\n if (isObject(options) && 'cause' in options) {\n createNonEnumerableProperty(O, 'cause', options.cause);\n }\n};\n","!function(t,e){\"object\"==typeof exports&&\"object\"==typeof module?module.exports=e(require(\"vue\")):\"function\"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(\"VueRateIt\",[\"vue\"],e):\"object\"==typeof exports?exports.VueRateIt=e(require(\"vue\")):t.VueRateIt=e(t.vue)}(this,function(t){return function(t){function e(n){if(i[n])return i[n].exports;var r=i[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return t[n].call(r.exports,r,r.exports,e),r.l=!0,r.exports}var i={};return e.m=t,e.c=i,e.d=function(t,i,n){e.o(t,i)||Object.defineProperty(t,i,{configurable:!1,enumerable:!0,get:n})},e.n=function(t){var i=t&&t.__esModule?function(){return t.default}:function(){return t};return e.d(i,\"a\",i),i},e.o=function(t,e){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,e)},e.p=\"/dist/\",e(e.s=10)}([function(t,e){t.exports=function(t,e,i,n){var r,o=t=t||{},a=typeof t.default;\"object\"!==a&&\"function\"!==a||(r=t,o=t.default);var s=\"function\"==typeof o?o.options:o;if(e&&(s.render=e.render,s.staticRenderFns=e.staticRenderFns),i&&(s._scopeId=i),n){var u=Object.create(s.computed||null);Object.keys(n).forEach(function(t){var e=n[t];u[t]=function(){return e}}),s.computed=u}return{esModule:r,exports:o,options:s}}},function(t,e,i){i(13);var n=i(0)(i(16),i(17),\"data-v-217e3916\",null);t.exports=n.exports},function(e,i){e.exports=t},function(t,e,i){\"use strict\";Object.defineProperty(e,\"__esModule\",{value:!0}),e.default={props:{fill:{type:Number,default:0},size:{type:Number,default:50},index:{type:Number,required:!0},activeColor:{type:String,required:!0},inactiveColor:{type:String,required:!0},borderColor:{type:String,default:\"#999\"},borderWidth:{type:Number,default:0},spacing:{type:Number,default:0},customProps:{type:Object,default:function(){return{}}},rtl:{type:Boolean,default:!1}},created:function(){this.fillId=Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)},computed:{pointsToString:function(){return this.points.join(\",\")},getFillId:function(){return\"url(#\"+this.fillId+\")\"},getWidth:function(){return parseInt(this.size)+parseInt(this.borderWidth*this.borders)},getHeight:function(){return this.originalHeight/this.originalWidth*this.getWidth},getFill:function(){return this.rtl?100-this.fill+\"%\":this.fill+\"%\"},getSpacing:function(){return this.spacing+this.borderWidth/2+\"px\"}},methods:{mouseMoving:function(t){this.$emit(\"mouse-move\",{event:t,position:this.getPosition(t),id:this.index})},getPosition:function(t){var e=.92*(this.size+this.borderWidth),i=this.rtl?Math.min(t.offsetX,45):Math.max(t.offsetX,1),n=Math.round(100/e*i);return Math.min(n,100)},selected:function(t){this.$emit(\"selected\",{id:this.index,position:this.getPosition(t)})}},data:function(){return{fillId:\"\",originalWidth:50,orignalHeight:50,borders:1}}}},function(t,e){t.exports=function(){var t=[];return t.toString=function(){for(var t=[],e=0;e
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index = -1,\n result = Array(set.size);\n\n set.forEach(function(value) {\n result[++index] = value;\n });\n return result;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = setToArray;\n","'use strict';\nvar uncurryThis = require('../internals/function-uncurry-this');\nvar defineBuiltIns = require('../internals/define-built-ins');\nvar getWeakData = require('../internals/internal-metadata').getWeakData;\nvar anInstance = require('../internals/an-instance');\nvar anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar isNullOrUndefined = require('../internals/is-null-or-undefined');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar iterate = require('../internals/iterate');\nvar ArrayIterationModule = require('../internals/array-iteration');\nvar hasOwn = require('../internals/has-own-property');\nvar InternalStateModule = require('../internals/internal-state');\n\nvar setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;\nvar internalStateGetterFor = InternalStateModule.getterFor;\nvar find = ArrayIterationModule.find;\nvar findIndex = ArrayIterationModule.findIndex;\nvar splice = uncurryThis([].splice);\nvar id = 0;\n\n// fallback for uncaught frozen keys\nvar uncaughtFrozenStore = function (state) {\n return state.frozen || (state.frozen = new UncaughtFrozenStore());\n};\n\nvar UncaughtFrozenStore = function () {\n this.entries = [];\n};\n\nvar findUncaughtFrozen = function (store, key) {\n return find(store.entries, function (it) {\n return it[0] === key;\n });\n};\n\nUncaughtFrozenStore.prototype = {\n get: function (key) {\n var entry = findUncaughtFrozen(this, key);\n if (entry) return entry[1];\n },\n has: function (key) {\n return !!findUncaughtFrozen(this, key);\n },\n set: function (key, value) {\n var entry = findUncaughtFrozen(this, key);\n if (entry) entry[1] = value;\n else this.entries.push([key, value]);\n },\n 'delete': function (key) {\n var index = findIndex(this.entries, function (it) {\n return it[0] === key;\n });\n if (~index) splice(this.entries, index, 1);\n return !!~index;\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n getConstructor: function (wrapper, CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER) {\n var Constructor = wrapper(function (that, iterable) {\n anInstance(that, Prototype);\n setInternalState(that, {\n type: CONSTRUCTOR_NAME,\n id: id++,\n frozen: undefined\n });\n if (!isNullOrUndefined(iterable)) iterate(iterable, that[ADDER], { that: that, AS_ENTRIES: IS_MAP });\n });\n\n var Prototype = Constructor.prototype;\n\n var getInternalState = internalStateGetterFor(CONSTRUCTOR_NAME);\n\n var define = function (that, key, value) {\n var state = getInternalState(that);\n var data = getWeakData(anObject(key), true);\n if (data === true) uncaughtFrozenStore(state).set(key, value);\n else data[state.id] = value;\n return that;\n };\n\n defineBuiltIns(Prototype, {\n // `{ WeakMap, WeakSet }.prototype.delete(key)` methods\n // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-weakmap.prototype.delete\n // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-weakset.prototype.delete\n 'delete': function (key) {\n var state = getInternalState(this);\n if (!isObject(key)) return false;\n var data = getWeakData(key);\n if (data === true) return uncaughtFrozenStore(state)['delete'](key);\n return data && hasOwn(data, state.id) && delete data[state.id];\n },\n // `{ WeakMap, WeakSet }.prototype.has(key)` methods\n // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-weakmap.prototype.has\n // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-weakset.prototype.has\n has: function has(key) {\n var state = getInternalState(this);\n if (!isObject(key)) return false;\n var data = getWeakData(key);\n if (data === true) return uncaughtFrozenStore(state).has(key);\n return data && hasOwn(data, state.id);\n }\n });\n\n defineBuiltIns(Prototype, IS_MAP ? {\n // `WeakMap.prototype.get(key)` method\n // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-weakmap.prototype.get\n get: function get(key) {\n var state = getInternalState(this);\n if (isObject(key)) {\n var data = getWeakData(key);\n if (data === true) return uncaughtFrozenStore(state).get(key);\n return data ? data[state.id] : undefined;\n }\n },\n // `WeakMap.prototype.set(key, value)` method\n // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-weakmap.prototype.set\n set: function set(key, value) {\n return define(this, key, value);\n }\n } : {\n // `WeakSet.prototype.add(value)` method\n // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-weakset.prototype.add\n add: function add(value) {\n return define(this, value, true);\n }\n });\n\n return Constructor;\n }\n};\n","var IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure');\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar global = require('../internals/global');\nvar getBuiltin = require('../internals/get-built-in');\nvar uncurryThis = require('../internals/function-uncurry-this');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar uid = require('../internals/uid');\nvar isCallable = require('../internals/is-callable');\nvar isConstructor = require('../internals/is-constructor');\nvar isNullOrUndefined = require('../internals/is-null-or-undefined');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar isSymbol = require('../internals/is-symbol');\nvar iterate = require('../internals/iterate');\nvar anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar classof = require('../internals/classof');\nvar hasOwn = require('../internals/has-own-property');\nvar createProperty = require('../internals/create-property');\nvar createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property');\nvar lengthOfArrayLike = require('../internals/length-of-array-like');\nvar validateArgumentsLength = require('../internals/validate-arguments-length');\nvar getRegExpFlags = require('../internals/regexp-get-flags');\nvar MapHelpers = require('../internals/map-helpers');\nvar SetHelpers = require('../internals/set-helpers');\nvar ERROR_STACK_INSTALLABLE = require('../internals/error-stack-installable');\nvar PROPER_TRANSFER = require('../internals/structured-clone-proper-transfer');\n\nvar Object = global.Object;\nvar Array = global.Array;\nvar Date = global.Date;\nvar Error = global.Error;\nvar EvalError = global.EvalError;\nvar RangeError = global.RangeError;\nvar ReferenceError = global.ReferenceError;\nvar SyntaxError = global.SyntaxError;\nvar TypeError = global.TypeError;\nvar URIError = global.URIError;\nvar PerformanceMark = global.PerformanceMark;\nvar WebAssembly = global.WebAssembly;\nvar CompileError = WebAssembly && WebAssembly.CompileError || Error;\nvar LinkError = WebAssembly && WebAssembly.LinkError || Error;\nvar RuntimeError = WebAssembly && WebAssembly.RuntimeError || Error;\nvar DOMException = getBuiltin('DOMException');\nvar Map = MapHelpers.Map;\nvar mapHas = MapHelpers.has;\nvar mapGet = MapHelpers.get;\nvar mapSet = MapHelpers.set;\nvar Set = SetHelpers.Set;\nvar setAdd = SetHelpers.add;\nvar objectKeys = getBuiltin('Object', 'keys');\nvar push = uncurryThis([].push);\nvar thisBooleanValue = uncurryThis(true.valueOf);\nvar thisNumberValue = uncurryThis(1.0.valueOf);\nvar thisStringValue = uncurryThis(''.valueOf);\nvar thisTimeValue = uncurryThis(Date.prototype.getTime);\nvar PERFORMANCE_MARK = uid('structuredClone');\nvar DATA_CLONE_ERROR = 'DataCloneError';\nvar TRANSFERRING = 'Transferring';\n\nvar checkBasicSemantic = function (structuredCloneImplementation) {\n return !fails(function () {\n var set1 = new global.Set([7]);\n var set2 = structuredCloneImplementation(set1);\n var number = structuredCloneImplementation(Object(7));\n return set2 == set1 || !set2.has(7) || typeof number != 'object' || number != 7;\n }) && structuredCloneImplementation;\n};\n\nvar checkErrorsCloning = function (structuredCloneImplementation, $Error) {\n return !fails(function () {\n var error = new $Error();\n var test = structuredCloneImplementation({ a: error, b: error });\n return !(test && test.a === test.b && test.a instanceof $Error && test.a.stack === error.stack);\n });\n};\n\n// https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/5749\nvar checkNewErrorsCloningSemantic = function (structuredCloneImplementation) {\n return !fails(function () {\n var test = structuredCloneImplementation(new global.AggregateError([1], PERFORMANCE_MARK, { cause: 3 }));\n return test.name != 'AggregateError' || test.errors[0] != 1 || test.message != PERFORMANCE_MARK || test.cause != 3;\n });\n};\n\n// FF94+, Safari 15.4+, Chrome 98+, NodeJS 17.0+, Deno 1.13+\n// FF<103 and Safari implementations can't clone errors\n// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1556604\n// FF103 can clone errors, but `.stack` of clone is an empty string\n// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1778762\n// FF104+ fixed it on usual errors, but not on DOMExceptions\n// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1777321\n// Chrome <102 returns `null` if cloned object contains multiple references to one error\n// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=12542\n// NodeJS implementation can't clone DOMExceptions\n// https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/41038\n// only FF103+ supports new (html/5749) error cloning semantic\nvar nativeStructuredClone = global.structuredClone;\n\nvar FORCED_REPLACEMENT = IS_PURE\n || !checkErrorsCloning(nativeStructuredClone, Error)\n || !checkErrorsCloning(nativeStructuredClone, DOMException)\n || !checkNewErrorsCloningSemantic(nativeStructuredClone);\n\n// Chrome 82+, Safari 14.1+, Deno 1.11+\n// Chrome 78-81 implementation swaps `.name` and `.message` of cloned `DOMException`\n// Chrome returns `null` if cloned object contains multiple references to one error\n// Safari 14.1 implementation doesn't clone some `RegExp` flags, so requires a workaround\n// Safari implementation can't clone errors\n// Deno 1.2-1.10 implementations too naive\n// NodeJS 16.0+ does not have `PerformanceMark` constructor\n// NodeJS <17.2 structured cloning implementation from `performance.mark` is too naive\n// and can't clone, for example, `RegExp` or some boxed primitives\n// https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/40840\n// no one of those implementations supports new (html/5749) error cloning semantic\nvar structuredCloneFromMark = !nativeStructuredClone && checkBasicSemantic(function (value) {\n return new PerformanceMark(PERFORMANCE_MARK, { detail: value }).detail;\n});\n\nvar nativeRestrictedStructuredClone = checkBasicSemantic(nativeStructuredClone) || structuredCloneFromMark;\n\nvar throwUncloneable = function (type) {\n throw new DOMException('Uncloneable type: ' + type, DATA_CLONE_ERROR);\n};\n\nvar throwUnpolyfillable = function (type, action) {\n throw new DOMException((action || 'Cloning') + ' of ' + type + ' cannot be properly polyfilled in this engine', DATA_CLONE_ERROR);\n};\n\nvar tryNativeRestrictedStructuredClone = function (value, type) {\n if (!nativeRestrictedStructuredClone) throwUnpolyfillable(type);\n return nativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value);\n};\n\nvar createDataTransfer = function () {\n var dataTransfer;\n try {\n dataTransfer = new global.DataTransfer();\n } catch (error) {\n try {\n dataTransfer = new global.ClipboardEvent('').clipboardData;\n } catch (error2) { /* empty */ }\n }\n return dataTransfer && dataTransfer.items && dataTransfer.files ? dataTransfer : null;\n};\n\nvar structuredCloneInternal = function (value, map) {\n if (isSymbol(value)) throwUncloneable('Symbol');\n if (!isObject(value)) return value;\n // effectively preserves circular references\n if (map) {\n if (mapHas(map, value)) return mapGet(map, value);\n } else map = new Map();\n\n var type = classof(value);\n var deep = false;\n var C, name, cloned, dataTransfer, i, length, keys, key, source, target, options;\n\n switch (type) {\n case 'Array':\n cloned = Array(lengthOfArrayLike(value));\n deep = true;\n break;\n case 'Object':\n cloned = {};\n deep = true;\n break;\n case 'Map':\n cloned = new Map();\n deep = true;\n break;\n case 'Set':\n cloned = new Set();\n deep = true;\n break;\n case 'RegExp':\n // in this block because of a Safari 14.1 bug\n // old FF does not clone regexes passed to the constructor, so get the source and flags directly\n cloned = new RegExp(value.source, getRegExpFlags(value));\n break;\n case 'Error':\n name = value.name;\n switch (name) {\n case 'AggregateError':\n cloned = getBuiltin('AggregateError')([]);\n break;\n case 'EvalError':\n cloned = EvalError();\n break;\n case 'RangeError':\n cloned = RangeError();\n break;\n case 'ReferenceError':\n cloned = ReferenceError();\n break;\n case 'SyntaxError':\n cloned = SyntaxError();\n break;\n case 'TypeError':\n cloned = TypeError();\n break;\n case 'URIError':\n cloned = URIError();\n break;\n case 'CompileError':\n cloned = CompileError();\n break;\n case 'LinkError':\n cloned = LinkError();\n break;\n case 'RuntimeError':\n cloned = RuntimeError();\n break;\n default:\n cloned = Error();\n }\n deep = true;\n break;\n case 'DOMException':\n cloned = new DOMException(value.message, value.name);\n deep = true;\n break;\n case 'DataView':\n case 'Int8Array':\n case 'Uint8Array':\n case 'Uint8ClampedArray':\n case 'Int16Array':\n case 'Uint16Array':\n case 'Int32Array':\n case 'Uint32Array':\n case 'Float32Array':\n case 'Float64Array':\n case 'BigInt64Array':\n case 'BigUint64Array':\n C = global[type];\n // in some old engines like Safari 9, typeof C is 'object'\n // on Uint8ClampedArray or some other constructors\n if (!isObject(C)) throwUnpolyfillable(type);\n cloned = new C(\n // this is safe, since arraybuffer cannot have circular references\n structuredCloneInternal(value.buffer, map),\n value.byteOffset,\n type === 'DataView' ? value.byteLength : value.length\n );\n break;\n case 'DOMQuad':\n try {\n cloned = new DOMQuad(\n structuredCloneInternal(value.p1, map),\n structuredCloneInternal(value.p2, map),\n structuredCloneInternal(value.p3, map),\n structuredCloneInternal(value.p4, map)\n );\n } catch (error) {\n cloned = tryNativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value, type);\n }\n break;\n case 'File':\n if (nativeRestrictedStructuredClone) try {\n cloned = nativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value);\n // NodeJS 20.0.0 bug, https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/47612\n if (classof(cloned) !== type) cloned = undefined;\n } catch (error) { /* empty */ }\n if (!cloned) try {\n cloned = new File([value], value.name, value);\n } catch (error) { /* empty */ }\n if (!cloned) throwUnpolyfillable(type);\n break;\n case 'FileList':\n dataTransfer = createDataTransfer();\n if (dataTransfer) {\n for (i = 0, length = lengthOfArrayLike(value); i < length; i++) {\n dataTransfer.items.add(structuredCloneInternal(value[i], map));\n }\n cloned = dataTransfer.files;\n } else cloned = tryNativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value, type);\n break;\n case 'ImageData':\n // Safari 9 ImageData is a constructor, but typeof ImageData is 'object'\n try {\n cloned = new ImageData(\n structuredCloneInternal(value.data, map),\n value.width,\n value.height,\n { colorSpace: value.colorSpace }\n );\n } catch (error) {\n cloned = tryNativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value, type);\n } break;\n default:\n if (nativeRestrictedStructuredClone) {\n cloned = nativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value);\n } else switch (type) {\n case 'BigInt':\n // can be a 3rd party polyfill\n cloned = Object(value.valueOf());\n break;\n case 'Boolean':\n cloned = Object(thisBooleanValue(value));\n break;\n case 'Number':\n cloned = Object(thisNumberValue(value));\n break;\n case 'String':\n cloned = Object(thisStringValue(value));\n break;\n case 'Date':\n cloned = new Date(thisTimeValue(value));\n break;\n case 'ArrayBuffer':\n C = global.DataView;\n // `ArrayBuffer#slice` is not available in IE10\n // `ArrayBuffer#slice` and `DataView` are not available in old FF\n if (!C && typeof value.slice != 'function') throwUnpolyfillable(type);\n // detached buffers throws in `DataView` and `.slice`\n try {\n if (typeof value.slice == 'function' && !value.resizable) {\n cloned = value.slice(0);\n } else {\n length = value.byteLength;\n options = 'maxByteLength' in value ? { maxByteLength: value.maxByteLength } : undefined;\n cloned = new ArrayBuffer(length, options);\n source = new C(value);\n target = new C(cloned);\n for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n target.setUint8(i, source.getUint8(i));\n }\n }\n } catch (error) {\n throw new DOMException('ArrayBuffer is detached', DATA_CLONE_ERROR);\n } break;\n case 'SharedArrayBuffer':\n // SharedArrayBuffer should use shared memory, we can't polyfill it, so return the original\n cloned = value;\n break;\n case 'Blob':\n try {\n cloned = value.slice(0, value.size, value.type);\n } catch (error) {\n throwUnpolyfillable(type);\n } break;\n case 'DOMPoint':\n case 'DOMPointReadOnly':\n C = global[type];\n try {\n cloned = C.fromPoint\n ? C.fromPoint(value)\n : new C(value.x, value.y, value.z, value.w);\n } catch (error) {\n throwUnpolyfillable(type);\n } break;\n case 'DOMRect':\n case 'DOMRectReadOnly':\n C = global[type];\n try {\n cloned = C.fromRect\n ? C.fromRect(value)\n : new C(value.x, value.y, value.width, value.height);\n } catch (error) {\n throwUnpolyfillable(type);\n } break;\n case 'DOMMatrix':\n case 'DOMMatrixReadOnly':\n C = global[type];\n try {\n cloned = C.fromMatrix\n ? C.fromMatrix(value)\n : new C(value);\n } catch (error) {\n throwUnpolyfillable(type);\n } break;\n case 'AudioData':\n case 'VideoFrame':\n if (!isCallable(value.clone)) throwUnpolyfillable(type);\n try {\n cloned = value.clone();\n } catch (error) {\n throwUncloneable(type);\n } break;\n case 'CropTarget':\n case 'CryptoKey':\n case 'FileSystemDirectoryHandle':\n case 'FileSystemFileHandle':\n case 'FileSystemHandle':\n case 'GPUCompilationInfo':\n case 'GPUCompilationMessage':\n case 'ImageBitmap':\n case 'RTCCertificate':\n case 'WebAssembly.Module':\n throwUnpolyfillable(type);\n // break omitted\n default:\n throwUncloneable(type);\n }\n }\n\n mapSet(map, value, cloned);\n\n if (deep) switch (type) {\n case 'Array':\n case 'Object':\n keys = objectKeys(value);\n for (i = 0, length = lengthOfArrayLike(keys); i < length; i++) {\n key = keys[i];\n createProperty(cloned, key, structuredCloneInternal(value[key], map));\n } break;\n case 'Map':\n value.forEach(function (v, k) {\n mapSet(cloned, structuredCloneInternal(k, map), structuredCloneInternal(v, map));\n });\n break;\n case 'Set':\n value.forEach(function (v) {\n setAdd(cloned, structuredCloneInternal(v, map));\n });\n break;\n case 'Error':\n createNonEnumerableProperty(cloned, 'message', structuredCloneInternal(value.message, map));\n if (hasOwn(value, 'cause')) {\n createNonEnumerableProperty(cloned, 'cause', structuredCloneInternal(value.cause, map));\n }\n if (name == 'AggregateError') {\n cloned.errors = structuredCloneInternal(value.errors, map);\n } // break omitted\n case 'DOMException':\n if (ERROR_STACK_INSTALLABLE) {\n createNonEnumerableProperty(cloned, 'stack', structuredCloneInternal(value.stack, map));\n }\n }\n\n return cloned;\n};\n\nvar tryToTransfer = function (rawTransfer, map) {\n if (!isObject(rawTransfer)) throw TypeError('Transfer option cannot be converted to a sequence');\n\n var transfer = [];\n\n iterate(rawTransfer, function (value) {\n push(transfer, anObject(value));\n });\n\n var i = 0;\n var length = lengthOfArrayLike(transfer);\n var value, type, C, transferredArray, transferred, canvas, context;\n\n if (PROPER_TRANSFER) {\n transferredArray = nativeStructuredClone(transfer, { transfer: transfer });\n while (i < length) mapSet(map, transfer[i], transferredArray[i++]);\n } else while (i < length) {\n value = transfer[i++];\n if (mapHas(map, value)) throw new DOMException('Duplicate transferable', DATA_CLONE_ERROR);\n\n type = classof(value);\n\n switch (type) {\n case 'ImageBitmap':\n C = global.OffscreenCanvas;\n if (!isConstructor(C)) throwUnpolyfillable(type, TRANSFERRING);\n try {\n canvas = new C(value.width, value.height);\n context = canvas.getContext('bitmaprenderer');\n context.transferFromImageBitmap(value);\n transferred = canvas.transferToImageBitmap();\n } catch (error) { /* empty */ }\n break;\n case 'AudioData':\n case 'VideoFrame':\n if (!isCallable(value.clone) || !isCallable(value.close)) throwUnpolyfillable(type, TRANSFERRING);\n try {\n transferred = value.clone();\n value.close();\n } catch (error) { /* empty */ }\n break;\n case 'ArrayBuffer':\n if (!isCallable(value.transfer)) throwUnpolyfillable(type, TRANSFERRING);\n transferred = value.transfer();\n break;\n case 'MediaSourceHandle':\n case 'MessagePort':\n case 'OffscreenCanvas':\n case 'ReadableStream':\n case 'TransformStream':\n case 'WritableStream':\n throwUnpolyfillable(type, TRANSFERRING);\n }\n\n if (transferred === undefined) throw new DOMException('This object cannot be transferred: ' + type, DATA_CLONE_ERROR);\n mapSet(map, value, transferred);\n }\n};\n\n// `structuredClone` method\n// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/structured-data.html#dom-structuredclone\n$({ global: true, enumerable: true, sham: !PROPER_TRANSFER, forced: FORCED_REPLACEMENT }, {\n structuredClone: function structuredClone(value /* , { transfer } */) {\n var options = validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1) > 1 && !isNullOrUndefined(arguments[1]) ? anObject(arguments[1]) : undefined;\n var transfer = options ? options.transfer : undefined;\n var map;\n\n if (transfer !== undefined) {\n map = new Map();\n tryToTransfer(transfer, map);\n }\n\n return structuredCloneInternal(value, map);\n }\n});\n","'use strict';\nvar anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\n\n// `RegExp.prototype.flags` getter implementation\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-get-regexp.prototype.flags\nmodule.exports = function () {\n var that = anObject(this);\n var result = '';\n if (that.hasIndices) result += 'd';\n if (that.global) result += 'g';\n if (that.ignoreCase) result += 'i';\n if (that.multiline) result += 'm';\n if (that.dotAll) result += 's';\n if (that.unicode) result += 'u';\n if (that.unicodeSets) result += 'v';\n if (that.sticky) result += 'y';\n return result;\n};\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Ukrainian [uk]\n//! author : zemlanin : https://github.com/zemlanin\n//! Author : Menelion Elensúle : https://github.com/Oire\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n function plural(word, num) {\n var forms = word.split('_');\n return num % 10 === 1 && num % 100 !== 11\n ? forms[0]\n : num % 10 >= 2 && num % 10 <= 4 && (num % 100 < 10 || num % 100 >= 20)\n ? forms[1]\n : forms[2];\n }\n function relativeTimeWithPlural(number, withoutSuffix, key) {\n var format = {\n ss: withoutSuffix ? 'секунда_секунди_секунд' : 'секунду_секунди_секунд',\n mm: withoutSuffix ? 'хвилина_хвилини_хвилин' : 'хвилину_хвилини_хвилин',\n hh: withoutSuffix ? 'година_години_годин' : 'годину_години_годин',\n dd: 'день_дні_днів',\n MM: 'місяць_місяці_місяців',\n yy: 'рік_роки_років',\n };\n if (key === 'm') {\n return withoutSuffix ? 'хвилина' : 'хвилину';\n } else if (key === 'h') {\n return withoutSuffix ? 'година' : 'годину';\n } else {\n return number + ' ' + plural(format[key], +number);\n }\n }\n function weekdaysCaseReplace(m, format) {\n var weekdays = {\n nominative:\n 'неділя_понеділок_вівторок_середа_четвер_п’ятниця_субота'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n accusative:\n 'неділю_понеділок_вівторок_середу_четвер_п’ятницю_суботу'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n genitive:\n 'неділі_понеділка_вівторка_середи_четверга_п’ятниці_суботи'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n },\n nounCase;\n\n if (m === true) {\n return weekdays['nominative']\n .slice(1, 7)\n .concat(weekdays['nominative'].slice(0, 1));\n }\n if (!m) {\n return weekdays['nominative'];\n }\n\n nounCase = /(\\[[ВвУу]\\]) ?dddd/.test(format)\n ? 'accusative'\n : /\\[?(?:минулої|наступної)? ?\\] ?dddd/.test(format)\n ? 'genitive'\n : 'nominative';\n return weekdays[nounCase][m.day()];\n }\n function processHoursFunction(str) {\n return function () {\n return str + 'о' + (this.hours() === 11 ? 'б' : '') + '] LT';\n };\n }\n\n var uk = moment.defineLocale('uk', {\n months: {\n format: 'січня_лютого_березня_квітня_травня_червня_липня_серпня_вересня_жовтня_листопада_грудня'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n standalone:\n 'січень_лютий_березень_квітень_травень_червень_липень_серпень_вересень_жовтень_листопад_грудень'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n },\n monthsShort: 'січ_лют_бер_квіт_трав_черв_лип_серп_вер_жовт_лист_груд'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdays: weekdaysCaseReplace,\n weekdaysShort: 'нд_пн_вт_ср_чт_пт_сб'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'нд_пн_вт_ср_чт_пт_сб'.split('_'),\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',\n LL: 'D MMMM YYYY р.',\n LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY р., HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY р., HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: processHoursFunction('[Сьогодні '),\n nextDay: processHoursFunction('[Завтра '),\n lastDay: processHoursFunction('[Вчора '),\n nextWeek: processHoursFunction('[У] dddd ['),\n lastWeek: function () {\n switch (this.day()) {\n case 0:\n case 3:\n case 5:\n case 6:\n return processHoursFunction('[Минулої] dddd [').call(this);\n case 1:\n case 2:\n case 4:\n return processHoursFunction('[Минулого] dddd [').call(this);\n }\n },\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'за %s',\n past: '%s тому',\n s: 'декілька секунд',\n ss: relativeTimeWithPlural,\n m: relativeTimeWithPlural,\n mm: relativeTimeWithPlural,\n h: 'годину',\n hh: relativeTimeWithPlural,\n d: 'день',\n dd: relativeTimeWithPlural,\n M: 'місяць',\n MM: relativeTimeWithPlural,\n y: 'рік',\n yy: relativeTimeWithPlural,\n },\n // M. E.: those two are virtually unused but a user might want to implement them for his/her website for some reason\n meridiemParse: /ночі|ранку|дня|вечора/,\n isPM: function (input) {\n return /^(дня|вечора)$/.test(input);\n },\n meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {\n if (hour < 4) {\n return 'ночі';\n } else if (hour < 12) {\n return 'ранку';\n } else if (hour < 17) {\n return 'дня';\n } else {\n return 'вечора';\n }\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}-(й|го)/,\n ordinal: function (number, period) {\n switch (period) {\n case 'M':\n case 'd':\n case 'DDD':\n case 'w':\n case 'W':\n return number + '-й';\n case 'D':\n return number + '-го';\n default:\n return number;\n }\n },\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 7, // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return uk;\n\n})));\n","var arraySlice = require('../internals/array-slice-simple');\n\nvar floor = Math.floor;\n\nvar mergeSort = function (array, comparefn) {\n var length = array.length;\n var middle = floor(length / 2);\n return length < 8 ? insertionSort(array, comparefn) : merge(\n array,\n mergeSort(arraySlice(array, 0, middle), comparefn),\n mergeSort(arraySlice(array, middle), comparefn),\n comparefn\n );\n};\n\nvar insertionSort = function (array, comparefn) {\n var length = array.length;\n var i = 1;\n var element, j;\n\n while (i < length) {\n j = i;\n element = array[i];\n while (j && comparefn(array[j - 1], element) > 0) {\n array[j] = array[--j];\n }\n if (j !== i++) array[j] = element;\n } return array;\n};\n\nvar merge = function (array, left, right, comparefn) {\n var llength = left.length;\n var rlength = right.length;\n var lindex = 0;\n var rindex = 0;\n\n while (lindex < llength || rindex < rlength) {\n array[lindex + rindex] = (lindex < llength && rindex < rlength)\n ? comparefn(left[lindex], right[rindex]) <= 0 ? left[lindex++] : right[rindex++]\n : lindex < llength ? left[lindex++] : right[rindex++];\n } return array;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = mergeSort;\n","import toPropertyKey from \"./toPropertyKey.js\";\nexport default function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {\n key = toPropertyKey(key);\n if (key in obj) {\n Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {\n value: value,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true\n });\n } else {\n obj[key] = value;\n }\n return obj;\n}","'use strict';\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar isCallable = require('../internals/is-callable');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar create = require('../internals/object-create');\nvar getPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-get-prototype-of');\nvar defineBuiltIn = require('../internals/define-built-in');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\nvar IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure');\n\nvar ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator');\nvar BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS = false;\n\n// `%IteratorPrototype%` object\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-%iteratorprototype%-object\nvar IteratorPrototype, PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype, arrayIterator;\n\n/* eslint-disable es/no-array-prototype-keys -- safe */\nif ([].keys) {\n arrayIterator = [].keys();\n // Safari 8 has buggy iterators w/o `next`\n if (!('next' in arrayIterator)) BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS = true;\n else {\n PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf(getPrototypeOf(arrayIterator));\n if (PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype) IteratorPrototype = PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype;\n }\n}\n\nvar NEW_ITERATOR_PROTOTYPE = !isObject(IteratorPrototype) || fails(function () {\n var test = {};\n // FF44- legacy iterators case\n return IteratorPrototype[ITERATOR].call(test) !== test;\n});\n\nif (NEW_ITERATOR_PROTOTYPE) IteratorPrototype = {};\nelse if (IS_PURE) IteratorPrototype = create(IteratorPrototype);\n\n// `%IteratorPrototype%[@@iterator]()` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-%iteratorprototype%-@@iterator\nif (!isCallable(IteratorPrototype[ITERATOR])) {\n defineBuiltIn(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, function () {\n return this;\n });\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n IteratorPrototype: IteratorPrototype,\n BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS: BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS\n};\n","var defineProperty = require('../internals/object-define-property').f;\n\nmodule.exports = function (Target, Source, key) {\n key in Target || defineProperty(Target, key, {\n configurable: true,\n get: function () { return Source[key]; },\n set: function (it) { Source[key] = it; }\n });\n};\n","var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\n\n// V8 ~ Chrome 36-\n// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3334\nmodule.exports = DESCRIPTORS && fails(function () {\n // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- required for testing\n return Object.defineProperty(function () { /* empty */ }, 'prototype', {\n value: 42,\n writable: false\n }).prototype != 42;\n});\n","var fails = require('../internals/fails');\n\n// check the existence of a method, lowercase\n// of a tag and escaping quotes in arguments\nmodule.exports = function (METHOD_NAME) {\n return fails(function () {\n var test = ''[METHOD_NAME]('\"');\n return test !== test.toLowerCase() || test.split('\"').length > 3;\n });\n};\n","var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar onFreeze = require('../internals/internal-metadata').onFreeze;\nvar FREEZING = require('../internals/freezing');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-seal -- safe\nvar $seal = Object.seal;\nvar FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES = fails(function () { $seal(1); });\n\n// `Object.seal` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.seal\n$({ target: 'Object', stat: true, forced: FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES, sham: !FREEZING }, {\n seal: function seal(it) {\n return $seal && isObject(it) ? $seal(onFreeze(it)) : it;\n }\n});\n","'use strict';\nvar TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT = require('../internals/to-string-tag-support');\nvar classof = require('../internals/classof');\n\n// `Object.prototype.toString` method implementation\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.prototype.tostring\nmodule.exports = TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT ? {}.toString : function toString() {\n return '[object ' + classof(this) + ']';\n};\n","/**\n * The base implementation of `_.unary` without support for storing metadata.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} func The function to cap arguments for.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new capped function.\n */\nfunction baseUnary(func) {\n return function(value) {\n return func(value);\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = baseUnary;\n","var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar FUNCTION_NAME_EXISTS = require('../internals/function-name').EXISTS;\nvar uncurryThis = require('../internals/function-uncurry-this');\nvar defineBuiltInAccessor = require('../internals/define-built-in-accessor');\n\nvar FunctionPrototype = Function.prototype;\nvar functionToString = uncurryThis(FunctionPrototype.toString);\nvar nameRE = /function\\b(?:\\s|\\/\\*[\\S\\s]*?\\*\\/|\\/\\/[^\\n\\r]*[\\n\\r]+)*([^\\s(/]*)/;\nvar regExpExec = uncurryThis(nameRE.exec);\nvar NAME = 'name';\n\n// Function instances `.name` property\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-function-instances-name\nif (DESCRIPTORS && !FUNCTION_NAME_EXISTS) {\n defineBuiltInAccessor(FunctionPrototype, NAME, {\n configurable: true,\n get: function () {\n try {\n return regExpExec(nameRE, functionToString(this))[1];\n } catch (error) {\n return '';\n }\n }\n });\n}\n","var setPrototypeOf = require(\"./setPrototypeOf.js\");\nvar isNativeReflectConstruct = require(\"./isNativeReflectConstruct.js\");\nfunction _construct(t, e, r) {\n if (isNativeReflectConstruct()) return Reflect.construct.apply(null, arguments);\n var o = [null];\n o.push.apply(o, e);\n var p = new (t.bind.apply(t, o))();\n return r && setPrototypeOf(p, r.prototype), p;\n}\nmodule.exports = _construct, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","var getAllKeys = require('./_getAllKeys');\n\n/** Used to compose bitmasks for value comparisons. */\nvar COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG = 1;\n\n/** Used for built-in method references. */\nvar objectProto = Object.prototype;\n\n/** Used to check objects for own properties. */\nvar hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;\n\n/**\n * A specialized version of `baseIsEqualDeep` for objects with support for\n * partial deep comparisons.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to compare.\n * @param {Object} other The other object to compare.\n * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `baseIsEqual` for more details.\n * @param {Function} customizer The function to customize comparisons.\n * @param {Function} equalFunc The function to determine equivalents of values.\n * @param {Object} stack Tracks traversed `object` and `other` objects.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the objects are equivalent, else `false`.\n */\nfunction equalObjects(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) {\n var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG,\n objProps = getAllKeys(object),\n objLength = objProps.length,\n othProps = getAllKeys(other),\n othLength = othProps.length;\n\n if (objLength != othLength && !isPartial) {\n return false;\n }\n var index = objLength;\n while (index--) {\n var key = objProps[index];\n if (!(isPartial ? key in other : hasOwnProperty.call(other, key))) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n // Check that cyclic values are equal.\n var objStacked = stack.get(object);\n var othStacked = stack.get(other);\n if (objStacked && othStacked) {\n return objStacked == other && othStacked == object;\n }\n var result = true;\n stack.set(object, other);\n stack.set(other, object);\n\n var skipCtor = isPartial;\n while (++index < objLength) {\n key = objProps[index];\n var objValue = object[key],\n othValue = other[key];\n\n if (customizer) {\n var compared = isPartial\n ? customizer(othValue, objValue, key, other, object, stack)\n : customizer(objValue, othValue, key, object, other, stack);\n }\n // Recursively compare objects (susceptible to call stack limits).\n if (!(compared === undefined\n ? (objValue === othValue || equalFunc(objValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack))\n : compared\n )) {\n result = false;\n break;\n }\n skipCtor || (skipCtor = key == 'constructor');\n }\n if (result && !skipCtor) {\n var objCtor = object.constructor,\n othCtor = other.constructor;\n\n // Non `Object` object instances with different constructors are not equal.\n if (objCtor != othCtor &&\n ('constructor' in object && 'constructor' in other) &&\n !(typeof objCtor == 'function' && objCtor instanceof objCtor &&\n typeof othCtor == 'function' && othCtor instanceof othCtor)) {\n result = false;\n }\n }\n stack['delete'](object);\n stack['delete'](other);\n return result;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = equalObjects;\n","/** Used as references for various `Number` constants. */\nvar MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991;\n\n/**\n * Checks if `value` is a valid array-like length.\n *\n * **Note:** This method is loosely based on\n * [`ToLength`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-tolength).\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 4.0.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a valid length, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isLength(3);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isLength(Number.MIN_VALUE);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isLength(Infinity);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isLength('3');\n * // => false\n */\nfunction isLength(value) {\n return typeof value == 'number' &&\n value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = isLength;\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Lao [lo]\n//! author : Ryan Hart : https://github.com/ryanhart2\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var lo = moment.defineLocale('lo', {\n months: 'ມັງກອນ_ກຸມພາ_ມີນາ_ເມສາ_ພຶດສະພາ_ມິຖຸນາ_ກໍລະກົດ_ສິງຫາ_ກັນຍາ_ຕຸລາ_ພະຈິກ_ທັນວາ'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort:\n 'ມັງກອນ_ກຸມພາ_ມີນາ_ເມສາ_ພຶດສະພາ_ມິຖຸນາ_ກໍລະກົດ_ສິງຫາ_ກັນຍາ_ຕຸລາ_ພະຈິກ_ທັນວາ'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdays: 'ອາທິດ_ຈັນ_ອັງຄານ_ພຸດ_ພະຫັດ_ສຸກ_ເສົາ'.split('_'),\n weekdaysShort: 'ທິດ_ຈັນ_ອັງຄານ_ພຸດ_ພະຫັດ_ສຸກ_ເສົາ'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'ທ_ຈ_ອຄ_ພ_ພຫ_ສກ_ສ'.split('_'),\n weekdaysParseExact: true,\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL: 'D MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'ວັນdddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n },\n meridiemParse: /ຕອນເຊົ້າ|ຕອນແລງ/,\n isPM: function (input) {\n return input === 'ຕອນແລງ';\n },\n meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {\n if (hour < 12) {\n return 'ຕອນເຊົ້າ';\n } else {\n return 'ຕອນແລງ';\n }\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[ມື້ນີ້ເວລາ] LT',\n nextDay: '[ມື້ອື່ນເວລາ] LT',\n nextWeek: '[ວັນ]dddd[ໜ້າເວລາ] LT',\n lastDay: '[ມື້ວານນີ້ເວລາ] LT',\n lastWeek: '[ວັນ]dddd[ແລ້ວນີ້ເວລາ] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'ອີກ %s',\n past: '%sຜ່ານມາ',\n s: 'ບໍ່ເທົ່າໃດວິນາທີ',\n ss: '%d ວິນາທີ',\n m: '1 ນາທີ',\n mm: '%d ນາທີ',\n h: '1 ຊົ່ວໂມງ',\n hh: '%d ຊົ່ວໂມງ',\n d: '1 ມື້',\n dd: '%d ມື້',\n M: '1 ເດືອນ',\n MM: '%d ເດືອນ',\n y: '1 ປີ',\n yy: '%d ປີ',\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /(ທີ່)\\d{1,2}/,\n ordinal: function (number) {\n return 'ທີ່' + number;\n },\n });\n\n return lo;\n\n})));\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START _ReplaySubject,_multicast PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport { ReplaySubject } from '../ReplaySubject';\nimport { multicast } from './multicast';\nexport function publishReplay(bufferSize, windowTime, selectorOrScheduler, scheduler) {\n if (selectorOrScheduler && typeof selectorOrScheduler !== 'function') {\n scheduler = selectorOrScheduler;\n }\n var selector = typeof selectorOrScheduler === 'function' ? selectorOrScheduler : undefined;\n var subject = new ReplaySubject(bufferSize, windowTime, scheduler);\n return function (source) { return multicast(function () { return subject; }, selector)(source); };\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=publishReplay.js.map\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : German (Austria) [de-at]\n//! author : lluchs : https://github.com/lluchs\n//! author: Menelion Elensúle: https://github.com/Oire\n//! author : Martin Groller : https://github.com/MadMG\n//! author : Mikolaj Dadela : https://github.com/mik01aj\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n function processRelativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {\n var format = {\n m: ['eine Minute', 'einer Minute'],\n h: ['eine Stunde', 'einer Stunde'],\n d: ['ein Tag', 'einem Tag'],\n dd: [number + ' Tage', number + ' Tagen'],\n w: ['eine Woche', 'einer Woche'],\n M: ['ein Monat', 'einem Monat'],\n MM: [number + ' Monate', number + ' Monaten'],\n y: ['ein Jahr', 'einem Jahr'],\n yy: [number + ' Jahre', number + ' Jahren'],\n };\n return withoutSuffix ? format[key][0] : format[key][1];\n }\n\n var deAt = moment.defineLocale('de-at', {\n months: 'Jänner_Februar_März_April_Mai_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort:\n 'Jän._Feb._März_Apr._Mai_Juni_Juli_Aug._Sep._Okt._Nov._Dez.'.split('_'),\n monthsParseExact: true,\n weekdays:\n 'Sonntag_Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdaysShort: 'So._Mo._Di._Mi._Do._Fr._Sa.'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),\n weekdaysParseExact: true,\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',\n LL: 'D. MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[heute um] LT [Uhr]',\n sameElse: 'L',\n nextDay: '[morgen um] LT [Uhr]',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [um] LT [Uhr]',\n lastDay: '[gestern um] LT [Uhr]',\n lastWeek: '[letzten] dddd [um] LT [Uhr]',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'in %s',\n past: 'vor %s',\n s: 'ein paar Sekunden',\n ss: '%d Sekunden',\n m: processRelativeTime,\n mm: '%d Minuten',\n h: processRelativeTime,\n hh: '%d Stunden',\n d: processRelativeTime,\n dd: processRelativeTime,\n w: processRelativeTime,\n ww: '%d Wochen',\n M: processRelativeTime,\n MM: processRelativeTime,\n y: processRelativeTime,\n yy: processRelativeTime,\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}\\./,\n ordinal: '%d.',\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return deAt;\n\n})));\n","module.exports =\n/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap\n/******/ \t// The module cache\n/******/ \tvar installedModules = {};\n/******/\n/******/ \t// The require function\n/******/ \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n/******/\n/******/ \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n/******/ \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId]) {\n/******/ \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n/******/ \t\t}\n/******/ \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n/******/ \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n/******/ \t\t\ti: moduleId,\n/******/ \t\t\tl: false,\n/******/ \t\t\texports: {}\n/******/ \t\t};\n/******/\n/******/ \t\t// Execute the module function\n/******/ \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n/******/\n/******/ \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n/******/ \t\tmodule.l = true;\n/******/\n/******/ \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n/******/ \t\treturn module.exports;\n/******/ \t}\n/******/\n/******/\n/******/ \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n/******/\n/******/ \t// expose the module cache\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n/******/\n/******/ \t// define getter function for harmony exports\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n/******/ \t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n/******/ \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });\n/******/ \t\t}\n/******/ \t};\n/******/\n/******/ \t// define __esModule on exports\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n/******/ \t\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n/******/ \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n/******/ \t\t}\n/******/ \t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n/******/ \t};\n/******/\n/******/ \t// create a fake namespace object\n/******/ \t// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it\n/******/ \t// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns\n/******/ \t// mode & 4: return value when already ns object\n/******/ \t// mode & 8|1: behave like require\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {\n/******/ \t\tif(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);\n/******/ \t\tif(mode & 8) return value;\n/******/ \t\tif((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;\n/******/ \t\tvar ns = Object.create(null);\n/******/ \t\t__webpack_require__.r(ns);\n/******/ \t\tObject.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });\n/******/ \t\tif(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));\n/******/ \t\treturn ns;\n/******/ \t};\n/******/\n/******/ \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n/******/ \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n/******/ \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n/******/ \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n/******/ \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n/******/ \t\treturn getter;\n/******/ \t};\n/******/\n/******/ \t// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };\n/******/\n/******/ \t// __webpack_public_path__\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.p = \"\";\n/******/\n/******/\n/******/ \t// Load entry module and return exports\n/******/ \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = \"fae3\");\n/******/ })\n/************************************************************************/\n/******/ ({\n\n/***/ \"014b\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n// ECMAScript 6 symbols shim\nvar global = __webpack_require__(\"e53d\");\nvar has = __webpack_require__(\"07e3\");\nvar DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(\"8e60\");\nvar $export = __webpack_require__(\"63b6\");\nvar redefine = __webpack_require__(\"9138\");\nvar META = __webpack_require__(\"ebfd\").KEY;\nvar $fails = __webpack_require__(\"294c\");\nvar shared = __webpack_require__(\"dbdb\");\nvar setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(\"45f2\");\nvar uid = __webpack_require__(\"62a0\");\nvar wks = __webpack_require__(\"5168\");\nvar wksExt = __webpack_require__(\"ccb9\");\nvar wksDefine = __webpack_require__(\"6718\");\nvar enumKeys = __webpack_require__(\"47ee\");\nvar isArray = __webpack_require__(\"9003\");\nvar anObject = __webpack_require__(\"e4ae\");\nvar isObject = __webpack_require__(\"f772\");\nvar toObject = __webpack_require__(\"241e\");\nvar toIObject = __webpack_require__(\"36c3\");\nvar toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(\"1bc3\");\nvar createDesc = __webpack_require__(\"aebd\");\nvar _create = __webpack_require__(\"a159\");\nvar gOPNExt = __webpack_require__(\"0395\");\nvar $GOPD = __webpack_require__(\"bf0b\");\nvar $GOPS = __webpack_require__(\"9aa9\");\nvar $DP = __webpack_require__(\"d9f6\");\nvar $keys = __webpack_require__(\"c3a1\");\nvar gOPD = $GOPD.f;\nvar dP = $DP.f;\nvar gOPN = gOPNExt.f;\nvar $Symbol = global.Symbol;\nvar $JSON = global.JSON;\nvar _stringify = $JSON && $JSON.stringify;\nvar PROTOTYPE = 'prototype';\nvar HIDDEN = wks('_hidden');\nvar TO_PRIMITIVE = wks('toPrimitive');\nvar isEnum = {}.propertyIsEnumerable;\nvar SymbolRegistry = shared('symbol-registry');\nvar AllSymbols = shared('symbols');\nvar OPSymbols = shared('op-symbols');\nvar ObjectProto = Object[PROTOTYPE];\nvar USE_NATIVE = typeof $Symbol == 'function' && !!$GOPS.f;\nvar QObject = global.QObject;\n// Don't use setters in Qt Script, https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/173\nvar setter = !QObject || !QObject[PROTOTYPE] || !QObject[PROTOTYPE].findChild;\n\n// fallback for old Android, https://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=687\nvar setSymbolDesc = DESCRIPTORS && $fails(function () {\n return _create(dP({}, 'a', {\n get: function () { return dP(this, 'a', { value: 7 }).a; }\n })).a != 7;\n}) ? function (it, key, D) {\n var protoDesc = gOPD(ObjectProto, key);\n if (protoDesc) delete ObjectProto[key];\n dP(it, key, D);\n if (protoDesc && it !== ObjectProto) dP(ObjectProto, key, protoDesc);\n} : dP;\n\nvar wrap = function (tag) {\n var sym = AllSymbols[tag] = _create($Symbol[PROTOTYPE]);\n sym._k = tag;\n return sym;\n};\n\nvar isSymbol = USE_NATIVE && typeof $Symbol.iterator == 'symbol' ? function (it) {\n return typeof it == 'symbol';\n} : function (it) {\n return it instanceof $Symbol;\n};\n\nvar $defineProperty = function defineProperty(it, key, D) {\n if (it === ObjectProto) $defineProperty(OPSymbols, key, D);\n anObject(it);\n key = toPrimitive(key, true);\n anObject(D);\n if (has(AllSymbols, key)) {\n if (!D.enumerable) {\n if (!has(it, HIDDEN)) dP(it, HIDDEN, createDesc(1, {}));\n it[HIDDEN][key] = true;\n } else {\n if (has(it, HIDDEN) && it[HIDDEN][key]) it[HIDDEN][key] = false;\n D = _create(D, { enumerable: createDesc(0, false) });\n } return setSymbolDesc(it, key, D);\n } return dP(it, key, D);\n};\nvar $defineProperties = function defineProperties(it, P) {\n anObject(it);\n var keys = enumKeys(P = toIObject(P));\n var i = 0;\n var l = keys.length;\n var key;\n while (l > i) $defineProperty(it, key = keys[i++], P[key]);\n return it;\n};\nvar $create = function create(it, P) {\n return P === undefined ? _create(it) : $defineProperties(_create(it), P);\n};\nvar $propertyIsEnumerable = function propertyIsEnumerable(key) {\n var E = isEnum.call(this, key = toPrimitive(key, true));\n if (this === ObjectProto && has(AllSymbols, key) && !has(OPSymbols, key)) return false;\n return E || !has(this, key) || !has(AllSymbols, key) || has(this, HIDDEN) && this[HIDDEN][key] ? E : true;\n};\nvar $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(it, key) {\n it = toIObject(it);\n key = toPrimitive(key, true);\n if (it === ObjectProto && has(AllSymbols, key) && !has(OPSymbols, key)) return;\n var D = gOPD(it, key);\n if (D && has(AllSymbols, key) && !(has(it, HIDDEN) && it[HIDDEN][key])) D.enumerable = true;\n return D;\n};\nvar $getOwnPropertyNames = function getOwnPropertyNames(it) {\n var names = gOPN(toIObject(it));\n var result = [];\n var i = 0;\n var key;\n while (names.length > i) {\n if (!has(AllSymbols, key = names[i++]) && key != HIDDEN && key != META) result.push(key);\n } return result;\n};\nvar $getOwnPropertySymbols = function getOwnPropertySymbols(it) {\n var IS_OP = it === ObjectProto;\n var names = gOPN(IS_OP ? OPSymbols : toIObject(it));\n var result = [];\n var i = 0;\n var key;\n while (names.length > i) {\n if (has(AllSymbols, key = names[i++]) && (IS_OP ? has(ObjectProto, key) : true)) result.push(AllSymbols[key]);\n } return result;\n};\n\n// Symbol([description])\nif (!USE_NATIVE) {\n $Symbol = function Symbol() {\n if (this instanceof $Symbol) throw TypeError('Symbol is not a constructor!');\n var tag = uid(arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined);\n var $set = function (value) {\n if (this === ObjectProto) $set.call(OPSymbols, value);\n if (has(this, HIDDEN) && has(this[HIDDEN], tag)) this[HIDDEN][tag] = false;\n setSymbolDesc(this, tag, createDesc(1, value));\n };\n if (DESCRIPTORS && setter) setSymbolDesc(ObjectProto, tag, { configurable: true, set: $set });\n return wrap(tag);\n };\n redefine($Symbol[PROTOTYPE], 'toString', function toString() {\n return this._k;\n });\n\n $GOPD.f = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\n $DP.f = $defineProperty;\n __webpack_require__(\"6abf\").f = gOPNExt.f = $getOwnPropertyNames;\n __webpack_require__(\"355d\").f = $propertyIsEnumerable;\n $GOPS.f = $getOwnPropertySymbols;\n\n if (DESCRIPTORS && !__webpack_require__(\"b8e3\")) {\n redefine(ObjectProto, 'propertyIsEnumerable', $propertyIsEnumerable, true);\n }\n\n wksExt.f = function (name) {\n return wrap(wks(name));\n };\n}\n\n$export($export.G + $export.W + $export.F * !USE_NATIVE, { Symbol: $Symbol });\n\nfor (var es6Symbols = (\n //,,,,,,,,,,\n 'hasInstance,isConcatSpreadable,iterator,match,replace,search,species,split,toPrimitive,toStringTag,unscopables'\n).split(','), j = 0; es6Symbols.length > j;)wks(es6Symbols[j++]);\n\nfor (var wellKnownSymbols = $keys(wks.store), k = 0; wellKnownSymbols.length > k;) wksDefine(wellKnownSymbols[k++]);\n\n$export($export.S + $export.F * !USE_NATIVE, 'Symbol', {\n // Symbol.for(key)\n 'for': function (key) {\n return has(SymbolRegistry, key += '')\n ? SymbolRegistry[key]\n : SymbolRegistry[key] = $Symbol(key);\n },\n // Symbol.keyFor(sym)\n keyFor: function keyFor(sym) {\n if (!isSymbol(sym)) throw TypeError(sym + ' is not a symbol!');\n for (var key in SymbolRegistry) if (SymbolRegistry[key] === sym) return key;\n },\n useSetter: function () { setter = true; },\n useSimple: function () { setter = false; }\n});\n\n$export($export.S + $export.F * !USE_NATIVE, 'Object', {\n // Object.create(O [, Properties])\n create: $create,\n // Object.defineProperty(O, P, Attributes)\n defineProperty: $defineProperty,\n // Object.defineProperties(O, Properties)\n defineProperties: $defineProperties,\n // Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P)\n getOwnPropertyDescriptor: $getOwnPropertyDescriptor,\n // Object.getOwnPropertyNames(O)\n getOwnPropertyNames: $getOwnPropertyNames,\n // Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(O)\n getOwnPropertySymbols: $getOwnPropertySymbols\n});\n\n// Chrome 38 and 39 `Object.getOwnPropertySymbols` fails on primitives\n// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3443\nvar FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES = $fails(function () { $GOPS.f(1); });\n\n$export($export.S + $export.F * FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES, 'Object', {\n getOwnPropertySymbols: function getOwnPropertySymbols(it) {\n return $GOPS.f(toObject(it));\n }\n});\n\n// 24.3.2 JSON.stringify(value [, replacer [, space]])\n$JSON && $export($export.S + $export.F * (!USE_NATIVE || $fails(function () {\n var S = $Symbol();\n // MS Edge converts symbol values to JSON as {}\n // WebKit converts symbol values to JSON as null\n // V8 throws on boxed symbols\n return _stringify([S]) != '[null]' || _stringify({ a: S }) != '{}' || _stringify(Object(S)) != '{}';\n})), 'JSON', {\n stringify: function stringify(it) {\n var args = [it];\n var i = 1;\n var replacer, $replacer;\n while (arguments.length > i) args.push(arguments[i++]);\n $replacer = replacer = args[1];\n if (!isObject(replacer) && it === undefined || isSymbol(it)) return; // IE8 returns string on undefined\n if (!isArray(replacer)) replacer = function (key, value) {\n if (typeof $replacer == 'function') value = $replacer.call(this, key, value);\n if (!isSymbol(value)) return value;\n };\n args[1] = replacer;\n return _stringify.apply($JSON, args);\n }\n});\n\n// Symbol.prototype[@@toPrimitive](hint)\n$Symbol[PROTOTYPE][TO_PRIMITIVE] || __webpack_require__(\"35e8\")($Symbol[PROTOTYPE], TO_PRIMITIVE, $Symbol[PROTOTYPE].valueOf);\n// Symbol.prototype[@@toStringTag]\nsetToStringTag($Symbol, 'Symbol');\n// Math[@@toStringTag]\nsetToStringTag(Math, 'Math', true);\n// 24.3.3 JSON[@@toStringTag]\nsetToStringTag(global.JSON, 'JSON', true);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"01f9\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar LIBRARY = __webpack_require__(\"2d00\");\nvar $export = __webpack_require__(\"5ca1\");\nvar redefine = __webpack_require__(\"2aba\");\nvar hide = __webpack_require__(\"32e9\");\nvar Iterators = __webpack_require__(\"84f2\");\nvar $iterCreate = __webpack_require__(\"41a0\");\nvar setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(\"7f20\");\nvar getPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(\"38fd\");\nvar ITERATOR = __webpack_require__(\"2b4c\")('iterator');\nvar BUGGY = !([].keys && 'next' in [].keys()); // Safari has buggy iterators w/o `next`\nvar FF_ITERATOR = '@@iterator';\nvar KEYS = 'keys';\nvar VALUES = 'values';\n\nvar returnThis = function () { return this; };\n\nmodule.exports = function (Base, NAME, Constructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCED) {\n $iterCreate(Constructor, NAME, next);\n var getMethod = function (kind) {\n if (!BUGGY && kind in proto) return proto[kind];\n switch (kind) {\n case KEYS: return function keys() { return new Constructor(this, kind); };\n case VALUES: return function values() { return new Constructor(this, kind); };\n } return function entries() { return new Constructor(this, kind); };\n };\n var TAG = NAME + ' Iterator';\n var DEF_VALUES = DEFAULT == VALUES;\n var VALUES_BUG = false;\n var proto = Base.prototype;\n var $native = proto[ITERATOR] || proto[FF_ITERATOR] || DEFAULT && proto[DEFAULT];\n var $default = $native || getMethod(DEFAULT);\n var $entries = DEFAULT ? !DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod('entries') : undefined;\n var $anyNative = NAME == 'Array' ? proto.entries || $native : $native;\n var methods, key, IteratorPrototype;\n // Fix native\n if ($anyNative) {\n IteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf($anyNative.call(new Base()));\n if (IteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype && IteratorPrototype.next) {\n // Set @@toStringTag to native iterators\n setToStringTag(IteratorPrototype, TAG, true);\n // fix for some old engines\n if (!LIBRARY && typeof IteratorPrototype[ITERATOR] != 'function') hide(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, returnThis);\n }\n }\n // fix Array#{values, @@iterator}.name in V8 / FF\n if (DEF_VALUES && $native && $native.name !== VALUES) {\n VALUES_BUG = true;\n $default = function values() { return $native.call(this); };\n }\n // Define iterator\n if ((!LIBRARY || FORCED) && (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG || !proto[ITERATOR])) {\n hide(proto, ITERATOR, $default);\n }\n // Plug for library\n Iterators[NAME] = $default;\n Iterators[TAG] = returnThis;\n if (DEFAULT) {\n methods = {\n values: DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod(VALUES),\n keys: IS_SET ? $default : getMethod(KEYS),\n entries: $entries\n };\n if (FORCED) for (key in methods) {\n if (!(key in proto)) redefine(proto, key, methods[key]);\n } else $export($export.P + $export.F * (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG), NAME, methods);\n }\n return methods;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"02f4\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar toInteger = __webpack_require__(\"4588\");\nvar defined = __webpack_require__(\"be13\");\n// true -> String#at\n// false -> String#codePointAt\nmodule.exports = function (TO_STRING) {\n return function (that, pos) {\n var s = String(defined(that));\n var i = toInteger(pos);\n var l = s.length;\n var a, b;\n if (i < 0 || i >= l) return TO_STRING ? '' : undefined;\n a = s.charCodeAt(i);\n return a < 0xd800 || a > 0xdbff || i + 1 === l || (b = s.charCodeAt(i + 1)) < 0xdc00 || b > 0xdfff\n ? TO_STRING ? s.charAt(i) : a\n : TO_STRING ? s.slice(i, i + 2) : (a - 0xd800 << 10) + (b - 0xdc00) + 0x10000;\n };\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"0390\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar at = __webpack_require__(\"02f4\")(true);\n\n // `AdvanceStringIndex` abstract operation\n// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-advancestringindex\nmodule.exports = function (S, index, unicode) {\n return index + (unicode ? at(S, index).length : 1);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"0395\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// fallback for IE11 buggy Object.getOwnPropertyNames with iframe and window\nvar toIObject = __webpack_require__(\"36c3\");\nvar gOPN = __webpack_require__(\"6abf\").f;\nvar toString = {}.toString;\n\nvar windowNames = typeof window == 'object' && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames\n ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : [];\n\nvar getWindowNames = function (it) {\n try {\n return gOPN(it);\n } catch (e) {\n return windowNames.slice();\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports.f = function getOwnPropertyNames(it) {\n return windowNames && toString.call(it) == '[object Window]' ? getWindowNames(it) : gOPN(toIObject(it));\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"07e3\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nvar hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty;\nmodule.exports = function (it, key) {\n return hasOwnProperty.call(it, key);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"0a49\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// 0 -> Array#forEach\n// 1 -> Array#map\n// 2 -> Array#filter\n// 3 -> Array#some\n// 4 -> Array#every\n// 5 -> Array#find\n// 6 -> Array#findIndex\nvar ctx = __webpack_require__(\"9b43\");\nvar IObject = __webpack_require__(\"626a\");\nvar toObject = __webpack_require__(\"4bf8\");\nvar toLength = __webpack_require__(\"9def\");\nvar asc = __webpack_require__(\"cd1c\");\nmodule.exports = function (TYPE, $create) {\n var IS_MAP = TYPE == 1;\n var IS_FILTER = TYPE == 2;\n var IS_SOME = TYPE == 3;\n var IS_EVERY = TYPE == 4;\n var IS_FIND_INDEX = TYPE == 6;\n var NO_HOLES = TYPE == 5 || IS_FIND_INDEX;\n var create = $create || asc;\n return function ($this, callbackfn, that) {\n var O = toObject($this);\n var self = IObject(O);\n var f = ctx(callbackfn, that, 3);\n var length = toLength(self.length);\n var index = 0;\n var result = IS_MAP ? create($this, length) : IS_FILTER ? create($this, 0) : undefined;\n var val, res;\n for (;length > index; index++) if (NO_HOLES || index in self) {\n val = self[index];\n res = f(val, index, O);\n if (TYPE) {\n if (IS_MAP) result[index] = res; // map\n else if (res) switch (TYPE) {\n case 3: return true; // some\n case 5: return val; // find\n case 6: return index; // findIndex\n case 2: result.push(val); // filter\n } else if (IS_EVERY) return false; // every\n }\n }\n return IS_FIND_INDEX ? -1 : IS_SOME || IS_EVERY ? IS_EVERY : result;\n };\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"0bfb\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n// get RegExp.prototype.flags\nvar anObject = __webpack_require__(\"cb7c\");\nmodule.exports = function () {\n var that = anObject(this);\n var result = '';\n if (that.global) result += 'g';\n if (that.ignoreCase) result += 'i';\n if (that.multiline) result += 'm';\n if (that.unicode) result += 'u';\n if (that.sticky) result += 'y';\n return result;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"0d58\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// / Object.keys(O)\nvar $keys = __webpack_require__(\"ce10\");\nvar enumBugKeys = __webpack_require__(\"e11e\");\n\nmodule.exports = Object.keys || function keys(O) {\n return $keys(O, enumBugKeys);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"0fc9\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar toInteger = __webpack_require__(\"3a38\");\nvar max = Math.max;\nvar min = Math.min;\nmodule.exports = function (index, length) {\n index = toInteger(index);\n return index < 0 ? max(index + length, 0) : min(index, length);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"1169\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// 7.2.2 IsArray(argument)\nvar cof = __webpack_require__(\"2d95\");\nmodule.exports = Array.isArray || function isArray(arg) {\n return cof(arg) == 'Array';\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"11e9\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar pIE = __webpack_require__(\"52a7\");\nvar createDesc = __webpack_require__(\"4630\");\nvar toIObject = __webpack_require__(\"6821\");\nvar toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(\"6a99\");\nvar has = __webpack_require__(\"69a8\");\nvar IE8_DOM_DEFINE = __webpack_require__(\"c69a\");\nvar gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\n\nexports.f = __webpack_require__(\"9e1e\") ? gOPD : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) {\n O = toIObject(O);\n P = toPrimitive(P, true);\n if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try {\n return gOPD(O, P);\n } catch (e) { /* empty */ }\n if (has(O, P)) return createDesc(!pIE.f.call(O, P), O[P]);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"1495\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar dP = __webpack_require__(\"86cc\");\nvar anObject = __webpack_require__(\"cb7c\");\nvar getKeys = __webpack_require__(\"0d58\");\n\nmodule.exports = __webpack_require__(\"9e1e\") ? Object.defineProperties : function defineProperties(O, Properties) {\n anObject(O);\n var keys = getKeys(Properties);\n var length = keys.length;\n var i = 0;\n var P;\n while (length > i) dP.f(O, P = keys[i++], Properties[P]);\n return O;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"1654\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar $at = __webpack_require__(\"71c1\")(true);\n\n// String.prototype[@@iterator]()\n__webpack_require__(\"30f1\")(String, 'String', function (iterated) {\n this._t = String(iterated); // target\n this._i = 0; // next index\n// %StringIteratorPrototype%.next()\n}, function () {\n var O = this._t;\n var index = this._i;\n var point;\n if (index >= O.length) return { value: undefined, done: true };\n point = $at(O, index);\n this._i += point.length;\n return { value: point, done: false };\n});\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"1691\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\n// IE 8- don't enum bug keys\nmodule.exports = (\n 'constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf'\n).split(',');\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"1bc3\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// 7.1.1 ToPrimitive(input [, PreferredType])\nvar isObject = __webpack_require__(\"f772\");\n// instead of the ES6 spec version, we didn't implement @@toPrimitive case\n// and the second argument - flag - preferred type is a string\nmodule.exports = function (it, S) {\n if (!isObject(it)) return it;\n var fn, val;\n if (S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;\n if (typeof (fn = it.valueOf) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;\n if (!S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;\n throw TypeError(\"Can't convert object to primitive value\");\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"1ec9\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar isObject = __webpack_require__(\"f772\");\nvar document = __webpack_require__(\"e53d\").document;\n// typeof document.createElement is 'object' in old IE\nvar is = isObject(document) && isObject(document.createElement);\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return is ? document.createElement(it) : {};\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"20d6\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n// Array.prototype.findIndex(predicate, thisArg = undefined)\nvar $export = __webpack_require__(\"5ca1\");\nvar $find = __webpack_require__(\"0a49\")(6);\nvar KEY = 'findIndex';\nvar forced = true;\n// Shouldn't skip holes\nif (KEY in []) Array(1)[KEY](function () { forced = false; });\n$export($export.P + $export.F * forced, 'Array', {\n findIndex: function findIndex(callbackfn /* , that = undefined */) {\n return $find(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined);\n }\n});\n__webpack_require__(\"9c6c\")(KEY);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"214f\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n__webpack_require__(\"b0c5\");\nvar redefine = __webpack_require__(\"2aba\");\nvar hide = __webpack_require__(\"32e9\");\nvar fails = __webpack_require__(\"79e5\");\nvar defined = __webpack_require__(\"be13\");\nvar wks = __webpack_require__(\"2b4c\");\nvar regexpExec = __webpack_require__(\"520a\");\n\nvar SPECIES = wks('species');\n\nvar REPLACE_SUPPORTS_NAMED_GROUPS = !fails(function () {\n // #replace needs built-in support for named groups.\n // #match works fine because it just return the exec results, even if it has\n // a \"grops\" property.\n var re = /./;\n re.exec = function () {\n var result = [];\n result.groups = { a: '7' };\n return result;\n };\n return ''.replace(re, '$') !== '7';\n});\n\nvar SPLIT_WORKS_WITH_OVERWRITTEN_EXEC = (function () {\n // Chrome 51 has a buggy \"split\" implementation when RegExp#exec !== nativeExec\n var re = /(?:)/;\n var originalExec = re.exec;\n re.exec = function () { return originalExec.apply(this, arguments); };\n var result = 'ab'.split(re);\n return result.length === 2 && result[0] === 'a' && result[1] === 'b';\n})();\n\nmodule.exports = function (KEY, length, exec) {\n var SYMBOL = wks(KEY);\n\n var DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL = !fails(function () {\n // String methods call symbol-named RegEp methods\n var O = {};\n O[SYMBOL] = function () { return 7; };\n return ''[KEY](O) != 7;\n });\n\n var DELEGATES_TO_EXEC = DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL ? !fails(function () {\n // Symbol-named RegExp methods call .exec\n var execCalled = false;\n var re = /a/;\n re.exec = function () { execCalled = true; return null; };\n if (KEY === 'split') {\n // RegExp[@@split] doesn't call the regex's exec method, but first creates\n // a new one. We need to return the patched regex when creating the new one.\n re.constructor = {};\n re.constructor[SPECIES] = function () { return re; };\n }\n re[SYMBOL]('');\n return !execCalled;\n }) : undefined;\n\n if (\n !DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL ||\n !DELEGATES_TO_EXEC ||\n (KEY === 'replace' && !REPLACE_SUPPORTS_NAMED_GROUPS) ||\n (KEY === 'split' && !SPLIT_WORKS_WITH_OVERWRITTEN_EXEC)\n ) {\n var nativeRegExpMethod = /./[SYMBOL];\n var fns = exec(\n defined,\n SYMBOL,\n ''[KEY],\n function maybeCallNative(nativeMethod, regexp, str, arg2, forceStringMethod) {\n if (regexp.exec === regexpExec) {\n if (DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL && !forceStringMethod) {\n // The native String method already delegates to @@method (this\n // polyfilled function), leasing to infinite recursion.\n // We avoid it by directly calling the native @@method method.\n return { done: true, value: nativeRegExpMethod.call(regexp, str, arg2) };\n }\n return { done: true, value: nativeMethod.call(str, regexp, arg2) };\n }\n return { done: false };\n }\n );\n var strfn = fns[0];\n var rxfn = fns[1];\n\n redefine(String.prototype, KEY, strfn);\n hide(RegExp.prototype, SYMBOL, length == 2\n // RegExp.prototype[@@replace](string, replaceValue)\n // RegExp.prototype[@@split](string, limit)\n ? function (string, arg) { return rxfn.call(string, this, arg); }\n // RegExp.prototype[@@match](string)\n // RegExp.prototype[@@search](string)\n : function (string) { return rxfn.call(string, this); }\n );\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"230e\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar isObject = __webpack_require__(\"d3f4\");\nvar document = __webpack_require__(\"7726\").document;\n// typeof document.createElement is 'object' in old IE\nvar is = isObject(document) && isObject(document.createElement);\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return is ? document.createElement(it) : {};\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"23c6\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// getting tag from Object.prototype.toString()\nvar cof = __webpack_require__(\"2d95\");\nvar TAG = __webpack_require__(\"2b4c\")('toStringTag');\n// ES3 wrong here\nvar ARG = cof(function () { return arguments; }()) == 'Arguments';\n\n// fallback for IE11 Script Access Denied error\nvar tryGet = function (it, key) {\n try {\n return it[key];\n } catch (e) { /* empty */ }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n var O, T, B;\n return it === undefined ? 'Undefined' : it === null ? 'Null'\n // @@toStringTag case\n : typeof (T = tryGet(O = Object(it), TAG)) == 'string' ? T\n // builtinTag case\n : ARG ? cof(O)\n // ES3 arguments fallback\n : (B = cof(O)) == 'Object' && typeof O.callee == 'function' ? 'Arguments' : B;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"241e\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// 7.1.13 ToObject(argument)\nvar defined = __webpack_require__(\"25eb\");\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return Object(defined(it));\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"25eb\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\n// 7.2.1 RequireObjectCoercible(argument)\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n if (it == undefined) throw TypeError(\"Can't call method on \" + it);\n return it;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"294c\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = function (exec) {\n try {\n return !!exec();\n } catch (e) {\n return true;\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"2aba\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar global = __webpack_require__(\"7726\");\nvar hide = __webpack_require__(\"32e9\");\nvar has = __webpack_require__(\"69a8\");\nvar SRC = __webpack_require__(\"ca5a\")('src');\nvar $toString = __webpack_require__(\"fa5b\");\nvar TO_STRING = 'toString';\nvar TPL = ('' + $toString).split(TO_STRING);\n\n__webpack_require__(\"8378\").inspectSource = function (it) {\n return $toString.call(it);\n};\n\n(module.exports = function (O, key, val, safe) {\n var isFunction = typeof val == 'function';\n if (isFunction) has(val, 'name') || hide(val, 'name', key);\n if (O[key] === val) return;\n if (isFunction) has(val, SRC) || hide(val, SRC, O[key] ? '' + O[key] : TPL.join(String(key)));\n if (O === global) {\n O[key] = val;\n } else if (!safe) {\n delete O[key];\n hide(O, key, val);\n } else if (O[key]) {\n O[key] = val;\n } else {\n hide(O, key, val);\n }\n// add fake Function#toString for correct work wrapped methods / constructors with methods like LoDash isNative\n})(Function.prototype, TO_STRING, function toString() {\n return typeof this == 'function' && this[SRC] || $toString.call(this);\n});\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"2aeb\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// / Object.create(O [, Properties])\nvar anObject = __webpack_require__(\"cb7c\");\nvar dPs = __webpack_require__(\"1495\");\nvar enumBugKeys = __webpack_require__(\"e11e\");\nvar IE_PROTO = __webpack_require__(\"613b\")('IE_PROTO');\nvar Empty = function () { /* empty */ };\nvar PROTOTYPE = 'prototype';\n\n// Create object with fake `null` prototype: use iframe Object with cleared prototype\nvar createDict = function () {\n // Thrash, waste and sodomy: IE GC bug\n var iframe = __webpack_require__(\"230e\")('iframe');\n var i = enumBugKeys.length;\n var lt = '<';\n var gt = '>';\n var iframeDocument;\n iframe.style.display = 'none';\n __webpack_require__(\"fab2\").appendChild(iframe);\n iframe.src = 'javascript:'; // eslint-disable-line no-script-url\n // createDict = iframe.contentWindow.Object;\n // html.removeChild(iframe);\n iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document;\n iframeDocument.open();\n iframeDocument.write(lt + 'script' + gt + 'document.F=Object' + lt + '/script' + gt);\n iframeDocument.close();\n createDict = iframeDocument.F;\n while (i--) delete createDict[PROTOTYPE][enumBugKeys[i]];\n return createDict();\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Object.create || function create(O, Properties) {\n var result;\n if (O !== null) {\n Empty[PROTOTYPE] = anObject(O);\n result = new Empty();\n Empty[PROTOTYPE] = null;\n // add \"__proto__\" for Object.getPrototypeOf polyfill\n result[IE_PROTO] = O;\n } else result = createDict();\n return Properties === undefined ? result : dPs(result, Properties);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"2b4c\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar store = __webpack_require__(\"5537\")('wks');\nvar uid = __webpack_require__(\"ca5a\");\nvar Symbol = __webpack_require__(\"7726\").Symbol;\nvar USE_SYMBOL = typeof Symbol == 'function';\n\nvar $exports = module.exports = function (name) {\n return store[name] || (store[name] =\n USE_SYMBOL && Symbol[name] || (USE_SYMBOL ? Symbol : uid)('Symbol.' + name));\n};\n\n$exports.store = store;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"2d00\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = false;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"2d95\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nvar toString = {}.toString;\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return toString.call(it).slice(8, -1);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"30f1\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar LIBRARY = __webpack_require__(\"b8e3\");\nvar $export = __webpack_require__(\"63b6\");\nvar redefine = __webpack_require__(\"9138\");\nvar hide = __webpack_require__(\"35e8\");\nvar Iterators = __webpack_require__(\"481b\");\nvar $iterCreate = __webpack_require__(\"8f60\");\nvar setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(\"45f2\");\nvar getPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(\"53e2\");\nvar ITERATOR = __webpack_require__(\"5168\")('iterator');\nvar BUGGY = !([].keys && 'next' in [].keys()); // Safari has buggy iterators w/o `next`\nvar FF_ITERATOR = '@@iterator';\nvar KEYS = 'keys';\nvar VALUES = 'values';\n\nvar returnThis = function () { return this; };\n\nmodule.exports = function (Base, NAME, Constructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCED) {\n $iterCreate(Constructor, NAME, next);\n var getMethod = function (kind) {\n if (!BUGGY && kind in proto) return proto[kind];\n switch (kind) {\n case KEYS: return function keys() { return new Constructor(this, kind); };\n case VALUES: return function values() { return new Constructor(this, kind); };\n } return function entries() { return new Constructor(this, kind); };\n };\n var TAG = NAME + ' Iterator';\n var DEF_VALUES = DEFAULT == VALUES;\n var VALUES_BUG = false;\n var proto = Base.prototype;\n var $native = proto[ITERATOR] || proto[FF_ITERATOR] || DEFAULT && proto[DEFAULT];\n var $default = $native || getMethod(DEFAULT);\n var $entries = DEFAULT ? !DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod('entries') : undefined;\n var $anyNative = NAME == 'Array' ? proto.entries || $native : $native;\n var methods, key, IteratorPrototype;\n // Fix native\n if ($anyNative) {\n IteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf($anyNative.call(new Base()));\n if (IteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype && IteratorPrototype.next) {\n // Set @@toStringTag to native iterators\n setToStringTag(IteratorPrototype, TAG, true);\n // fix for some old engines\n if (!LIBRARY && typeof IteratorPrototype[ITERATOR] != 'function') hide(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, returnThis);\n }\n }\n // fix Array#{values, @@iterator}.name in V8 / FF\n if (DEF_VALUES && $native && $native.name !== VALUES) {\n VALUES_BUG = true;\n $default = function values() { return $native.call(this); };\n }\n // Define iterator\n if ((!LIBRARY || FORCED) && (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG || !proto[ITERATOR])) {\n hide(proto, ITERATOR, $default);\n }\n // Plug for library\n Iterators[NAME] = $default;\n Iterators[TAG] = returnThis;\n if (DEFAULT) {\n methods = {\n values: DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod(VALUES),\n keys: IS_SET ? $default : getMethod(KEYS),\n entries: $entries\n };\n if (FORCED) for (key in methods) {\n if (!(key in proto)) redefine(proto, key, methods[key]);\n } else $export($export.P + $export.F * (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG), NAME, methods);\n }\n return methods;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"32e9\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar dP = __webpack_require__(\"86cc\");\nvar createDesc = __webpack_require__(\"4630\");\nmodule.exports = __webpack_require__(\"9e1e\") ? function (object, key, value) {\n return dP.f(object, key, createDesc(1, value));\n} : function (object, key, value) {\n object[key] = value;\n return object;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"32fc\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar document = __webpack_require__(\"e53d\").document;\nmodule.exports = document && document.documentElement;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"335c\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings\nvar cof = __webpack_require__(\"6b4c\");\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins\nmodule.exports = Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function (it) {\n return cof(it) == 'String' ? it.split('') : Object(it);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"355d\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nexports.f = {}.propertyIsEnumerable;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"35e8\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar dP = __webpack_require__(\"d9f6\");\nvar createDesc = __webpack_require__(\"aebd\");\nmodule.exports = __webpack_require__(\"8e60\") ? function (object, key, value) {\n return dP.f(object, key, createDesc(1, value));\n} : function (object, key, value) {\n object[key] = value;\n return object;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"36c3\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// to indexed object, toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings\nvar IObject = __webpack_require__(\"335c\");\nvar defined = __webpack_require__(\"25eb\");\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return IObject(defined(it));\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"3846\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// get RegExp.prototype.flags()\nif (__webpack_require__(\"9e1e\") && /./g.flags != 'g') __webpack_require__(\"86cc\").f(RegExp.prototype, 'flags', {\n configurable: true,\n get: __webpack_require__(\"0bfb\")\n});\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"38fd\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// / Object.getPrototypeOf(O)\nvar has = __webpack_require__(\"69a8\");\nvar toObject = __webpack_require__(\"4bf8\");\nvar IE_PROTO = __webpack_require__(\"613b\")('IE_PROTO');\nvar ObjectProto = Object.prototype;\n\nmodule.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (O) {\n O = toObject(O);\n if (has(O, IE_PROTO)) return O[IE_PROTO];\n if (typeof O.constructor == 'function' && O instanceof O.constructor) {\n return O.constructor.prototype;\n } return O instanceof Object ? ObjectProto : null;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"3a38\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\n// 7.1.4 ToInteger\nvar ceil = Math.ceil;\nvar floor = Math.floor;\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return isNaN(it = +it) ? 0 : (it > 0 ? floor : ceil)(it);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"3b2b\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar global = __webpack_require__(\"7726\");\nvar inheritIfRequired = __webpack_require__(\"5dbc\");\nvar dP = __webpack_require__(\"86cc\").f;\nvar gOPN = __webpack_require__(\"9093\").f;\nvar isRegExp = __webpack_require__(\"aae3\");\nvar $flags = __webpack_require__(\"0bfb\");\nvar $RegExp = global.RegExp;\nvar Base = $RegExp;\nvar proto = $RegExp.prototype;\nvar re1 = /a/g;\nvar re2 = /a/g;\n// \"new\" creates a new object, old webkit buggy here\nvar CORRECT_NEW = new $RegExp(re1) !== re1;\n\nif (__webpack_require__(\"9e1e\") && (!CORRECT_NEW || __webpack_require__(\"79e5\")(function () {\n re2[__webpack_require__(\"2b4c\")('match')] = false;\n // RegExp constructor can alter flags and IsRegExp works correct with @@match\n return $RegExp(re1) != re1 || $RegExp(re2) == re2 || $RegExp(re1, 'i') != '/a/i';\n}))) {\n $RegExp = function RegExp(p, f) {\n var tiRE = this instanceof $RegExp;\n var piRE = isRegExp(p);\n var fiU = f === undefined;\n return !tiRE && piRE && p.constructor === $RegExp && fiU ? p\n : inheritIfRequired(CORRECT_NEW\n ? new Base(piRE && !fiU ? p.source : p, f)\n : Base((piRE = p instanceof $RegExp) ? p.source : p, piRE && fiU ? $flags.call(p) : f)\n , tiRE ? this : proto, $RegExp);\n };\n var proxy = function (key) {\n key in $RegExp || dP($RegExp, key, {\n configurable: true,\n get: function () { return Base[key]; },\n set: function (it) { Base[key] = it; }\n });\n };\n for (var keys = gOPN(Base), i = 0; keys.length > i;) proxy(keys[i++]);\n proto.constructor = $RegExp;\n $RegExp.prototype = proto;\n __webpack_require__(\"2aba\")(global, 'RegExp', $RegExp);\n}\n\n__webpack_require__(\"7a56\")('RegExp');\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"41a0\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar create = __webpack_require__(\"2aeb\");\nvar descriptor = __webpack_require__(\"4630\");\nvar setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(\"7f20\");\nvar IteratorPrototype = {};\n\n// %IteratorPrototype%[@@iterator]()\n__webpack_require__(\"32e9\")(IteratorPrototype, __webpack_require__(\"2b4c\")('iterator'), function () { return this; });\n\nmodule.exports = function (Constructor, NAME, next) {\n Constructor.prototype = create(IteratorPrototype, { next: descriptor(1, next) });\n setToStringTag(Constructor, NAME + ' Iterator');\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"456d\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// Object.keys(O)\nvar toObject = __webpack_require__(\"4bf8\");\nvar $keys = __webpack_require__(\"0d58\");\n\n__webpack_require__(\"5eda\")('keys', function () {\n return function keys(it) {\n return $keys(toObject(it));\n };\n});\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"4588\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\n// 7.1.4 ToInteger\nvar ceil = Math.ceil;\nvar floor = Math.floor;\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return isNaN(it = +it) ? 0 : (it > 0 ? floor : ceil)(it);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"45f2\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar def = __webpack_require__(\"d9f6\").f;\nvar has = __webpack_require__(\"07e3\");\nvar TAG = __webpack_require__(\"5168\")('toStringTag');\n\nmodule.exports = function (it, tag, stat) {\n if (it && !has(it = stat ? it : it.prototype, TAG)) def(it, TAG, { configurable: true, value: tag });\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"4630\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = function (bitmap, value) {\n return {\n enumerable: !(bitmap & 1),\n configurable: !(bitmap & 2),\n writable: !(bitmap & 4),\n value: value\n };\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"47ee\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// all enumerable object keys, includes symbols\nvar getKeys = __webpack_require__(\"c3a1\");\nvar gOPS = __webpack_require__(\"9aa9\");\nvar pIE = __webpack_require__(\"355d\");\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n var result = getKeys(it);\n var getSymbols = gOPS.f;\n if (getSymbols) {\n var symbols = getSymbols(it);\n var isEnum = pIE.f;\n var i = 0;\n var key;\n while (symbols.length > i) if (isEnum.call(it, key = symbols[i++])) result.push(key);\n } return result;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"481b\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = {};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"4917\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n\nvar anObject = __webpack_require__(\"cb7c\");\nvar toLength = __webpack_require__(\"9def\");\nvar advanceStringIndex = __webpack_require__(\"0390\");\nvar regExpExec = __webpack_require__(\"5f1b\");\n\n// @@match logic\n__webpack_require__(\"214f\")('match', 1, function (defined, MATCH, $match, maybeCallNative) {\n return [\n // `String.prototype.match` method\n // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype.match\n function match(regexp) {\n var O = defined(this);\n var fn = regexp == undefined ? undefined : regexp[MATCH];\n return fn !== undefined ? fn.call(regexp, O) : new RegExp(regexp)[MATCH](String(O));\n },\n // `RegExp.prototype[@@match]` method\n // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-regexp.prototype-@@match\n function (regexp) {\n var res = maybeCallNative($match, regexp, this);\n if (res.done) return res.value;\n var rx = anObject(regexp);\n var S = String(this);\n if (!rx.global) return regExpExec(rx, S);\n var fullUnicode = rx.unicode;\n rx.lastIndex = 0;\n var A = [];\n var n = 0;\n var result;\n while ((result = regExpExec(rx, S)) !== null) {\n var matchStr = String(result[0]);\n A[n] = matchStr;\n if (matchStr === '') rx.lastIndex = advanceStringIndex(S, toLength(rx.lastIndex), fullUnicode);\n n++;\n }\n return n === 0 ? null : A;\n }\n ];\n});\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"4bf8\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// 7.1.13 ToObject(argument)\nvar defined = __webpack_require__(\"be13\");\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return Object(defined(it));\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"50ed\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = function (done, value) {\n return { value: value, done: !!done };\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"5168\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar store = __webpack_require__(\"dbdb\")('wks');\nvar uid = __webpack_require__(\"62a0\");\nvar Symbol = __webpack_require__(\"e53d\").Symbol;\nvar USE_SYMBOL = typeof Symbol == 'function';\n\nvar $exports = module.exports = function (name) {\n return store[name] || (store[name] =\n USE_SYMBOL && Symbol[name] || (USE_SYMBOL ? Symbol : uid)('Symbol.' + name));\n};\n\n$exports.store = store;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"520a\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n\nvar regexpFlags = __webpack_require__(\"0bfb\");\n\nvar nativeExec = RegExp.prototype.exec;\n// This always refers to the native implementation, because the\n// String#replace polyfill uses ./fix-regexp-well-known-symbol-logic.js,\n// which loads this file before patching the method.\nvar nativeReplace = String.prototype.replace;\n\nvar patchedExec = nativeExec;\n\nvar LAST_INDEX = 'lastIndex';\n\nvar UPDATES_LAST_INDEX_WRONG = (function () {\n var re1 = /a/,\n re2 = /b*/g;\n nativeExec.call(re1, 'a');\n nativeExec.call(re2, 'a');\n return re1[LAST_INDEX] !== 0 || re2[LAST_INDEX] !== 0;\n})();\n\n// nonparticipating capturing group, copied from es5-shim's String#split patch.\nvar NPCG_INCLUDED = /()??/.exec('')[1] !== undefined;\n\nvar PATCH = UPDATES_LAST_INDEX_WRONG || NPCG_INCLUDED;\n\nif (PATCH) {\n patchedExec = function exec(str) {\n var re = this;\n var lastIndex, reCopy, match, i;\n\n if (NPCG_INCLUDED) {\n reCopy = new RegExp('^' + re.source + '$(?!\\\\s)', regexpFlags.call(re));\n }\n if (UPDATES_LAST_INDEX_WRONG) lastIndex = re[LAST_INDEX];\n\n match = nativeExec.call(re, str);\n\n if (UPDATES_LAST_INDEX_WRONG && match) {\n re[LAST_INDEX] = re.global ? match.index + match[0].length : lastIndex;\n }\n if (NPCG_INCLUDED && match && match.length > 1) {\n // Fix browsers whose `exec` methods don't consistently return `undefined`\n // for NPCG, like IE8. NOTE: This doesn' work for /(.?)?/\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func\n nativeReplace.call(match[0], reCopy, function () {\n for (i = 1; i < arguments.length - 2; i++) {\n if (arguments[i] === undefined) match[i] = undefined;\n }\n });\n }\n\n return match;\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = patchedExec;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"52a7\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nexports.f = {}.propertyIsEnumerable;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"53e2\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// / Object.getPrototypeOf(O)\nvar has = __webpack_require__(\"07e3\");\nvar toObject = __webpack_require__(\"241e\");\nvar IE_PROTO = __webpack_require__(\"5559\")('IE_PROTO');\nvar ObjectProto = Object.prototype;\n\nmodule.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (O) {\n O = toObject(O);\n if (has(O, IE_PROTO)) return O[IE_PROTO];\n if (typeof O.constructor == 'function' && O instanceof O.constructor) {\n return O.constructor.prototype;\n } return O instanceof Object ? ObjectProto : null;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"5537\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar core = __webpack_require__(\"8378\");\nvar global = __webpack_require__(\"7726\");\nvar SHARED = '__core-js_shared__';\nvar store = global[SHARED] || (global[SHARED] = {});\n\n(module.exports = function (key, value) {\n return store[key] || (store[key] = value !== undefined ? value : {});\n})('versions', []).push({\n version: core.version,\n mode: __webpack_require__(\"2d00\") ? 'pure' : 'global',\n copyright: '© 2019 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)'\n});\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"5559\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar shared = __webpack_require__(\"dbdb\")('keys');\nvar uid = __webpack_require__(\"62a0\");\nmodule.exports = function (key) {\n return shared[key] || (shared[key] = uid(key));\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"584a\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nvar core = module.exports = { version: '2.6.9' };\nif (typeof __e == 'number') __e = core; // eslint-disable-line no-undef\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"5b4e\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// false -> Array#indexOf\n// true -> Array#includes\nvar toIObject = __webpack_require__(\"36c3\");\nvar toLength = __webpack_require__(\"b447\");\nvar toAbsoluteIndex = __webpack_require__(\"0fc9\");\nmodule.exports = function (IS_INCLUDES) {\n return function ($this, el, fromIndex) {\n var O = toIObject($this);\n var length = toLength(O.length);\n var index = toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length);\n var value;\n // Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare\n if (IS_INCLUDES && el != el) while (length > index) {\n value = O[index++];\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare\n if (value != value) return true;\n // Array#indexOf ignores holes, Array#includes - not\n } else for (;length > index; index++) if (IS_INCLUDES || index in O) {\n if (O[index] === el) return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0;\n } return !IS_INCLUDES && -1;\n };\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"5ca1\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar global = __webpack_require__(\"7726\");\nvar core = __webpack_require__(\"8378\");\nvar hide = __webpack_require__(\"32e9\");\nvar redefine = __webpack_require__(\"2aba\");\nvar ctx = __webpack_require__(\"9b43\");\nvar PROTOTYPE = 'prototype';\n\nvar $export = function (type, name, source) {\n var IS_FORCED = type & $export.F;\n var IS_GLOBAL = type & $export.G;\n var IS_STATIC = type & $export.S;\n var IS_PROTO = type & $export.P;\n var IS_BIND = type & $export.B;\n var target = IS_GLOBAL ? global : IS_STATIC ? global[name] || (global[name] = {}) : (global[name] || {})[PROTOTYPE];\n var exports = IS_GLOBAL ? core : core[name] || (core[name] = {});\n var expProto = exports[PROTOTYPE] || (exports[PROTOTYPE] = {});\n var key, own, out, exp;\n if (IS_GLOBAL) source = name;\n for (key in source) {\n // contains in native\n own = !IS_FORCED && target && target[key] !== undefined;\n // export native or passed\n out = (own ? target : source)[key];\n // bind timers to global for call from export context\n exp = IS_BIND && own ? ctx(out, global) : IS_PROTO && typeof out == 'function' ? ctx(Function.call, out) : out;\n // extend global\n if (target) redefine(target, key, out, type & $export.U);\n // export\n if (exports[key] != out) hide(exports, key, exp);\n if (IS_PROTO && expProto[key] != out) expProto[key] = out;\n }\n};\nglobal.core = core;\n// type bitmap\n$export.F = 1; // forced\n$export.G = 2; // global\n$export.S = 4; // static\n$export.P = 8; // proto\n$export.B = 16; // bind\n$export.W = 32; // wrap\n$export.U = 64; // safe\n$export.R = 128; // real proto method for `library`\nmodule.exports = $export;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"5d58\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nmodule.exports = __webpack_require__(\"d8d6\");\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"5dbc\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar isObject = __webpack_require__(\"d3f4\");\nvar setPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(\"8b97\").set;\nmodule.exports = function (that, target, C) {\n var S = target.constructor;\n var P;\n if (S !== C && typeof S == 'function' && (P = S.prototype) !== C.prototype && isObject(P) && setPrototypeOf) {\n setPrototypeOf(that, P);\n } return that;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"5eda\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// most Object methods by ES6 should accept primitives\nvar $export = __webpack_require__(\"5ca1\");\nvar core = __webpack_require__(\"8378\");\nvar fails = __webpack_require__(\"79e5\");\nmodule.exports = function (KEY, exec) {\n var fn = (core.Object || {})[KEY] || Object[KEY];\n var exp = {};\n exp[KEY] = exec(fn);\n $export($export.S + $export.F * fails(function () { fn(1); }), 'Object', exp);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"5f1b\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n\nvar classof = __webpack_require__(\"23c6\");\nvar builtinExec = RegExp.prototype.exec;\n\n // `RegExpExec` abstract operation\n// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-regexpexec\nmodule.exports = function (R, S) {\n var exec = R.exec;\n if (typeof exec === 'function') {\n var result = exec.call(R, S);\n if (typeof result !== 'object') {\n throw new TypeError('RegExp exec method returned something other than an Object or null');\n }\n return result;\n }\n if (classof(R) !== 'RegExp') {\n throw new TypeError('RegExp#exec called on incompatible receiver');\n }\n return builtinExec.call(R, S);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"613b\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar shared = __webpack_require__(\"5537\")('keys');\nvar uid = __webpack_require__(\"ca5a\");\nmodule.exports = function (key) {\n return shared[key] || (shared[key] = uid(key));\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"626a\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings\nvar cof = __webpack_require__(\"2d95\");\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins\nmodule.exports = Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function (it) {\n return cof(it) == 'String' ? it.split('') : Object(it);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"62a0\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nvar id = 0;\nvar px = Math.random();\nmodule.exports = function (key) {\n return 'Symbol('.concat(key === undefined ? '' : key, ')_', (++id + px).toString(36));\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"63b6\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar global = __webpack_require__(\"e53d\");\nvar core = __webpack_require__(\"584a\");\nvar ctx = __webpack_require__(\"d864\");\nvar hide = __webpack_require__(\"35e8\");\nvar has = __webpack_require__(\"07e3\");\nvar PROTOTYPE = 'prototype';\n\nvar $export = function (type, name, source) {\n var IS_FORCED = type & $export.F;\n var IS_GLOBAL = type & $export.G;\n var IS_STATIC = type & $export.S;\n var IS_PROTO = type & $export.P;\n var IS_BIND = type & $export.B;\n var IS_WRAP = type & $export.W;\n var exports = IS_GLOBAL ? core : core[name] || (core[name] = {});\n var expProto = exports[PROTOTYPE];\n var target = IS_GLOBAL ? global : IS_STATIC ? global[name] : (global[name] || {})[PROTOTYPE];\n var key, own, out;\n if (IS_GLOBAL) source = name;\n for (key in source) {\n // contains in native\n own = !IS_FORCED && target && target[key] !== undefined;\n if (own && has(exports, key)) continue;\n // export native or passed\n out = own ? target[key] : source[key];\n // prevent global pollution for namespaces\n exports[key] = IS_GLOBAL && typeof target[key] != 'function' ? source[key]\n // bind timers to global for call from export context\n : IS_BIND && own ? ctx(out, global)\n // wrap global constructors for prevent change them in library\n : IS_WRAP && target[key] == out ? (function (C) {\n var F = function (a, b, c) {\n if (this instanceof C) {\n switch (arguments.length) {\n case 0: return new C();\n case 1: return new C(a);\n case 2: return new C(a, b);\n } return new C(a, b, c);\n } return C.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n F[PROTOTYPE] = C[PROTOTYPE];\n return F;\n // make static versions for prototype methods\n })(out) : IS_PROTO && typeof out == 'function' ? ctx(Function.call, out) : out;\n // export proto methods to core.%CONSTRUCTOR%.methods.%NAME%\n if (IS_PROTO) {\n (exports.virtual || (exports.virtual = {}))[key] = out;\n // export proto methods to core.%CONSTRUCTOR%.prototype.%NAME%\n if (type & $export.R && expProto && !expProto[key]) hide(expProto, key, out);\n }\n }\n};\n// type bitmap\n$export.F = 1; // forced\n$export.G = 2; // global\n$export.S = 4; // static\n$export.P = 8; // proto\n$export.B = 16; // bind\n$export.W = 32; // wrap\n$export.U = 64; // safe\n$export.R = 128; // real proto method for `library`\nmodule.exports = $export;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"6718\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar global = __webpack_require__(\"e53d\");\nvar core = __webpack_require__(\"584a\");\nvar LIBRARY = __webpack_require__(\"b8e3\");\nvar wksExt = __webpack_require__(\"ccb9\");\nvar defineProperty = __webpack_require__(\"d9f6\").f;\nmodule.exports = function (name) {\n var $Symbol = core.Symbol || (core.Symbol = LIBRARY ? {} : global.Symbol || {});\n if (name.charAt(0) != '_' && !(name in $Symbol)) defineProperty($Symbol, name, { value: wksExt.f(name) });\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"67bb\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nmodule.exports = __webpack_require__(\"f921\");\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"6821\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// to indexed object, toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings\nvar IObject = __webpack_require__(\"626a\");\nvar defined = __webpack_require__(\"be13\");\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return IObject(defined(it));\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"69a8\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nvar hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty;\nmodule.exports = function (it, key) {\n return hasOwnProperty.call(it, key);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"69d3\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n__webpack_require__(\"6718\")('asyncIterator');\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"6a99\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// 7.1.1 ToPrimitive(input [, PreferredType])\nvar isObject = __webpack_require__(\"d3f4\");\n// instead of the ES6 spec version, we didn't implement @@toPrimitive case\n// and the second argument - flag - preferred type is a string\nmodule.exports = function (it, S) {\n if (!isObject(it)) return it;\n var fn, val;\n if (S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;\n if (typeof (fn = it.valueOf) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;\n if (!S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;\n throw TypeError(\"Can't convert object to primitive value\");\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"6abf\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// / Object.getOwnPropertyNames(O)\nvar $keys = __webpack_require__(\"e6f3\");\nvar hiddenKeys = __webpack_require__(\"1691\").concat('length', 'prototype');\n\nexports.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function getOwnPropertyNames(O) {\n return $keys(O, hiddenKeys);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"6b4c\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nvar toString = {}.toString;\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return toString.call(it).slice(8, -1);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"6b54\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n__webpack_require__(\"3846\");\nvar anObject = __webpack_require__(\"cb7c\");\nvar $flags = __webpack_require__(\"0bfb\");\nvar DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(\"9e1e\");\nvar TO_STRING = 'toString';\nvar $toString = /./[TO_STRING];\n\nvar define = function (fn) {\n __webpack_require__(\"2aba\")(RegExp.prototype, TO_STRING, fn, true);\n};\n\n// RegExp.prototype.toString()\nif (__webpack_require__(\"79e5\")(function () { return $toString.call({ source: 'a', flags: 'b' }) != '/a/b'; })) {\n define(function toString() {\n var R = anObject(this);\n return '/'.concat(R.source, '/',\n 'flags' in R ? R.flags : !DESCRIPTORS && R instanceof RegExp ? $flags.call(R) : undefined);\n });\n// FF44- RegExp#toString has a wrong name\n} else if ($toString.name != TO_STRING) {\n define(function toString() {\n return $toString.call(this);\n });\n}\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"6c1c\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n__webpack_require__(\"c367\");\nvar global = __webpack_require__(\"e53d\");\nvar hide = __webpack_require__(\"35e8\");\nvar Iterators = __webpack_require__(\"481b\");\nvar TO_STRING_TAG = __webpack_require__(\"5168\")('toStringTag');\n\nvar DOMIterables = ('CSSRuleList,CSSStyleDeclaration,CSSValueList,ClientRectList,DOMRectList,DOMStringList,' +\n 'DOMTokenList,DataTransferItemList,FileList,HTMLAllCollection,HTMLCollection,HTMLFormElement,HTMLSelectElement,' +\n 'MediaList,MimeTypeArray,NamedNodeMap,NodeList,PaintRequestList,Plugin,PluginArray,SVGLengthList,SVGNumberList,' +\n 'SVGPathSegList,SVGPointList,SVGStringList,SVGTransformList,SourceBufferList,StyleSheetList,TextTrackCueList,' +\n 'TextTrackList,TouchList').split(',');\n\nfor (var i = 0; i < DOMIterables.length; i++) {\n var NAME = DOMIterables[i];\n var Collection = global[NAME];\n var proto = Collection && Collection.prototype;\n if (proto && !proto[TO_STRING_TAG]) hide(proto, TO_STRING_TAG, NAME);\n Iterators[NAME] = Iterators.Array;\n}\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"71c1\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar toInteger = __webpack_require__(\"3a38\");\nvar defined = __webpack_require__(\"25eb\");\n// true -> String#at\n// false -> String#codePointAt\nmodule.exports = function (TO_STRING) {\n return function (that, pos) {\n var s = String(defined(that));\n var i = toInteger(pos);\n var l = s.length;\n var a, b;\n if (i < 0 || i >= l) return TO_STRING ? '' : undefined;\n a = s.charCodeAt(i);\n return a < 0xd800 || a > 0xdbff || i + 1 === l || (b = s.charCodeAt(i + 1)) < 0xdc00 || b > 0xdfff\n ? TO_STRING ? s.charAt(i) : a\n : TO_STRING ? s.slice(i, i + 2) : (a - 0xd800 << 10) + (b - 0xdc00) + 0x10000;\n };\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"7514\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n// Array.prototype.find(predicate, thisArg = undefined)\nvar $export = __webpack_require__(\"5ca1\");\nvar $find = __webpack_require__(\"0a49\")(5);\nvar KEY = 'find';\nvar forced = true;\n// Shouldn't skip holes\nif (KEY in []) Array(1)[KEY](function () { forced = false; });\n$export($export.P + $export.F * forced, 'Array', {\n find: function find(callbackfn /* , that = undefined */) {\n return $find(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined);\n }\n});\n__webpack_require__(\"9c6c\")(KEY);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"765d\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n__webpack_require__(\"6718\")('observable');\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"7726\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\n// https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/86#issuecomment-115759028\nvar global = module.exports = typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math\n ? window : typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math ? self\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func\n : Function('return this')();\nif (typeof __g == 'number') __g = global; // eslint-disable-line no-undef\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"77f1\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar toInteger = __webpack_require__(\"4588\");\nvar max = Math.max;\nvar min = Math.min;\nmodule.exports = function (index, length) {\n index = toInteger(index);\n return index < 0 ? max(index + length, 0) : min(index, length);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"794b\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nmodule.exports = !__webpack_require__(\"8e60\") && !__webpack_require__(\"294c\")(function () {\n return Object.defineProperty(__webpack_require__(\"1ec9\")('div'), 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7;\n});\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"79aa\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n if (typeof it != 'function') throw TypeError(it + ' is not a function!');\n return it;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"79e5\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = function (exec) {\n try {\n return !!exec();\n } catch (e) {\n return true;\n }\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"7a56\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar global = __webpack_require__(\"7726\");\nvar dP = __webpack_require__(\"86cc\");\nvar DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(\"9e1e\");\nvar SPECIES = __webpack_require__(\"2b4c\")('species');\n\nmodule.exports = function (KEY) {\n var C = global[KEY];\n if (DESCRIPTORS && C && !C[SPECIES]) dP.f(C, SPECIES, {\n configurable: true,\n get: function () { return this; }\n });\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"7e90\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar dP = __webpack_require__(\"d9f6\");\nvar anObject = __webpack_require__(\"e4ae\");\nvar getKeys = __webpack_require__(\"c3a1\");\n\nmodule.exports = __webpack_require__(\"8e60\") ? Object.defineProperties : function defineProperties(O, Properties) {\n anObject(O);\n var keys = getKeys(Properties);\n var length = keys.length;\n var i = 0;\n var P;\n while (length > i) dP.f(O, P = keys[i++], Properties[P]);\n return O;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"7f20\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar def = __webpack_require__(\"86cc\").f;\nvar has = __webpack_require__(\"69a8\");\nvar TAG = __webpack_require__(\"2b4c\")('toStringTag');\n\nmodule.exports = function (it, tag, stat) {\n if (it && !has(it = stat ? it : it.prototype, TAG)) def(it, TAG, { configurable: true, value: tag });\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"7f7f\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar dP = __webpack_require__(\"86cc\").f;\nvar FProto = Function.prototype;\nvar nameRE = /^\\s*function ([^ (]*)/;\nvar NAME = 'name';\n\n// name\nNAME in FProto || __webpack_require__(\"9e1e\") && dP(FProto, NAME, {\n configurable: true,\n get: function () {\n try {\n return ('' + this).match(nameRE)[1];\n } catch (e) {\n return '';\n }\n }\n});\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"8378\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nvar core = module.exports = { version: '2.6.9' };\nif (typeof __e == 'number') __e = core; // eslint-disable-line no-undef\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"8436\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = function () { /* empty */ };\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"84f2\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = {};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"86cc\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar anObject = __webpack_require__(\"cb7c\");\nvar IE8_DOM_DEFINE = __webpack_require__(\"c69a\");\nvar toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(\"6a99\");\nvar dP = Object.defineProperty;\n\nexports.f = __webpack_require__(\"9e1e\") ? Object.defineProperty : function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) {\n anObject(O);\n P = toPrimitive(P, true);\n anObject(Attributes);\n if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try {\n return dP(O, P, Attributes);\n } catch (e) { /* empty */ }\n if ('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes) throw TypeError('Accessors not supported!');\n if ('value' in Attributes) O[P] = Attributes.value;\n return O;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"8b97\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// Works with __proto__ only. Old v8 can't work with null proto objects.\n/* eslint-disable no-proto */\nvar isObject = __webpack_require__(\"d3f4\");\nvar anObject = __webpack_require__(\"cb7c\");\nvar check = function (O, proto) {\n anObject(O);\n if (!isObject(proto) && proto !== null) throw TypeError(proto + \": can't set as prototype!\");\n};\nmodule.exports = {\n set: Object.setPrototypeOf || ('__proto__' in {} ? // eslint-disable-line\n function (test, buggy, set) {\n try {\n set = __webpack_require__(\"9b43\")(Function.call, __webpack_require__(\"11e9\").f(Object.prototype, '__proto__').set, 2);\n set(test, []);\n buggy = !(test instanceof Array);\n } catch (e) { buggy = true; }\n return function setPrototypeOf(O, proto) {\n check(O, proto);\n if (buggy) O.__proto__ = proto;\n else set(O, proto);\n return O;\n };\n }({}, false) : undefined),\n check: check\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"8e60\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty\nmodule.exports = !__webpack_require__(\"294c\")(function () {\n return Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7;\n});\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"8f60\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar create = __webpack_require__(\"a159\");\nvar descriptor = __webpack_require__(\"aebd\");\nvar setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(\"45f2\");\nvar IteratorPrototype = {};\n\n// %IteratorPrototype%[@@iterator]()\n__webpack_require__(\"35e8\")(IteratorPrototype, __webpack_require__(\"5168\")('iterator'), function () { return this; });\n\nmodule.exports = function (Constructor, NAME, next) {\n Constructor.prototype = create(IteratorPrototype, { next: descriptor(1, next) });\n setToStringTag(Constructor, NAME + ' Iterator');\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"9003\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// 7.2.2 IsArray(argument)\nvar cof = __webpack_require__(\"6b4c\");\nmodule.exports = Array.isArray || function isArray(arg) {\n return cof(arg) == 'Array';\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"9093\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// / Object.getOwnPropertyNames(O)\nvar $keys = __webpack_require__(\"ce10\");\nvar hiddenKeys = __webpack_require__(\"e11e\").concat('length', 'prototype');\n\nexports.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function getOwnPropertyNames(O) {\n return $keys(O, hiddenKeys);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"9138\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nmodule.exports = __webpack_require__(\"35e8\");\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"9910\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"9aa9\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nexports.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"9b43\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// optional / simple context binding\nvar aFunction = __webpack_require__(\"d8e8\");\nmodule.exports = function (fn, that, length) {\n aFunction(fn);\n if (that === undefined) return fn;\n switch (length) {\n case 1: return function (a) {\n return fn.call(that, a);\n };\n case 2: return function (a, b) {\n return fn.call(that, a, b);\n };\n case 3: return function (a, b, c) {\n return fn.call(that, a, b, c);\n };\n }\n return function (/* ...args */) {\n return fn.apply(that, arguments);\n };\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"9c6c\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// Array.prototype[@@unscopables]\nvar UNSCOPABLES = __webpack_require__(\"2b4c\")('unscopables');\nvar ArrayProto = Array.prototype;\nif (ArrayProto[UNSCOPABLES] == undefined) __webpack_require__(\"32e9\")(ArrayProto, UNSCOPABLES, {});\nmodule.exports = function (key) {\n ArrayProto[UNSCOPABLES][key] = true;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"9def\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// 7.1.15 ToLength\nvar toInteger = __webpack_require__(\"4588\");\nvar min = Math.min;\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return it > 0 ? min(toInteger(it), 0x1fffffffffffff) : 0; // pow(2, 53) - 1 == 9007199254740991\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"9e1e\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty\nmodule.exports = !__webpack_require__(\"79e5\")(function () {\n return Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7;\n});\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"a159\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// / Object.create(O [, Properties])\nvar anObject = __webpack_require__(\"e4ae\");\nvar dPs = __webpack_require__(\"7e90\");\nvar enumBugKeys = __webpack_require__(\"1691\");\nvar IE_PROTO = __webpack_require__(\"5559\")('IE_PROTO');\nvar Empty = function () { /* empty */ };\nvar PROTOTYPE = 'prototype';\n\n// Create object with fake `null` prototype: use iframe Object with cleared prototype\nvar createDict = function () {\n // Thrash, waste and sodomy: IE GC bug\n var iframe = __webpack_require__(\"1ec9\")('iframe');\n var i = enumBugKeys.length;\n var lt = '<';\n var gt = '>';\n var iframeDocument;\n iframe.style.display = 'none';\n __webpack_require__(\"32fc\").appendChild(iframe);\n iframe.src = 'javascript:'; // eslint-disable-line no-script-url\n // createDict = iframe.contentWindow.Object;\n // html.removeChild(iframe);\n iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document;\n iframeDocument.open();\n iframeDocument.write(lt + 'script' + gt + 'document.F=Object' + lt + '/script' + gt);\n iframeDocument.close();\n createDict = iframeDocument.F;\n while (i--) delete createDict[PROTOTYPE][enumBugKeys[i]];\n return createDict();\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Object.create || function create(O, Properties) {\n var result;\n if (O !== null) {\n Empty[PROTOTYPE] = anObject(O);\n result = new Empty();\n Empty[PROTOTYPE] = null;\n // add \"__proto__\" for Object.getPrototypeOf polyfill\n result[IE_PROTO] = O;\n } else result = createDict();\n return Properties === undefined ? result : dPs(result, Properties);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"a481\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n\nvar anObject = __webpack_require__(\"cb7c\");\nvar toObject = __webpack_require__(\"4bf8\");\nvar toLength = __webpack_require__(\"9def\");\nvar toInteger = __webpack_require__(\"4588\");\nvar advanceStringIndex = __webpack_require__(\"0390\");\nvar regExpExec = __webpack_require__(\"5f1b\");\nvar max = Math.max;\nvar min = Math.min;\nvar floor = Math.floor;\nvar SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS = /\\$([$&`']|\\d\\d?|<[^>]*>)/g;\nvar SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS_NO_NAMED = /\\$([$&`']|\\d\\d?)/g;\n\nvar maybeToString = function (it) {\n return it === undefined ? it : String(it);\n};\n\n// @@replace logic\n__webpack_require__(\"214f\")('replace', 2, function (defined, REPLACE, $replace, maybeCallNative) {\n return [\n // `String.prototype.replace` method\n // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype.replace\n function replace(searchValue, replaceValue) {\n var O = defined(this);\n var fn = searchValue == undefined ? undefined : searchValue[REPLACE];\n return fn !== undefined\n ? fn.call(searchValue, O, replaceValue)\n : $replace.call(String(O), searchValue, replaceValue);\n },\n // `RegExp.prototype[@@replace]` method\n // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-regexp.prototype-@@replace\n function (regexp, replaceValue) {\n var res = maybeCallNative($replace, regexp, this, replaceValue);\n if (res.done) return res.value;\n\n var rx = anObject(regexp);\n var S = String(this);\n var functionalReplace = typeof replaceValue === 'function';\n if (!functionalReplace) replaceValue = String(replaceValue);\n var global = rx.global;\n if (global) {\n var fullUnicode = rx.unicode;\n rx.lastIndex = 0;\n }\n var results = [];\n while (true) {\n var result = regExpExec(rx, S);\n if (result === null) break;\n results.push(result);\n if (!global) break;\n var matchStr = String(result[0]);\n if (matchStr === '') rx.lastIndex = advanceStringIndex(S, toLength(rx.lastIndex), fullUnicode);\n }\n var accumulatedResult = '';\n var nextSourcePosition = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {\n result = results[i];\n var matched = String(result[0]);\n var position = max(min(toInteger(result.index), S.length), 0);\n var captures = [];\n // NOTE: This is equivalent to\n // captures = result.slice(1).map(maybeToString)\n // but for some reason `nativeSlice.call(result, 1, result.length)` (called in\n // the slice polyfill when slicing native arrays) \"doesn't work\" in safari 9 and\n // causes a crash (https://pastebin.com/N21QzeQA) when trying to debug it.\n for (var j = 1; j < result.length; j++) captures.push(maybeToString(result[j]));\n var namedCaptures = result.groups;\n if (functionalReplace) {\n var replacerArgs = [matched].concat(captures, position, S);\n if (namedCaptures !== undefined) replacerArgs.push(namedCaptures);\n var replacement = String(replaceValue.apply(undefined, replacerArgs));\n } else {\n replacement = getSubstitution(matched, S, position, captures, namedCaptures, replaceValue);\n }\n if (position >= nextSourcePosition) {\n accumulatedResult += S.slice(nextSourcePosition, position) + replacement;\n nextSourcePosition = position + matched.length;\n }\n }\n return accumulatedResult + S.slice(nextSourcePosition);\n }\n ];\n\n // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-getsubstitution\n function getSubstitution(matched, str, position, captures, namedCaptures, replacement) {\n var tailPos = position + matched.length;\n var m = captures.length;\n var symbols = SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS_NO_NAMED;\n if (namedCaptures !== undefined) {\n namedCaptures = toObject(namedCaptures);\n symbols = SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS;\n }\n return $replace.call(replacement, symbols, function (match, ch) {\n var capture;\n switch (ch.charAt(0)) {\n case '$': return '$';\n case '&': return matched;\n case '`': return str.slice(0, position);\n case \"'\": return str.slice(tailPos);\n case '<':\n capture = namedCaptures[ch.slice(1, -1)];\n break;\n default: // \\d\\d?\n var n = +ch;\n if (n === 0) return match;\n if (n > m) {\n var f = floor(n / 10);\n if (f === 0) return match;\n if (f <= m) return captures[f - 1] === undefined ? ch.charAt(1) : captures[f - 1] + ch.charAt(1);\n return match;\n }\n capture = captures[n - 1];\n }\n return capture === undefined ? '' : capture;\n });\n }\n});\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"aa77\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar $export = __webpack_require__(\"5ca1\");\nvar defined = __webpack_require__(\"be13\");\nvar fails = __webpack_require__(\"79e5\");\nvar spaces = __webpack_require__(\"fdef\");\nvar space = '[' + spaces + ']';\nvar non = '\\u200b\\u0085';\nvar ltrim = RegExp('^' + space + space + '*');\nvar rtrim = RegExp(space + space + '*$');\n\nvar exporter = function (KEY, exec, ALIAS) {\n var exp = {};\n var FORCE = fails(function () {\n return !!spaces[KEY]() || non[KEY]() != non;\n });\n var fn = exp[KEY] = FORCE ? exec(trim) : spaces[KEY];\n if (ALIAS) exp[ALIAS] = fn;\n $export($export.P + $export.F * FORCE, 'String', exp);\n};\n\n// 1 -> String#trimLeft\n// 2 -> String#trimRight\n// 3 -> String#trim\nvar trim = exporter.trim = function (string, TYPE) {\n string = String(defined(string));\n if (TYPE & 1) string = string.replace(ltrim, '');\n if (TYPE & 2) string = string.replace(rtrim, '');\n return string;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = exporter;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"aae3\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// 7.2.8 IsRegExp(argument)\nvar isObject = __webpack_require__(\"d3f4\");\nvar cof = __webpack_require__(\"2d95\");\nvar MATCH = __webpack_require__(\"2b4c\")('match');\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n var isRegExp;\n return isObject(it) && ((isRegExp = it[MATCH]) !== undefined ? !!isRegExp : cof(it) == 'RegExp');\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"ac6a\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar $iterators = __webpack_require__(\"cadf\");\nvar getKeys = __webpack_require__(\"0d58\");\nvar redefine = __webpack_require__(\"2aba\");\nvar global = __webpack_require__(\"7726\");\nvar hide = __webpack_require__(\"32e9\");\nvar Iterators = __webpack_require__(\"84f2\");\nvar wks = __webpack_require__(\"2b4c\");\nvar ITERATOR = wks('iterator');\nvar TO_STRING_TAG = wks('toStringTag');\nvar ArrayValues = Iterators.Array;\n\nvar DOMIterables = {\n CSSRuleList: true, // TODO: Not spec compliant, should be false.\n CSSStyleDeclaration: false,\n CSSValueList: false,\n ClientRectList: false,\n DOMRectList: false,\n DOMStringList: false,\n DOMTokenList: true,\n DataTransferItemList: false,\n FileList: false,\n HTMLAllCollection: false,\n HTMLCollection: false,\n HTMLFormElement: false,\n HTMLSelectElement: false,\n MediaList: true, // TODO: Not spec compliant, should be false.\n MimeTypeArray: false,\n NamedNodeMap: false,\n NodeList: true,\n PaintRequestList: false,\n Plugin: false,\n PluginArray: false,\n SVGLengthList: false,\n SVGNumberList: false,\n SVGPathSegList: false,\n SVGPointList: false,\n SVGStringList: false,\n SVGTransformList: false,\n SourceBufferList: false,\n StyleSheetList: true, // TODO: Not spec compliant, should be false.\n TextTrackCueList: false,\n TextTrackList: false,\n TouchList: false\n};\n\nfor (var collections = getKeys(DOMIterables), i = 0; i < collections.length; i++) {\n var NAME = collections[i];\n var explicit = DOMIterables[NAME];\n var Collection = global[NAME];\n var proto = Collection && Collection.prototype;\n var key;\n if (proto) {\n if (!proto[ITERATOR]) hide(proto, ITERATOR, ArrayValues);\n if (!proto[TO_STRING_TAG]) hide(proto, TO_STRING_TAG, NAME);\n Iterators[NAME] = ArrayValues;\n if (explicit) for (key in $iterators) if (!proto[key]) redefine(proto, key, $iterators[key], true);\n }\n}\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"aebd\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = function (bitmap, value) {\n return {\n enumerable: !(bitmap & 1),\n configurable: !(bitmap & 2),\n writable: !(bitmap & 4),\n value: value\n };\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"b0c5\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar regexpExec = __webpack_require__(\"520a\");\n__webpack_require__(\"5ca1\")({\n target: 'RegExp',\n proto: true,\n forced: regexpExec !== /./.exec\n}, {\n exec: regexpExec\n});\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"b447\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// 7.1.15 ToLength\nvar toInteger = __webpack_require__(\"3a38\");\nvar min = Math.min;\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return it > 0 ? min(toInteger(it), 0x1fffffffffffff) : 0; // pow(2, 53) - 1 == 9007199254740991\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"b8e3\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = true;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"be13\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\n// 7.2.1 RequireObjectCoercible(argument)\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n if (it == undefined) throw TypeError(\"Can't call method on \" + it);\n return it;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"bf0b\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar pIE = __webpack_require__(\"355d\");\nvar createDesc = __webpack_require__(\"aebd\");\nvar toIObject = __webpack_require__(\"36c3\");\nvar toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(\"1bc3\");\nvar has = __webpack_require__(\"07e3\");\nvar IE8_DOM_DEFINE = __webpack_require__(\"794b\");\nvar gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\n\nexports.f = __webpack_require__(\"8e60\") ? gOPD : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) {\n O = toIObject(O);\n P = toPrimitive(P, true);\n if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try {\n return gOPD(O, P);\n } catch (e) { /* empty */ }\n if (has(O, P)) return createDesc(!pIE.f.call(O, P), O[P]);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"c207\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"c366\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// false -> Array#indexOf\n// true -> Array#includes\nvar toIObject = __webpack_require__(\"6821\");\nvar toLength = __webpack_require__(\"9def\");\nvar toAbsoluteIndex = __webpack_require__(\"77f1\");\nmodule.exports = function (IS_INCLUDES) {\n return function ($this, el, fromIndex) {\n var O = toIObject($this);\n var length = toLength(O.length);\n var index = toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length);\n var value;\n // Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare\n if (IS_INCLUDES && el != el) while (length > index) {\n value = O[index++];\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare\n if (value != value) return true;\n // Array#indexOf ignores holes, Array#includes - not\n } else for (;length > index; index++) if (IS_INCLUDES || index in O) {\n if (O[index] === el) return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0;\n } return !IS_INCLUDES && -1;\n };\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"c367\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar addToUnscopables = __webpack_require__(\"8436\");\nvar step = __webpack_require__(\"50ed\");\nvar Iterators = __webpack_require__(\"481b\");\nvar toIObject = __webpack_require__(\"36c3\");\n\n// Array.prototype.entries()\n// Array.prototype.keys()\n// Array.prototype.values()\n// Array.prototype[@@iterator]()\nmodule.exports = __webpack_require__(\"30f1\")(Array, 'Array', function (iterated, kind) {\n this._t = toIObject(iterated); // target\n this._i = 0; // next index\n this._k = kind; // kind\n// %ArrayIteratorPrototype%.next()\n}, function () {\n var O = this._t;\n var kind = this._k;\n var index = this._i++;\n if (!O || index >= O.length) {\n this._t = undefined;\n return step(1);\n }\n if (kind == 'keys') return step(0, index);\n if (kind == 'values') return step(0, O[index]);\n return step(0, [index, O[index]]);\n}, 'values');\n\n// argumentsList[@@iterator] is %ArrayProto_values% (,\nIterators.Arguments = Iterators.Array;\n\naddToUnscopables('keys');\naddToUnscopables('values');\naddToUnscopables('entries');\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"c3a1\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// / Object.keys(O)\nvar $keys = __webpack_require__(\"e6f3\");\nvar enumBugKeys = __webpack_require__(\"1691\");\n\nmodule.exports = Object.keys || function keys(O) {\n return $keys(O, enumBugKeys);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"c5f6\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar global = __webpack_require__(\"7726\");\nvar has = __webpack_require__(\"69a8\");\nvar cof = __webpack_require__(\"2d95\");\nvar inheritIfRequired = __webpack_require__(\"5dbc\");\nvar toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(\"6a99\");\nvar fails = __webpack_require__(\"79e5\");\nvar gOPN = __webpack_require__(\"9093\").f;\nvar gOPD = __webpack_require__(\"11e9\").f;\nvar dP = __webpack_require__(\"86cc\").f;\nvar $trim = __webpack_require__(\"aa77\").trim;\nvar NUMBER = 'Number';\nvar $Number = global[NUMBER];\nvar Base = $Number;\nvar proto = $Number.prototype;\n// Opera ~12 has broken Object#toString\nvar BROKEN_COF = cof(__webpack_require__(\"2aeb\")(proto)) == NUMBER;\nvar TRIM = 'trim' in String.prototype;\n\n// 7.1.3 ToNumber(argument)\nvar toNumber = function (argument) {\n var it = toPrimitive(argument, false);\n if (typeof it == 'string' && it.length > 2) {\n it = TRIM ? it.trim() : $trim(it, 3);\n var first = it.charCodeAt(0);\n var third, radix, maxCode;\n if (first === 43 || first === 45) {\n third = it.charCodeAt(2);\n if (third === 88 || third === 120) return NaN; // Number('+0x1') should be NaN, old V8 fix\n } else if (first === 48) {\n switch (it.charCodeAt(1)) {\n case 66: case 98: radix = 2; maxCode = 49; break; // fast equal /^0b[01]+$/i\n case 79: case 111: radix = 8; maxCode = 55; break; // fast equal /^0o[0-7]+$/i\n default: return +it;\n }\n for (var digits = it.slice(2), i = 0, l = digits.length, code; i < l; i++) {\n code = digits.charCodeAt(i);\n // parseInt parses a string to a first unavailable symbol\n // but ToNumber should return NaN if a string contains unavailable symbols\n if (code < 48 || code > maxCode) return NaN;\n } return parseInt(digits, radix);\n }\n } return +it;\n};\n\nif (!$Number(' 0o1') || !$Number('0b1') || $Number('+0x1')) {\n $Number = function Number(value) {\n var it = arguments.length < 1 ? 0 : value;\n var that = this;\n return that instanceof $Number\n // check on 1..constructor(foo) case\n && (BROKEN_COF ? fails(function () { proto.valueOf.call(that); }) : cof(that) != NUMBER)\n ? inheritIfRequired(new Base(toNumber(it)), that, $Number) : toNumber(it);\n };\n for (var keys = __webpack_require__(\"9e1e\") ? gOPN(Base) : (\n // ES3:\n 'MAX_VALUE,MIN_VALUE,NaN,NEGATIVE_INFINITY,POSITIVE_INFINITY,' +\n // ES6 (in case, if modules with ES6 Number statics required before):\n 'EPSILON,isFinite,isInteger,isNaN,isSafeInteger,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,' +\n 'MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,parseFloat,parseInt,isInteger'\n ).split(','), j = 0, key; keys.length > j; j++) {\n if (has(Base, key = keys[j]) && !has($Number, key)) {\n dP($Number, key, gOPD(Base, key));\n }\n }\n $Number.prototype = proto;\n proto.constructor = $Number;\n __webpack_require__(\"2aba\")(global, NUMBER, $Number);\n}\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"c69a\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nmodule.exports = !__webpack_require__(\"9e1e\") && !__webpack_require__(\"79e5\")(function () {\n return Object.defineProperty(__webpack_require__(\"230e\")('div'), 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7;\n});\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"ca5a\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nvar id = 0;\nvar px = Math.random();\nmodule.exports = function (key) {\n return 'Symbol('.concat(key === undefined ? '' : key, ')_', (++id + px).toString(36));\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"cadf\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar addToUnscopables = __webpack_require__(\"9c6c\");\nvar step = __webpack_require__(\"d53b\");\nvar Iterators = __webpack_require__(\"84f2\");\nvar toIObject = __webpack_require__(\"6821\");\n\n// Array.prototype.entries()\n// Array.prototype.keys()\n// Array.prototype.values()\n// Array.prototype[@@iterator]()\nmodule.exports = __webpack_require__(\"01f9\")(Array, 'Array', function (iterated, kind) {\n this._t = toIObject(iterated); // target\n this._i = 0; // next index\n this._k = kind; // kind\n// %ArrayIteratorPrototype%.next()\n}, function () {\n var O = this._t;\n var kind = this._k;\n var index = this._i++;\n if (!O || index >= O.length) {\n this._t = undefined;\n return step(1);\n }\n if (kind == 'keys') return step(0, index);\n if (kind == 'values') return step(0, O[index]);\n return step(0, [index, O[index]]);\n}, 'values');\n\n// argumentsList[@@iterator] is %ArrayProto_values% (,\nIterators.Arguments = Iterators.Array;\n\naddToUnscopables('keys');\naddToUnscopables('values');\naddToUnscopables('entries');\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"cb7c\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar isObject = __webpack_require__(\"d3f4\");\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n if (!isObject(it)) throw TypeError(it + ' is not an object!');\n return it;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"ccb9\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nexports.f = __webpack_require__(\"5168\");\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"cd1c\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// ArraySpeciesCreate(originalArray, length)\nvar speciesConstructor = __webpack_require__(\"e853\");\n\nmodule.exports = function (original, length) {\n return new (speciesConstructor(original))(length);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"ce10\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar has = __webpack_require__(\"69a8\");\nvar toIObject = __webpack_require__(\"6821\");\nvar arrayIndexOf = __webpack_require__(\"c366\")(false);\nvar IE_PROTO = __webpack_require__(\"613b\")('IE_PROTO');\n\nmodule.exports = function (object, names) {\n var O = toIObject(object);\n var i = 0;\n var result = [];\n var key;\n for (key in O) if (key != IE_PROTO) has(O, key) && result.push(key);\n // Don't enum bug & hidden keys\n while (names.length > i) if (has(O, key = names[i++])) {\n ~arrayIndexOf(result, key) || result.push(key);\n }\n return result;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"d3f4\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return typeof it === 'object' ? it !== null : typeof it === 'function';\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"d53b\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = function (done, value) {\n return { value: value, done: !!done };\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"d864\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// optional / simple context binding\nvar aFunction = __webpack_require__(\"79aa\");\nmodule.exports = function (fn, that, length) {\n aFunction(fn);\n if (that === undefined) return fn;\n switch (length) {\n case 1: return function (a) {\n return fn.call(that, a);\n };\n case 2: return function (a, b) {\n return fn.call(that, a, b);\n };\n case 3: return function (a, b, c) {\n return fn.call(that, a, b, c);\n };\n }\n return function (/* ...args */) {\n return fn.apply(that, arguments);\n };\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"d8d6\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n__webpack_require__(\"1654\");\n__webpack_require__(\"6c1c\");\nmodule.exports = __webpack_require__(\"ccb9\").f('iterator');\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"d8e8\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n if (typeof it != 'function') throw TypeError(it + ' is not a function!');\n return it;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"d9f6\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar anObject = __webpack_require__(\"e4ae\");\nvar IE8_DOM_DEFINE = __webpack_require__(\"794b\");\nvar toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(\"1bc3\");\nvar dP = Object.defineProperty;\n\nexports.f = __webpack_require__(\"8e60\") ? Object.defineProperty : function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) {\n anObject(O);\n P = toPrimitive(P, true);\n anObject(Attributes);\n if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try {\n return dP(O, P, Attributes);\n } catch (e) { /* empty */ }\n if ('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes) throw TypeError('Accessors not supported!');\n if ('value' in Attributes) O[P] = Attributes.value;\n return O;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"dbdb\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar core = __webpack_require__(\"584a\");\nvar global = __webpack_require__(\"e53d\");\nvar SHARED = '__core-js_shared__';\nvar store = global[SHARED] || (global[SHARED] = {});\n\n(module.exports = function (key, value) {\n return store[key] || (store[key] = value !== undefined ? value : {});\n})('versions', []).push({\n version: core.version,\n mode: __webpack_require__(\"b8e3\") ? 'pure' : 'global',\n copyright: '© 2019 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)'\n});\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"e11e\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\n// IE 8- don't enum bug keys\nmodule.exports = (\n 'constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf'\n).split(',');\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"e4ae\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar isObject = __webpack_require__(\"f772\");\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n if (!isObject(it)) throw TypeError(it + ' is not an object!');\n return it;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"e53d\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\n// https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/86#issuecomment-115759028\nvar global = module.exports = typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math\n ? window : typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math ? self\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func\n : Function('return this')();\nif (typeof __g == 'number') __g = global; // eslint-disable-line no-undef\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"e6f3\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar has = __webpack_require__(\"07e3\");\nvar toIObject = __webpack_require__(\"36c3\");\nvar arrayIndexOf = __webpack_require__(\"5b4e\")(false);\nvar IE_PROTO = __webpack_require__(\"5559\")('IE_PROTO');\n\nmodule.exports = function (object, names) {\n var O = toIObject(object);\n var i = 0;\n var result = [];\n var key;\n for (key in O) if (key != IE_PROTO) has(O, key) && result.push(key);\n // Don't enum bug & hidden keys\n while (names.length > i) if (has(O, key = names[i++])) {\n ~arrayIndexOf(result, key) || result.push(key);\n }\n return result;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"e853\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar isObject = __webpack_require__(\"d3f4\");\nvar isArray = __webpack_require__(\"1169\");\nvar SPECIES = __webpack_require__(\"2b4c\")('species');\n\nmodule.exports = function (original) {\n var C;\n if (isArray(original)) {\n C = original.constructor;\n // cross-realm fallback\n if (typeof C == 'function' && (C === Array || isArray(C.prototype))) C = undefined;\n if (isObject(C)) {\n C = C[SPECIES];\n if (C === null) C = undefined;\n }\n } return C === undefined ? Array : C;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"ebfd\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar META = __webpack_require__(\"62a0\")('meta');\nvar isObject = __webpack_require__(\"f772\");\nvar has = __webpack_require__(\"07e3\");\nvar setDesc = __webpack_require__(\"d9f6\").f;\nvar id = 0;\nvar isExtensible = Object.isExtensible || function () {\n return true;\n};\nvar FREEZE = !__webpack_require__(\"294c\")(function () {\n return isExtensible(Object.preventExtensions({}));\n});\nvar setMeta = function (it) {\n setDesc(it, META, { value: {\n i: 'O' + ++id, // object ID\n w: {} // weak collections IDs\n } });\n};\nvar fastKey = function (it, create) {\n // return primitive with prefix\n if (!isObject(it)) return typeof it == 'symbol' ? it : (typeof it == 'string' ? 'S' : 'P') + it;\n if (!has(it, META)) {\n // can't set metadata to uncaught frozen object\n if (!isExtensible(it)) return 'F';\n // not necessary to add metadata\n if (!create) return 'E';\n // add missing metadata\n setMeta(it);\n // return object ID\n } return it[META].i;\n};\nvar getWeak = function (it, create) {\n if (!has(it, META)) {\n // can't set metadata to uncaught frozen object\n if (!isExtensible(it)) return true;\n // not necessary to add metadata\n if (!create) return false;\n // add missing metadata\n setMeta(it);\n // return hash weak collections IDs\n } return it[META].w;\n};\n// add metadata on freeze-family methods calling\nvar onFreeze = function (it) {\n if (FREEZE && meta.NEED && isExtensible(it) && !has(it, META)) setMeta(it);\n return it;\n};\nvar meta = module.exports = {\n KEY: META,\n NEED: false,\n fastKey: fastKey,\n getWeak: getWeak,\n onFreeze: onFreeze\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"f6fd\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\n// document.currentScript polyfill by Adam Miller\n\n// MIT license\n\n(function(document){\n var currentScript = \"currentScript\",\n scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); // Live NodeList collection\n\n // If browser needs currentScript polyfill, add get currentScript() to the document object\n if (!(currentScript in document)) {\n Object.defineProperty(document, currentScript, {\n get: function(){\n\n // IE 6-10 supports script readyState\n // IE 10+ support stack trace\n try { throw new Error(); }\n catch (err) {\n\n // Find the second match for the \"at\" string to get file src url from stack.\n // Specifically works with the format of stack traces in IE.\n var i, res = ((/.*at [^\\(]*\\((.*):.+:.+\\)$/ig).exec(err.stack) || [false])[1];\n\n // For all scripts on the page, if src matches or if ready state is interactive, return the script tag\n for(i in scripts){\n if(scripts[i].src == res || scripts[i].readyState == \"interactive\"){\n return scripts[i];\n }\n }\n\n // If no match, return null\n return null;\n }\n }\n });\n }\n})(document);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"f772\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return typeof it === 'object' ? it !== null : typeof it === 'function';\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"f921\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n__webpack_require__(\"014b\");\n__webpack_require__(\"c207\");\n__webpack_require__(\"69d3\");\n__webpack_require__(\"765d\");\nmodule.exports = __webpack_require__(\"584a\").Symbol;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"fa5b\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nmodule.exports = __webpack_require__(\"5537\")('native-function-to-string', Function.toString);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"fab2\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar document = __webpack_require__(\"7726\").document;\nmodule.exports = document && document.documentElement;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"fae3\":\n/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@vue/cli-service/lib/commands/build/setPublicPath.js\n// This file is imported into lib/wc client bundles.\n\nif (typeof window !== 'undefined') {\n if (true) {\n __webpack_require__(\"f6fd\")\n }\n\n var i\n if ((i = window.document.currentScript) && (i = i.src.match(/(.+\\/)[^/]+\\.js(\\?.*)?$/))) {\n __webpack_require__.p = i[1] // eslint-disable-line\n }\n}\n\n// Indicate to webpack that this file can be concatenated\n/* harmony default export */ var setPublicPath = (null);\n\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/assets/lib/lib.scss\nvar lib = __webpack_require__(\"9910\");\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js?{\"cacheDirectory\":\"node_modules/.cache/vue-loader\",\"cacheIdentifier\":\"1cd3f134-vue-loader-template\"}!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/templateLoader.js??vue-loader-options!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/lib/BasicSelect.vue?vue&type=template&id=b48f2398&\nvar BasicSelectvue_type_template_id_b48f2398_render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('div',{staticClass:\"ui fluid search selection dropdown\",class:{ 'active visible':_vm.showMenu, 'error': _vm.isError, 'disabled': _vm.isDisabled },on:{\"click\":_vm.openOptions,\"focus\":_vm.openOptions}},[_c('i',{staticClass:\"dropdown icon\"}),_c('input',{ref:\"input\",staticClass:\"search\",attrs:{\"autocomplete\":\"off\",\"tabindex\":_vm.isDisabled ? -1 : 0,\"id\":_vm.id,\"name\":_vm.name},domProps:{\"value\":_vm.searchText},on:{\"input\":function($event){_vm.searchText = $event.target.value},\"focus\":function($event){$event.preventDefault();return _vm.openOptions($event)},\"keyup\":[function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"esc\",27,$event.key,[\"Esc\",\"Escape\"])){ return null; }return _vm.closeOptions($event)},function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"enter\",13,$event.key,\"Enter\")){ return null; }$event.preventDefault();return _vm.enterItem($event)}],\"blur\":_vm.blurInput,\"keydown\":[function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"up\",38,$event.key,[\"Up\",\"ArrowUp\"])){ return null; }return _vm.prevItem($event)},function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"down\",40,$event.key,[\"Down\",\"ArrowDown\"])){ return null; }return _vm.nextItem($event)},function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"enter\",13,$event.key,\"Enter\")){ return null; }$event.preventDefault();},function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"delete\",[8,46],$event.key,[\"Backspace\",\"Delete\",\"Del\"])){ return null; }return _vm.deleteTextOrItem($event)}]}}),_c('div',{staticClass:\"text\",class:_vm.textClass,attrs:{\"data-vss-custom-attr\":_vm.searchTextCustomAttr}},[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.inputText)+\"\\n \")]),_c('div',{ref:\"menu\",staticClass:\"menu\",class:_vm.menuClass,style:(_vm.menuStyle),attrs:{\"tabindex\":\"-1\"},on:{\"mousedown\":function($event){$event.preventDefault();}}},_vm._l((_vm.filteredOptions),function(option,idx){return _c('div',{key:idx,staticClass:\"item\",class:{ 'selected': option.selected || _vm.pointer === idx },attrs:{\"data-vss-custom-attr\":_vm.customAttrs[idx] ? _vm.customAttrs[idx] : ''},on:{\"click\":function($event){$event.stopPropagation();return _vm.selectItem(option)},\"mousedown\":_vm.mousedownItem,\"mouseenter\":function($event){return _vm.pointerSet(idx)}}},[_vm._v(\"\\n \"+_vm._s(option.text)+\"\\n \")])}),0)])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/BasicSelect.vue?vue&type=template&id=b48f2398&\n\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/core-js/modules/es6.array.find-index.js\nvar es6_array_find_index = __webpack_require__(\"20d6\");\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/common.js\n/* harmony default export */ var common = ({\n // cursor on input\n openOptions: function openOptions(self) {\n self.$refs.input.focus();\n self.showMenu = true;\n self.mousedownState = false;\n },\n blurInput: function blurInput(self) {\n if (!self.mousedownState) {\n self.searchText = '';\n self.closeOptions();\n }\n\n self.$emit('blur');\n },\n closeOptions: function closeOptions(self) {\n self.showMenu = false;\n },\n\n /**\n * up arrow key\n * 上の移動するときには新しいscroll位置を毎回セットする\n * Always scroll move, when \"up arrow key\" entered\n */\n prevItem: function prevItem(self) {\n // set pointer\n var prevIndex = self.pointer - 1;\n var prevIndexScrollTop = self.$el.offsetHeight * prevIndex;\n\n if (prevIndex >= 0) {\n self.pointer = prevIndex;\n } // move scroll\n\n\n self.$refs.menu.scrollTop = prevIndexScrollTop;\n },\n\n /**\n *\n * down arrow key\n * ページsizeを計算してずれたらmove\n * calculate page size. If different between itemPage and currentPage move scroll\n */\n nextItem: function nextItem(self) {\n // set pointer\n var nextIndex = self.pointer + 1;\n var nextIndexScrollTop = self.$el.offsetHeight * nextIndex;\n\n if (nextIndex <= self.filteredOptions.length - 1) {\n self.pointer = nextIndex;\n } // move scroll\n // const totalHeight = self.filteredOptions.length * self.$el.offsetHeight\n // const totalPage = Math.ceil(totalHeight / pageSizeHeight)\n\n\n var currentMenuHeight = self.$refs.menu.offsetHeight;\n var currentPage = Math.ceil((self.$refs.menu.scrollTop + self.$el.offsetHeight) / currentMenuHeight);\n var itemPage = Math.ceil(nextIndexScrollTop / currentMenuHeight);\n\n if (currentPage !== itemPage) {\n self.$refs.menu.scrollTop = (itemPage - 1) * self.$refs.menu.offsetHeight;\n }\n },\n // down enter key\n enterItem: function enterItem(self) {\n var currentItem = self.filteredOptions[self.pointer];\n\n if (currentItem) {\n self.selectItem(currentItem);\n }\n },\n // mouse enter event on item\n pointerSet: function pointerSet(self, index) {\n self.pointer = index;\n },\n pointerAdjust: function pointerAdjust(self) {\n if (self.pointer >= self.filteredOptions.length - 1) {\n self.pointer = self.filteredOptions.length ? self.filteredOptions.length - 1 : 0;\n }\n },\n mousedownItem: function mousedownItem(self) {\n self.mousedownState = true;\n }\n});\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/core-js/modules/es6.regexp.match.js\nvar es6_regexp_match = __webpack_require__(\"4917\");\n\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/core-js/modules/es6.regexp.replace.js\nvar es6_regexp_replace = __webpack_require__(\"a481\");\n\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/core-js/modules/es6.regexp.constructor.js\nvar es6_regexp_constructor = __webpack_require__(\"3b2b\");\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/utils.js\n\n\n\n/**\n * for RegExp escape\n *\n * @param str\n */\nfunction escapedRegExp(str) {\n return new RegExp(str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\\]\\\\]/g, '\\\\$&'), 'i');\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/mixins/commonMixin.js\n\n\n/* mixin for all */\n\n/* harmony default export */ var commonMixin = ({\n props: {\n id: {\n default: null\n },\n name: {\n type: String,\n default: ''\n },\n isError: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n customAttr: {\n type: Function,\n default: function _default() {\n return '';\n }\n },\n isDisabled: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n placeholder: {\n type: String,\n default: ''\n },\n filterPredicate: {\n type: Function,\n default: function _default(text, inputText) {\n return text.match(escapedRegExp(inputText));\n }\n }\n }\n});\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/mixins/baseMixin.js\n/* mixin for base component */\n/* harmony default export */ var baseMixin = ({\n watch: {\n filteredOptions: function filteredOptions() {\n this.pointerAdjust();\n },\n searchText: function searchText() {\n this.$emit('searchchange', this.searchText);\n }\n }\n});\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/mixins/optionAwareMixin.js\n/* harmony default export */ var optionAwareMixin = ({\n props: {\n customAttr: {\n type: Function,\n default: function _default() {\n return '';\n }\n },\n options: {\n type: Array\n }\n }\n});\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/mixins/index.js\n\n\n\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--12-0!./node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/lib/BasicSelect.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&\n\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n\n\n/* harmony default export */ var BasicSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_ = ({\n name: 'BasicSelect',\n mixins: [baseMixin, commonMixin, optionAwareMixin],\n props: {\n selectedOption: {\n type: Object,\n default: function _default() {\n return {\n value: '',\n text: ''\n };\n }\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n showMenu: false,\n searchText: '',\n mousedownState: false,\n // mousedown on option menu\n pointer: -1\n };\n },\n watch: {\n selectedOption: function selectedOption(newValue) {\n if (newValue && newValue.value) {\n this.pointer = this.filteredOptions.findIndex(function (option) {\n return option.value === newValue.value;\n });\n } else {\n this.pointer = -1;\n }\n }\n },\n computed: {\n searchTextCustomAttr: function searchTextCustomAttr() {\n if (this.selectedOption && this.selectedOption.value) {\n return this.customAttr(this.selectedOption);\n }\n\n return '';\n },\n inputText: function inputText() {\n if (this.searchText) {\n return '';\n } else {\n var text = this.placeholder;\n\n if (this.selectedOption.text) {\n text = this.selectedOption.text;\n }\n\n return text;\n }\n },\n customAttrs: function customAttrs() {\n var _this = this;\n\n try {\n if (Array.isArray(this.options)) {\n return this.options.map(function (o) {\n return _this.customAttr(o);\n });\n }\n } catch (e) {// if there is an error, just return an empty array\n }\n\n return [];\n },\n textClass: function textClass() {\n if (!this.selectedOption.text && this.placeholder) {\n return 'default';\n } else {\n return '';\n }\n },\n menuClass: function menuClass() {\n return {\n visible: this.showMenu,\n hidden: !this.showMenu\n };\n },\n menuStyle: function menuStyle() {\n return {\n display: this.showMenu ? 'block' : 'none'\n };\n },\n filteredOptions: function filteredOptions() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n if (this.searchText) {\n return this.options.filter(function (option) {\n try {\n return _this2.filterPredicate(option.text, _this2.searchText);\n } catch (e) {\n return true;\n }\n });\n } else {\n return this.options;\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n deleteTextOrItem: function deleteTextOrItem() {\n if (!this.searchText && this.selectedOption) {\n this.selectItem({});\n this.openOptions();\n }\n },\n openOptions: function openOptions() {\n common.openOptions(this);\n },\n blurInput: function blurInput() {\n common.blurInput(this);\n },\n closeOptions: function closeOptions() {\n common.closeOptions(this);\n },\n prevItem: function prevItem() {\n common.prevItem(this);\n },\n nextItem: function nextItem() {\n common.nextItem(this);\n },\n enterItem: function enterItem() {\n common.enterItem(this);\n },\n pointerSet: function pointerSet(index) {\n common.pointerSet(this, index);\n },\n pointerAdjust: function pointerAdjust() {\n common.pointerAdjust(this);\n },\n mousedownItem: function mousedownItem() {\n common.mousedownItem(this);\n },\n selectItem: function selectItem(option) {\n this.searchText = ''; // reset text when select item\n\n this.closeOptions();\n this.$emit('select', option);\n\n if (option.value === option.text) {\n this.searchText = option.value;\n }\n }\n }\n});\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/BasicSelect.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&\n /* harmony default export */ var lib_BasicSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_ = (BasicSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_); \n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\n/* globals __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ */\n\n// IMPORTANT: Do NOT use ES2015 features in this file (except for modules).\n// This module is a runtime utility for cleaner component module output and will\n// be included in the final webpack user bundle.\n\nfunction normalizeComponent (\n scriptExports,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n functionalTemplate,\n injectStyles,\n scopeId,\n moduleIdentifier, /* server only */\n shadowMode /* vue-cli only */\n) {\n // Vue.extend constructor export interop\n var options = typeof scriptExports === 'function'\n ? scriptExports.options\n : scriptExports\n\n // render functions\n if (render) {\n options.render = render\n options.staticRenderFns = staticRenderFns\n options._compiled = true\n }\n\n // functional template\n if (functionalTemplate) {\n options.functional = true\n }\n\n // scopedId\n if (scopeId) {\n options._scopeId = 'data-v-' + scopeId\n }\n\n var hook\n if (moduleIdentifier) { // server build\n hook = function (context) {\n // 2.3 injection\n context =\n context || // cached call\n (this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext) || // stateful\n (this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext) // functional\n // 2.2 with runInNewContext: true\n if (!context && typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ !== 'undefined') {\n context = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__\n }\n // inject component styles\n if (injectStyles) {\n injectStyles.call(this, context)\n }\n // register component module identifier for async chunk inferrence\n if (context && context._registeredComponents) {\n context._registeredComponents.add(moduleIdentifier)\n }\n }\n // used by ssr in case component is cached and beforeCreate\n // never gets called\n options._ssrRegister = hook\n } else if (injectStyles) {\n hook = shadowMode\n ? function () { injectStyles.call(this, this.$root.$options.shadowRoot) }\n : injectStyles\n }\n\n if (hook) {\n if (options.functional) {\n // for template-only hot-reload because in that case the render fn doesn't\n // go through the normalizer\n options._injectStyles = hook\n // register for functioal component in vue file\n var originalRender = options.render\n options.render = function renderWithStyleInjection (h, context) {\n hook.call(context)\n return originalRender(h, context)\n }\n } else {\n // inject component registration as beforeCreate hook\n var existing = options.beforeCreate\n options.beforeCreate = existing\n ? [].concat(existing, hook)\n : [hook]\n }\n }\n\n return {\n exports: scriptExports,\n options: options\n }\n}\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/BasicSelect.vue\n\n\n\n\n\n/* normalize component */\n\nvar component = normalizeComponent(\n lib_BasicSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_,\n BasicSelectvue_type_template_id_b48f2398_render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\n/* harmony default export */ var BasicSelect = (component.exports);\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/core-js/modules/es6.array.find.js\nvar es6_array_find = __webpack_require__(\"7514\");\n\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/core-js/modules/web.dom.iterable.js\nvar web_dom_iterable = __webpack_require__(\"ac6a\");\n\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/core-js/modules/es6.array.iterator.js\nvar es6_array_iterator = __webpack_require__(\"cadf\");\n\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/core-js/modules/es6.object.keys.js\nvar es6_object_keys = __webpack_require__(\"456d\");\n\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/core-js/modules/es6.function.name.js\nvar es6_function_name = __webpack_require__(\"7f7f\");\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--12-0!./node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/lib/ListSelect.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/* wrap basic component */\n\n\n/* harmony default export */ var ListSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_ = ({\n name: 'ListSelect',\n mixins: [commonMixin],\n render: function render(createElement) {\n var _this = this;\n\n return createElement(BasicSelect, {\n props: {\n id: this.id,\n name: this.name,\n options: this.options,\n selectedOption: this.item,\n isError: this.isError,\n isDisabled: this.isDisabled,\n placeholder: this.placeholder,\n filterPredicate: this.filterPredicate\n },\n on: {\n select: this.onSelect,\n searchchange: function searchchange(searchText) {\n return _this.$emit('searchchange', searchText);\n }\n }\n });\n },\n props: {\n list: {\n type: Array\n },\n optionValue: {\n type: String\n },\n optionText: {\n type: String\n },\n customText: {\n type: Function\n },\n selectedItem: {\n type: Object\n }\n },\n computed: {\n options: function options() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n return this.list.map(function (e, i) {\n return {\n value: e[_this2.optionValue],\n text: _this2.buildText(e)\n };\n });\n },\n item: function item() {\n if (this.selectedItem) {\n return {\n value: this.selectedItem[this.optionValue],\n text: this.buildText(this.selectedItem)\n };\n } else {\n return {\n value: '',\n text: ''\n };\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n buildText: function buildText(e) {\n if (e[this.optionValue] !== undefined) {\n if (this.customText) {\n return this.customText(e);\n } else {\n return e[this.optionText];\n }\n } else {\n return '';\n }\n },\n onSelect: function onSelect(option) {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n if (Object.keys(option).length === 0 && option.constructor === Object) {\n this.$emit('select', option);\n } else {\n var item = this.list.find(function (e, i) {\n return e[_this3.optionValue] === option.value;\n });\n this.$emit('select', item);\n }\n }\n },\n components: {\n BasicSelect: BasicSelect\n }\n});\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/ListSelect.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&\n /* harmony default export */ var lib_ListSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_ = (ListSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_); \n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/ListSelect.vue\nvar ListSelect_render, ListSelect_staticRenderFns\n\n\n\n\n/* normalize component */\n\nvar ListSelect_component = normalizeComponent(\n lib_ListSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_,\n ListSelect_render,\n ListSelect_staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\n/* harmony default export */ var ListSelect = (ListSelect_component.exports);\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js?{\"cacheDirectory\":\"node_modules/.cache/vue-loader\",\"cacheIdentifier\":\"1cd3f134-vue-loader-template\"}!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/templateLoader.js??vue-loader-options!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/lib/MultiSelect.vue?vue&type=template&id=10b1b87d&\nvar MultiSelectvue_type_template_id_10b1b87d_render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('div',{staticClass:\"ui fluid search dropdown selection multiple\",class:{ 'active visible':_vm.showMenu, 'error': _vm.isError, 'disabled': _vm.isDisabled },on:{\"click\":_vm.openOptions,\"focus\":_vm.openOptions}},[_c('i',{staticClass:\"dropdown icon\"}),(!_vm.hideSelectedOptions)?_vm._l((_vm.selectedOptions),function(option,idx){return _c('a',{key:idx,staticClass:\"ui label transition visible\",staticStyle:{\"display\":\"inline-block !important\"},attrs:{\"data-vss-custom-attr\":_vm.customAttr(option)}},[_vm._v(\"\\n \"+_vm._s(option.text)),_c('i',{staticClass:\"delete icon\",on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.deleteItem(option)}}})])}):_vm._e(),_c('input',{directives:[{name:\"model\",rawName:\"v-model\",value:(_vm.searchText),expression:\"searchText\"}],ref:\"input\",staticClass:\"search\",style:(_vm.inputWidth),attrs:{\"autocomplete\":\"off\",\"tabindex\":_vm.isDisabled ? -1 : 0,\"id\":_vm.id,\"name\":_vm.name},domProps:{\"value\":(_vm.searchText)},on:{\"focus\":function($event){$event.preventDefault();return _vm.openOptions($event)},\"keyup\":[function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"esc\",27,$event.key,[\"Esc\",\"Escape\"])){ return null; }return _vm.closeOptions($event)},function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"enter\",13,$event.key,\"Enter\")){ return null; }$event.preventDefault();return _vm.enterItem($event)}],\"blur\":_vm.blurInput,\"keydown\":[function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"up\",38,$event.key,[\"Up\",\"ArrowUp\"])){ return null; }return _vm.prevItem($event)},function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"down\",40,$event.key,[\"Down\",\"ArrowDown\"])){ return null; }return _vm.nextItem($event)},function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"enter\",13,$event.key,\"Enter\")){ return null; }$event.preventDefault();},function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"delete\",[8,46],$event.key,[\"Backspace\",\"Delete\",\"Del\"])){ return null; }return _vm.deleteTextOrLastItem($event)}],\"input\":function($event){if($event.target.composing){ return; }_vm.searchText=$event.target.value}}}),_c('div',{staticClass:\"text\",class:_vm.textClass},[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.inputText)+\"\\n \")]),_c('div',{ref:\"menu\",staticClass:\"menu\",class:_vm.menuClass,style:(_vm.menuStyle),attrs:{\"tabindex\":\"-1\"},on:{\"mousedown\":function($event){$event.preventDefault();}}},[_vm._l((_vm.filteredOptions),function(option,idx){return [_c('div',{key:idx,staticClass:\"item\",class:{ 'selected': option.selected || _vm.pointer === idx },attrs:{\"data-vss-custom-attr\":_vm.customAttr(option)},on:{\"click\":function($event){$event.stopPropagation();return _vm.selectItem(option)},\"mousedown\":_vm.mousedownItem,\"mouseenter\":function($event){return _vm.pointerSet(idx)}}},[_vm._v(\"\\n \"+_vm._s(option.text)+\"\\n \")])]})],2)],2)}\nvar MultiSelectvue_type_template_id_10b1b87d_staticRenderFns = []\n\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/MultiSelect.vue?vue&type=template&id=10b1b87d&\n\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/core-js/modules/es6.regexp.to-string.js\nvar es6_regexp_to_string = __webpack_require__(\"6b54\");\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--12-0!./node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/lib/MultiSelect.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&\n\n\n\n\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n\n\n/* harmony default export */ var MultiSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_ = ({\n name: 'MultiSelect',\n mixins: [baseMixin, commonMixin, optionAwareMixin],\n props: {\n selectedOptions: {\n type: Array\n },\n cleanSearch: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n hideSelectedOptions: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n showMenu: false,\n searchText: '',\n mousedownState: false,\n // mousedown on option menu\n pointer: -1\n };\n },\n watch: {\n selectedOptions: function selectedOptions() {\n this.pointer = -1;\n }\n },\n computed: {\n inputText: function inputText() {\n if (this.searchText) {\n return '';\n } else {\n return this.placeholder;\n }\n },\n textClass: function textClass() {\n if (this.placeholder) {\n return 'default';\n } else {\n return '';\n }\n },\n inputWidth: function inputWidth() {\n return {\n width: (this.searchText.length + 1) * 8 + 20 + 'px'\n };\n },\n menuClass: function menuClass() {\n return {\n visible: this.showMenu,\n hidden: !this.showMenu\n };\n },\n menuStyle: function menuStyle() {\n return {\n display: this.showMenu ? 'block' : 'none'\n };\n },\n nonSelectOptions: function nonSelectOptions() {\n var _this = this;\n\n return this.options.filter(function (el) {\n return _this.selectedOptions.findIndex(function (o) {\n return o.value === el.value;\n }) === -1;\n });\n },\n filteredOptions: function filteredOptions() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n if (this.searchText) {\n return this.nonSelectOptions.filter(function (option) {\n try {\n if (_this2.cleanSearch) {\n return _this2.filterPredicate(_this2.accentsTidy(option.text), _this2.searchText);\n } else {\n return _this2.filterPredicate(option.text, _this2.searchText);\n }\n } catch (e) {\n return true;\n }\n });\n } else {\n return this.nonSelectOptions;\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n deleteTextOrLastItem: function deleteTextOrLastItem() {\n if (!this.searchText && this.selectedOptions.length > 0) {\n this.deleteItem(this.selectedOptions[this.selectedOptions.length - 1]);\n }\n },\n openOptions: function openOptions() {\n common.openOptions(this);\n },\n blurInput: function blurInput() {\n common.blurInput(this);\n },\n closeOptions: function closeOptions() {\n common.closeOptions(this);\n },\n prevItem: function prevItem() {\n common.prevItem(this);\n this.closeOptions();\n this.openOptions();\n },\n nextItem: function nextItem() {\n common.nextItem(this);\n this.closeOptions();\n this.openOptions();\n },\n enterItem: function enterItem() {\n common.enterItem(this);\n },\n pointerSet: function pointerSet(index) {\n common.pointerSet(this, index);\n },\n pointerAdjust: function pointerAdjust() {\n common.pointerAdjust(this);\n },\n mousedownItem: function mousedownItem() {\n common.mousedownItem(this);\n },\n selectItem: function selectItem(option) {\n var tempSelectedOptions = this.selectedOptions.concat(option);\n var selectedOptions = tempSelectedOptions.filter(function (el, idx) {\n return tempSelectedOptions.indexOf(el) === idx;\n });\n this.closeOptions();\n this.searchText = '';\n this.$emit('select', selectedOptions, option, 'insert');\n },\n deleteItem: function deleteItem(option) {\n var selectedOptions = this.selectedOptions.filter(function (o) {\n return o.value !== option.value;\n });\n this.$emit('select', selectedOptions, option, 'delete');\n },\n accentsTidy: function accentsTidy(s) {\n var r = s.toString().toLowerCase();\n r = r.replace(new RegExp('[àáâãäå]', 'g'), 'a');\n r = r.replace(new RegExp('æ', 'g'), 'ae');\n r = r.replace(new RegExp('ç', 'g'), 'c');\n r = r.replace(new RegExp('[èéêë]', 'g'), 'e');\n r = r.replace(new RegExp('[ìíîï]', 'g'), 'i');\n r = r.replace(new RegExp('ñ', 'g'), 'n');\n r = r.replace(new RegExp('[òóôõö]', 'g'), 'o');\n r = r.replace(new RegExp('œ', 'g'), 'oe');\n r = r.replace(new RegExp('[ùúûü]', 'g'), 'u');\n r = r.replace(new RegExp('[ýÿ]', 'g'), 'y');\n return r;\n }\n }\n});\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/MultiSelect.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&\n /* harmony default export */ var lib_MultiSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_ = (MultiSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_); \n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/MultiSelect.vue\n\n\n\n\n\n/* normalize component */\n\nvar MultiSelect_component = normalizeComponent(\n lib_MultiSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_,\n MultiSelectvue_type_template_id_10b1b87d_render,\n MultiSelectvue_type_template_id_10b1b87d_staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\n/* harmony default export */ var MultiSelect = (MultiSelect_component.exports);\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--12-0!./node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/lib/MultiListSelect.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/* harmony default export */ var MultiListSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_ = ({\n name: 'MultiListSelect',\n mixins: [commonMixin],\n render: function render(createElement) {\n var _this = this;\n\n return createElement(MultiSelect, {\n props: {\n id: this.id,\n name: this.name,\n options: this.options,\n selectedOptions: this.items,\n isError: this.isError,\n isDisabled: this.isDisabled,\n placeholder: this.placeholder,\n filterPredicate: this.filterPredicate\n },\n on: {\n select: this.onSelect,\n searchchange: function searchchange(searchText) {\n return _this.$emit('searchchange', searchText);\n }\n }\n });\n },\n props: {\n list: {\n type: Array\n },\n optionValue: {\n type: String\n },\n optionText: {\n type: String\n },\n customText: {\n type: Function\n },\n selectedItems: {\n type: Array\n }\n },\n computed: {\n options: function options() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n return this.list.map(function (e) {\n return {\n value: e[_this2.optionValue],\n text: _this2.buildText(e)\n };\n });\n },\n items: function items() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n return this.selectedItems.map(function (e) {\n return {\n value: e[_this3.optionValue],\n text: _this3.buildText(e)\n };\n });\n }\n },\n methods: {\n buildText: function buildText(e) {\n if (e[this.optionValue] !== undefined) {\n if (this.customText) {\n return this.customText(e);\n } else {\n return e[this.optionText];\n }\n } else {\n return '';\n }\n },\n onSelect: function onSelect(options, option) {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n if (Object.keys(option).length === 0 && option.constructor === Object) {\n this.$emit('select', options, option);\n } else {\n var items = this.list.filter(function (e, i) {\n return options.find(function (o, i) {\n return e[_this4.optionValue] === o.value;\n });\n });\n var item = this.list.find(function (e) {\n return e[_this4.optionValue] === option.value;\n });\n this.$emit('select', items, item);\n }\n }\n },\n components: {\n MultiSelect: MultiSelect\n }\n});\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/MultiListSelect.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&\n /* harmony default export */ var lib_MultiListSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_ = (MultiListSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_); \n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/MultiListSelect.vue\nvar MultiListSelect_render, MultiListSelect_staticRenderFns\n\n\n\n\n/* normalize component */\n\nvar MultiListSelect_component = normalizeComponent(\n lib_MultiListSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_,\n MultiListSelect_render,\n MultiListSelect_staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\n/* harmony default export */ var MultiListSelect = (MultiListSelect_component.exports);\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js?{\"cacheDirectory\":\"node_modules/.cache/vue-loader\",\"cacheIdentifier\":\"1cd3f134-vue-loader-template\"}!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/templateLoader.js??vue-loader-options!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/lib/ModelSelect.vue?vue&type=template&id=6d932d12&\nvar ModelSelectvue_type_template_id_6d932d12_render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('div',{staticClass:\"ui fluid search selection dropdown\",class:{ 'active visible':_vm.showMenu, 'error': _vm.isError, 'disabled': _vm.isDisabled },on:{\"click\":_vm.openOptions,\"focus\":_vm.openOptions}},[_c('i',{staticClass:\"dropdown icon\"}),_c('input',{ref:\"input\",staticClass:\"search\",attrs:{\"autocomplete\":\"off\",\"tabindex\":_vm.isDisabled ? -1 : 0,\"id\":_vm.id,\"name\":_vm.name},domProps:{\"value\":_vm.searchText},on:{\"input\":function($event){_vm.searchText = $event.target.value},\"focus\":function($event){$event.preventDefault();return _vm.openOptions($event)},\"keyup\":[function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"esc\",27,$event.key,[\"Esc\",\"Escape\"])){ return null; }return _vm.closeOptions($event)},function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"enter\",13,$event.key,\"Enter\")){ return null; }$event.preventDefault();return _vm.enterItem($event)}],\"blur\":_vm.blurInput,\"keydown\":[function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"up\",38,$event.key,[\"Up\",\"ArrowUp\"])){ return null; }return _vm.prevItem($event)},function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"down\",40,$event.key,[\"Down\",\"ArrowDown\"])){ return null; }return _vm.nextItem($event)},function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"enter\",13,$event.key,\"Enter\")){ return null; }$event.preventDefault();},function($event){if(!$event.type.indexOf('key')&&_vm._k($event.keyCode,\"delete\",[8,46],$event.key,[\"Backspace\",\"Delete\",\"Del\"])){ return null; }return _vm.deleteTextOrItem($event)}]}}),_c('div',{staticClass:\"text\",class:_vm.textClass,attrs:{\"data-vss-custom-attr\":_vm.searchTextCustomAttr}},[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.inputText)+\"\\n \")]),_c('div',{ref:\"menu\",staticClass:\"menu\",class:_vm.menuClass,style:(_vm.menuStyle),attrs:{\"tabindex\":\"-1\"},on:{\"mousedown\":function($event){$event.preventDefault();}}},_vm._l((_vm.filteredOptions),function(option,idx){return _c('div',{key:idx,staticClass:\"item\",class:{ 'selected': option.selected || _vm.pointer === idx },attrs:{\"data-vss-custom-attr\":_vm.customAttrs[idx] ? _vm.customAttrs[idx] : ''},on:{\"click\":function($event){$event.stopPropagation();return _vm.selectItem(option)},\"mousedown\":_vm.mousedownItem,\"mouseenter\":function($event){return _vm.pointerSet(idx)}}},[_vm._v(\"\\n \"+_vm._s(option.text)+\"\\n \")])}),0)])}\nvar ModelSelectvue_type_template_id_6d932d12_staticRenderFns = []\n\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/ModelSelect.vue?vue&type=template&id=6d932d12&\n\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/@babel/runtime-corejs2/core-js/symbol/iterator.js\nvar iterator = __webpack_require__(\"5d58\");\nvar iterator_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(iterator);\n\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/@babel/runtime-corejs2/core-js/symbol.js\nvar symbol = __webpack_require__(\"67bb\");\nvar symbol_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(symbol);\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@babel/runtime-corejs2/helpers/esm/typeof.js\n\n\n\nfunction typeof_typeof2(obj) { if (typeof symbol_default.a === \"function\" && typeof iterator_default.a === \"symbol\") { typeof_typeof2 = function _typeof2(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { typeof_typeof2 = function _typeof2(obj) { return obj && typeof symbol_default.a === \"function\" && obj.constructor === symbol_default.a && obj !== symbol_default.a.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return typeof_typeof2(obj); }\n\nfunction typeof_typeof(obj) {\n if (typeof symbol_default.a === \"function\" && typeof_typeof2(iterator_default.a) === \"symbol\") {\n typeof_typeof = function _typeof(obj) {\n return typeof_typeof2(obj);\n };\n } else {\n typeof_typeof = function _typeof(obj) {\n return obj && typeof symbol_default.a === \"function\" && obj.constructor === symbol_default.a && obj !== symbol_default.a.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof_typeof2(obj);\n };\n }\n\n return typeof_typeof(obj);\n}\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/core-js/modules/es6.number.constructor.js\nvar es6_number_constructor = __webpack_require__(\"c5f6\");\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--12-0!./node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/lib/ModelSelect.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&\n\n\n\n\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n//\n\n\n/* harmony default export */ var ModelSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_ = ({\n name: 'ModelSelect',\n mixins: [baseMixin, commonMixin, optionAwareMixin],\n props: {\n value: {\n type: [String, Number, Object, Boolean]\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n showMenu: false,\n searchText: '',\n mousedownState: false,\n // mousedown on option menu\n pointer: -1\n };\n },\n watch: {\n value: function value(newValue) {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.pointer = this.filteredOptions.findIndex(function (option) {\n return option.value === _this.optionValue(newValue);\n });\n }\n },\n computed: {\n searchTextCustomAttr: function searchTextCustomAttr() {\n if (this.selectedOption && this.selectedOption.value) {\n return this.customAttr(this.selectedOption);\n }\n\n return '';\n },\n inputText: function inputText() {\n if (this.searchText) {\n return '';\n } else {\n var text = this.placeholder;\n\n if (this.selectedOption) {\n text = this.selectedOption.text;\n }\n\n return text;\n }\n },\n customAttrs: function customAttrs() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n try {\n if (Array.isArray(this.options)) {\n return this.options.map(function (o) {\n return _this2.customAttr(o);\n });\n }\n } catch (e) {// if there is an error, just return an empty array\n }\n\n return [];\n },\n textClass: function textClass() {\n if (!this.selectedOption && this.placeholder) {\n return 'default';\n } else {\n return '';\n }\n },\n menuClass: function menuClass() {\n return {\n visible: this.showMenu,\n hidden: !this.showMenu\n };\n },\n menuStyle: function menuStyle() {\n return {\n display: this.showMenu ? 'block' : 'none'\n };\n },\n filteredOptions: function filteredOptions() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n if (this.searchText) {\n return this.options.filter(function (option) {\n try {\n return _this3.filterPredicate(option.text, _this3.searchText);\n } catch (e) {\n return true;\n }\n });\n } else {\n return this.options;\n }\n },\n selectedOption: function selectedOption() {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n return this.options.find(function (option) {\n return option.value === _this4.optionValue(_this4.value);\n });\n }\n },\n methods: {\n deleteTextOrItem: function deleteTextOrItem() {\n if (!this.searchText && this.value) {\n this.selectItem({});\n this.openOptions();\n }\n },\n openOptions: function openOptions() {\n common.openOptions(this);\n },\n blurInput: function blurInput() {\n common.blurInput(this);\n },\n closeOptions: function closeOptions() {\n common.closeOptions(this);\n },\n prevItem: function prevItem() {\n common.prevItem(this);\n },\n nextItem: function nextItem() {\n common.nextItem(this);\n },\n enterItem: function enterItem() {\n common.enterItem(this);\n },\n pointerSet: function pointerSet(index) {\n common.pointerSet(this, index);\n },\n pointerAdjust: function pointerAdjust() {\n common.pointerAdjust(this);\n },\n mousedownItem: function mousedownItem() {\n common.mousedownItem(this);\n },\n selectItem: function selectItem(option) {\n this.searchText = '';\n this.closeOptions();\n\n if (typeof_typeof(this.value) === 'object' && this.value) {\n this.$emit('input', option);\n } else {\n this.$emit('input', option.value);\n\n if (option.value === option.text) {\n this.searchText = option.value;\n }\n }\n },\n optionValue: function optionValue(value) {\n if (typeof_typeof(value) === 'object' && value !== null) {\n return value.value;\n } else {\n return value;\n }\n }\n }\n});\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/ModelSelect.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&\n /* harmony default export */ var lib_ModelSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_ = (ModelSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_); \n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/ModelSelect.vue\n\n\n\n\n\n/* normalize component */\n\nvar ModelSelect_component = normalizeComponent(\n lib_ModelSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_,\n ModelSelectvue_type_template_id_6d932d12_render,\n ModelSelectvue_type_template_id_6d932d12_staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\n/* harmony default export */ var ModelSelect = (ModelSelect_component.exports);\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--12-0!./node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/lib/ModelListSelect.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/* wrap basic component */\n\n\n/* harmony default export */ var ModelListSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_ = ({\n name: 'ModelListSelect',\n mixins: [commonMixin],\n render: function render(createElement) {\n var _this = this;\n\n return createElement(ModelSelect, {\n props: {\n id: this.id,\n name: this.name,\n options: this.options,\n value: this.innerValue,\n isError: this.isError,\n isDisabled: this.isDisabled,\n placeholder: this.placeholder,\n filterPredicate: this.filterPredicate\n },\n on: {\n input: this.onInput,\n searchchange: function searchchange(searchText) {\n return _this.$emit('searchchange', searchText);\n }\n }\n });\n },\n props: {\n list: {\n type: Array\n },\n optionValue: {\n type: String\n },\n optionText: {\n type: String\n },\n customText: {\n type: Function\n },\n\n /* null also object */\n value: {\n type: [String, Number, Object, Boolean]\n }\n },\n computed: {\n options: function options() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n return this.list.map(function (e) {\n return {\n value: e[_this2.optionValue],\n text: _this2.buildText(e)\n };\n });\n },\n innerValue: function innerValue() {\n if (!this.value) {\n // If js Falsy, type can not judge type. Send value to child directly\n return this.value;\n } else if (typeof_typeof(this.value) === 'object') {\n if (this.value) {\n return {\n value: this.value[this.optionValue],\n text: this.buildText(this.value)\n };\n } else {\n return {\n value: '',\n text: ''\n };\n }\n } else {\n return this.value;\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n buildText: function buildText(e) {\n if (e[this.optionValue] !== undefined) {\n if (this.customText) {\n return this.customText(e);\n } else {\n return e[this.optionText];\n }\n } else {\n return '';\n }\n },\n onInput: function onInput(option) {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n if (option === undefined) {\n return this.$emit('input', '');\n }\n\n if (Object.keys(option).length === 0 && option.constructor === Object) {\n this.$emit('input', option);\n } else if (typeof_typeof(option) === 'object') {\n var item = this.list.find(function (e) {\n return e[_this3.optionValue] === option.value;\n });\n this.$emit('input', item);\n } else {\n this.$emit('input', option);\n }\n }\n },\n components: {\n ModelSelect: ModelSelect\n }\n});\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/ModelListSelect.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&\n /* harmony default export */ var lib_ModelListSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_ = (ModelListSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_); \n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/ModelListSelect.vue\nvar ModelListSelect_render, ModelListSelect_staticRenderFns\n\n\n\n\n/* normalize component */\n\nvar ModelListSelect_component = normalizeComponent(\n lib_ModelListSelectvue_type_script_lang_js_,\n ModelListSelect_render,\n ModelListSelect_staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\n/* harmony default export */ var ModelListSelect = (ModelListSelect_component.exports);\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/index.js\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@vue/cli-service/lib/commands/build/entry-lib-no-default.js\n/* concated harmony reexport BasicSelect */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"BasicSelect\", function() { return BasicSelect; });\n/* concated harmony reexport MultiSelect */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"MultiSelect\", function() { return MultiSelect; });\n/* concated harmony reexport ListSelect */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"ListSelect\", function() { return ListSelect; });\n/* concated harmony reexport MultiListSelect */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"MultiListSelect\", function() { return MultiListSelect; });\n/* concated harmony reexport ModelSelect */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"ModelSelect\", function() { return ModelSelect; });\n/* concated harmony reexport ModelListSelect */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"ModelListSelect\", function() { return ModelListSelect; });\n\n\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"fdef\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = '\\x09\\x0A\\x0B\\x0C\\x0D\\x20\\xA0\\u1680\\u180E\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003' +\n '\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200A\\u202F\\u205F\\u3000\\u2028\\u2029\\uFEFF';\n\n\n/***/ })\n\n/******/ });\n//# sourceMappingURL=VueSearchSelect.common.js.map","var ceil = Math.ceil;\nvar floor = Math.floor;\n\n// `Math.trunc` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-math.trunc\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-math-trunc -- safe\nmodule.exports = Math.trunc || function trunc(x) {\n var n = +x;\n return (n > 0 ? floor : ceil)(n);\n};\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : German [de]\n//! author : lluchs : https://github.com/lluchs\n//! author: Menelion Elensúle: https://github.com/Oire\n//! author : Mikolaj Dadela : https://github.com/mik01aj\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n function processRelativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {\n var format = {\n m: ['eine Minute', 'einer Minute'],\n h: ['eine Stunde', 'einer Stunde'],\n d: ['ein Tag', 'einem Tag'],\n dd: [number + ' Tage', number + ' Tagen'],\n w: ['eine Woche', 'einer Woche'],\n M: ['ein Monat', 'einem Monat'],\n MM: [number + ' Monate', number + ' Monaten'],\n y: ['ein Jahr', 'einem Jahr'],\n yy: [number + ' Jahre', number + ' Jahren'],\n };\n return withoutSuffix ? format[key][0] : format[key][1];\n }\n\n var de = moment.defineLocale('de', {\n months: 'Januar_Februar_März_April_Mai_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort:\n 'Jan._Feb._März_Apr._Mai_Juni_Juli_Aug._Sep._Okt._Nov._Dez.'.split('_'),\n monthsParseExact: true,\n weekdays:\n 'Sonntag_Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdaysShort: 'So._Mo._Di._Mi._Do._Fr._Sa.'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),\n weekdaysParseExact: true,\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',\n LL: 'D. MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[heute um] LT [Uhr]',\n sameElse: 'L',\n nextDay: '[morgen um] LT [Uhr]',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [um] LT [Uhr]',\n lastDay: '[gestern um] LT [Uhr]',\n lastWeek: '[letzten] dddd [um] LT [Uhr]',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'in %s',\n past: 'vor %s',\n s: 'ein paar Sekunden',\n ss: '%d Sekunden',\n m: processRelativeTime,\n mm: '%d Minuten',\n h: processRelativeTime,\n hh: '%d Stunden',\n d: processRelativeTime,\n dd: processRelativeTime,\n w: processRelativeTime,\n ww: '%d Wochen',\n M: processRelativeTime,\n MM: processRelativeTime,\n y: processRelativeTime,\n yy: processRelativeTime,\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}\\./,\n ordinal: '%d.',\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return de;\n\n})));\n","'use strict';\nvar aSet = require('../internals/a-set');\nvar has = require('../internals/set-helpers').has;\nvar size = require('../internals/set-size');\nvar getSetRecord = require('../internals/get-set-record');\nvar iterateSet = require('../internals/set-iterate');\nvar iterateSimple = require('../internals/iterate-simple');\nvar iteratorClose = require('../internals/iterator-close');\n\n// `Set.prototype.isDisjointFrom` method\n// https://tc39.github.io/proposal-set-methods/#Set.prototype.isDisjointFrom\nmodule.exports = function isDisjointFrom(other) {\n var O = aSet(this);\n var otherRec = getSetRecord(other);\n if (size(O) <= otherRec.size) return iterateSet(O, function (e) {\n if (otherRec.includes(e)) return false;\n }, true) !== false;\n var iterator = otherRec.getIterator();\n return iterateSimple(iterator, function (e) {\n if (has(O, e)) return iteratorClose(iterator, 'normal', false);\n }) !== false;\n};\n","var assocIndexOf = require('./_assocIndexOf');\n\n/**\n * Gets the list cache value for `key`.\n *\n * @private\n * @name get\n * @memberOf ListCache\n * @param {string} key The key of the value to get.\n * @returns {*} Returns the entry value.\n */\nfunction listCacheGet(key) {\n var data = this.__data__,\n index = assocIndexOf(data, key);\n\n return index < 0 ? undefined : data[index][1];\n}\n\nmodule.exports = listCacheGet;\n","var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar getBuiltIn = require('../internals/get-built-in');\nvar hasOwn = require('../internals/has-own-property');\nvar toString = require('../internals/to-string');\nvar shared = require('../internals/shared');\nvar NATIVE_SYMBOL_REGISTRY = require('../internals/symbol-registry-detection');\n\nvar StringToSymbolRegistry = shared('string-to-symbol-registry');\nvar SymbolToStringRegistry = shared('symbol-to-string-registry');\n\n// `Symbol.for` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.for\n$({ target: 'Symbol', stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL_REGISTRY }, {\n 'for': function (key) {\n var string = toString(key);\n if (hasOwn(StringToSymbolRegistry, string)) return StringToSymbolRegistry[string];\n var symbol = getBuiltIn('Symbol')(string);\n StringToSymbolRegistry[string] = symbol;\n SymbolToStringRegistry[symbol] = string;\n return symbol;\n }\n});\n","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\nvar settle = require('./../core/settle');\nvar cookies = require('./../helpers/cookies');\nvar buildURL = require('./../helpers/buildURL');\nvar buildFullPath = require('../core/buildFullPath');\nvar parseHeaders = require('./../helpers/parseHeaders');\nvar isURLSameOrigin = require('./../helpers/isURLSameOrigin');\nvar createError = require('../core/createError');\nvar defaults = require('../defaults');\nvar Cancel = require('../cancel/Cancel');\n\nmodule.exports = function xhrAdapter(config) {\n return new Promise(function dispatchXhrRequest(resolve, reject) {\n var requestData = config.data;\n var requestHeaders = config.headers;\n var responseType = config.responseType;\n var onCanceled;\n function done() {\n if (config.cancelToken) {\n config.cancelToken.unsubscribe(onCanceled);\n }\n\n if (config.signal) {\n config.signal.removeEventListener('abort', onCanceled);\n }\n }\n\n if (utils.isFormData(requestData)) {\n delete requestHeaders['Content-Type']; // Let the browser set it\n }\n\n var request = new XMLHttpRequest();\n\n // HTTP basic authentication\n if (config.auth) {\n var username = config.auth.username || '';\n var password = config.auth.password ? unescape(encodeURIComponent(config.auth.password)) : '';\n requestHeaders.Authorization = 'Basic ' + btoa(username + ':' + password);\n }\n\n var fullPath = buildFullPath(config.baseURL, config.url);\n request.open(config.method.toUpperCase(), buildURL(fullPath, config.params, config.paramsSerializer), true);\n\n // Set the request timeout in MS\n request.timeout = config.timeout;\n\n function onloadend() {\n if (!request) {\n return;\n }\n // Prepare the response\n var responseHeaders = 'getAllResponseHeaders' in request ? parseHeaders(request.getAllResponseHeaders()) : null;\n var responseData = !responseType || responseType === 'text' || responseType === 'json' ?\n request.responseText : request.response;\n var response = {\n data: responseData,\n status: request.status,\n statusText: request.statusText,\n headers: responseHeaders,\n config: config,\n request: request\n };\n\n settle(function _resolve(value) {\n resolve(value);\n done();\n }, function _reject(err) {\n reject(err);\n done();\n }, response);\n\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n }\n\n if ('onloadend' in request) {\n // Use onloadend if available\n request.onloadend = onloadend;\n } else {\n // Listen for ready state to emulate onloadend\n request.onreadystatechange = function handleLoad() {\n if (!request || request.readyState !== 4) {\n return;\n }\n\n // The request errored out and we didn't get a response, this will be\n // handled by onerror instead\n // With one exception: request that using file: protocol, most browsers\n // will return status as 0 even though it's a successful request\n if (request.status === 0 && !(request.responseURL && request.responseURL.indexOf('file:') === 0)) {\n return;\n }\n // readystate handler is calling before onerror or ontimeout handlers,\n // so we should call onloadend on the next 'tick'\n setTimeout(onloadend);\n };\n }\n\n // Handle browser request cancellation (as opposed to a manual cancellation)\n request.onabort = function handleAbort() {\n if (!request) {\n return;\n }\n\n reject(createError('Request aborted', config, 'ECONNABORTED', request));\n\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n };\n\n // Handle low level network errors\n request.onerror = function handleError() {\n // Real errors are hidden from us by the browser\n // onerror should only fire if it's a network error\n reject(createError('Network Error', config, null, request));\n\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n };\n\n // Handle timeout\n request.ontimeout = function handleTimeout() {\n var timeoutErrorMessage = config.timeout ? 'timeout of ' + config.timeout + 'ms exceeded' : 'timeout exceeded';\n var transitional = config.transitional || defaults.transitional;\n if (config.timeoutErrorMessage) {\n timeoutErrorMessage = config.timeoutErrorMessage;\n }\n reject(createError(\n timeoutErrorMessage,\n config,\n transitional.clarifyTimeoutError ? 'ETIMEDOUT' : 'ECONNABORTED',\n request));\n\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n };\n\n // Add xsrf header\n // This is only done if running in a standard browser environment.\n // Specifically not if we're in a web worker, or react-native.\n if (utils.isStandardBrowserEnv()) {\n // Add xsrf header\n var xsrfValue = (config.withCredentials || isURLSameOrigin(fullPath)) && config.xsrfCookieName ?\n cookies.read(config.xsrfCookieName) :\n undefined;\n\n if (xsrfValue) {\n requestHeaders[config.xsrfHeaderName] = xsrfValue;\n }\n }\n\n // Add headers to the request\n if ('setRequestHeader' in request) {\n utils.forEach(requestHeaders, function setRequestHeader(val, key) {\n if (typeof requestData === 'undefined' && key.toLowerCase() === 'content-type') {\n // Remove Content-Type if data is undefined\n delete requestHeaders[key];\n } else {\n // Otherwise add header to the request\n request.setRequestHeader(key, val);\n }\n });\n }\n\n // Add withCredentials to request if needed\n if (!utils.isUndefined(config.withCredentials)) {\n request.withCredentials = !!config.withCredentials;\n }\n\n // Add responseType to request if needed\n if (responseType && responseType !== 'json') {\n request.responseType = config.responseType;\n }\n\n // Handle progress if needed\n if (typeof config.onDownloadProgress === 'function') {\n request.addEventListener('progress', config.onDownloadProgress);\n }\n\n // Not all browsers support upload events\n if (typeof config.onUploadProgress === 'function' && request.upload) {\n request.upload.addEventListener('progress', config.onUploadProgress);\n }\n\n if (config.cancelToken || config.signal) {\n // Handle cancellation\n // eslint-disable-next-line func-names\n onCanceled = function(cancel) {\n if (!request) {\n return;\n }\n reject(!cancel || (cancel && cancel.type) ? new Cancel('canceled') : cancel);\n request.abort();\n request = null;\n };\n\n config.cancelToken && config.cancelToken.subscribe(onCanceled);\n if (config.signal) {\n config.signal.aborted ? onCanceled() : config.signal.addEventListener('abort', onCanceled);\n }\n }\n\n if (!requestData) {\n requestData = null;\n }\n\n // Send the request\n request.send(requestData);\n });\n};\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Central Atlas Tamazight Latin [tzm-latn]\n//! author : Abdel Said : https://github.com/abdelsaid\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var tzmLatn = moment.defineLocale('tzm-latn', {\n months: 'innayr_brˤayrˤ_marˤsˤ_ibrir_mayyw_ywnyw_ywlywz_ɣwšt_šwtanbir_ktˤwbrˤ_nwwanbir_dwjnbir'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort:\n 'innayr_brˤayrˤ_marˤsˤ_ibrir_mayyw_ywnyw_ywlywz_ɣwšt_šwtanbir_ktˤwbrˤ_nwwanbir_dwjnbir'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdays: 'asamas_aynas_asinas_akras_akwas_asimwas_asiḍyas'.split('_'),\n weekdaysShort: 'asamas_aynas_asinas_akras_akwas_asimwas_asiḍyas'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'asamas_aynas_asinas_akras_akwas_asimwas_asiḍyas'.split('_'),\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL: 'D MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[asdkh g] LT',\n nextDay: '[aska g] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [g] LT',\n lastDay: '[assant g] LT',\n lastWeek: 'dddd [g] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'dadkh s yan %s',\n past: 'yan %s',\n s: 'imik',\n ss: '%d imik',\n m: 'minuḍ',\n mm: '%d minuḍ',\n h: 'saɛa',\n hh: '%d tassaɛin',\n d: 'ass',\n dd: '%d ossan',\n M: 'ayowr',\n MM: '%d iyyirn',\n y: 'asgas',\n yy: '%d isgasn',\n },\n week: {\n dow: 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 12, // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return tzmLatn;\n\n})));\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Javanese [jv]\n//! author : Rony Lantip : https://github.com/lantip\n//! reference: http://jv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basa_Jawa\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var jv = moment.defineLocale('jv', {\n months: 'Januari_Februari_Maret_April_Mei_Juni_Juli_Agustus_September_Oktober_Nopember_Desember'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_Mei_Jun_Jul_Ags_Sep_Okt_Nop_Des'.split('_'),\n weekdays: 'Minggu_Senen_Seloso_Rebu_Kemis_Jemuwah_Septu'.split('_'),\n weekdaysShort: 'Min_Sen_Sel_Reb_Kem_Jem_Sep'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'Mg_Sn_Sl_Rb_Km_Jm_Sp'.split('_'),\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH.mm',\n LTS: 'HH.mm.ss',\n L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL: 'D MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY [pukul] HH.mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY [pukul] HH.mm',\n },\n meridiemParse: /enjing|siyang|sonten|ndalu/,\n meridiemHour: function (hour, meridiem) {\n if (hour === 12) {\n hour = 0;\n }\n if (meridiem === 'enjing') {\n return hour;\n } else if (meridiem === 'siyang') {\n return hour >= 11 ? hour : hour + 12;\n } else if (meridiem === 'sonten' || meridiem === 'ndalu') {\n return hour + 12;\n }\n },\n meridiem: function (hours, minutes, isLower) {\n if (hours < 11) {\n return 'enjing';\n } else if (hours < 15) {\n return 'siyang';\n } else if (hours < 19) {\n return 'sonten';\n } else {\n return 'ndalu';\n }\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[Dinten puniko pukul] LT',\n nextDay: '[Mbenjang pukul] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [pukul] LT',\n lastDay: '[Kala wingi pukul] LT',\n lastWeek: 'dddd [kepengker pukul] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'wonten ing %s',\n past: '%s ingkang kepengker',\n s: 'sawetawis detik',\n ss: '%d detik',\n m: 'setunggal menit',\n mm: '%d menit',\n h: 'setunggal jam',\n hh: '%d jam',\n d: 'sedinten',\n dd: '%d dinten',\n M: 'sewulan',\n MM: '%d wulan',\n y: 'setaun',\n yy: '%d taun',\n },\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 7, // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return jv;\n\n})));\n","var global = require('../internals/global');\nvar bind = require('../internals/function-bind-context');\nvar getOwnPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor').f;\nvar macrotask = require('../internals/task').set;\nvar Queue = require('../internals/queue');\nvar IS_IOS = require('../internals/engine-is-ios');\nvar IS_IOS_PEBBLE = require('../internals/engine-is-ios-pebble');\nvar IS_WEBOS_WEBKIT = require('../internals/engine-is-webos-webkit');\nvar IS_NODE = require('../internals/engine-is-node');\n\nvar MutationObserver = global.MutationObserver || global.WebKitMutationObserver;\nvar document = global.document;\nvar process = global.process;\nvar Promise = global.Promise;\n// Node.js 11 shows ExperimentalWarning on getting `queueMicrotask`\nvar queueMicrotaskDescriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(global, 'queueMicrotask');\nvar microtask = queueMicrotaskDescriptor && queueMicrotaskDescriptor.value;\nvar notify, toggle, node, promise, then;\n\n// modern engines have queueMicrotask method\nif (!microtask) {\n var queue = new Queue();\n\n var flush = function () {\n var parent, fn;\n if (IS_NODE && (parent = process.domain)) parent.exit();\n while (fn = queue.get()) try {\n fn();\n } catch (error) {\n if (queue.head) notify();\n throw error;\n }\n if (parent) parent.enter();\n };\n\n // browsers with MutationObserver, except iOS - https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/339\n // also except WebOS Webkit https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/898\n if (!IS_IOS && !IS_NODE && !IS_WEBOS_WEBKIT && MutationObserver && document) {\n toggle = true;\n node = document.createTextNode('');\n new MutationObserver(flush).observe(node, { characterData: true });\n notify = function () {\n node.data = toggle = !toggle;\n };\n // environments with maybe non-completely correct, but existent Promise\n } else if (!IS_IOS_PEBBLE && Promise && Promise.resolve) {\n // Promise.resolve without an argument throws an error in LG WebOS 2\n promise = Promise.resolve(undefined);\n // workaround of WebKit ~ iOS Safari 10.1 bug\n promise.constructor = Promise;\n then = bind(promise.then, promise);\n notify = function () {\n then(flush);\n };\n // Node.js without promises\n } else if (IS_NODE) {\n notify = function () {\n process.nextTick(flush);\n };\n // for other environments - macrotask based on:\n // - setImmediate\n // - MessageChannel\n // - window.postMessage\n // - onreadystatechange\n // - setTimeout\n } else {\n // `webpack` dev server bug on IE global methods - use bind(fn, global)\n macrotask = bind(macrotask, global);\n notify = function () {\n macrotask(flush);\n };\n }\n\n microtask = function (fn) {\n if (!queue.head) notify();\n queue.add(fn);\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = microtask;\n","var getNative = require('./_getNative'),\n root = require('./_root');\n\n/* Built-in method references that are verified to be native. */\nvar DataView = getNative(root, 'DataView');\n\nmodule.exports = DataView;\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Spanish (Mexico) [es-mx]\n//! author : JC Franco : https://github.com/jcfranco\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var monthsShortDot =\n 'ene._feb._mar._abr._may._jun._jul._ago._sep._oct._nov._dic.'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort = 'ene_feb_mar_abr_may_jun_jul_ago_sep_oct_nov_dic'.split('_'),\n monthsParse = [\n /^ene/i,\n /^feb/i,\n /^mar/i,\n /^abr/i,\n /^may/i,\n /^jun/i,\n /^jul/i,\n /^ago/i,\n /^sep/i,\n /^oct/i,\n /^nov/i,\n /^dic/i,\n ],\n monthsRegex =\n /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre|ene\\.?|feb\\.?|mar\\.?|abr\\.?|may\\.?|jun\\.?|jul\\.?|ago\\.?|sep\\.?|oct\\.?|nov\\.?|dic\\.?)/i;\n\n var esMx = moment.defineLocale('es-mx', {\n months: 'enero_febrero_marzo_abril_mayo_junio_julio_agosto_septiembre_octubre_noviembre_diciembre'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort: function (m, format) {\n if (!m) {\n return monthsShortDot;\n } else if (/-MMM-/.test(format)) {\n return monthsShort[m.month()];\n } else {\n return monthsShortDot[m.month()];\n }\n },\n monthsRegex: monthsRegex,\n monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex,\n monthsStrictRegex:\n /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre)/i,\n monthsShortStrictRegex:\n /^(ene\\.?|feb\\.?|mar\\.?|abr\\.?|may\\.?|jun\\.?|jul\\.?|ago\\.?|sep\\.?|oct\\.?|nov\\.?|dic\\.?)/i,\n monthsParse: monthsParse,\n longMonthsParse: monthsParse,\n shortMonthsParse: monthsParse,\n weekdays: 'domingo_lunes_martes_miércoles_jueves_viernes_sábado'.split('_'),\n weekdaysShort: 'dom._lun._mar._mié._jue._vie._sáb.'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'do_lu_ma_mi_ju_vi_sá'.split('_'),\n weekdaysParseExact: true,\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'H:mm',\n LTS: 'H:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY',\n LLL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY H:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY H:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: function () {\n return '[hoy a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';\n },\n nextDay: function () {\n return '[mañana a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';\n },\n nextWeek: function () {\n return 'dddd [a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';\n },\n lastDay: function () {\n return '[ayer a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';\n },\n lastWeek: function () {\n return (\n '[el] dddd [pasado a la' +\n (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') +\n '] LT'\n );\n },\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'en %s',\n past: 'hace %s',\n s: 'unos segundos',\n ss: '%d segundos',\n m: 'un minuto',\n mm: '%d minutos',\n h: 'una hora',\n hh: '%d horas',\n d: 'un día',\n dd: '%d días',\n w: 'una semana',\n ww: '%d semanas',\n M: 'un mes',\n MM: '%d meses',\n y: 'un año',\n yy: '%d años',\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}º/,\n ordinal: '%dº',\n week: {\n dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n invalidDate: 'Fecha inválida',\n });\n\n return esMx;\n\n})));\n","var global = require('../internals/global');\nvar shared = require('../internals/shared');\nvar hasOwn = require('../internals/has-own-property');\nvar uid = require('../internals/uid');\nvar NATIVE_SYMBOL = require('../internals/symbol-constructor-detection');\nvar USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID = require('../internals/use-symbol-as-uid');\n\nvar Symbol = global.Symbol;\nvar WellKnownSymbolsStore = shared('wks');\nvar createWellKnownSymbol = USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID ? Symbol['for'] || Symbol : Symbol && Symbol.withoutSetter || uid;\n\nmodule.exports = function (name) {\n if (!hasOwn(WellKnownSymbolsStore, name)) {\n WellKnownSymbolsStore[name] = NATIVE_SYMBOL && hasOwn(Symbol, name)\n ? Symbol[name]\n : createWellKnownSymbol('Symbol.' + name);\n } return WellKnownSymbolsStore[name];\n};\n","var defineWellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol-define');\n\n// `Symbol.asyncIterator` well-known symbol\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.asynciterator\ndefineWellKnownSymbol('asyncIterator');\n","var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar toObject = require('../internals/to-object');\nvar nativeKeys = require('../internals/object-keys');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\n\nvar FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES = fails(function () { nativeKeys(1); });\n\n// `Object.keys` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.keys\n$({ target: 'Object', stat: true, forced: FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES }, {\n keys: function keys(it) {\n return nativeKeys(toObject(it));\n }\n});\n","'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar uncurryThis = require('../internals/function-uncurry-this');\nvar toIntegerOrInfinity = require('../internals/to-integer-or-infinity');\nvar thisNumberValue = require('../internals/this-number-value');\nvar $repeat = require('../internals/string-repeat');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\n\nvar $RangeError = RangeError;\nvar $String = String;\nvar floor = Math.floor;\nvar repeat = uncurryThis($repeat);\nvar stringSlice = uncurryThis(''.slice);\nvar nativeToFixed = uncurryThis(1.0.toFixed);\n\nvar pow = function (x, n, acc) {\n return n === 0 ? acc : n % 2 === 1 ? pow(x, n - 1, acc * x) : pow(x * x, n / 2, acc);\n};\n\nvar log = function (x) {\n var n = 0;\n var x2 = x;\n while (x2 >= 4096) {\n n += 12;\n x2 /= 4096;\n }\n while (x2 >= 2) {\n n += 1;\n x2 /= 2;\n } return n;\n};\n\nvar multiply = function (data, n, c) {\n var index = -1;\n var c2 = c;\n while (++index < 6) {\n c2 += n * data[index];\n data[index] = c2 % 1e7;\n c2 = floor(c2 / 1e7);\n }\n};\n\nvar divide = function (data, n) {\n var index = 6;\n var c = 0;\n while (--index >= 0) {\n c += data[index];\n data[index] = floor(c / n);\n c = (c % n) * 1e7;\n }\n};\n\nvar dataToString = function (data) {\n var index = 6;\n var s = '';\n while (--index >= 0) {\n if (s !== '' || index === 0 || data[index] !== 0) {\n var t = $String(data[index]);\n s = s === '' ? t : s + repeat('0', 7 - t.length) + t;\n }\n } return s;\n};\n\nvar FORCED = fails(function () {\n return nativeToFixed(0.00008, 3) !== '0.000' ||\n nativeToFixed(0.9, 0) !== '1' ||\n nativeToFixed(1.255, 2) !== '1.25' ||\n nativeToFixed(1000000000000000128.0, 0) !== '1000000000000000128';\n}) || !fails(function () {\n // V8 ~ Android 4.3-\n nativeToFixed({});\n});\n\n// `Number.prototype.toFixed` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-number.prototype.tofixed\n$({ target: 'Number', proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {\n toFixed: function toFixed(fractionDigits) {\n var number = thisNumberValue(this);\n var fractDigits = toIntegerOrInfinity(fractionDigits);\n var data = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];\n var sign = '';\n var result = '0';\n var e, z, j, k;\n\n // TODO: ES2018 increased the maximum number of fraction digits to 100, need to improve the implementation\n if (fractDigits < 0 || fractDigits > 20) throw $RangeError('Incorrect fraction digits');\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare -- NaN check\n if (number != number) return 'NaN';\n if (number <= -1e21 || number >= 1e21) return $String(number);\n if (number < 0) {\n sign = '-';\n number = -number;\n }\n if (number > 1e-21) {\n e = log(number * pow(2, 69, 1)) - 69;\n z = e < 0 ? number * pow(2, -e, 1) : number / pow(2, e, 1);\n z *= 0x10000000000000;\n e = 52 - e;\n if (e > 0) {\n multiply(data, 0, z);\n j = fractDigits;\n while (j >= 7) {\n multiply(data, 1e7, 0);\n j -= 7;\n }\n multiply(data, pow(10, j, 1), 0);\n j = e - 1;\n while (j >= 23) {\n divide(data, 1 << 23);\n j -= 23;\n }\n divide(data, 1 << j);\n multiply(data, 1, 1);\n divide(data, 2);\n result = dataToString(data);\n } else {\n multiply(data, 0, z);\n multiply(data, 1 << -e, 0);\n result = dataToString(data) + repeat('0', fractDigits);\n }\n }\n if (fractDigits > 0) {\n k = result.length;\n result = sign + (k <= fractDigits\n ? '0.' + repeat('0', fractDigits - k) + result\n : stringSlice(result, 0, k - fractDigits) + '.' + stringSlice(result, k - fractDigits));\n } else {\n result = sign + result;\n } return result;\n }\n});\n","var bind = require('../internals/function-bind-context');\nvar uncurryThis = require('../internals/function-uncurry-this');\nvar IndexedObject = require('../internals/indexed-object');\nvar toObject = require('../internals/to-object');\nvar lengthOfArrayLike = require('../internals/length-of-array-like');\nvar arraySpeciesCreate = require('../internals/array-species-create');\n\nvar push = uncurryThis([].push);\n\n// `Array.prototype.{ forEach, map, filter, some, every, find, findIndex, filterReject }` methods implementation\nvar createMethod = function (TYPE) {\n var IS_MAP = TYPE == 1;\n var IS_FILTER = TYPE == 2;\n var IS_SOME = TYPE == 3;\n var IS_EVERY = TYPE == 4;\n var IS_FIND_INDEX = TYPE == 6;\n var IS_FILTER_REJECT = TYPE == 7;\n var NO_HOLES = TYPE == 5 || IS_FIND_INDEX;\n return function ($this, callbackfn, that, specificCreate) {\n var O = toObject($this);\n var self = IndexedObject(O);\n var boundFunction = bind(callbackfn, that);\n var length = lengthOfArrayLike(self);\n var index = 0;\n var create = specificCreate || arraySpeciesCreate;\n var target = IS_MAP ? create($this, length) : IS_FILTER || IS_FILTER_REJECT ? create($this, 0) : undefined;\n var value, result;\n for (;length > index; index++) if (NO_HOLES || index in self) {\n value = self[index];\n result = boundFunction(value, index, O);\n if (TYPE) {\n if (IS_MAP) target[index] = result; // map\n else if (result) switch (TYPE) {\n case 3: return true; // some\n case 5: return value; // find\n case 6: return index; // findIndex\n case 2: push(target, value); // filter\n } else switch (TYPE) {\n case 4: return false; // every\n case 7: push(target, value); // filterReject\n }\n }\n }\n return IS_FIND_INDEX ? -1 : IS_SOME || IS_EVERY ? IS_EVERY : target;\n };\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n // `Array.prototype.forEach` method\n // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.foreach\n forEach: createMethod(0),\n // `Array.prototype.map` method\n // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.map\n map: createMethod(1),\n // `Array.prototype.filter` method\n // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.filter\n filter: createMethod(2),\n // `Array.prototype.some` method\n // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.some\n some: createMethod(3),\n // `Array.prototype.every` method\n // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.every\n every: createMethod(4),\n // `Array.prototype.find` method\n // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.find\n find: createMethod(5),\n // `Array.prototype.findIndex` method\n // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.findIndex\n findIndex: createMethod(6),\n // `Array.prototype.filterReject` method\n // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-array-filtering\n filterReject: createMethod(7)\n};\n","var baseAssignValue = require('./_baseAssignValue'),\n eq = require('./eq');\n\n/**\n * This function is like `assignValue` except that it doesn't assign\n * `undefined` values.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to modify.\n * @param {string} key The key of the property to assign.\n * @param {*} value The value to assign.\n */\nfunction assignMergeValue(object, key, value) {\n if ((value !== undefined && !eq(object[key], value)) ||\n (value === undefined && !(key in object))) {\n baseAssignValue(object, key, value);\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = assignMergeValue;\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : English (Singapore) [en-sg]\n//! author : Matthew Castrillon-Madrigal : https://github.com/techdimension\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var enSg = moment.defineLocale('en-sg', {\n months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),\n weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL: 'D MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[Today at] LT',\n nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',\n lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',\n lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'in %s',\n past: '%s ago',\n s: 'a few seconds',\n ss: '%d seconds',\n m: 'a minute',\n mm: '%d minutes',\n h: 'an hour',\n hh: '%d hours',\n d: 'a day',\n dd: '%d days',\n M: 'a month',\n MM: '%d months',\n y: 'a year',\n yy: '%d years',\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,\n ordinal: function (number) {\n var b = number % 10,\n output =\n ~~((number % 100) / 10) === 1\n ? 'th'\n : b === 1\n ? 'st'\n : b === 2\n ? 'nd'\n : b === 3\n ? 'rd'\n : 'th';\n return number + output;\n },\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return enSg;\n\n})));\n","'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar global = require('../internals/global');\nvar getBuiltIn = require('../internals/get-built-in');\nvar createPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/create-property-descriptor');\nvar defineProperty = require('../internals/object-define-property').f;\nvar hasOwn = require('../internals/has-own-property');\nvar anInstance = require('../internals/an-instance');\nvar inheritIfRequired = require('../internals/inherit-if-required');\nvar normalizeStringArgument = require('../internals/normalize-string-argument');\nvar DOMExceptionConstants = require('../internals/dom-exception-constants');\nvar clearErrorStack = require('../internals/error-stack-clear');\nvar DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure');\n\nvar DOM_EXCEPTION = 'DOMException';\nvar Error = getBuiltIn('Error');\nvar NativeDOMException = getBuiltIn(DOM_EXCEPTION);\n\nvar $DOMException = function DOMException() {\n anInstance(this, DOMExceptionPrototype);\n var argumentsLength = arguments.length;\n var message = normalizeStringArgument(argumentsLength < 1 ? undefined : arguments[0]);\n var name = normalizeStringArgument(argumentsLength < 2 ? undefined : arguments[1], 'Error');\n var that = new NativeDOMException(message, name);\n var error = Error(message);\n error.name = DOM_EXCEPTION;\n defineProperty(that, 'stack', createPropertyDescriptor(1, clearErrorStack(error.stack, 1)));\n inheritIfRequired(that, this, $DOMException);\n return that;\n};\n\nvar DOMExceptionPrototype = $DOMException.prototype = NativeDOMException.prototype;\n\nvar ERROR_HAS_STACK = 'stack' in Error(DOM_EXCEPTION);\nvar DOM_EXCEPTION_HAS_STACK = 'stack' in new NativeDOMException(1, 2);\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe\nvar descriptor = NativeDOMException && DESCRIPTORS && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(global, DOM_EXCEPTION);\n\n// Bun ~ 0.1.1 DOMException have incorrect descriptor and we can't redefine it\n// https://github.com/Jarred-Sumner/bun/issues/399\nvar BUGGY_DESCRIPTOR = !!descriptor && !(descriptor.writable && descriptor.configurable);\n\nvar FORCED_CONSTRUCTOR = ERROR_HAS_STACK && !BUGGY_DESCRIPTOR && !DOM_EXCEPTION_HAS_STACK;\n\n// `DOMException` constructor patch for `.stack` where it's required\n// https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#es-DOMException-specialness\n$({ global: true, constructor: true, forced: IS_PURE || FORCED_CONSTRUCTOR }, { // TODO: fix export logic\n DOMException: FORCED_CONSTRUCTOR ? $DOMException : NativeDOMException\n});\n\nvar PolyfilledDOMException = getBuiltIn(DOM_EXCEPTION);\nvar PolyfilledDOMExceptionPrototype = PolyfilledDOMException.prototype;\n\nif (PolyfilledDOMExceptionPrototype.constructor !== PolyfilledDOMException) {\n if (!IS_PURE) {\n defineProperty(PolyfilledDOMExceptionPrototype, 'constructor', createPropertyDescriptor(1, PolyfilledDOMException));\n }\n\n for (var key in DOMExceptionConstants) if (hasOwn(DOMExceptionConstants, key)) {\n var constant = DOMExceptionConstants[key];\n var constantName = constant.s;\n if (!hasOwn(PolyfilledDOMException, constantName)) {\n defineProperty(PolyfilledDOMException, constantName, createPropertyDescriptor(6, constant.c));\n }\n }\n}\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Nynorsk [nn]\n//! authors : https://github.com/mechuwind\n//! Stephen Ramthun : https://github.com/stephenramthun\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var nn = moment.defineLocale('nn', {\n months: 'januar_februar_mars_april_mai_juni_juli_august_september_oktober_november_desember'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort:\n 'jan._feb._mars_apr._mai_juni_juli_aug._sep._okt._nov._des.'.split('_'),\n monthsParseExact: true,\n weekdays: 'sundag_måndag_tysdag_onsdag_torsdag_fredag_laurdag'.split('_'),\n weekdaysShort: 'su._må._ty._on._to._fr._lau.'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'su_må_ty_on_to_fr_la'.split('_'),\n weekdaysParseExact: true,\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',\n LL: 'D. MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] H:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[I dag klokka] LT',\n nextDay: '[I morgon klokka] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [klokka] LT',\n lastDay: '[I går klokka] LT',\n lastWeek: '[Føregåande] dddd [klokka] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'om %s',\n past: '%s sidan',\n s: 'nokre sekund',\n ss: '%d sekund',\n m: 'eit minutt',\n mm: '%d minutt',\n h: 'ein time',\n hh: '%d timar',\n d: 'ein dag',\n dd: '%d dagar',\n w: 'ei veke',\n ww: '%d veker',\n M: 'ein månad',\n MM: '%d månader',\n y: 'eit år',\n yy: '%d år',\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}\\./,\n ordinal: '%d.',\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return nn;\n\n})));\n","import unsupportedIterableToArray from \"./unsupportedIterableToArray.js\";\nexport default function _createForOfIteratorHelper(o, allowArrayLike) {\n var it = typeof Symbol !== \"undefined\" && o[Symbol.iterator] || o[\"@@iterator\"];\n if (!it) {\n if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === \"number\") {\n if (it) o = it;\n var i = 0;\n var F = function F() {};\n return {\n s: F,\n n: function n() {\n if (i >= o.length) return {\n done: true\n };\n return {\n done: false,\n value: o[i++]\n };\n },\n e: function e(_e) {\n throw _e;\n },\n f: F\n };\n }\n throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\");\n }\n var normalCompletion = true,\n didErr = false,\n err;\n return {\n s: function s() {\n it = it.call(o);\n },\n n: function n() {\n var step = it.next();\n normalCompletion = step.done;\n return step;\n },\n e: function e(_e2) {\n didErr = true;\n err = _e2;\n },\n f: function f() {\n try {\n if (!normalCompletion && it[\"return\"] != null) it[\"return\"]();\n } finally {\n if (didErr) throw err;\n }\n }\n };\n}","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START tslib,_Subscription PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport * as tslib_1 from \"tslib\";\nimport { Subscription } from './Subscription';\nvar SubjectSubscription = /*@__PURE__*/ (function (_super) {\n tslib_1.__extends(SubjectSubscription, _super);\n function SubjectSubscription(subject, subscriber) {\n var _this = _super.call(this) || this;\n _this.subject = subject;\n _this.subscriber = subscriber;\n _this.closed = false;\n return _this;\n }\n SubjectSubscription.prototype.unsubscribe = function () {\n if (this.closed) {\n return;\n }\n this.closed = true;\n var subject = this.subject;\n var observers = subject.observers;\n this.subject = null;\n if (!observers || observers.length === 0 || subject.isStopped || subject.closed) {\n return;\n }\n var subscriberIndex = observers.indexOf(this.subscriber);\n if (subscriberIndex !== -1) {\n observers.splice(subscriberIndex, 1);\n }\n };\n return SubjectSubscription;\n}(Subscription));\nexport { SubjectSubscription };\n//# sourceMappingURL=SubjectSubscription.js.map\n","var itoc = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';\nvar ctoi = {};\n\nfor (var index = 0; index < 66; index++) ctoi[itoc.charAt(index)] = index;\n\nmodule.exports = {\n itoc: itoc,\n ctoi: ctoi\n};\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Latvian [lv]\n//! author : Kristaps Karlsons : https://github.com/skakri\n//! author : Jānis Elmeris : https://github.com/JanisE\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var units = {\n ss: 'sekundes_sekundēm_sekunde_sekundes'.split('_'),\n m: 'minūtes_minūtēm_minūte_minūtes'.split('_'),\n mm: 'minūtes_minūtēm_minūte_minūtes'.split('_'),\n h: 'stundas_stundām_stunda_stundas'.split('_'),\n hh: 'stundas_stundām_stunda_stundas'.split('_'),\n d: 'dienas_dienām_diena_dienas'.split('_'),\n dd: 'dienas_dienām_diena_dienas'.split('_'),\n M: 'mēneša_mēnešiem_mēnesis_mēneši'.split('_'),\n MM: 'mēneša_mēnešiem_mēnesis_mēneši'.split('_'),\n y: 'gada_gadiem_gads_gadi'.split('_'),\n yy: 'gada_gadiem_gads_gadi'.split('_'),\n };\n /**\n * @param withoutSuffix boolean true = a length of time; false = before/after a period of time.\n */\n function format(forms, number, withoutSuffix) {\n if (withoutSuffix) {\n // E.g. \"21 minūte\", \"3 minūtes\".\n return number % 10 === 1 && number % 100 !== 11 ? forms[2] : forms[3];\n } else {\n // E.g. \"21 minūtes\" as in \"pēc 21 minūtes\".\n // E.g. \"3 minūtēm\" as in \"pēc 3 minūtēm\".\n return number % 10 === 1 && number % 100 !== 11 ? forms[0] : forms[1];\n }\n }\n function relativeTimeWithPlural(number, withoutSuffix, key) {\n return number + ' ' + format(units[key], number, withoutSuffix);\n }\n function relativeTimeWithSingular(number, withoutSuffix, key) {\n return format(units[key], number, withoutSuffix);\n }\n function relativeSeconds(number, withoutSuffix) {\n return withoutSuffix ? 'dažas sekundes' : 'dažām sekundēm';\n }\n\n var lv = moment.defineLocale('lv', {\n months: 'janvāris_februāris_marts_aprīlis_maijs_jūnijs_jūlijs_augusts_septembris_oktobris_novembris_decembris'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort: 'jan_feb_mar_apr_mai_jūn_jūl_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_'),\n weekdays:\n 'svētdiena_pirmdiena_otrdiena_trešdiena_ceturtdiena_piektdiena_sestdiena'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdaysShort: 'Sv_P_O_T_C_Pk_S'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'Sv_P_O_T_C_Pk_S'.split('_'),\n weekdaysParseExact: true,\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD.MM.YYYY.',\n LL: 'YYYY. [gada] D. MMMM',\n LLL: 'YYYY. [gada] D. MMMM, HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'YYYY. [gada] D. MMMM, dddd, HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[Šodien pulksten] LT',\n nextDay: '[Rīt pulksten] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [pulksten] LT',\n lastDay: '[Vakar pulksten] LT',\n lastWeek: '[Pagājušā] dddd [pulksten] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'pēc %s',\n past: 'pirms %s',\n s: relativeSeconds,\n ss: relativeTimeWithPlural,\n m: relativeTimeWithSingular,\n mm: relativeTimeWithPlural,\n h: relativeTimeWithSingular,\n hh: relativeTimeWithPlural,\n d: relativeTimeWithSingular,\n dd: relativeTimeWithPlural,\n M: relativeTimeWithSingular,\n MM: relativeTimeWithPlural,\n y: relativeTimeWithSingular,\n yy: relativeTimeWithPlural,\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}\\./,\n ordinal: '%d.',\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return lv;\n\n})));\n","var fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar createPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/create-property-descriptor');\n\nmodule.exports = !fails(function () {\n var error = Error('a');\n if (!('stack' in error)) return true;\n // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- safe\n Object.defineProperty(error, 'stack', createPropertyDescriptor(1, 7));\n return error.stack !== 7;\n});\n","var fails = require('../internals/fails');\n\nmodule.exports = !fails(function () {\n // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-isextensible, es/no-object-preventextensions -- required for testing\n return Object.isExtensible(Object.preventExtensions({}));\n});\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : German (Switzerland) [de-ch]\n//! author : sschueller : https://github.com/sschueller\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n function processRelativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {\n var format = {\n m: ['eine Minute', 'einer Minute'],\n h: ['eine Stunde', 'einer Stunde'],\n d: ['ein Tag', 'einem Tag'],\n dd: [number + ' Tage', number + ' Tagen'],\n w: ['eine Woche', 'einer Woche'],\n M: ['ein Monat', 'einem Monat'],\n MM: [number + ' Monate', number + ' Monaten'],\n y: ['ein Jahr', 'einem Jahr'],\n yy: [number + ' Jahre', number + ' Jahren'],\n };\n return withoutSuffix ? format[key][0] : format[key][1];\n }\n\n var deCh = moment.defineLocale('de-ch', {\n months: 'Januar_Februar_März_April_Mai_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort:\n 'Jan._Feb._März_Apr._Mai_Juni_Juli_Aug._Sep._Okt._Nov._Dez.'.split('_'),\n monthsParseExact: true,\n weekdays:\n 'Sonntag_Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdaysShort: 'So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),\n weekdaysParseExact: true,\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',\n LL: 'D. MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[heute um] LT [Uhr]',\n sameElse: 'L',\n nextDay: '[morgen um] LT [Uhr]',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [um] LT [Uhr]',\n lastDay: '[gestern um] LT [Uhr]',\n lastWeek: '[letzten] dddd [um] LT [Uhr]',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'in %s',\n past: 'vor %s',\n s: 'ein paar Sekunden',\n ss: '%d Sekunden',\n m: processRelativeTime,\n mm: '%d Minuten',\n h: processRelativeTime,\n hh: '%d Stunden',\n d: processRelativeTime,\n dd: processRelativeTime,\n w: processRelativeTime,\n ww: '%d Wochen',\n M: processRelativeTime,\n MM: processRelativeTime,\n y: processRelativeTime,\n yy: processRelativeTime,\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}\\./,\n ordinal: '%d.',\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return deCh;\n\n})));\n","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon download-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M5,20H19V18H5M19,9H15V3H9V9H5L12,16L19,9Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./Download.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./Download.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./Download.vue?vue&type=template&id=b0ce3ea8\"\nimport script from \"./Download.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./Download.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","var nativeCreate = require('./_nativeCreate');\n\n/** Used to stand-in for `undefined` hash values. */\nvar HASH_UNDEFINED = '__lodash_hash_undefined__';\n\n/** Used for built-in method references. */\nvar objectProto = Object.prototype;\n\n/** Used to check objects for own properties. */\nvar hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;\n\n/**\n * Gets the hash value for `key`.\n *\n * @private\n * @name get\n * @memberOf Hash\n * @param {string} key The key of the value to get.\n * @returns {*} Returns the entry value.\n */\nfunction hashGet(key) {\n var data = this.__data__;\n if (nativeCreate) {\n var result = data[key];\n return result === HASH_UNDEFINED ? undefined : result;\n }\n return hasOwnProperty.call(data, key) ? data[key] : undefined;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = hashGet;\n","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon magnify-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 16,9.5C16,11.11 15.41,12.59 14.44,13.73L14.71,14H15.5L20.5,19L19,20.5L14,15.5V14.71L13.73,14.44C12.59,15.41 11.11,16 9.5,16A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 9.5,3M9.5,5C7,5 5,7 5,9.5C5,12 7,14 9.5,14C12,14 14,12 14,9.5C14,7 12,5 9.5,5Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./Magnify.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./Magnify.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./Magnify.vue?vue&type=template&id=9bebb224\"\nimport script from \"./Magnify.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./Magnify.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","module.exports = require('./lib/axios');","import toPropertyKey from \"./toPropertyKey.js\";\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) {\n for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {\n var descriptor = props[i];\n descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;\n descriptor.configurable = true;\n if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;\n Object.defineProperty(target, toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor);\n }\n}\nexport default function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {\n if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);\n if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);\n Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", {\n writable: false\n });\n return Constructor;\n}","'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar call = require('../internals/function-call');\n\n// `URL.prototype.toJSON` method\n// https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-url-tojson\n$({ target: 'URL', proto: true, enumerable: true }, {\n toJSON: function toJSON() {\n return call(URL.prototype.toString, this);\n }\n});\n","var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar isSupersetOf = require('../internals/set-is-superset-of');\nvar setMethodAcceptSetLike = require('../internals/set-method-accept-set-like');\n\n// `Set.prototype.isSupersetOf` method\n// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-set-methods\n$({ target: 'Set', proto: true, real: true, forced: !setMethodAcceptSetLike('isSupersetOf') }, {\n isSupersetOf: isSupersetOf\n});\n","var call = require('../internals/function-call');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar isSymbol = require('../internals/is-symbol');\nvar getMethod = require('../internals/get-method');\nvar ordinaryToPrimitive = require('../internals/ordinary-to-primitive');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\n\nvar $TypeError = TypeError;\nvar TO_PRIMITIVE = wellKnownSymbol('toPrimitive');\n\n// `ToPrimitive` abstract operation\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-toprimitive\nmodule.exports = function (input, pref) {\n if (!isObject(input) || isSymbol(input)) return input;\n var exoticToPrim = getMethod(input, TO_PRIMITIVE);\n var result;\n if (exoticToPrim) {\n if (pref === undefined) pref = 'default';\n result = call(exoticToPrim, input, pref);\n if (!isObject(result) || isSymbol(result)) return result;\n throw $TypeError(\"Can't convert object to primitive value\");\n }\n if (pref === undefined) pref = 'number';\n return ordinaryToPrimitive(input, pref);\n};\n","var baseIsEqualDeep = require('./_baseIsEqualDeep'),\n isObjectLike = require('./isObjectLike');\n\n/**\n * The base implementation of `_.isEqual` which supports partial comparisons\n * and tracks traversed objects.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n * @param {boolean} bitmask The bitmask flags.\n * 1 - Unordered comparison\n * 2 - Partial comparison\n * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize comparisons.\n * @param {Object} [stack] Tracks traversed `value` and `other` objects.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`.\n */\nfunction baseIsEqual(value, other, bitmask, customizer, stack) {\n if (value === other) {\n return true;\n }\n if (value == null || other == null || (!isObjectLike(value) && !isObjectLike(other))) {\n return value !== value && other !== other;\n }\n return baseIsEqualDeep(value, other, bitmask, customizer, baseIsEqual, stack);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = baseIsEqual;\n","/** Used as references for various `Number` constants. */\nvar MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991;\n\n/** Used to detect unsigned integer values. */\nvar reIsUint = /^(?:0|[1-9]\\d*)$/;\n\n/**\n * Checks if `value` is a valid array-like index.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @param {number} [length=MAX_SAFE_INTEGER] The upper bounds of a valid index.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a valid index, else `false`.\n */\nfunction isIndex(value, length) {\n var type = typeof value;\n length = length == null ? MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : length;\n\n return !!length &&\n (type == 'number' ||\n (type != 'symbol' && reIsUint.test(value))) &&\n (value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value < length);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = isIndex;\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Central Atlas Tamazight [tzm]\n//! author : Abdel Said : https://github.com/abdelsaid\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var tzm = moment.defineLocale('tzm', {\n months: 'ⵉⵏⵏⴰⵢⵔ_ⴱⵕⴰⵢⵕ_ⵎⴰⵕⵚ_ⵉⴱⵔⵉⵔ_ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ_ⵢⵓⵏⵢⵓ_ⵢⵓⵍⵢⵓⵣ_ⵖⵓⵛⵜ_ⵛⵓⵜⴰⵏⴱⵉⵔ_ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ_ⵏⵓⵡⴰⵏⴱⵉⵔ_ⴷⵓⵊⵏⴱⵉⵔ'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort:\n 'ⵉⵏⵏⴰⵢⵔ_ⴱⵕⴰⵢⵕ_ⵎⴰⵕⵚ_ⵉⴱⵔⵉⵔ_ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ_ⵢⵓⵏⵢⵓ_ⵢⵓⵍⵢⵓⵣ_ⵖⵓⵛⵜ_ⵛⵓⵜⴰⵏⴱⵉⵔ_ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ_ⵏⵓⵡⴰⵏⴱⵉⵔ_ⴷⵓⵊⵏⴱⵉⵔ'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdays: 'ⴰⵙⴰⵎⴰⵙ_ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ_ⴰⵙⵉⵏⴰⵙ_ⴰⴽⵔⴰⵙ_ⴰⴽⵡⴰⵙ_ⴰⵙⵉⵎⵡⴰⵙ_ⴰⵙⵉⴹⵢⴰⵙ'.split('_'),\n weekdaysShort: 'ⴰⵙⴰⵎⴰⵙ_ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ_ⴰⵙⵉⵏⴰⵙ_ⴰⴽⵔⴰⵙ_ⴰⴽⵡⴰⵙ_ⴰⵙⵉⵎⵡⴰⵙ_ⴰⵙⵉⴹⵢⴰⵙ'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'ⴰⵙⴰⵎⴰⵙ_ⴰⵢⵏⴰⵙ_ⴰⵙⵉⵏⴰⵙ_ⴰⴽⵔⴰⵙ_ⴰⴽⵡⴰⵙ_ⴰⵙⵉⵎⵡⴰⵙ_ⴰⵙⵉⴹⵢⴰⵙ'.split('_'),\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL: 'D MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[ⴰⵙⴷⵅ ⴴ] LT',\n nextDay: '[ⴰⵙⴽⴰ ⴴ] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [ⴴ] LT',\n lastDay: '[ⴰⵚⴰⵏⵜ ⴴ] LT',\n lastWeek: 'dddd [ⴴ] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'ⴷⴰⴷⵅ ⵙ ⵢⴰⵏ %s',\n past: 'ⵢⴰⵏ %s',\n s: 'ⵉⵎⵉⴽ',\n ss: '%d ⵉⵎⵉⴽ',\n m: 'ⵎⵉⵏⵓⴺ',\n mm: '%d ⵎⵉⵏⵓⴺ',\n h: 'ⵙⴰⵄⴰ',\n hh: '%d ⵜⴰⵙⵙⴰⵄⵉⵏ',\n d: 'ⴰⵙⵙ',\n dd: '%d oⵙⵙⴰⵏ',\n M: 'ⴰⵢoⵓⵔ',\n MM: '%d ⵉⵢⵢⵉⵔⵏ',\n y: 'ⴰⵙⴳⴰⵙ',\n yy: '%d ⵉⵙⴳⴰⵙⵏ',\n },\n week: {\n dow: 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 12, // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return tzm;\n\n})));\n","function _arrayWithHoles(arr) {\n if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr;\n}\nmodule.exports = _arrayWithHoles, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","var baseSetToString = require('./_baseSetToString'),\n shortOut = require('./_shortOut');\n\n/**\n * Sets the `toString` method of `func` to return `string`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} func The function to modify.\n * @param {Function} string The `toString` result.\n * @returns {Function} Returns `func`.\n */\nvar setToString = shortOut(baseSetToString);\n\nmodule.exports = setToString;\n","//! moment.js\n//! version : 2.30.1\n//! authors : Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev, Moment.js contributors\n//! license : MIT\n//! momentjs.com\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :\n global.moment = factory()\n}(this, (function () { 'use strict';\n\n var hookCallback;\n\n function hooks() {\n return hookCallback.apply(null, arguments);\n }\n\n // This is done to register the method called with moment()\n // without creating circular dependencies.\n function setHookCallback(callback) {\n hookCallback = callback;\n }\n\n function isArray(input) {\n return (\n input instanceof Array ||\n Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === '[object Array]'\n );\n }\n\n function isObject(input) {\n // IE8 will treat undefined and null as object if it wasn't for\n // input != null\n return (\n input != null &&\n Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === '[object Object]'\n );\n }\n\n function hasOwnProp(a, b) {\n return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, b);\n }\n\n function isObjectEmpty(obj) {\n if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames) {\n return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).length === 0;\n } else {\n var k;\n for (k in obj) {\n if (hasOwnProp(obj, k)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n function isUndefined(input) {\n return input === void 0;\n }\n\n function isNumber(input) {\n return (\n typeof input === 'number' ||\n Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === '[object Number]'\n );\n }\n\n function isDate(input) {\n return (\n input instanceof Date ||\n Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === '[object Date]'\n );\n }\n\n function map(arr, fn) {\n var res = [],\n i,\n arrLen = arr.length;\n for (i = 0; i < arrLen; ++i) {\n res.push(fn(arr[i], i));\n }\n return res;\n }\n\n function extend(a, b) {\n for (var i in b) {\n if (hasOwnProp(b, i)) {\n a[i] = b[i];\n }\n }\n\n if (hasOwnProp(b, 'toString')) {\n a.toString = b.toString;\n }\n\n if (hasOwnProp(b, 'valueOf')) {\n a.valueOf = b.valueOf;\n }\n\n return a;\n }\n\n function createUTC(input, format, locale, strict) {\n return createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, true).utc();\n }\n\n function defaultParsingFlags() {\n // We need to deep clone this object.\n return {\n empty: false,\n unusedTokens: [],\n unusedInput: [],\n overflow: -2,\n charsLeftOver: 0,\n nullInput: false,\n invalidEra: null,\n invalidMonth: null,\n invalidFormat: false,\n userInvalidated: false,\n iso: false,\n parsedDateParts: [],\n era: null,\n meridiem: null,\n rfc2822: false,\n weekdayMismatch: false,\n };\n }\n\n function getParsingFlags(m) {\n if (m._pf == null) {\n m._pf = defaultParsingFlags();\n }\n return m._pf;\n }\n\n var some;\n if (Array.prototype.some) {\n some = Array.prototype.some;\n } else {\n some = function (fun) {\n var t = Object(this),\n len = t.length >>> 0,\n i;\n\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n if (i in t && fun.call(this, t[i], i, t)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n };\n }\n\n function isValid(m) {\n var flags = null,\n parsedParts = false,\n isNowValid = m._d && !isNaN(m._d.getTime());\n if (isNowValid) {\n flags = getParsingFlags(m);\n parsedParts = some.call(flags.parsedDateParts, function (i) {\n return i != null;\n });\n isNowValid =\n flags.overflow < 0 &&\n !flags.empty &&\n !flags.invalidEra &&\n !flags.invalidMonth &&\n !flags.invalidWeekday &&\n !flags.weekdayMismatch &&\n !flags.nullInput &&\n !flags.invalidFormat &&\n !flags.userInvalidated &&\n (!flags.meridiem || (flags.meridiem && parsedParts));\n if (m._strict) {\n isNowValid =\n isNowValid &&\n flags.charsLeftOver === 0 &&\n flags.unusedTokens.length === 0 &&\n flags.bigHour === undefined;\n }\n }\n if (Object.isFrozen == null || !Object.isFrozen(m)) {\n m._isValid = isNowValid;\n } else {\n return isNowValid;\n }\n return m._isValid;\n }\n\n function createInvalid(flags) {\n var m = createUTC(NaN);\n if (flags != null) {\n extend(getParsingFlags(m), flags);\n } else {\n getParsingFlags(m).userInvalidated = true;\n }\n\n return m;\n }\n\n // Plugins that add properties should also add the key here (null value),\n // so we can properly clone ourselves.\n var momentProperties = (hooks.momentProperties = []),\n updateInProgress = false;\n\n function copyConfig(to, from) {\n var i,\n prop,\n val,\n momentPropertiesLen = momentProperties.length;\n\n if (!isUndefined(from._isAMomentObject)) {\n to._isAMomentObject = from._isAMomentObject;\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._i)) {\n to._i = from._i;\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._f)) {\n to._f = from._f;\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._l)) {\n to._l = from._l;\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._strict)) {\n to._strict = from._strict;\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._tzm)) {\n to._tzm = from._tzm;\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._isUTC)) {\n to._isUTC = from._isUTC;\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._offset)) {\n to._offset = from._offset;\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._pf)) {\n to._pf = getParsingFlags(from);\n }\n if (!isUndefined(from._locale)) {\n to._locale = from._locale;\n }\n\n if (momentPropertiesLen > 0) {\n for (i = 0; i < momentPropertiesLen; i++) {\n prop = momentProperties[i];\n val = from[prop];\n if (!isUndefined(val)) {\n to[prop] = val;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return to;\n }\n\n // Moment prototype object\n function Moment(config) {\n copyConfig(this, config);\n this._d = new Date(config._d != null ? config._d.getTime() : NaN);\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n this._d = new Date(NaN);\n }\n // Prevent infinite loop in case updateOffset creates new moment\n // objects.\n if (updateInProgress === false) {\n updateInProgress = true;\n hooks.updateOffset(this);\n updateInProgress = false;\n }\n }\n\n function isMoment(obj) {\n return (\n obj instanceof Moment || (obj != null && obj._isAMomentObject != null)\n );\n }\n\n function warn(msg) {\n if (\n hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings === false &&\n typeof console !== 'undefined' &&\n console.warn\n ) {\n console.warn('Deprecation warning: ' + msg);\n }\n }\n\n function deprecate(msg, fn) {\n var firstTime = true;\n\n return extend(function () {\n if (hooks.deprecationHandler != null) {\n hooks.deprecationHandler(null, msg);\n }\n if (firstTime) {\n var args = [],\n arg,\n i,\n key,\n argLen = arguments.length;\n for (i = 0; i < argLen; i++) {\n arg = '';\n if (typeof arguments[i] === 'object') {\n arg += '\\n[' + i + '] ';\n for (key in arguments[0]) {\n if (hasOwnProp(arguments[0], key)) {\n arg += key + ': ' + arguments[0][key] + ', ';\n }\n }\n arg = arg.slice(0, -2); // Remove trailing comma and space\n } else {\n arg = arguments[i];\n }\n args.push(arg);\n }\n warn(\n msg +\n '\\nArguments: ' +\n Array.prototype.slice.call(args).join('') +\n '\\n' +\n new Error().stack\n );\n firstTime = false;\n }\n return fn.apply(this, arguments);\n }, fn);\n }\n\n var deprecations = {};\n\n function deprecateSimple(name, msg) {\n if (hooks.deprecationHandler != null) {\n hooks.deprecationHandler(name, msg);\n }\n if (!deprecations[name]) {\n warn(msg);\n deprecations[name] = true;\n }\n }\n\n hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings = false;\n hooks.deprecationHandler = null;\n\n function isFunction(input) {\n return (\n (typeof Function !== 'undefined' && input instanceof Function) ||\n Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === '[object Function]'\n );\n }\n\n function set(config) {\n var prop, i;\n for (i in config) {\n if (hasOwnProp(config, i)) {\n prop = config[i];\n if (isFunction(prop)) {\n this[i] = prop;\n } else {\n this['_' + i] = prop;\n }\n }\n }\n this._config = config;\n // Lenient ordinal parsing accepts just a number in addition to\n // number + (possibly) stuff coming from _dayOfMonthOrdinalParse.\n // TODO: Remove \"ordinalParse\" fallback in next major release.\n this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient = new RegExp(\n (this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse.source || this._ordinalParse.source) +\n '|' +\n /\\d{1,2}/.source\n );\n }\n\n function mergeConfigs(parentConfig, childConfig) {\n var res = extend({}, parentConfig),\n prop;\n for (prop in childConfig) {\n if (hasOwnProp(childConfig, prop)) {\n if (isObject(parentConfig[prop]) && isObject(childConfig[prop])) {\n res[prop] = {};\n extend(res[prop], parentConfig[prop]);\n extend(res[prop], childConfig[prop]);\n } else if (childConfig[prop] != null) {\n res[prop] = childConfig[prop];\n } else {\n delete res[prop];\n }\n }\n }\n for (prop in parentConfig) {\n if (\n hasOwnProp(parentConfig, prop) &&\n !hasOwnProp(childConfig, prop) &&\n isObject(parentConfig[prop])\n ) {\n // make sure changes to properties don't modify parent config\n res[prop] = extend({}, res[prop]);\n }\n }\n return res;\n }\n\n function Locale(config) {\n if (config != null) {\n this.set(config);\n }\n }\n\n var keys;\n\n if (Object.keys) {\n keys = Object.keys;\n } else {\n keys = function (obj) {\n var i,\n res = [];\n for (i in obj) {\n if (hasOwnProp(obj, i)) {\n res.push(i);\n }\n }\n return res;\n };\n }\n\n var defaultCalendar = {\n sameDay: '[Today at] LT',\n nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',\n lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',\n lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n };\n\n function calendar(key, mom, now) {\n var output = this._calendar[key] || this._calendar['sameElse'];\n return isFunction(output) ? output.call(mom, now) : output;\n }\n\n function zeroFill(number, targetLength, forceSign) {\n var absNumber = '' + Math.abs(number),\n zerosToFill = targetLength - absNumber.length,\n sign = number >= 0;\n return (\n (sign ? (forceSign ? '+' : '') : '-') +\n Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, zerosToFill)).toString().substr(1) +\n absNumber\n );\n }\n\n var formattingTokens =\n /(\\[[^\\[]*\\])|(\\\\)?([Hh]mm(ss)?|Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Qo?|N{1,5}|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|y{2,4}|yo?|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|kk?|mm?|ss?|S{1,9}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g,\n localFormattingTokens = /(\\[[^\\[]*\\])|(\\\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g,\n formatFunctions = {},\n formatTokenFunctions = {};\n\n // token: 'M'\n // padded: ['MM', 2]\n // ordinal: 'Mo'\n // callback: function () { this.month() + 1 }\n function addFormatToken(token, padded, ordinal, callback) {\n var func = callback;\n if (typeof callback === 'string') {\n func = function () {\n return this[callback]();\n };\n }\n if (token) {\n formatTokenFunctions[token] = func;\n }\n if (padded) {\n formatTokenFunctions[padded[0]] = function () {\n return zeroFill(func.apply(this, arguments), padded[1], padded[2]);\n };\n }\n if (ordinal) {\n formatTokenFunctions[ordinal] = function () {\n return this.localeData().ordinal(\n func.apply(this, arguments),\n token\n );\n };\n }\n }\n\n function removeFormattingTokens(input) {\n if (input.match(/\\[[\\s\\S]/)) {\n return input.replace(/^\\[|\\]$/g, '');\n }\n return input.replace(/\\\\/g, '');\n }\n\n function makeFormatFunction(format) {\n var array = format.match(formattingTokens),\n i,\n length;\n\n for (i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {\n if (formatTokenFunctions[array[i]]) {\n array[i] = formatTokenFunctions[array[i]];\n } else {\n array[i] = removeFormattingTokens(array[i]);\n }\n }\n\n return function (mom) {\n var output = '',\n i;\n for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n output += isFunction(array[i])\n ? array[i].call(mom, format)\n : array[i];\n }\n return output;\n };\n }\n\n // format date using native date object\n function formatMoment(m, format) {\n if (!m.isValid()) {\n return m.localeData().invalidDate();\n }\n\n format = expandFormat(format, m.localeData());\n formatFunctions[format] =\n formatFunctions[format] || makeFormatFunction(format);\n\n return formatFunctions[format](m);\n }\n\n function expandFormat(format, locale) {\n var i = 5;\n\n function replaceLongDateFormatTokens(input) {\n return locale.longDateFormat(input) || input;\n }\n\n localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0;\n while (i >= 0 && localFormattingTokens.test(format)) {\n format = format.replace(\n localFormattingTokens,\n replaceLongDateFormatTokens\n );\n localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0;\n i -= 1;\n }\n\n return format;\n }\n\n var defaultLongDateFormat = {\n LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',\n LT: 'h:mm A',\n L: 'MM/DD/YYYY',\n LL: 'MMMM D, YYYY',\n LLL: 'MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A',\n LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A',\n };\n\n function longDateFormat(key) {\n var format = this._longDateFormat[key],\n formatUpper = this._longDateFormat[key.toUpperCase()];\n\n if (format || !formatUpper) {\n return format;\n }\n\n this._longDateFormat[key] = formatUpper\n .match(formattingTokens)\n .map(function (tok) {\n if (\n tok === 'MMMM' ||\n tok === 'MM' ||\n tok === 'DD' ||\n tok === 'dddd'\n ) {\n return tok.slice(1);\n }\n return tok;\n })\n .join('');\n\n return this._longDateFormat[key];\n }\n\n var defaultInvalidDate = 'Invalid date';\n\n function invalidDate() {\n return this._invalidDate;\n }\n\n var defaultOrdinal = '%d',\n defaultDayOfMonthOrdinalParse = /\\d{1,2}/;\n\n function ordinal(number) {\n return this._ordinal.replace('%d', number);\n }\n\n var defaultRelativeTime = {\n future: 'in %s',\n past: '%s ago',\n s: 'a few seconds',\n ss: '%d seconds',\n m: 'a minute',\n mm: '%d minutes',\n h: 'an hour',\n hh: '%d hours',\n d: 'a day',\n dd: '%d days',\n w: 'a week',\n ww: '%d weeks',\n M: 'a month',\n MM: '%d months',\n y: 'a year',\n yy: '%d years',\n };\n\n function relativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) {\n var output = this._relativeTime[string];\n return isFunction(output)\n ? output(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture)\n : output.replace(/%d/i, number);\n }\n\n function pastFuture(diff, output) {\n var format = this._relativeTime[diff > 0 ? 'future' : 'past'];\n return isFunction(format) ? format(output) : format.replace(/%s/i, output);\n }\n\n var aliases = {\n D: 'date',\n dates: 'date',\n date: 'date',\n d: 'day',\n days: 'day',\n day: 'day',\n e: 'weekday',\n weekdays: 'weekday',\n weekday: 'weekday',\n E: 'isoWeekday',\n isoweekdays: 'isoWeekday',\n isoweekday: 'isoWeekday',\n DDD: 'dayOfYear',\n dayofyears: 'dayOfYear',\n dayofyear: 'dayOfYear',\n h: 'hour',\n hours: 'hour',\n hour: 'hour',\n ms: 'millisecond',\n milliseconds: 'millisecond',\n millisecond: 'millisecond',\n m: 'minute',\n minutes: 'minute',\n minute: 'minute',\n M: 'month',\n months: 'month',\n month: 'month',\n Q: 'quarter',\n quarters: 'quarter',\n quarter: 'quarter',\n s: 'second',\n seconds: 'second',\n second: 'second',\n gg: 'weekYear',\n weekyears: 'weekYear',\n weekyear: 'weekYear',\n GG: 'isoWeekYear',\n isoweekyears: 'isoWeekYear',\n isoweekyear: 'isoWeekYear',\n w: 'week',\n weeks: 'week',\n week: 'week',\n W: 'isoWeek',\n isoweeks: 'isoWeek',\n isoweek: 'isoWeek',\n y: 'year',\n years: 'year',\n year: 'year',\n };\n\n function normalizeUnits(units) {\n return typeof units === 'string'\n ? aliases[units] || aliases[units.toLowerCase()]\n : undefined;\n }\n\n function normalizeObjectUnits(inputObject) {\n var normalizedInput = {},\n normalizedProp,\n prop;\n\n for (prop in inputObject) {\n if (hasOwnProp(inputObject, prop)) {\n normalizedProp = normalizeUnits(prop);\n if (normalizedProp) {\n normalizedInput[normalizedProp] = inputObject[prop];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return normalizedInput;\n }\n\n var priorities = {\n date: 9,\n day: 11,\n weekday: 11,\n isoWeekday: 11,\n dayOfYear: 4,\n hour: 13,\n millisecond: 16,\n minute: 14,\n month: 8,\n quarter: 7,\n second: 15,\n weekYear: 1,\n isoWeekYear: 1,\n week: 5,\n isoWeek: 5,\n year: 1,\n };\n\n function getPrioritizedUnits(unitsObj) {\n var units = [],\n u;\n for (u in unitsObj) {\n if (hasOwnProp(unitsObj, u)) {\n units.push({ unit: u, priority: priorities[u] });\n }\n }\n units.sort(function (a, b) {\n return a.priority - b.priority;\n });\n return units;\n }\n\n var match1 = /\\d/, // 0 - 9\n match2 = /\\d\\d/, // 00 - 99\n match3 = /\\d{3}/, // 000 - 999\n match4 = /\\d{4}/, // 0000 - 9999\n match6 = /[+-]?\\d{6}/, // -999999 - 999999\n match1to2 = /\\d\\d?/, // 0 - 99\n match3to4 = /\\d\\d\\d\\d?/, // 999 - 9999\n match5to6 = /\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d?/, // 99999 - 999999\n match1to3 = /\\d{1,3}/, // 0 - 999\n match1to4 = /\\d{1,4}/, // 0 - 9999\n match1to6 = /[+-]?\\d{1,6}/, // -999999 - 999999\n matchUnsigned = /\\d+/, // 0 - inf\n matchSigned = /[+-]?\\d+/, // -inf - inf\n matchOffset = /Z|[+-]\\d\\d:?\\d\\d/gi, // +00:00 -00:00 +0000 -0000 or Z\n matchShortOffset = /Z|[+-]\\d\\d(?::?\\d\\d)?/gi, // +00 -00 +00:00 -00:00 +0000 -0000 or Z\n matchTimestamp = /[+-]?\\d+(\\.\\d{1,3})?/, // 123456789 123456789.123\n // any word (or two) characters or numbers including two/three word month in arabic.\n // includes scottish gaelic two word and hyphenated months\n matchWord =\n /[0-9]{0,256}['a-z\\u00A0-\\u05FF\\u0700-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFF07\\uFF10-\\uFFEF]{1,256}|[\\u0600-\\u06FF\\/]{1,256}(\\s*?[\\u0600-\\u06FF]{1,256}){1,2}/i,\n match1to2NoLeadingZero = /^[1-9]\\d?/, // 1-99\n match1to2HasZero = /^([1-9]\\d|\\d)/, // 0-99\n regexes;\n\n regexes = {};\n\n function addRegexToken(token, regex, strictRegex) {\n regexes[token] = isFunction(regex)\n ? regex\n : function (isStrict, localeData) {\n return isStrict && strictRegex ? strictRegex : regex;\n };\n }\n\n function getParseRegexForToken(token, config) {\n if (!hasOwnProp(regexes, token)) {\n return new RegExp(unescapeFormat(token));\n }\n\n return regexes[token](config._strict, config._locale);\n }\n\n // Code from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3561493/is-there-a-regexp-escape-function-in-javascript\n function unescapeFormat(s) {\n return regexEscape(\n s\n .replace('\\\\', '')\n .replace(\n /\\\\(\\[)|\\\\(\\])|\\[([^\\]\\[]*)\\]|\\\\(.)/g,\n function (matched, p1, p2, p3, p4) {\n return p1 || p2 || p3 || p4;\n }\n )\n );\n }\n\n function regexEscape(s) {\n return s.replace(/[-\\/\\\\^$*+?.()|[\\]{}]/g, '\\\\$&');\n }\n\n function absFloor(number) {\n if (number < 0) {\n // -0 -> 0\n return Math.ceil(number) || 0;\n } else {\n return Math.floor(number);\n }\n }\n\n function toInt(argumentForCoercion) {\n var coercedNumber = +argumentForCoercion,\n value = 0;\n\n if (coercedNumber !== 0 && isFinite(coercedNumber)) {\n value = absFloor(coercedNumber);\n }\n\n return value;\n }\n\n var tokens = {};\n\n function addParseToken(token, callback) {\n var i,\n func = callback,\n tokenLen;\n if (typeof token === 'string') {\n token = [token];\n }\n if (isNumber(callback)) {\n func = function (input, array) {\n array[callback] = toInt(input);\n };\n }\n tokenLen = token.length;\n for (i = 0; i < tokenLen; i++) {\n tokens[token[i]] = func;\n }\n }\n\n function addWeekParseToken(token, callback) {\n addParseToken(token, function (input, array, config, token) {\n config._w = config._w || {};\n callback(input, config._w, config, token);\n });\n }\n\n function addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, input, config) {\n if (input != null && hasOwnProp(tokens, token)) {\n tokens[token](input, config._a, config, token);\n }\n }\n\n function isLeapYear(year) {\n return (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0;\n }\n\n var YEAR = 0,\n MONTH = 1,\n DATE = 2,\n HOUR = 3,\n MINUTE = 4,\n SECOND = 5,\n MILLISECOND = 6,\n WEEK = 7,\n WEEKDAY = 8;\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('Y', 0, 0, function () {\n var y = this.year();\n return y <= 9999 ? zeroFill(y, 4) : '+' + y;\n });\n\n addFormatToken(0, ['YY', 2], 0, function () {\n return this.year() % 100;\n });\n\n addFormatToken(0, ['YYYY', 4], 0, 'year');\n addFormatToken(0, ['YYYYY', 5], 0, 'year');\n addFormatToken(0, ['YYYYYY', 6, true], 0, 'year');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('Y', matchSigned);\n addRegexToken('YY', match1to2, match2);\n addRegexToken('YYYY', match1to4, match4);\n addRegexToken('YYYYY', match1to6, match6);\n addRegexToken('YYYYYY', match1to6, match6);\n\n addParseToken(['YYYYY', 'YYYYYY'], YEAR);\n addParseToken('YYYY', function (input, array) {\n array[YEAR] =\n input.length === 2 ? hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input) : toInt(input);\n });\n addParseToken('YY', function (input, array) {\n array[YEAR] = hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input);\n });\n addParseToken('Y', function (input, array) {\n array[YEAR] = parseInt(input, 10);\n });\n\n // HELPERS\n\n function daysInYear(year) {\n return isLeapYear(year) ? 366 : 365;\n }\n\n // HOOKS\n\n hooks.parseTwoDigitYear = function (input) {\n return toInt(input) + (toInt(input) > 68 ? 1900 : 2000);\n };\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n var getSetYear = makeGetSet('FullYear', true);\n\n function getIsLeapYear() {\n return isLeapYear(this.year());\n }\n\n function makeGetSet(unit, keepTime) {\n return function (value) {\n if (value != null) {\n set$1(this, unit, value);\n hooks.updateOffset(this, keepTime);\n return this;\n } else {\n return get(this, unit);\n }\n };\n }\n\n function get(mom, unit) {\n if (!mom.isValid()) {\n return NaN;\n }\n\n var d = mom._d,\n isUTC = mom._isUTC;\n\n switch (unit) {\n case 'Milliseconds':\n return isUTC ? d.getUTCMilliseconds() : d.getMilliseconds();\n case 'Seconds':\n return isUTC ? d.getUTCSeconds() : d.getSeconds();\n case 'Minutes':\n return isUTC ? d.getUTCMinutes() : d.getMinutes();\n case 'Hours':\n return isUTC ? d.getUTCHours() : d.getHours();\n case 'Date':\n return isUTC ? d.getUTCDate() : d.getDate();\n case 'Day':\n return isUTC ? d.getUTCDay() : d.getDay();\n case 'Month':\n return isUTC ? d.getUTCMonth() : d.getMonth();\n case 'FullYear':\n return isUTC ? d.getUTCFullYear() : d.getFullYear();\n default:\n return NaN; // Just in case\n }\n }\n\n function set$1(mom, unit, value) {\n var d, isUTC, year, month, date;\n\n if (!mom.isValid() || isNaN(value)) {\n return;\n }\n\n d = mom._d;\n isUTC = mom._isUTC;\n\n switch (unit) {\n case 'Milliseconds':\n return void (isUTC\n ? d.setUTCMilliseconds(value)\n : d.setMilliseconds(value));\n case 'Seconds':\n return void (isUTC ? d.setUTCSeconds(value) : d.setSeconds(value));\n case 'Minutes':\n return void (isUTC ? d.setUTCMinutes(value) : d.setMinutes(value));\n case 'Hours':\n return void (isUTC ? d.setUTCHours(value) : d.setHours(value));\n case 'Date':\n return void (isUTC ? d.setUTCDate(value) : d.setDate(value));\n // case 'Day': // Not real\n // return void (isUTC ? d.setUTCDay(value) : d.setDay(value));\n // case 'Month': // Not used because we need to pass two variables\n // return void (isUTC ? d.setUTCMonth(value) : d.setMonth(value));\n case 'FullYear':\n break; // See below ...\n default:\n return; // Just in case\n }\n\n year = value;\n month = mom.month();\n date = mom.date();\n date = date === 29 && month === 1 && !isLeapYear(year) ? 28 : date;\n void (isUTC\n ? d.setUTCFullYear(year, month, date)\n : d.setFullYear(year, month, date));\n }\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n function stringGet(units) {\n units = normalizeUnits(units);\n if (isFunction(this[units])) {\n return this[units]();\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n function stringSet(units, value) {\n if (typeof units === 'object') {\n units = normalizeObjectUnits(units);\n var prioritized = getPrioritizedUnits(units),\n i,\n prioritizedLen = prioritized.length;\n for (i = 0; i < prioritizedLen; i++) {\n this[prioritized[i].unit](units[prioritized[i].unit]);\n }\n } else {\n units = normalizeUnits(units);\n if (isFunction(this[units])) {\n return this[units](value);\n }\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n function mod(n, x) {\n return ((n % x) + x) % x;\n }\n\n var indexOf;\n\n if (Array.prototype.indexOf) {\n indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;\n } else {\n indexOf = function (o) {\n // I know\n var i;\n for (i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {\n if (this[i] === o) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n return -1;\n };\n }\n\n function daysInMonth(year, month) {\n if (isNaN(year) || isNaN(month)) {\n return NaN;\n }\n var modMonth = mod(month, 12);\n year += (month - modMonth) / 12;\n return modMonth === 1\n ? isLeapYear(year)\n ? 29\n : 28\n : 31 - ((modMonth % 7) % 2);\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('M', ['MM', 2], 'Mo', function () {\n return this.month() + 1;\n });\n\n addFormatToken('MMM', 0, 0, function (format) {\n return this.localeData().monthsShort(this, format);\n });\n\n addFormatToken('MMMM', 0, 0, function (format) {\n return this.localeData().months(this, format);\n });\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('M', match1to2, match1to2NoLeadingZero);\n addRegexToken('MM', match1to2, match2);\n addRegexToken('MMM', function (isStrict, locale) {\n return locale.monthsShortRegex(isStrict);\n });\n addRegexToken('MMMM', function (isStrict, locale) {\n return locale.monthsRegex(isStrict);\n });\n\n addParseToken(['M', 'MM'], function (input, array) {\n array[MONTH] = toInt(input) - 1;\n });\n\n addParseToken(['MMM', 'MMMM'], function (input, array, config, token) {\n var month = config._locale.monthsParse(input, token, config._strict);\n // if we didn't find a month name, mark the date as invalid.\n if (month != null) {\n array[MONTH] = month;\n } else {\n getParsingFlags(config).invalidMonth = input;\n }\n });\n\n // LOCALES\n\n var defaultLocaleMonths =\n 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n defaultLocaleMonthsShort =\n 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),\n MONTHS_IN_FORMAT = /D[oD]?(\\[[^\\[\\]]*\\]|\\s)+MMMM?/,\n defaultMonthsShortRegex = matchWord,\n defaultMonthsRegex = matchWord;\n\n function localeMonths(m, format) {\n if (!m) {\n return isArray(this._months)\n ? this._months\n : this._months['standalone'];\n }\n return isArray(this._months)\n ? this._months[m.month()]\n : this._months[\n (this._months.isFormat || MONTHS_IN_FORMAT).test(format)\n ? 'format'\n : 'standalone'\n ][m.month()];\n }\n\n function localeMonthsShort(m, format) {\n if (!m) {\n return isArray(this._monthsShort)\n ? this._monthsShort\n : this._monthsShort['standalone'];\n }\n return isArray(this._monthsShort)\n ? this._monthsShort[m.month()]\n : this._monthsShort[\n MONTHS_IN_FORMAT.test(format) ? 'format' : 'standalone'\n ][m.month()];\n }\n\n function handleStrictParse(monthName, format, strict) {\n var i,\n ii,\n mom,\n llc = monthName.toLocaleLowerCase();\n if (!this._monthsParse) {\n // this is not used\n this._monthsParse = [];\n this._longMonthsParse = [];\n this._shortMonthsParse = [];\n for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {\n mom = createUTC([2000, i]);\n this._shortMonthsParse[i] = this.monthsShort(\n mom,\n ''\n ).toLocaleLowerCase();\n this._longMonthsParse[i] = this.months(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();\n }\n }\n\n if (strict) {\n if (format === 'MMM') {\n ii = indexOf.call(this._shortMonthsParse, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n } else {\n ii = indexOf.call(this._longMonthsParse, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n }\n } else {\n if (format === 'MMM') {\n ii = indexOf.call(this._shortMonthsParse, llc);\n if (ii !== -1) {\n return ii;\n }\n ii = indexOf.call(this._longMonthsParse, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n } else {\n ii = indexOf.call(this._longMonthsParse, llc);\n if (ii !== -1) {\n return ii;\n }\n ii = indexOf.call(this._shortMonthsParse, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n }\n }\n }\n\n function localeMonthsParse(monthName, format, strict) {\n var i, mom, regex;\n\n if (this._monthsParseExact) {\n return handleStrictParse.call(this, monthName, format, strict);\n }\n\n if (!this._monthsParse) {\n this._monthsParse = [];\n this._longMonthsParse = [];\n this._shortMonthsParse = [];\n }\n\n // TODO: add sorting\n // Sorting makes sure if one month (or abbr) is a prefix of another\n // see sorting in computeMonthsParse\n for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {\n // make the regex if we don't have it already\n mom = createUTC([2000, i]);\n if (strict && !this._longMonthsParse[i]) {\n this._longMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp(\n '^' + this.months(mom, '').replace('.', '') + '$',\n 'i'\n );\n this._shortMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp(\n '^' + this.monthsShort(mom, '').replace('.', '') + '$',\n 'i'\n );\n }\n if (!strict && !this._monthsParse[i]) {\n regex =\n '^' + this.months(mom, '') + '|^' + this.monthsShort(mom, '');\n this._monthsParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace('.', ''), 'i');\n }\n // test the regex\n if (\n strict &&\n format === 'MMMM' &&\n this._longMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)\n ) {\n return i;\n } else if (\n strict &&\n format === 'MMM' &&\n this._shortMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)\n ) {\n return i;\n } else if (!strict && this._monthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n function setMonth(mom, value) {\n if (!mom.isValid()) {\n // No op\n return mom;\n }\n\n if (typeof value === 'string') {\n if (/^\\d+$/.test(value)) {\n value = toInt(value);\n } else {\n value = mom.localeData().monthsParse(value);\n // TODO: Another silent failure?\n if (!isNumber(value)) {\n return mom;\n }\n }\n }\n\n var month = value,\n date = mom.date();\n\n date = date < 29 ? date : Math.min(date, daysInMonth(mom.year(), month));\n void (mom._isUTC\n ? mom._d.setUTCMonth(month, date)\n : mom._d.setMonth(month, date));\n return mom;\n }\n\n function getSetMonth(value) {\n if (value != null) {\n setMonth(this, value);\n hooks.updateOffset(this, true);\n return this;\n } else {\n return get(this, 'Month');\n }\n }\n\n function getDaysInMonth() {\n return daysInMonth(this.year(), this.month());\n }\n\n function monthsShortRegex(isStrict) {\n if (this._monthsParseExact) {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsRegex')) {\n computeMonthsParse.call(this);\n }\n if (isStrict) {\n return this._monthsShortStrictRegex;\n } else {\n return this._monthsShortRegex;\n }\n } else {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsShortRegex')) {\n this._monthsShortRegex = defaultMonthsShortRegex;\n }\n return this._monthsShortStrictRegex && isStrict\n ? this._monthsShortStrictRegex\n : this._monthsShortRegex;\n }\n }\n\n function monthsRegex(isStrict) {\n if (this._monthsParseExact) {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsRegex')) {\n computeMonthsParse.call(this);\n }\n if (isStrict) {\n return this._monthsStrictRegex;\n } else {\n return this._monthsRegex;\n }\n } else {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsRegex')) {\n this._monthsRegex = defaultMonthsRegex;\n }\n return this._monthsStrictRegex && isStrict\n ? this._monthsStrictRegex\n : this._monthsRegex;\n }\n }\n\n function computeMonthsParse() {\n function cmpLenRev(a, b) {\n return b.length - a.length;\n }\n\n var shortPieces = [],\n longPieces = [],\n mixedPieces = [],\n i,\n mom,\n shortP,\n longP;\n for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {\n // make the regex if we don't have it already\n mom = createUTC([2000, i]);\n shortP = regexEscape(this.monthsShort(mom, ''));\n longP = regexEscape(this.months(mom, ''));\n shortPieces.push(shortP);\n longPieces.push(longP);\n mixedPieces.push(longP);\n mixedPieces.push(shortP);\n }\n // Sorting makes sure if one month (or abbr) is a prefix of another it\n // will match the longer piece.\n shortPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);\n longPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);\n mixedPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);\n\n this._monthsRegex = new RegExp('^(' + mixedPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');\n this._monthsShortRegex = this._monthsRegex;\n this._monthsStrictRegex = new RegExp(\n '^(' + longPieces.join('|') + ')',\n 'i'\n );\n this._monthsShortStrictRegex = new RegExp(\n '^(' + shortPieces.join('|') + ')',\n 'i'\n );\n }\n\n function createDate(y, m, d, h, M, s, ms) {\n // can't just apply() to create a date:\n // https://stackoverflow.com/q/181348\n var date;\n // the date constructor remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999\n if (y < 100 && y >= 0) {\n // preserve leap years using a full 400 year cycle, then reset\n date = new Date(y + 400, m, d, h, M, s, ms);\n if (isFinite(date.getFullYear())) {\n date.setFullYear(y);\n }\n } else {\n date = new Date(y, m, d, h, M, s, ms);\n }\n\n return date;\n }\n\n function createUTCDate(y) {\n var date, args;\n // the Date.UTC function remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999\n if (y < 100 && y >= 0) {\n args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);\n // preserve leap years using a full 400 year cycle, then reset\n args[0] = y + 400;\n date = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, args));\n if (isFinite(date.getUTCFullYear())) {\n date.setUTCFullYear(y);\n }\n } else {\n date = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, arguments));\n }\n\n return date;\n }\n\n // start-of-first-week - start-of-year\n function firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy) {\n var // first-week day -- which january is always in the first week (4 for iso, 1 for other)\n fwd = 7 + dow - doy,\n // first-week day local weekday -- which local weekday is fwd\n fwdlw = (7 + createUTCDate(year, 0, fwd).getUTCDay() - dow) % 7;\n\n return -fwdlw + fwd - 1;\n }\n\n // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date#Calculating_a_date_given_the_year.2C_week_number_and_weekday\n function dayOfYearFromWeeks(year, week, weekday, dow, doy) {\n var localWeekday = (7 + weekday - dow) % 7,\n weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy),\n dayOfYear = 1 + 7 * (week - 1) + localWeekday + weekOffset,\n resYear,\n resDayOfYear;\n\n if (dayOfYear <= 0) {\n resYear = year - 1;\n resDayOfYear = daysInYear(resYear) + dayOfYear;\n } else if (dayOfYear > daysInYear(year)) {\n resYear = year + 1;\n resDayOfYear = dayOfYear - daysInYear(year);\n } else {\n resYear = year;\n resDayOfYear = dayOfYear;\n }\n\n return {\n year: resYear,\n dayOfYear: resDayOfYear,\n };\n }\n\n function weekOfYear(mom, dow, doy) {\n var weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(mom.year(), dow, doy),\n week = Math.floor((mom.dayOfYear() - weekOffset - 1) / 7) + 1,\n resWeek,\n resYear;\n\n if (week < 1) {\n resYear = mom.year() - 1;\n resWeek = week + weeksInYear(resYear, dow, doy);\n } else if (week > weeksInYear(mom.year(), dow, doy)) {\n resWeek = week - weeksInYear(mom.year(), dow, doy);\n resYear = mom.year() + 1;\n } else {\n resYear = mom.year();\n resWeek = week;\n }\n\n return {\n week: resWeek,\n year: resYear,\n };\n }\n\n function weeksInYear(year, dow, doy) {\n var weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy),\n weekOffsetNext = firstWeekOffset(year + 1, dow, doy);\n return (daysInYear(year) - weekOffset + weekOffsetNext) / 7;\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('w', ['ww', 2], 'wo', 'week');\n addFormatToken('W', ['WW', 2], 'Wo', 'isoWeek');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('w', match1to2, match1to2NoLeadingZero);\n addRegexToken('ww', match1to2, match2);\n addRegexToken('W', match1to2, match1to2NoLeadingZero);\n addRegexToken('WW', match1to2, match2);\n\n addWeekParseToken(\n ['w', 'ww', 'W', 'WW'],\n function (input, week, config, token) {\n week[token.substr(0, 1)] = toInt(input);\n }\n );\n\n // HELPERS\n\n // LOCALES\n\n function localeWeek(mom) {\n return weekOfYear(mom, this._week.dow, this._week.doy).week;\n }\n\n var defaultLocaleWeek = {\n dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 6, // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.\n };\n\n function localeFirstDayOfWeek() {\n return this._week.dow;\n }\n\n function localeFirstDayOfYear() {\n return this._week.doy;\n }\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n function getSetWeek(input) {\n var week = this.localeData().week(this);\n return input == null ? week : this.add((input - week) * 7, 'd');\n }\n\n function getSetISOWeek(input) {\n var week = weekOfYear(this, 1, 4).week;\n return input == null ? week : this.add((input - week) * 7, 'd');\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('d', 0, 'do', 'day');\n\n addFormatToken('dd', 0, 0, function (format) {\n return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this, format);\n });\n\n addFormatToken('ddd', 0, 0, function (format) {\n return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this, format);\n });\n\n addFormatToken('dddd', 0, 0, function (format) {\n return this.localeData().weekdays(this, format);\n });\n\n addFormatToken('e', 0, 0, 'weekday');\n addFormatToken('E', 0, 0, 'isoWeekday');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('d', match1to2);\n addRegexToken('e', match1to2);\n addRegexToken('E', match1to2);\n addRegexToken('dd', function (isStrict, locale) {\n return locale.weekdaysMinRegex(isStrict);\n });\n addRegexToken('ddd', function (isStrict, locale) {\n return locale.weekdaysShortRegex(isStrict);\n });\n addRegexToken('dddd', function (isStrict, locale) {\n return locale.weekdaysRegex(isStrict);\n });\n\n addWeekParseToken(['dd', 'ddd', 'dddd'], function (input, week, config, token) {\n var weekday = config._locale.weekdaysParse(input, token, config._strict);\n // if we didn't get a weekday name, mark the date as invalid\n if (weekday != null) {\n week.d = weekday;\n } else {\n getParsingFlags(config).invalidWeekday = input;\n }\n });\n\n addWeekParseToken(['d', 'e', 'E'], function (input, week, config, token) {\n week[token] = toInt(input);\n });\n\n // HELPERS\n\n function parseWeekday(input, locale) {\n if (typeof input !== 'string') {\n return input;\n }\n\n if (!isNaN(input)) {\n return parseInt(input, 10);\n }\n\n input = locale.weekdaysParse(input);\n if (typeof input === 'number') {\n return input;\n }\n\n return null;\n }\n\n function parseIsoWeekday(input, locale) {\n if (typeof input === 'string') {\n return locale.weekdaysParse(input) % 7 || 7;\n }\n return isNaN(input) ? null : input;\n }\n\n // LOCALES\n function shiftWeekdays(ws, n) {\n return ws.slice(n, 7).concat(ws.slice(0, n));\n }\n\n var defaultLocaleWeekdays =\n 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split('_'),\n defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort = 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),\n defaultLocaleWeekdaysMin = 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),\n defaultWeekdaysRegex = matchWord,\n defaultWeekdaysShortRegex = matchWord,\n defaultWeekdaysMinRegex = matchWord;\n\n function localeWeekdays(m, format) {\n var weekdays = isArray(this._weekdays)\n ? this._weekdays\n : this._weekdays[\n m && m !== true && this._weekdays.isFormat.test(format)\n ? 'format'\n : 'standalone'\n ];\n return m === true\n ? shiftWeekdays(weekdays, this._week.dow)\n : m\n ? weekdays[m.day()]\n : weekdays;\n }\n\n function localeWeekdaysShort(m) {\n return m === true\n ? shiftWeekdays(this._weekdaysShort, this._week.dow)\n : m\n ? this._weekdaysShort[m.day()]\n : this._weekdaysShort;\n }\n\n function localeWeekdaysMin(m) {\n return m === true\n ? shiftWeekdays(this._weekdaysMin, this._week.dow)\n : m\n ? this._weekdaysMin[m.day()]\n : this._weekdaysMin;\n }\n\n function handleStrictParse$1(weekdayName, format, strict) {\n var i,\n ii,\n mom,\n llc = weekdayName.toLocaleLowerCase();\n if (!this._weekdaysParse) {\n this._weekdaysParse = [];\n this._shortWeekdaysParse = [];\n this._minWeekdaysParse = [];\n\n for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {\n mom = createUTC([2000, 1]).day(i);\n this._minWeekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdaysMin(\n mom,\n ''\n ).toLocaleLowerCase();\n this._shortWeekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdaysShort(\n mom,\n ''\n ).toLocaleLowerCase();\n this._weekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdays(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();\n }\n }\n\n if (strict) {\n if (format === 'dddd') {\n ii = indexOf.call(this._weekdaysParse, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n } else if (format === 'ddd') {\n ii = indexOf.call(this._shortWeekdaysParse, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n } else {\n ii = indexOf.call(this._minWeekdaysParse, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n }\n } else {\n if (format === 'dddd') {\n ii = indexOf.call(this._weekdaysParse, llc);\n if (ii !== -1) {\n return ii;\n }\n ii = indexOf.call(this._shortWeekdaysParse, llc);\n if (ii !== -1) {\n return ii;\n }\n ii = indexOf.call(this._minWeekdaysParse, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n } else if (format === 'ddd') {\n ii = indexOf.call(this._shortWeekdaysParse, llc);\n if (ii !== -1) {\n return ii;\n }\n ii = indexOf.call(this._weekdaysParse, llc);\n if (ii !== -1) {\n return ii;\n }\n ii = indexOf.call(this._minWeekdaysParse, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n } else {\n ii = indexOf.call(this._minWeekdaysParse, llc);\n if (ii !== -1) {\n return ii;\n }\n ii = indexOf.call(this._weekdaysParse, llc);\n if (ii !== -1) {\n return ii;\n }\n ii = indexOf.call(this._shortWeekdaysParse, llc);\n return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;\n }\n }\n }\n\n function localeWeekdaysParse(weekdayName, format, strict) {\n var i, mom, regex;\n\n if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {\n return handleStrictParse$1.call(this, weekdayName, format, strict);\n }\n\n if (!this._weekdaysParse) {\n this._weekdaysParse = [];\n this._minWeekdaysParse = [];\n this._shortWeekdaysParse = [];\n this._fullWeekdaysParse = [];\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {\n // make the regex if we don't have it already\n\n mom = createUTC([2000, 1]).day(i);\n if (strict && !this._fullWeekdaysParse[i]) {\n this._fullWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp(\n '^' + this.weekdays(mom, '').replace('.', '\\\\.?') + '$',\n 'i'\n );\n this._shortWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp(\n '^' + this.weekdaysShort(mom, '').replace('.', '\\\\.?') + '$',\n 'i'\n );\n this._minWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp(\n '^' + this.weekdaysMin(mom, '').replace('.', '\\\\.?') + '$',\n 'i'\n );\n }\n if (!this._weekdaysParse[i]) {\n regex =\n '^' +\n this.weekdays(mom, '') +\n '|^' +\n this.weekdaysShort(mom, '') +\n '|^' +\n this.weekdaysMin(mom, '');\n this._weekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace('.', ''), 'i');\n }\n // test the regex\n if (\n strict &&\n format === 'dddd' &&\n this._fullWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)\n ) {\n return i;\n } else if (\n strict &&\n format === 'ddd' &&\n this._shortWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)\n ) {\n return i;\n } else if (\n strict &&\n format === 'dd' &&\n this._minWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)\n ) {\n return i;\n } else if (!strict && this._weekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n function getSetDayOfWeek(input) {\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return input != null ? this : NaN;\n }\n\n var day = get(this, 'Day');\n if (input != null) {\n input = parseWeekday(input, this.localeData());\n return this.add(input - day, 'd');\n } else {\n return day;\n }\n }\n\n function getSetLocaleDayOfWeek(input) {\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return input != null ? this : NaN;\n }\n var weekday = (this.day() + 7 - this.localeData()._week.dow) % 7;\n return input == null ? weekday : this.add(input - weekday, 'd');\n }\n\n function getSetISODayOfWeek(input) {\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return input != null ? this : NaN;\n }\n\n // behaves the same as moment#day except\n // as a getter, returns 7 instead of 0 (1-7 range instead of 0-6)\n // as a setter, sunday should belong to the previous week.\n\n if (input != null) {\n var weekday = parseIsoWeekday(input, this.localeData());\n return this.day(this.day() % 7 ? weekday : weekday - 7);\n } else {\n return this.day() || 7;\n }\n }\n\n function weekdaysRegex(isStrict) {\n if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {\n computeWeekdaysParse.call(this);\n }\n if (isStrict) {\n return this._weekdaysStrictRegex;\n } else {\n return this._weekdaysRegex;\n }\n } else {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {\n this._weekdaysRegex = defaultWeekdaysRegex;\n }\n return this._weekdaysStrictRegex && isStrict\n ? this._weekdaysStrictRegex\n : this._weekdaysRegex;\n }\n }\n\n function weekdaysShortRegex(isStrict) {\n if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {\n computeWeekdaysParse.call(this);\n }\n if (isStrict) {\n return this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex;\n } else {\n return this._weekdaysShortRegex;\n }\n } else {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysShortRegex')) {\n this._weekdaysShortRegex = defaultWeekdaysShortRegex;\n }\n return this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex && isStrict\n ? this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex\n : this._weekdaysShortRegex;\n }\n }\n\n function weekdaysMinRegex(isStrict) {\n if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {\n computeWeekdaysParse.call(this);\n }\n if (isStrict) {\n return this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex;\n } else {\n return this._weekdaysMinRegex;\n }\n } else {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysMinRegex')) {\n this._weekdaysMinRegex = defaultWeekdaysMinRegex;\n }\n return this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex && isStrict\n ? this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex\n : this._weekdaysMinRegex;\n }\n }\n\n function computeWeekdaysParse() {\n function cmpLenRev(a, b) {\n return b.length - a.length;\n }\n\n var minPieces = [],\n shortPieces = [],\n longPieces = [],\n mixedPieces = [],\n i,\n mom,\n minp,\n shortp,\n longp;\n for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {\n // make the regex if we don't have it already\n mom = createUTC([2000, 1]).day(i);\n minp = regexEscape(this.weekdaysMin(mom, ''));\n shortp = regexEscape(this.weekdaysShort(mom, ''));\n longp = regexEscape(this.weekdays(mom, ''));\n minPieces.push(minp);\n shortPieces.push(shortp);\n longPieces.push(longp);\n mixedPieces.push(minp);\n mixedPieces.push(shortp);\n mixedPieces.push(longp);\n }\n // Sorting makes sure if one weekday (or abbr) is a prefix of another it\n // will match the longer piece.\n minPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);\n shortPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);\n longPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);\n mixedPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);\n\n this._weekdaysRegex = new RegExp('^(' + mixedPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');\n this._weekdaysShortRegex = this._weekdaysRegex;\n this._weekdaysMinRegex = this._weekdaysRegex;\n\n this._weekdaysStrictRegex = new RegExp(\n '^(' + longPieces.join('|') + ')',\n 'i'\n );\n this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex = new RegExp(\n '^(' + shortPieces.join('|') + ')',\n 'i'\n );\n this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex = new RegExp(\n '^(' + minPieces.join('|') + ')',\n 'i'\n );\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n function hFormat() {\n return this.hours() % 12 || 12;\n }\n\n function kFormat() {\n return this.hours() || 24;\n }\n\n addFormatToken('H', ['HH', 2], 0, 'hour');\n addFormatToken('h', ['hh', 2], 0, hFormat);\n addFormatToken('k', ['kk', 2], 0, kFormat);\n\n addFormatToken('hmm', 0, 0, function () {\n return '' + hFormat.apply(this) + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2);\n });\n\n addFormatToken('hmmss', 0, 0, function () {\n return (\n '' +\n hFormat.apply(this) +\n zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2) +\n zeroFill(this.seconds(), 2)\n );\n });\n\n addFormatToken('Hmm', 0, 0, function () {\n return '' + this.hours() + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2);\n });\n\n addFormatToken('Hmmss', 0, 0, function () {\n return (\n '' +\n this.hours() +\n zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2) +\n zeroFill(this.seconds(), 2)\n );\n });\n\n function meridiem(token, lowercase) {\n addFormatToken(token, 0, 0, function () {\n return this.localeData().meridiem(\n this.hours(),\n this.minutes(),\n lowercase\n );\n });\n }\n\n meridiem('a', true);\n meridiem('A', false);\n\n // PARSING\n\n function matchMeridiem(isStrict, locale) {\n return locale._meridiemParse;\n }\n\n addRegexToken('a', matchMeridiem);\n addRegexToken('A', matchMeridiem);\n addRegexToken('H', match1to2, match1to2HasZero);\n addRegexToken('h', match1to2, match1to2NoLeadingZero);\n addRegexToken('k', match1to2, match1to2NoLeadingZero);\n addRegexToken('HH', match1to2, match2);\n addRegexToken('hh', match1to2, match2);\n addRegexToken('kk', match1to2, match2);\n\n addRegexToken('hmm', match3to4);\n addRegexToken('hmmss', match5to6);\n addRegexToken('Hmm', match3to4);\n addRegexToken('Hmmss', match5to6);\n\n addParseToken(['H', 'HH'], HOUR);\n addParseToken(['k', 'kk'], function (input, array, config) {\n var kInput = toInt(input);\n array[HOUR] = kInput === 24 ? 0 : kInput;\n });\n addParseToken(['a', 'A'], function (input, array, config) {\n config._isPm = config._locale.isPM(input);\n config._meridiem = input;\n });\n addParseToken(['h', 'hh'], function (input, array, config) {\n array[HOUR] = toInt(input);\n getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true;\n });\n addParseToken('hmm', function (input, array, config) {\n var pos = input.length - 2;\n array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos));\n array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos));\n getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true;\n });\n addParseToken('hmmss', function (input, array, config) {\n var pos1 = input.length - 4,\n pos2 = input.length - 2;\n array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos1));\n array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos1, 2));\n array[SECOND] = toInt(input.substr(pos2));\n getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true;\n });\n addParseToken('Hmm', function (input, array, config) {\n var pos = input.length - 2;\n array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos));\n array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos));\n });\n addParseToken('Hmmss', function (input, array, config) {\n var pos1 = input.length - 4,\n pos2 = input.length - 2;\n array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos1));\n array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos1, 2));\n array[SECOND] = toInt(input.substr(pos2));\n });\n\n // LOCALES\n\n function localeIsPM(input) {\n // IE8 Quirks Mode & IE7 Standards Mode do not allow accessing strings like arrays\n // Using charAt should be more compatible.\n return (input + '').toLowerCase().charAt(0) === 'p';\n }\n\n var defaultLocaleMeridiemParse = /[ap]\\.?m?\\.?/i,\n // Setting the hour should keep the time, because the user explicitly\n // specified which hour they want. So trying to maintain the same hour (in\n // a new timezone) makes sense. Adding/subtracting hours does not follow\n // this rule.\n getSetHour = makeGetSet('Hours', true);\n\n function localeMeridiem(hours, minutes, isLower) {\n if (hours > 11) {\n return isLower ? 'pm' : 'PM';\n } else {\n return isLower ? 'am' : 'AM';\n }\n }\n\n var baseConfig = {\n calendar: defaultCalendar,\n longDateFormat: defaultLongDateFormat,\n invalidDate: defaultInvalidDate,\n ordinal: defaultOrdinal,\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: defaultDayOfMonthOrdinalParse,\n relativeTime: defaultRelativeTime,\n\n months: defaultLocaleMonths,\n monthsShort: defaultLocaleMonthsShort,\n\n week: defaultLocaleWeek,\n\n weekdays: defaultLocaleWeekdays,\n weekdaysMin: defaultLocaleWeekdaysMin,\n weekdaysShort: defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort,\n\n meridiemParse: defaultLocaleMeridiemParse,\n };\n\n // internal storage for locale config files\n var locales = {},\n localeFamilies = {},\n globalLocale;\n\n function commonPrefix(arr1, arr2) {\n var i,\n minl = Math.min(arr1.length, arr2.length);\n for (i = 0; i < minl; i += 1) {\n if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i]) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n return minl;\n }\n\n function normalizeLocale(key) {\n return key ? key.toLowerCase().replace('_', '-') : key;\n }\n\n // pick the locale from the array\n // try ['en-au', 'en-gb'] as 'en-au', 'en-gb', 'en', as in move through the list trying each\n // substring from most specific to least, but move to the next array item if it's a more specific variant than the current root\n function chooseLocale(names) {\n var i = 0,\n j,\n next,\n locale,\n split;\n\n while (i < names.length) {\n split = normalizeLocale(names[i]).split('-');\n j = split.length;\n next = normalizeLocale(names[i + 1]);\n next = next ? next.split('-') : null;\n while (j > 0) {\n locale = loadLocale(split.slice(0, j).join('-'));\n if (locale) {\n return locale;\n }\n if (\n next &&\n next.length >= j &&\n commonPrefix(split, next) >= j - 1\n ) {\n //the next array item is better than a shallower substring of this one\n break;\n }\n j--;\n }\n i++;\n }\n return globalLocale;\n }\n\n function isLocaleNameSane(name) {\n // Prevent names that look like filesystem paths, i.e contain '/' or '\\'\n // Ensure name is available and function returns boolean\n return !!(name && name.match('^[^/\\\\\\\\]*$'));\n }\n\n function loadLocale(name) {\n var oldLocale = null,\n aliasedRequire;\n // TODO: Find a better way to register and load all the locales in Node\n if (\n locales[name] === undefined &&\n typeof module !== 'undefined' &&\n module &&\n module.exports &&\n isLocaleNameSane(name)\n ) {\n try {\n oldLocale = globalLocale._abbr;\n aliasedRequire = require;\n aliasedRequire('./locale/' + name);\n getSetGlobalLocale(oldLocale);\n } catch (e) {\n // mark as not found to avoid repeating expensive file require call causing high CPU\n // when trying to find en-US, en_US, en-us for every format call\n locales[name] = null; // null means not found\n }\n }\n return locales[name];\n }\n\n // This function will load locale and then set the global locale. If\n // no arguments are passed in, it will simply return the current global\n // locale key.\n function getSetGlobalLocale(key, values) {\n var data;\n if (key) {\n if (isUndefined(values)) {\n data = getLocale(key);\n } else {\n data = defineLocale(key, values);\n }\n\n if (data) {\n // moment.duration._locale = moment._locale = data;\n globalLocale = data;\n } else {\n if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.warn) {\n //warn user if arguments are passed but the locale could not be set\n console.warn(\n 'Locale ' + key + ' not found. Did you forget to load it?'\n );\n }\n }\n }\n\n return globalLocale._abbr;\n }\n\n function defineLocale(name, config) {\n if (config !== null) {\n var locale,\n parentConfig = baseConfig;\n config.abbr = name;\n if (locales[name] != null) {\n deprecateSimple(\n 'defineLocaleOverride',\n 'use moment.updateLocale(localeName, config) to change ' +\n 'an existing locale. moment.defineLocale(localeName, ' +\n 'config) should only be used for creating a new locale ' +\n 'See http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/define-locale/ for more info.'\n );\n parentConfig = locales[name]._config;\n } else if (config.parentLocale != null) {\n if (locales[config.parentLocale] != null) {\n parentConfig = locales[config.parentLocale]._config;\n } else {\n locale = loadLocale(config.parentLocale);\n if (locale != null) {\n parentConfig = locale._config;\n } else {\n if (!localeFamilies[config.parentLocale]) {\n localeFamilies[config.parentLocale] = [];\n }\n localeFamilies[config.parentLocale].push({\n name: name,\n config: config,\n });\n return null;\n }\n }\n }\n locales[name] = new Locale(mergeConfigs(parentConfig, config));\n\n if (localeFamilies[name]) {\n localeFamilies[name].forEach(function (x) {\n defineLocale(x.name, x.config);\n });\n }\n\n // backwards compat for now: also set the locale\n // make sure we set the locale AFTER all child locales have been\n // created, so we won't end up with the child locale set.\n getSetGlobalLocale(name);\n\n return locales[name];\n } else {\n // useful for testing\n delete locales[name];\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n function updateLocale(name, config) {\n if (config != null) {\n var locale,\n tmpLocale,\n parentConfig = baseConfig;\n\n if (locales[name] != null && locales[name].parentLocale != null) {\n // Update existing child locale in-place to avoid memory-leaks\n locales[name].set(mergeConfigs(locales[name]._config, config));\n } else {\n // MERGE\n tmpLocale = loadLocale(name);\n if (tmpLocale != null) {\n parentConfig = tmpLocale._config;\n }\n config = mergeConfigs(parentConfig, config);\n if (tmpLocale == null) {\n // updateLocale is called for creating a new locale\n // Set abbr so it will have a name (getters return\n // undefined otherwise).\n config.abbr = name;\n }\n locale = new Locale(config);\n locale.parentLocale = locales[name];\n locales[name] = locale;\n }\n\n // backwards compat for now: also set the locale\n getSetGlobalLocale(name);\n } else {\n // pass null for config to unupdate, useful for tests\n if (locales[name] != null) {\n if (locales[name].parentLocale != null) {\n locales[name] = locales[name].parentLocale;\n if (name === getSetGlobalLocale()) {\n getSetGlobalLocale(name);\n }\n } else if (locales[name] != null) {\n delete locales[name];\n }\n }\n }\n return locales[name];\n }\n\n // returns locale data\n function getLocale(key) {\n var locale;\n\n if (key && key._locale && key._locale._abbr) {\n key = key._locale._abbr;\n }\n\n if (!key) {\n return globalLocale;\n }\n\n if (!isArray(key)) {\n //short-circuit everything else\n locale = loadLocale(key);\n if (locale) {\n return locale;\n }\n key = [key];\n }\n\n return chooseLocale(key);\n }\n\n function listLocales() {\n return keys(locales);\n }\n\n function checkOverflow(m) {\n var overflow,\n a = m._a;\n\n if (a && getParsingFlags(m).overflow === -2) {\n overflow =\n a[MONTH] < 0 || a[MONTH] > 11\n ? MONTH\n : a[DATE] < 1 || a[DATE] > daysInMonth(a[YEAR], a[MONTH])\n ? DATE\n : a[HOUR] < 0 ||\n a[HOUR] > 24 ||\n (a[HOUR] === 24 &&\n (a[MINUTE] !== 0 ||\n a[SECOND] !== 0 ||\n a[MILLISECOND] !== 0))\n ? HOUR\n : a[MINUTE] < 0 || a[MINUTE] > 59\n ? MINUTE\n : a[SECOND] < 0 || a[SECOND] > 59\n ? SECOND\n : a[MILLISECOND] < 0 || a[MILLISECOND] > 999\n ? MILLISECOND\n : -1;\n\n if (\n getParsingFlags(m)._overflowDayOfYear &&\n (overflow < YEAR || overflow > DATE)\n ) {\n overflow = DATE;\n }\n if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowWeeks && overflow === -1) {\n overflow = WEEK;\n }\n if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowWeekday && overflow === -1) {\n overflow = WEEKDAY;\n }\n\n getParsingFlags(m).overflow = overflow;\n }\n\n return m;\n }\n\n // iso 8601 regex\n // 0000-00-00 0000-W00 or 0000-W00-0 + T + 00 or 00:00 or 00:00:00 or 00:00:00.000 + +00:00 or +0000 or +00)\n var extendedIsoRegex =\n /^\\s*((?:[+-]\\d{6}|\\d{4})-(?:\\d\\d-\\d\\d|W\\d\\d-\\d|W\\d\\d|\\d\\d\\d|\\d\\d))(?:(T| )(\\d\\d(?::\\d\\d(?::\\d\\d(?:[.,]\\d+)?)?)?)([+-]\\d\\d(?::?\\d\\d)?|\\s*Z)?)?$/,\n basicIsoRegex =\n /^\\s*((?:[+-]\\d{6}|\\d{4})(?:\\d\\d\\d\\d|W\\d\\d\\d|W\\d\\d|\\d\\d\\d|\\d\\d|))(?:(T| )(\\d\\d(?:\\d\\d(?:\\d\\d(?:[.,]\\d+)?)?)?)([+-]\\d\\d(?::?\\d\\d)?|\\s*Z)?)?$/,\n tzRegex = /Z|[+-]\\d\\d(?::?\\d\\d)?/,\n isoDates = [\n ['YYYYYY-MM-DD', /[+-]\\d{6}-\\d\\d-\\d\\d/],\n ['YYYY-MM-DD', /\\d{4}-\\d\\d-\\d\\d/],\n ['GGGG-[W]WW-E', /\\d{4}-W\\d\\d-\\d/],\n ['GGGG-[W]WW', /\\d{4}-W\\d\\d/, false],\n ['YYYY-DDD', /\\d{4}-\\d{3}/],\n ['YYYY-MM', /\\d{4}-\\d\\d/, false],\n ['YYYYYYMMDD', /[+-]\\d{10}/],\n ['YYYYMMDD', /\\d{8}/],\n ['GGGG[W]WWE', /\\d{4}W\\d{3}/],\n ['GGGG[W]WW', /\\d{4}W\\d{2}/, false],\n ['YYYYDDD', /\\d{7}/],\n ['YYYYMM', /\\d{6}/, false],\n ['YYYY', /\\d{4}/, false],\n ],\n // iso time formats and regexes\n isoTimes = [\n ['HH:mm:ss.SSSS', /\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\\.\\d+/],\n ['HH:mm:ss,SSSS', /\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d,\\d+/],\n ['HH:mm:ss', /\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d/],\n ['HH:mm', /\\d\\d:\\d\\d/],\n ['HHmmss.SSSS', /\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\.\\d+/],\n ['HHmmss,SSSS', /\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d,\\d+/],\n ['HHmmss', /\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d/],\n ['HHmm', /\\d\\d\\d\\d/],\n ['HH', /\\d\\d/],\n ],\n aspNetJsonRegex = /^\\/?Date\\((-?\\d+)/i,\n // RFC 2822 regex: For details see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822#section-3.3\n rfc2822 =\n /^(?:(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun),?\\s)?(\\d{1,2})\\s(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\\s(\\d{2,4})\\s(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d)(?::(\\d\\d))?\\s(?:(UT|GMT|[ECMP][SD]T)|([Zz])|([+-]\\d{4}))$/,\n obsOffsets = {\n UT: 0,\n GMT: 0,\n EDT: -4 * 60,\n EST: -5 * 60,\n CDT: -5 * 60,\n CST: -6 * 60,\n MDT: -6 * 60,\n MST: -7 * 60,\n PDT: -7 * 60,\n PST: -8 * 60,\n };\n\n // date from iso format\n function configFromISO(config) {\n var i,\n l,\n string = config._i,\n match = extendedIsoRegex.exec(string) || basicIsoRegex.exec(string),\n allowTime,\n dateFormat,\n timeFormat,\n tzFormat,\n isoDatesLen = isoDates.length,\n isoTimesLen = isoTimes.length;\n\n if (match) {\n getParsingFlags(config).iso = true;\n for (i = 0, l = isoDatesLen; i < l; i++) {\n if (isoDates[i][1].exec(match[1])) {\n dateFormat = isoDates[i][0];\n allowTime = isoDates[i][2] !== false;\n break;\n }\n }\n if (dateFormat == null) {\n config._isValid = false;\n return;\n }\n if (match[3]) {\n for (i = 0, l = isoTimesLen; i < l; i++) {\n if (isoTimes[i][1].exec(match[3])) {\n // match[2] should be 'T' or space\n timeFormat = (match[2] || ' ') + isoTimes[i][0];\n break;\n }\n }\n if (timeFormat == null) {\n config._isValid = false;\n return;\n }\n }\n if (!allowTime && timeFormat != null) {\n config._isValid = false;\n return;\n }\n if (match[4]) {\n if (tzRegex.exec(match[4])) {\n tzFormat = 'Z';\n } else {\n config._isValid = false;\n return;\n }\n }\n config._f = dateFormat + (timeFormat || '') + (tzFormat || '');\n configFromStringAndFormat(config);\n } else {\n config._isValid = false;\n }\n }\n\n function extractFromRFC2822Strings(\n yearStr,\n monthStr,\n dayStr,\n hourStr,\n minuteStr,\n secondStr\n ) {\n var result = [\n untruncateYear(yearStr),\n defaultLocaleMonthsShort.indexOf(monthStr),\n parseInt(dayStr, 10),\n parseInt(hourStr, 10),\n parseInt(minuteStr, 10),\n ];\n\n if (secondStr) {\n result.push(parseInt(secondStr, 10));\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n\n function untruncateYear(yearStr) {\n var year = parseInt(yearStr, 10);\n if (year <= 49) {\n return 2000 + year;\n } else if (year <= 999) {\n return 1900 + year;\n }\n return year;\n }\n\n function preprocessRFC2822(s) {\n // Remove comments and folding whitespace and replace multiple-spaces with a single space\n return s\n .replace(/\\([^()]*\\)|[\\n\\t]/g, ' ')\n .replace(/(\\s\\s+)/g, ' ')\n .replace(/^\\s\\s*/, '')\n .replace(/\\s\\s*$/, '');\n }\n\n function checkWeekday(weekdayStr, parsedInput, config) {\n if (weekdayStr) {\n // TODO: Replace the vanilla JS Date object with an independent day-of-week check.\n var weekdayProvided = defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort.indexOf(weekdayStr),\n weekdayActual = new Date(\n parsedInput[0],\n parsedInput[1],\n parsedInput[2]\n ).getDay();\n if (weekdayProvided !== weekdayActual) {\n getParsingFlags(config).weekdayMismatch = true;\n config._isValid = false;\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n function calculateOffset(obsOffset, militaryOffset, numOffset) {\n if (obsOffset) {\n return obsOffsets[obsOffset];\n } else if (militaryOffset) {\n // the only allowed military tz is Z\n return 0;\n } else {\n var hm = parseInt(numOffset, 10),\n m = hm % 100,\n h = (hm - m) / 100;\n return h * 60 + m;\n }\n }\n\n // date and time from ref 2822 format\n function configFromRFC2822(config) {\n var match = rfc2822.exec(preprocessRFC2822(config._i)),\n parsedArray;\n if (match) {\n parsedArray = extractFromRFC2822Strings(\n match[4],\n match[3],\n match[2],\n match[5],\n match[6],\n match[7]\n );\n if (!checkWeekday(match[1], parsedArray, config)) {\n return;\n }\n\n config._a = parsedArray;\n config._tzm = calculateOffset(match[8], match[9], match[10]);\n\n config._d = createUTCDate.apply(null, config._a);\n config._d.setUTCMinutes(config._d.getUTCMinutes() - config._tzm);\n\n getParsingFlags(config).rfc2822 = true;\n } else {\n config._isValid = false;\n }\n }\n\n // date from 1) ASP.NET, 2) ISO, 3) RFC 2822 formats, or 4) optional fallback if parsing isn't strict\n function configFromString(config) {\n var matched = aspNetJsonRegex.exec(config._i);\n if (matched !== null) {\n config._d = new Date(+matched[1]);\n return;\n }\n\n configFromISO(config);\n if (config._isValid === false) {\n delete config._isValid;\n } else {\n return;\n }\n\n configFromRFC2822(config);\n if (config._isValid === false) {\n delete config._isValid;\n } else {\n return;\n }\n\n if (config._strict) {\n config._isValid = false;\n } else {\n // Final attempt, use Input Fallback\n hooks.createFromInputFallback(config);\n }\n }\n\n hooks.createFromInputFallback = deprecate(\n 'value provided is not in a recognized RFC2822 or ISO format. moment construction falls back to js Date(), ' +\n 'which is not reliable across all browsers and versions. Non RFC2822/ISO date formats are ' +\n 'discouraged. Please refer to http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/js-date/ for more info.',\n function (config) {\n config._d = new Date(config._i + (config._useUTC ? ' UTC' : ''));\n }\n );\n\n // Pick the first defined of two or three arguments.\n function defaults(a, b, c) {\n if (a != null) {\n return a;\n }\n if (b != null) {\n return b;\n }\n return c;\n }\n\n function currentDateArray(config) {\n // hooks is actually the exported moment object\n var nowValue = new Date(hooks.now());\n if (config._useUTC) {\n return [\n nowValue.getUTCFullYear(),\n nowValue.getUTCMonth(),\n nowValue.getUTCDate(),\n ];\n }\n return [nowValue.getFullYear(), nowValue.getMonth(), nowValue.getDate()];\n }\n\n // convert an array to a date.\n // the array should mirror the parameters below\n // note: all values past the year are optional and will default to the lowest possible value.\n // [year, month, day , hour, minute, second, millisecond]\n function configFromArray(config) {\n var i,\n date,\n input = [],\n currentDate,\n expectedWeekday,\n yearToUse;\n\n if (config._d) {\n return;\n }\n\n currentDate = currentDateArray(config);\n\n //compute day of the year from weeks and weekdays\n if (config._w && config._a[DATE] == null && config._a[MONTH] == null) {\n dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config);\n }\n\n //if the day of the year is set, figure out what it is\n if (config._dayOfYear != null) {\n yearToUse = defaults(config._a[YEAR], currentDate[YEAR]);\n\n if (\n config._dayOfYear > daysInYear(yearToUse) ||\n config._dayOfYear === 0\n ) {\n getParsingFlags(config)._overflowDayOfYear = true;\n }\n\n date = createUTCDate(yearToUse, 0, config._dayOfYear);\n config._a[MONTH] = date.getUTCMonth();\n config._a[DATE] = date.getUTCDate();\n }\n\n // Default to current date.\n // * if no year, month, day of month are given, default to today\n // * if day of month is given, default month and year\n // * if month is given, default only year\n // * if year is given, don't default anything\n for (i = 0; i < 3 && config._a[i] == null; ++i) {\n config._a[i] = input[i] = currentDate[i];\n }\n\n // Zero out whatever was not defaulted, including time\n for (; i < 7; i++) {\n config._a[i] = input[i] =\n config._a[i] == null ? (i === 2 ? 1 : 0) : config._a[i];\n }\n\n // Check for 24:00:00.000\n if (\n config._a[HOUR] === 24 &&\n config._a[MINUTE] === 0 &&\n config._a[SECOND] === 0 &&\n config._a[MILLISECOND] === 0\n ) {\n config._nextDay = true;\n config._a[HOUR] = 0;\n }\n\n config._d = (config._useUTC ? createUTCDate : createDate).apply(\n null,\n input\n );\n expectedWeekday = config._useUTC\n ? config._d.getUTCDay()\n : config._d.getDay();\n\n // Apply timezone offset from input. The actual utcOffset can be changed\n // with parseZone.\n if (config._tzm != null) {\n config._d.setUTCMinutes(config._d.getUTCMinutes() - config._tzm);\n }\n\n if (config._nextDay) {\n config._a[HOUR] = 24;\n }\n\n // check for mismatching day of week\n if (\n config._w &&\n typeof config._w.d !== 'undefined' &&\n config._w.d !== expectedWeekday\n ) {\n getParsingFlags(config).weekdayMismatch = true;\n }\n }\n\n function dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config) {\n var w, weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy, temp, weekdayOverflow, curWeek;\n\n w = config._w;\n if (w.GG != null || w.W != null || w.E != null) {\n dow = 1;\n doy = 4;\n\n // TODO: We need to take the current isoWeekYear, but that depends on\n // how we interpret now (local, utc, fixed offset). So create\n // a now version of current config (take local/utc/offset flags, and\n // create now).\n weekYear = defaults(\n w.GG,\n config._a[YEAR],\n weekOfYear(createLocal(), 1, 4).year\n );\n week = defaults(w.W, 1);\n weekday = defaults(w.E, 1);\n if (weekday < 1 || weekday > 7) {\n weekdayOverflow = true;\n }\n } else {\n dow = config._locale._week.dow;\n doy = config._locale._week.doy;\n\n curWeek = weekOfYear(createLocal(), dow, doy);\n\n weekYear = defaults(w.gg, config._a[YEAR], curWeek.year);\n\n // Default to current week.\n week = defaults(w.w, curWeek.week);\n\n if (w.d != null) {\n // weekday -- low day numbers are considered next week\n weekday = w.d;\n if (weekday < 0 || weekday > 6) {\n weekdayOverflow = true;\n }\n } else if (w.e != null) {\n // local weekday -- counting starts from beginning of week\n weekday = w.e + dow;\n if (w.e < 0 || w.e > 6) {\n weekdayOverflow = true;\n }\n } else {\n // default to beginning of week\n weekday = dow;\n }\n }\n if (week < 1 || week > weeksInYear(weekYear, dow, doy)) {\n getParsingFlags(config)._overflowWeeks = true;\n } else if (weekdayOverflow != null) {\n getParsingFlags(config)._overflowWeekday = true;\n } else {\n temp = dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy);\n config._a[YEAR] = temp.year;\n config._dayOfYear = temp.dayOfYear;\n }\n }\n\n // constant that refers to the ISO standard\n hooks.ISO_8601 = function () {};\n\n // constant that refers to the RFC 2822 form\n hooks.RFC_2822 = function () {};\n\n // date from string and format string\n function configFromStringAndFormat(config) {\n // TODO: Move this to another part of the creation flow to prevent circular deps\n if (config._f === hooks.ISO_8601) {\n configFromISO(config);\n return;\n }\n if (config._f === hooks.RFC_2822) {\n configFromRFC2822(config);\n return;\n }\n config._a = [];\n getParsingFlags(config).empty = true;\n\n // This array is used to make a Date, either with `new Date` or `Date.UTC`\n var string = '' + config._i,\n i,\n parsedInput,\n tokens,\n token,\n skipped,\n stringLength = string.length,\n totalParsedInputLength = 0,\n era,\n tokenLen;\n\n tokens =\n expandFormat(config._f, config._locale).match(formattingTokens) || [];\n tokenLen = tokens.length;\n for (i = 0; i < tokenLen; i++) {\n token = tokens[i];\n parsedInput = (string.match(getParseRegexForToken(token, config)) ||\n [])[0];\n if (parsedInput) {\n skipped = string.substr(0, string.indexOf(parsedInput));\n if (skipped.length > 0) {\n getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(skipped);\n }\n string = string.slice(\n string.indexOf(parsedInput) + parsedInput.length\n );\n totalParsedInputLength += parsedInput.length;\n }\n // don't parse if it's not a known token\n if (formatTokenFunctions[token]) {\n if (parsedInput) {\n getParsingFlags(config).empty = false;\n } else {\n getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token);\n }\n addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, parsedInput, config);\n } else if (config._strict && !parsedInput) {\n getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token);\n }\n }\n\n // add remaining unparsed input length to the string\n getParsingFlags(config).charsLeftOver =\n stringLength - totalParsedInputLength;\n if (string.length > 0) {\n getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(string);\n }\n\n // clear _12h flag if hour is <= 12\n if (\n config._a[HOUR] <= 12 &&\n getParsingFlags(config).bigHour === true &&\n config._a[HOUR] > 0\n ) {\n getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = undefined;\n }\n\n getParsingFlags(config).parsedDateParts = config._a.slice(0);\n getParsingFlags(config).meridiem = config._meridiem;\n // handle meridiem\n config._a[HOUR] = meridiemFixWrap(\n config._locale,\n config._a[HOUR],\n config._meridiem\n );\n\n // handle era\n era = getParsingFlags(config).era;\n if (era !== null) {\n config._a[YEAR] = config._locale.erasConvertYear(era, config._a[YEAR]);\n }\n\n configFromArray(config);\n checkOverflow(config);\n }\n\n function meridiemFixWrap(locale, hour, meridiem) {\n var isPm;\n\n if (meridiem == null) {\n // nothing to do\n return hour;\n }\n if (locale.meridiemHour != null) {\n return locale.meridiemHour(hour, meridiem);\n } else if (locale.isPM != null) {\n // Fallback\n isPm = locale.isPM(meridiem);\n if (isPm && hour < 12) {\n hour += 12;\n }\n if (!isPm && hour === 12) {\n hour = 0;\n }\n return hour;\n } else {\n // this is not supposed to happen\n return hour;\n }\n }\n\n // date from string and array of format strings\n function configFromStringAndArray(config) {\n var tempConfig,\n bestMoment,\n scoreToBeat,\n i,\n currentScore,\n validFormatFound,\n bestFormatIsValid = false,\n configfLen = config._f.length;\n\n if (configfLen === 0) {\n getParsingFlags(config).invalidFormat = true;\n config._d = new Date(NaN);\n return;\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < configfLen; i++) {\n currentScore = 0;\n validFormatFound = false;\n tempConfig = copyConfig({}, config);\n if (config._useUTC != null) {\n tempConfig._useUTC = config._useUTC;\n }\n tempConfig._f = config._f[i];\n configFromStringAndFormat(tempConfig);\n\n if (isValid(tempConfig)) {\n validFormatFound = true;\n }\n\n // if there is any input that was not parsed add a penalty for that format\n currentScore += getParsingFlags(tempConfig).charsLeftOver;\n\n //or tokens\n currentScore += getParsingFlags(tempConfig).unusedTokens.length * 10;\n\n getParsingFlags(tempConfig).score = currentScore;\n\n if (!bestFormatIsValid) {\n if (\n scoreToBeat == null ||\n currentScore < scoreToBeat ||\n validFormatFound\n ) {\n scoreToBeat = currentScore;\n bestMoment = tempConfig;\n if (validFormatFound) {\n bestFormatIsValid = true;\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (currentScore < scoreToBeat) {\n scoreToBeat = currentScore;\n bestMoment = tempConfig;\n }\n }\n }\n\n extend(config, bestMoment || tempConfig);\n }\n\n function configFromObject(config) {\n if (config._d) {\n return;\n }\n\n var i = normalizeObjectUnits(config._i),\n dayOrDate = i.day === undefined ? i.date : i.day;\n config._a = map(\n [i.year, i.month, dayOrDate, i.hour, i.minute, i.second, i.millisecond],\n function (obj) {\n return obj && parseInt(obj, 10);\n }\n );\n\n configFromArray(config);\n }\n\n function createFromConfig(config) {\n var res = new Moment(checkOverflow(prepareConfig(config)));\n if (res._nextDay) {\n // Adding is smart enough around DST\n res.add(1, 'd');\n res._nextDay = undefined;\n }\n\n return res;\n }\n\n function prepareConfig(config) {\n var input = config._i,\n format = config._f;\n\n config._locale = config._locale || getLocale(config._l);\n\n if (input === null || (format === undefined && input === '')) {\n return createInvalid({ nullInput: true });\n }\n\n if (typeof input === 'string') {\n config._i = input = config._locale.preparse(input);\n }\n\n if (isMoment(input)) {\n return new Moment(checkOverflow(input));\n } else if (isDate(input)) {\n config._d = input;\n } else if (isArray(format)) {\n configFromStringAndArray(config);\n } else if (format) {\n configFromStringAndFormat(config);\n } else {\n configFromInput(config);\n }\n\n if (!isValid(config)) {\n config._d = null;\n }\n\n return config;\n }\n\n function configFromInput(config) {\n var input = config._i;\n if (isUndefined(input)) {\n config._d = new Date(hooks.now());\n } else if (isDate(input)) {\n config._d = new Date(input.valueOf());\n } else if (typeof input === 'string') {\n configFromString(config);\n } else if (isArray(input)) {\n config._a = map(input.slice(0), function (obj) {\n return parseInt(obj, 10);\n });\n configFromArray(config);\n } else if (isObject(input)) {\n configFromObject(config);\n } else if (isNumber(input)) {\n // from milliseconds\n config._d = new Date(input);\n } else {\n hooks.createFromInputFallback(config);\n }\n }\n\n function createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, isUTC) {\n var c = {};\n\n if (format === true || format === false) {\n strict = format;\n format = undefined;\n }\n\n if (locale === true || locale === false) {\n strict = locale;\n locale = undefined;\n }\n\n if (\n (isObject(input) && isObjectEmpty(input)) ||\n (isArray(input) && input.length === 0)\n ) {\n input = undefined;\n }\n // object construction must be done this way.\n // https://github.com/moment/moment/issues/1423\n c._isAMomentObject = true;\n c._useUTC = c._isUTC = isUTC;\n c._l = locale;\n c._i = input;\n c._f = format;\n c._strict = strict;\n\n return createFromConfig(c);\n }\n\n function createLocal(input, format, locale, strict) {\n return createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, false);\n }\n\n var prototypeMin = deprecate(\n 'moment().min is deprecated, use moment.max instead. http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/min-max/',\n function () {\n var other = createLocal.apply(null, arguments);\n if (this.isValid() && other.isValid()) {\n return other < this ? this : other;\n } else {\n return createInvalid();\n }\n }\n ),\n prototypeMax = deprecate(\n 'moment().max is deprecated, use moment.min instead. http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/min-max/',\n function () {\n var other = createLocal.apply(null, arguments);\n if (this.isValid() && other.isValid()) {\n return other > this ? this : other;\n } else {\n return createInvalid();\n }\n }\n );\n\n // Pick a moment m from moments so that m[fn](other) is true for all\n // other. This relies on the function fn to be transitive.\n //\n // moments should either be an array of moment objects or an array, whose\n // first element is an array of moment objects.\n function pickBy(fn, moments) {\n var res, i;\n if (moments.length === 1 && isArray(moments[0])) {\n moments = moments[0];\n }\n if (!moments.length) {\n return createLocal();\n }\n res = moments[0];\n for (i = 1; i < moments.length; ++i) {\n if (!moments[i].isValid() || moments[i][fn](res)) {\n res = moments[i];\n }\n }\n return res;\n }\n\n // TODO: Use [].sort instead?\n function min() {\n var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 0);\n\n return pickBy('isBefore', args);\n }\n\n function max() {\n var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 0);\n\n return pickBy('isAfter', args);\n }\n\n var now = function () {\n return Date.now ? Date.now() : +new Date();\n };\n\n var ordering = [\n 'year',\n 'quarter',\n 'month',\n 'week',\n 'day',\n 'hour',\n 'minute',\n 'second',\n 'millisecond',\n ];\n\n function isDurationValid(m) {\n var key,\n unitHasDecimal = false,\n i,\n orderLen = ordering.length;\n for (key in m) {\n if (\n hasOwnProp(m, key) &&\n !(\n indexOf.call(ordering, key) !== -1 &&\n (m[key] == null || !isNaN(m[key]))\n )\n ) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < orderLen; ++i) {\n if (m[ordering[i]]) {\n if (unitHasDecimal) {\n return false; // only allow non-integers for smallest unit\n }\n if (parseFloat(m[ordering[i]]) !== toInt(m[ordering[i]])) {\n unitHasDecimal = true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n }\n\n function isValid$1() {\n return this._isValid;\n }\n\n function createInvalid$1() {\n return createDuration(NaN);\n }\n\n function Duration(duration) {\n var normalizedInput = normalizeObjectUnits(duration),\n years = normalizedInput.year || 0,\n quarters = normalizedInput.quarter || 0,\n months = normalizedInput.month || 0,\n weeks = normalizedInput.week || normalizedInput.isoWeek || 0,\n days = normalizedInput.day || 0,\n hours = normalizedInput.hour || 0,\n minutes = normalizedInput.minute || 0,\n seconds = normalizedInput.second || 0,\n milliseconds = normalizedInput.millisecond || 0;\n\n this._isValid = isDurationValid(normalizedInput);\n\n // representation for dateAddRemove\n this._milliseconds =\n +milliseconds +\n seconds * 1e3 + // 1000\n minutes * 6e4 + // 1000 * 60\n hours * 1000 * 60 * 60; //using 1000 * 60 * 60 instead of 36e5 to avoid floating point rounding errors https://github.com/moment/moment/issues/2978\n // Because of dateAddRemove treats 24 hours as different from a\n // day when working around DST, we need to store them separately\n this._days = +days + weeks * 7;\n // It is impossible to translate months into days without knowing\n // which months you are are talking about, so we have to store\n // it separately.\n this._months = +months + quarters * 3 + years * 12;\n\n this._data = {};\n\n this._locale = getLocale();\n\n this._bubble();\n }\n\n function isDuration(obj) {\n return obj instanceof Duration;\n }\n\n function absRound(number) {\n if (number < 0) {\n return Math.round(-1 * number) * -1;\n } else {\n return Math.round(number);\n }\n }\n\n // compare two arrays, return the number of differences\n function compareArrays(array1, array2, dontConvert) {\n var len = Math.min(array1.length, array2.length),\n lengthDiff = Math.abs(array1.length - array2.length),\n diffs = 0,\n i;\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n if (\n (dontConvert && array1[i] !== array2[i]) ||\n (!dontConvert && toInt(array1[i]) !== toInt(array2[i]))\n ) {\n diffs++;\n }\n }\n return diffs + lengthDiff;\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n function offset(token, separator) {\n addFormatToken(token, 0, 0, function () {\n var offset = this.utcOffset(),\n sign = '+';\n if (offset < 0) {\n offset = -offset;\n sign = '-';\n }\n return (\n sign +\n zeroFill(~~(offset / 60), 2) +\n separator +\n zeroFill(~~offset % 60, 2)\n );\n });\n }\n\n offset('Z', ':');\n offset('ZZ', '');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('Z', matchShortOffset);\n addRegexToken('ZZ', matchShortOffset);\n addParseToken(['Z', 'ZZ'], function (input, array, config) {\n config._useUTC = true;\n config._tzm = offsetFromString(matchShortOffset, input);\n });\n\n // HELPERS\n\n // timezone chunker\n // '+10:00' > ['10', '00']\n // '-1530' > ['-15', '30']\n var chunkOffset = /([\\+\\-]|\\d\\d)/gi;\n\n function offsetFromString(matcher, string) {\n var matches = (string || '').match(matcher),\n chunk,\n parts,\n minutes;\n\n if (matches === null) {\n return null;\n }\n\n chunk = matches[matches.length - 1] || [];\n parts = (chunk + '').match(chunkOffset) || ['-', 0, 0];\n minutes = +(parts[1] * 60) + toInt(parts[2]);\n\n return minutes === 0 ? 0 : parts[0] === '+' ? minutes : -minutes;\n }\n\n // Return a moment from input, that is local/utc/zone equivalent to model.\n function cloneWithOffset(input, model) {\n var res, diff;\n if (model._isUTC) {\n res = model.clone();\n diff =\n (isMoment(input) || isDate(input)\n ? input.valueOf()\n : createLocal(input).valueOf()) - res.valueOf();\n // Use low-level api, because this fn is low-level api.\n res._d.setTime(res._d.valueOf() + diff);\n hooks.updateOffset(res, false);\n return res;\n } else {\n return createLocal(input).local();\n }\n }\n\n function getDateOffset(m) {\n // On Firefox.24 Date#getTimezoneOffset returns a floating point.\n // https://github.com/moment/moment/pull/1871\n return -Math.round(m._d.getTimezoneOffset());\n }\n\n // HOOKS\n\n // This function will be called whenever a moment is mutated.\n // It is intended to keep the offset in sync with the timezone.\n hooks.updateOffset = function () {};\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n // keepLocalTime = true means only change the timezone, without\n // affecting the local hour. So 5:31:26 +0300 --[utcOffset(2, true)]-->\n // 5:31:26 +0200 It is possible that 5:31:26 doesn't exist with offset\n // +0200, so we adjust the time as needed, to be valid.\n //\n // Keeping the time actually adds/subtracts (one hour)\n // from the actual represented time. That is why we call updateOffset\n // a second time. In case it wants us to change the offset again\n // _changeInProgress == true case, then we have to adjust, because\n // there is no such time in the given timezone.\n function getSetOffset(input, keepLocalTime, keepMinutes) {\n var offset = this._offset || 0,\n localAdjust;\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return input != null ? this : NaN;\n }\n if (input != null) {\n if (typeof input === 'string') {\n input = offsetFromString(matchShortOffset, input);\n if (input === null) {\n return this;\n }\n } else if (Math.abs(input) < 16 && !keepMinutes) {\n input = input * 60;\n }\n if (!this._isUTC && keepLocalTime) {\n localAdjust = getDateOffset(this);\n }\n this._offset = input;\n this._isUTC = true;\n if (localAdjust != null) {\n this.add(localAdjust, 'm');\n }\n if (offset !== input) {\n if (!keepLocalTime || this._changeInProgress) {\n addSubtract(\n this,\n createDuration(input - offset, 'm'),\n 1,\n false\n );\n } else if (!this._changeInProgress) {\n this._changeInProgress = true;\n hooks.updateOffset(this, true);\n this._changeInProgress = null;\n }\n }\n return this;\n } else {\n return this._isUTC ? offset : getDateOffset(this);\n }\n }\n\n function getSetZone(input, keepLocalTime) {\n if (input != null) {\n if (typeof input !== 'string') {\n input = -input;\n }\n\n this.utcOffset(input, keepLocalTime);\n\n return this;\n } else {\n return -this.utcOffset();\n }\n }\n\n function setOffsetToUTC(keepLocalTime) {\n return this.utcOffset(0, keepLocalTime);\n }\n\n function setOffsetToLocal(keepLocalTime) {\n if (this._isUTC) {\n this.utcOffset(0, keepLocalTime);\n this._isUTC = false;\n\n if (keepLocalTime) {\n this.subtract(getDateOffset(this), 'm');\n }\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n function setOffsetToParsedOffset() {\n if (this._tzm != null) {\n this.utcOffset(this._tzm, false, true);\n } else if (typeof this._i === 'string') {\n var tZone = offsetFromString(matchOffset, this._i);\n if (tZone != null) {\n this.utcOffset(tZone);\n } else {\n this.utcOffset(0, true);\n }\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n function hasAlignedHourOffset(input) {\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return false;\n }\n input = input ? createLocal(input).utcOffset() : 0;\n\n return (this.utcOffset() - input) % 60 === 0;\n }\n\n function isDaylightSavingTime() {\n return (\n this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(0).utcOffset() ||\n this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(5).utcOffset()\n );\n }\n\n function isDaylightSavingTimeShifted() {\n if (!isUndefined(this._isDSTShifted)) {\n return this._isDSTShifted;\n }\n\n var c = {},\n other;\n\n copyConfig(c, this);\n c = prepareConfig(c);\n\n if (c._a) {\n other = c._isUTC ? createUTC(c._a) : createLocal(c._a);\n this._isDSTShifted =\n this.isValid() && compareArrays(c._a, other.toArray()) > 0;\n } else {\n this._isDSTShifted = false;\n }\n\n return this._isDSTShifted;\n }\n\n function isLocal() {\n return this.isValid() ? !this._isUTC : false;\n }\n\n function isUtcOffset() {\n return this.isValid() ? this._isUTC : false;\n }\n\n function isUtc() {\n return this.isValid() ? this._isUTC && this._offset === 0 : false;\n }\n\n // ASP.NET json date format regex\n var aspNetRegex = /^(-|\\+)?(?:(\\d*)[. ])?(\\d+):(\\d+)(?::(\\d+)(\\.\\d*)?)?$/,\n // from http://docs.closure-library.googlecode.com/git/closure_goog_date_date.js.source.html\n // somewhat more in line with 2004 spec, but allows decimal anywhere\n // and further modified to allow for strings containing both week and day\n isoRegex =\n /^(-|\\+)?P(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/;\n\n function createDuration(input, key) {\n var duration = input,\n // matching against regexp is expensive, do it on demand\n match = null,\n sign,\n ret,\n diffRes;\n\n if (isDuration(input)) {\n duration = {\n ms: input._milliseconds,\n d: input._days,\n M: input._months,\n };\n } else if (isNumber(input) || !isNaN(+input)) {\n duration = {};\n if (key) {\n duration[key] = +input;\n } else {\n duration.milliseconds = +input;\n }\n } else if ((match = aspNetRegex.exec(input))) {\n sign = match[1] === '-' ? -1 : 1;\n duration = {\n y: 0,\n d: toInt(match[DATE]) * sign,\n h: toInt(match[HOUR]) * sign,\n m: toInt(match[MINUTE]) * sign,\n s: toInt(match[SECOND]) * sign,\n ms: toInt(absRound(match[MILLISECOND] * 1000)) * sign, // the millisecond decimal point is included in the match\n };\n } else if ((match = isoRegex.exec(input))) {\n sign = match[1] === '-' ? -1 : 1;\n duration = {\n y: parseIso(match[2], sign),\n M: parseIso(match[3], sign),\n w: parseIso(match[4], sign),\n d: parseIso(match[5], sign),\n h: parseIso(match[6], sign),\n m: parseIso(match[7], sign),\n s: parseIso(match[8], sign),\n };\n } else if (duration == null) {\n // checks for null or undefined\n duration = {};\n } else if (\n typeof duration === 'object' &&\n ('from' in duration || 'to' in duration)\n ) {\n diffRes = momentsDifference(\n createLocal(duration.from),\n createLocal(duration.to)\n );\n\n duration = {};\n duration.ms = diffRes.milliseconds;\n duration.M = diffRes.months;\n }\n\n ret = new Duration(duration);\n\n if (isDuration(input) && hasOwnProp(input, '_locale')) {\n ret._locale = input._locale;\n }\n\n if (isDuration(input) && hasOwnProp(input, '_isValid')) {\n ret._isValid = input._isValid;\n }\n\n return ret;\n }\n\n createDuration.fn = Duration.prototype;\n createDuration.invalid = createInvalid$1;\n\n function parseIso(inp, sign) {\n // We'd normally use ~~inp for this, but unfortunately it also\n // converts floats to ints.\n // inp may be undefined, so careful calling replace on it.\n var res = inp && parseFloat(inp.replace(',', '.'));\n // apply sign while we're at it\n return (isNaN(res) ? 0 : res) * sign;\n }\n\n function positiveMomentsDifference(base, other) {\n var res = {};\n\n res.months =\n other.month() - base.month() + (other.year() - base.year()) * 12;\n if (base.clone().add(res.months, 'M').isAfter(other)) {\n --res.months;\n }\n\n res.milliseconds = +other - +base.clone().add(res.months, 'M');\n\n return res;\n }\n\n function momentsDifference(base, other) {\n var res;\n if (!(base.isValid() && other.isValid())) {\n return { milliseconds: 0, months: 0 };\n }\n\n other = cloneWithOffset(other, base);\n if (base.isBefore(other)) {\n res = positiveMomentsDifference(base, other);\n } else {\n res = positiveMomentsDifference(other, base);\n res.milliseconds = -res.milliseconds;\n res.months = -res.months;\n }\n\n return res;\n }\n\n // TODO: remove 'name' arg after deprecation is removed\n function createAdder(direction, name) {\n return function (val, period) {\n var dur, tmp;\n //invert the arguments, but complain about it\n if (period !== null && !isNaN(+period)) {\n deprecateSimple(\n name,\n 'moment().' +\n name +\n '(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment().' +\n name +\n '(number, period). ' +\n 'See http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/add-inverted-param/ for more info.'\n );\n tmp = val;\n val = period;\n period = tmp;\n }\n\n dur = createDuration(val, period);\n addSubtract(this, dur, direction);\n return this;\n };\n }\n\n function addSubtract(mom, duration, isAdding, updateOffset) {\n var milliseconds = duration._milliseconds,\n days = absRound(duration._days),\n months = absRound(duration._months);\n\n if (!mom.isValid()) {\n // No op\n return;\n }\n\n updateOffset = updateOffset == null ? true : updateOffset;\n\n if (months) {\n setMonth(mom, get(mom, 'Month') + months * isAdding);\n }\n if (days) {\n set$1(mom, 'Date', get(mom, 'Date') + days * isAdding);\n }\n if (milliseconds) {\n mom._d.setTime(mom._d.valueOf() + milliseconds * isAdding);\n }\n if (updateOffset) {\n hooks.updateOffset(mom, days || months);\n }\n }\n\n var add = createAdder(1, 'add'),\n subtract = createAdder(-1, 'subtract');\n\n function isString(input) {\n return typeof input === 'string' || input instanceof String;\n }\n\n // type MomentInput = Moment | Date | string | number | (number | string)[] | MomentInputObject | void; // null | undefined\n function isMomentInput(input) {\n return (\n isMoment(input) ||\n isDate(input) ||\n isString(input) ||\n isNumber(input) ||\n isNumberOrStringArray(input) ||\n isMomentInputObject(input) ||\n input === null ||\n input === undefined\n );\n }\n\n function isMomentInputObject(input) {\n var objectTest = isObject(input) && !isObjectEmpty(input),\n propertyTest = false,\n properties = [\n 'years',\n 'year',\n 'y',\n 'months',\n 'month',\n 'M',\n 'days',\n 'day',\n 'd',\n 'dates',\n 'date',\n 'D',\n 'hours',\n 'hour',\n 'h',\n 'minutes',\n 'minute',\n 'm',\n 'seconds',\n 'second',\n 's',\n 'milliseconds',\n 'millisecond',\n 'ms',\n ],\n i,\n property,\n propertyLen = properties.length;\n\n for (i = 0; i < propertyLen; i += 1) {\n property = properties[i];\n propertyTest = propertyTest || hasOwnProp(input, property);\n }\n\n return objectTest && propertyTest;\n }\n\n function isNumberOrStringArray(input) {\n var arrayTest = isArray(input),\n dataTypeTest = false;\n if (arrayTest) {\n dataTypeTest =\n input.filter(function (item) {\n return !isNumber(item) && isString(input);\n }).length === 0;\n }\n return arrayTest && dataTypeTest;\n }\n\n function isCalendarSpec(input) {\n var objectTest = isObject(input) && !isObjectEmpty(input),\n propertyTest = false,\n properties = [\n 'sameDay',\n 'nextDay',\n 'lastDay',\n 'nextWeek',\n 'lastWeek',\n 'sameElse',\n ],\n i,\n property;\n\n for (i = 0; i < properties.length; i += 1) {\n property = properties[i];\n propertyTest = propertyTest || hasOwnProp(input, property);\n }\n\n return objectTest && propertyTest;\n }\n\n function getCalendarFormat(myMoment, now) {\n var diff = myMoment.diff(now, 'days', true);\n return diff < -6\n ? 'sameElse'\n : diff < -1\n ? 'lastWeek'\n : diff < 0\n ? 'lastDay'\n : diff < 1\n ? 'sameDay'\n : diff < 2\n ? 'nextDay'\n : diff < 7\n ? 'nextWeek'\n : 'sameElse';\n }\n\n function calendar$1(time, formats) {\n // Support for single parameter, formats only overload to the calendar function\n if (arguments.length === 1) {\n if (!arguments[0]) {\n time = undefined;\n formats = undefined;\n } else if (isMomentInput(arguments[0])) {\n time = arguments[0];\n formats = undefined;\n } else if (isCalendarSpec(arguments[0])) {\n formats = arguments[0];\n time = undefined;\n }\n }\n // We want to compare the start of today, vs this.\n // Getting start-of-today depends on whether we're local/utc/offset or not.\n var now = time || createLocal(),\n sod = cloneWithOffset(now, this).startOf('day'),\n format = hooks.calendarFormat(this, sod) || 'sameElse',\n output =\n formats &&\n (isFunction(formats[format])\n ? formats[format].call(this, now)\n : formats[format]);\n\n return this.format(\n output || this.localeData().calendar(format, this, createLocal(now))\n );\n }\n\n function clone() {\n return new Moment(this);\n }\n\n function isAfter(input, units) {\n var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input);\n if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {\n return false;\n }\n units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';\n if (units === 'millisecond') {\n return this.valueOf() > localInput.valueOf();\n } else {\n return localInput.valueOf() < this.clone().startOf(units).valueOf();\n }\n }\n\n function isBefore(input, units) {\n var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input);\n if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {\n return false;\n }\n units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';\n if (units === 'millisecond') {\n return this.valueOf() < localInput.valueOf();\n } else {\n return this.clone().endOf(units).valueOf() < localInput.valueOf();\n }\n }\n\n function isBetween(from, to, units, inclusivity) {\n var localFrom = isMoment(from) ? from : createLocal(from),\n localTo = isMoment(to) ? to : createLocal(to);\n if (!(this.isValid() && localFrom.isValid() && localTo.isValid())) {\n return false;\n }\n inclusivity = inclusivity || '()';\n return (\n (inclusivity[0] === '('\n ? this.isAfter(localFrom, units)\n : !this.isBefore(localFrom, units)) &&\n (inclusivity[1] === ')'\n ? this.isBefore(localTo, units)\n : !this.isAfter(localTo, units))\n );\n }\n\n function isSame(input, units) {\n var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input),\n inputMs;\n if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {\n return false;\n }\n units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';\n if (units === 'millisecond') {\n return this.valueOf() === localInput.valueOf();\n } else {\n inputMs = localInput.valueOf();\n return (\n this.clone().startOf(units).valueOf() <= inputMs &&\n inputMs <= this.clone().endOf(units).valueOf()\n );\n }\n }\n\n function isSameOrAfter(input, units) {\n return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isAfter(input, units);\n }\n\n function isSameOrBefore(input, units) {\n return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isBefore(input, units);\n }\n\n function diff(input, units, asFloat) {\n var that, zoneDelta, output;\n\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return NaN;\n }\n\n that = cloneWithOffset(input, this);\n\n if (!that.isValid()) {\n return NaN;\n }\n\n zoneDelta = (that.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * 6e4;\n\n units = normalizeUnits(units);\n\n switch (units) {\n case 'year':\n output = monthDiff(this, that) / 12;\n break;\n case 'month':\n output = monthDiff(this, that);\n break;\n case 'quarter':\n output = monthDiff(this, that) / 3;\n break;\n case 'second':\n output = (this - that) / 1e3;\n break; // 1000\n case 'minute':\n output = (this - that) / 6e4;\n break; // 1000 * 60\n case 'hour':\n output = (this - that) / 36e5;\n break; // 1000 * 60 * 60\n case 'day':\n output = (this - that - zoneDelta) / 864e5;\n break; // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, negate dst\n case 'week':\n output = (this - that - zoneDelta) / 6048e5;\n break; // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, negate dst\n default:\n output = this - that;\n }\n\n return asFloat ? output : absFloor(output);\n }\n\n function monthDiff(a, b) {\n if (a.date() < b.date()) {\n // end-of-month calculations work correct when the start month has more\n // days than the end month.\n return -monthDiff(b, a);\n }\n // difference in months\n var wholeMonthDiff = (b.year() - a.year()) * 12 + (b.month() - a.month()),\n // b is in (anchor - 1 month, anchor + 1 month)\n anchor = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff, 'months'),\n anchor2,\n adjust;\n\n if (b - anchor < 0) {\n anchor2 = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff - 1, 'months');\n // linear across the month\n adjust = (b - anchor) / (anchor - anchor2);\n } else {\n anchor2 = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff + 1, 'months');\n // linear across the month\n adjust = (b - anchor) / (anchor2 - anchor);\n }\n\n //check for negative zero, return zero if negative zero\n return -(wholeMonthDiff + adjust) || 0;\n }\n\n hooks.defaultFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ';\n hooks.defaultFormatUtc = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]';\n\n function toString() {\n return this.clone().locale('en').format('ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ');\n }\n\n function toISOString(keepOffset) {\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return null;\n }\n var utc = keepOffset !== true,\n m = utc ? this.clone().utc() : this;\n if (m.year() < 0 || m.year() > 9999) {\n return formatMoment(\n m,\n utc\n ? 'YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]'\n : 'YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ'\n );\n }\n if (isFunction(Date.prototype.toISOString)) {\n // native implementation is ~50x faster, use it when we can\n if (utc) {\n return this.toDate().toISOString();\n } else {\n return new Date(this.valueOf() + this.utcOffset() * 60 * 1000)\n .toISOString()\n .replace('Z', formatMoment(m, 'Z'));\n }\n }\n return formatMoment(\n m,\n utc ? 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]' : 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ'\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Return a human readable representation of a moment that can\n * also be evaluated to get a new moment which is the same\n *\n * @link https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/util.html#util_custom_inspect_function_on_objects\n */\n function inspect() {\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return 'moment.invalid(/* ' + this._i + ' */)';\n }\n var func = 'moment',\n zone = '',\n prefix,\n year,\n datetime,\n suffix;\n if (!this.isLocal()) {\n func = this.utcOffset() === 0 ? 'moment.utc' : 'moment.parseZone';\n zone = 'Z';\n }\n prefix = '[' + func + '(\"]';\n year = 0 <= this.year() && this.year() <= 9999 ? 'YYYY' : 'YYYYYY';\n datetime = '-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS';\n suffix = zone + '[\")]';\n\n return this.format(prefix + year + datetime + suffix);\n }\n\n function format(inputString) {\n if (!inputString) {\n inputString = this.isUtc()\n ? hooks.defaultFormatUtc\n : hooks.defaultFormat;\n }\n var output = formatMoment(this, inputString);\n return this.localeData().postformat(output);\n }\n\n function from(time, withoutSuffix) {\n if (\n this.isValid() &&\n ((isMoment(time) && time.isValid()) || createLocal(time).isValid())\n ) {\n return createDuration({ to: this, from: time })\n .locale(this.locale())\n .humanize(!withoutSuffix);\n } else {\n return this.localeData().invalidDate();\n }\n }\n\n function fromNow(withoutSuffix) {\n return this.from(createLocal(), withoutSuffix);\n }\n\n function to(time, withoutSuffix) {\n if (\n this.isValid() &&\n ((isMoment(time) && time.isValid()) || createLocal(time).isValid())\n ) {\n return createDuration({ from: this, to: time })\n .locale(this.locale())\n .humanize(!withoutSuffix);\n } else {\n return this.localeData().invalidDate();\n }\n }\n\n function toNow(withoutSuffix) {\n return this.to(createLocal(), withoutSuffix);\n }\n\n // If passed a locale key, it will set the locale for this\n // instance. Otherwise, it will return the locale configuration\n // variables for this instance.\n function locale(key) {\n var newLocaleData;\n\n if (key === undefined) {\n return this._locale._abbr;\n } else {\n newLocaleData = getLocale(key);\n if (newLocaleData != null) {\n this._locale = newLocaleData;\n }\n return this;\n }\n }\n\n var lang = deprecate(\n 'moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.',\n function (key) {\n if (key === undefined) {\n return this.localeData();\n } else {\n return this.locale(key);\n }\n }\n );\n\n function localeData() {\n return this._locale;\n }\n\n var MS_PER_SECOND = 1000,\n MS_PER_MINUTE = 60 * MS_PER_SECOND,\n MS_PER_HOUR = 60 * MS_PER_MINUTE,\n MS_PER_400_YEARS = (365 * 400 + 97) * 24 * MS_PER_HOUR;\n\n // actual modulo - handles negative numbers (for dates before 1970):\n function mod$1(dividend, divisor) {\n return ((dividend % divisor) + divisor) % divisor;\n }\n\n function localStartOfDate(y, m, d) {\n // the date constructor remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999\n if (y < 100 && y >= 0) {\n // preserve leap years using a full 400 year cycle, then reset\n return new Date(y + 400, m, d) - MS_PER_400_YEARS;\n } else {\n return new Date(y, m, d).valueOf();\n }\n }\n\n function utcStartOfDate(y, m, d) {\n // Date.UTC remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999\n if (y < 100 && y >= 0) {\n // preserve leap years using a full 400 year cycle, then reset\n return Date.UTC(y + 400, m, d) - MS_PER_400_YEARS;\n } else {\n return Date.UTC(y, m, d);\n }\n }\n\n function startOf(units) {\n var time, startOfDate;\n units = normalizeUnits(units);\n if (units === undefined || units === 'millisecond' || !this.isValid()) {\n return this;\n }\n\n startOfDate = this._isUTC ? utcStartOfDate : localStartOfDate;\n\n switch (units) {\n case 'year':\n time = startOfDate(this.year(), 0, 1);\n break;\n case 'quarter':\n time = startOfDate(\n this.year(),\n this.month() - (this.month() % 3),\n 1\n );\n break;\n case 'month':\n time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), 1);\n break;\n case 'week':\n time = startOfDate(\n this.year(),\n this.month(),\n this.date() - this.weekday()\n );\n break;\n case 'isoWeek':\n time = startOfDate(\n this.year(),\n this.month(),\n this.date() - (this.isoWeekday() - 1)\n );\n break;\n case 'day':\n case 'date':\n time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), this.date());\n break;\n case 'hour':\n time = this._d.valueOf();\n time -= mod$1(\n time + (this._isUTC ? 0 : this.utcOffset() * MS_PER_MINUTE),\n MS_PER_HOUR\n );\n break;\n case 'minute':\n time = this._d.valueOf();\n time -= mod$1(time, MS_PER_MINUTE);\n break;\n case 'second':\n time = this._d.valueOf();\n time -= mod$1(time, MS_PER_SECOND);\n break;\n }\n\n this._d.setTime(time);\n hooks.updateOffset(this, true);\n return this;\n }\n\n function endOf(units) {\n var time, startOfDate;\n units = normalizeUnits(units);\n if (units === undefined || units === 'millisecond' || !this.isValid()) {\n return this;\n }\n\n startOfDate = this._isUTC ? utcStartOfDate : localStartOfDate;\n\n switch (units) {\n case 'year':\n time = startOfDate(this.year() + 1, 0, 1) - 1;\n break;\n case 'quarter':\n time =\n startOfDate(\n this.year(),\n this.month() - (this.month() % 3) + 3,\n 1\n ) - 1;\n break;\n case 'month':\n time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month() + 1, 1) - 1;\n break;\n case 'week':\n time =\n startOfDate(\n this.year(),\n this.month(),\n this.date() - this.weekday() + 7\n ) - 1;\n break;\n case 'isoWeek':\n time =\n startOfDate(\n this.year(),\n this.month(),\n this.date() - (this.isoWeekday() - 1) + 7\n ) - 1;\n break;\n case 'day':\n case 'date':\n time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), this.date() + 1) - 1;\n break;\n case 'hour':\n time = this._d.valueOf();\n time +=\n MS_PER_HOUR -\n mod$1(\n time + (this._isUTC ? 0 : this.utcOffset() * MS_PER_MINUTE),\n MS_PER_HOUR\n ) -\n 1;\n break;\n case 'minute':\n time = this._d.valueOf();\n time += MS_PER_MINUTE - mod$1(time, MS_PER_MINUTE) - 1;\n break;\n case 'second':\n time = this._d.valueOf();\n time += MS_PER_SECOND - mod$1(time, MS_PER_SECOND) - 1;\n break;\n }\n\n this._d.setTime(time);\n hooks.updateOffset(this, true);\n return this;\n }\n\n function valueOf() {\n return this._d.valueOf() - (this._offset || 0) * 60000;\n }\n\n function unix() {\n return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1000);\n }\n\n function toDate() {\n return new Date(this.valueOf());\n }\n\n function toArray() {\n var m = this;\n return [\n m.year(),\n m.month(),\n m.date(),\n m.hour(),\n m.minute(),\n m.second(),\n m.millisecond(),\n ];\n }\n\n function toObject() {\n var m = this;\n return {\n years: m.year(),\n months: m.month(),\n date: m.date(),\n hours: m.hours(),\n minutes: m.minutes(),\n seconds: m.seconds(),\n milliseconds: m.milliseconds(),\n };\n }\n\n function toJSON() {\n // new Date(NaN).toJSON() === null\n return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null;\n }\n\n function isValid$2() {\n return isValid(this);\n }\n\n function parsingFlags() {\n return extend({}, getParsingFlags(this));\n }\n\n function invalidAt() {\n return getParsingFlags(this).overflow;\n }\n\n function creationData() {\n return {\n input: this._i,\n format: this._f,\n locale: this._locale,\n isUTC: this._isUTC,\n strict: this._strict,\n };\n }\n\n addFormatToken('N', 0, 0, 'eraAbbr');\n addFormatToken('NN', 0, 0, 'eraAbbr');\n addFormatToken('NNN', 0, 0, 'eraAbbr');\n addFormatToken('NNNN', 0, 0, 'eraName');\n addFormatToken('NNNNN', 0, 0, 'eraNarrow');\n\n addFormatToken('y', ['y', 1], 'yo', 'eraYear');\n addFormatToken('y', ['yy', 2], 0, 'eraYear');\n addFormatToken('y', ['yyy', 3], 0, 'eraYear');\n addFormatToken('y', ['yyyy', 4], 0, 'eraYear');\n\n addRegexToken('N', matchEraAbbr);\n addRegexToken('NN', matchEraAbbr);\n addRegexToken('NNN', matchEraAbbr);\n addRegexToken('NNNN', matchEraName);\n addRegexToken('NNNNN', matchEraNarrow);\n\n addParseToken(\n ['N', 'NN', 'NNN', 'NNNN', 'NNNNN'],\n function (input, array, config, token) {\n var era = config._locale.erasParse(input, token, config._strict);\n if (era) {\n getParsingFlags(config).era = era;\n } else {\n getParsingFlags(config).invalidEra = input;\n }\n }\n );\n\n addRegexToken('y', matchUnsigned);\n addRegexToken('yy', matchUnsigned);\n addRegexToken('yyy', matchUnsigned);\n addRegexToken('yyyy', matchUnsigned);\n addRegexToken('yo', matchEraYearOrdinal);\n\n addParseToken(['y', 'yy', 'yyy', 'yyyy'], YEAR);\n addParseToken(['yo'], function (input, array, config, token) {\n var match;\n if (config._locale._eraYearOrdinalRegex) {\n match = input.match(config._locale._eraYearOrdinalRegex);\n }\n\n if (config._locale.eraYearOrdinalParse) {\n array[YEAR] = config._locale.eraYearOrdinalParse(input, match);\n } else {\n array[YEAR] = parseInt(input, 10);\n }\n });\n\n function localeEras(m, format) {\n var i,\n l,\n date,\n eras = this._eras || getLocale('en')._eras;\n for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) {\n switch (typeof eras[i].since) {\n case 'string':\n // truncate time\n date = hooks(eras[i].since).startOf('day');\n eras[i].since = date.valueOf();\n break;\n }\n\n switch (typeof eras[i].until) {\n case 'undefined':\n eras[i].until = +Infinity;\n break;\n case 'string':\n // truncate time\n date = hooks(eras[i].until).startOf('day').valueOf();\n eras[i].until = date.valueOf();\n break;\n }\n }\n return eras;\n }\n\n function localeErasParse(eraName, format, strict) {\n var i,\n l,\n eras = this.eras(),\n name,\n abbr,\n narrow;\n eraName = eraName.toUpperCase();\n\n for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) {\n name = eras[i].name.toUpperCase();\n abbr = eras[i].abbr.toUpperCase();\n narrow = eras[i].narrow.toUpperCase();\n\n if (strict) {\n switch (format) {\n case 'N':\n case 'NN':\n case 'NNN':\n if (abbr === eraName) {\n return eras[i];\n }\n break;\n\n case 'NNNN':\n if (name === eraName) {\n return eras[i];\n }\n break;\n\n case 'NNNNN':\n if (narrow === eraName) {\n return eras[i];\n }\n break;\n }\n } else if ([name, abbr, narrow].indexOf(eraName) >= 0) {\n return eras[i];\n }\n }\n }\n\n function localeErasConvertYear(era, year) {\n var dir = era.since <= era.until ? +1 : -1;\n if (year === undefined) {\n return hooks(era.since).year();\n } else {\n return hooks(era.since).year() + (year - era.offset) * dir;\n }\n }\n\n function getEraName() {\n var i,\n l,\n val,\n eras = this.localeData().eras();\n for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) {\n // truncate time\n val = this.clone().startOf('day').valueOf();\n\n if (eras[i].since <= val && val <= eras[i].until) {\n return eras[i].name;\n }\n if (eras[i].until <= val && val <= eras[i].since) {\n return eras[i].name;\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n }\n\n function getEraNarrow() {\n var i,\n l,\n val,\n eras = this.localeData().eras();\n for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) {\n // truncate time\n val = this.clone().startOf('day').valueOf();\n\n if (eras[i].since <= val && val <= eras[i].until) {\n return eras[i].narrow;\n }\n if (eras[i].until <= val && val <= eras[i].since) {\n return eras[i].narrow;\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n }\n\n function getEraAbbr() {\n var i,\n l,\n val,\n eras = this.localeData().eras();\n for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) {\n // truncate time\n val = this.clone().startOf('day').valueOf();\n\n if (eras[i].since <= val && val <= eras[i].until) {\n return eras[i].abbr;\n }\n if (eras[i].until <= val && val <= eras[i].since) {\n return eras[i].abbr;\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n }\n\n function getEraYear() {\n var i,\n l,\n dir,\n val,\n eras = this.localeData().eras();\n for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) {\n dir = eras[i].since <= eras[i].until ? +1 : -1;\n\n // truncate time\n val = this.clone().startOf('day').valueOf();\n\n if (\n (eras[i].since <= val && val <= eras[i].until) ||\n (eras[i].until <= val && val <= eras[i].since)\n ) {\n return (\n (this.year() - hooks(eras[i].since).year()) * dir +\n eras[i].offset\n );\n }\n }\n\n return this.year();\n }\n\n function erasNameRegex(isStrict) {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_erasNameRegex')) {\n computeErasParse.call(this);\n }\n return isStrict ? this._erasNameRegex : this._erasRegex;\n }\n\n function erasAbbrRegex(isStrict) {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_erasAbbrRegex')) {\n computeErasParse.call(this);\n }\n return isStrict ? this._erasAbbrRegex : this._erasRegex;\n }\n\n function erasNarrowRegex(isStrict) {\n if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_erasNarrowRegex')) {\n computeErasParse.call(this);\n }\n return isStrict ? this._erasNarrowRegex : this._erasRegex;\n }\n\n function matchEraAbbr(isStrict, locale) {\n return locale.erasAbbrRegex(isStrict);\n }\n\n function matchEraName(isStrict, locale) {\n return locale.erasNameRegex(isStrict);\n }\n\n function matchEraNarrow(isStrict, locale) {\n return locale.erasNarrowRegex(isStrict);\n }\n\n function matchEraYearOrdinal(isStrict, locale) {\n return locale._eraYearOrdinalRegex || matchUnsigned;\n }\n\n function computeErasParse() {\n var abbrPieces = [],\n namePieces = [],\n narrowPieces = [],\n mixedPieces = [],\n i,\n l,\n erasName,\n erasAbbr,\n erasNarrow,\n eras = this.eras();\n\n for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) {\n erasName = regexEscape(eras[i].name);\n erasAbbr = regexEscape(eras[i].abbr);\n erasNarrow = regexEscape(eras[i].narrow);\n\n namePieces.push(erasName);\n abbrPieces.push(erasAbbr);\n narrowPieces.push(erasNarrow);\n mixedPieces.push(erasName);\n mixedPieces.push(erasAbbr);\n mixedPieces.push(erasNarrow);\n }\n\n this._erasRegex = new RegExp('^(' + mixedPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');\n this._erasNameRegex = new RegExp('^(' + namePieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');\n this._erasAbbrRegex = new RegExp('^(' + abbrPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');\n this._erasNarrowRegex = new RegExp(\n '^(' + narrowPieces.join('|') + ')',\n 'i'\n );\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken(0, ['gg', 2], 0, function () {\n return this.weekYear() % 100;\n });\n\n addFormatToken(0, ['GG', 2], 0, function () {\n return this.isoWeekYear() % 100;\n });\n\n function addWeekYearFormatToken(token, getter) {\n addFormatToken(0, [token, token.length], 0, getter);\n }\n\n addWeekYearFormatToken('gggg', 'weekYear');\n addWeekYearFormatToken('ggggg', 'weekYear');\n addWeekYearFormatToken('GGGG', 'isoWeekYear');\n addWeekYearFormatToken('GGGGG', 'isoWeekYear');\n\n // ALIASES\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('G', matchSigned);\n addRegexToken('g', matchSigned);\n addRegexToken('GG', match1to2, match2);\n addRegexToken('gg', match1to2, match2);\n addRegexToken('GGGG', match1to4, match4);\n addRegexToken('gggg', match1to4, match4);\n addRegexToken('GGGGG', match1to6, match6);\n addRegexToken('ggggg', match1to6, match6);\n\n addWeekParseToken(\n ['gggg', 'ggggg', 'GGGG', 'GGGGG'],\n function (input, week, config, token) {\n week[token.substr(0, 2)] = toInt(input);\n }\n );\n\n addWeekParseToken(['gg', 'GG'], function (input, week, config, token) {\n week[token] = hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input);\n });\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n function getSetWeekYear(input) {\n return getSetWeekYearHelper.call(\n this,\n input,\n this.week(),\n this.weekday() + this.localeData()._week.dow,\n this.localeData()._week.dow,\n this.localeData()._week.doy\n );\n }\n\n function getSetISOWeekYear(input) {\n return getSetWeekYearHelper.call(\n this,\n input,\n this.isoWeek(),\n this.isoWeekday(),\n 1,\n 4\n );\n }\n\n function getISOWeeksInYear() {\n return weeksInYear(this.year(), 1, 4);\n }\n\n function getISOWeeksInISOWeekYear() {\n return weeksInYear(this.isoWeekYear(), 1, 4);\n }\n\n function getWeeksInYear() {\n var weekInfo = this.localeData()._week;\n return weeksInYear(this.year(), weekInfo.dow, weekInfo.doy);\n }\n\n function getWeeksInWeekYear() {\n var weekInfo = this.localeData()._week;\n return weeksInYear(this.weekYear(), weekInfo.dow, weekInfo.doy);\n }\n\n function getSetWeekYearHelper(input, week, weekday, dow, doy) {\n var weeksTarget;\n if (input == null) {\n return weekOfYear(this, dow, doy).year;\n } else {\n weeksTarget = weeksInYear(input, dow, doy);\n if (week > weeksTarget) {\n week = weeksTarget;\n }\n return setWeekAll.call(this, input, week, weekday, dow, doy);\n }\n }\n\n function setWeekAll(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy) {\n var dayOfYearData = dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy),\n date = createUTCDate(dayOfYearData.year, 0, dayOfYearData.dayOfYear);\n\n this.year(date.getUTCFullYear());\n this.month(date.getUTCMonth());\n this.date(date.getUTCDate());\n return this;\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('Q', 0, 'Qo', 'quarter');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('Q', match1);\n addParseToken('Q', function (input, array) {\n array[MONTH] = (toInt(input) - 1) * 3;\n });\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n function getSetQuarter(input) {\n return input == null\n ? Math.ceil((this.month() + 1) / 3)\n : this.month((input - 1) * 3 + (this.month() % 3));\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('D', ['DD', 2], 'Do', 'date');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('D', match1to2, match1to2NoLeadingZero);\n addRegexToken('DD', match1to2, match2);\n addRegexToken('Do', function (isStrict, locale) {\n // TODO: Remove \"ordinalParse\" fallback in next major release.\n return isStrict\n ? locale._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse || locale._ordinalParse\n : locale._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient;\n });\n\n addParseToken(['D', 'DD'], DATE);\n addParseToken('Do', function (input, array) {\n array[DATE] = toInt(input.match(match1to2)[0]);\n });\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n var getSetDayOfMonth = makeGetSet('Date', true);\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('DDD', ['DDDD', 3], 'DDDo', 'dayOfYear');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('DDD', match1to3);\n addRegexToken('DDDD', match3);\n addParseToken(['DDD', 'DDDD'], function (input, array, config) {\n config._dayOfYear = toInt(input);\n });\n\n // HELPERS\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n function getSetDayOfYear(input) {\n var dayOfYear =\n Math.round(\n (this.clone().startOf('day') - this.clone().startOf('year')) / 864e5\n ) + 1;\n return input == null ? dayOfYear : this.add(input - dayOfYear, 'd');\n }\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('m', ['mm', 2], 0, 'minute');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('m', match1to2, match1to2HasZero);\n addRegexToken('mm', match1to2, match2);\n addParseToken(['m', 'mm'], MINUTE);\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n var getSetMinute = makeGetSet('Minutes', false);\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('s', ['ss', 2], 0, 'second');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('s', match1to2, match1to2HasZero);\n addRegexToken('ss', match1to2, match2);\n addParseToken(['s', 'ss'], SECOND);\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n var getSetSecond = makeGetSet('Seconds', false);\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('S', 0, 0, function () {\n return ~~(this.millisecond() / 100);\n });\n\n addFormatToken(0, ['SS', 2], 0, function () {\n return ~~(this.millisecond() / 10);\n });\n\n addFormatToken(0, ['SSS', 3], 0, 'millisecond');\n addFormatToken(0, ['SSSS', 4], 0, function () {\n return this.millisecond() * 10;\n });\n addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSS', 5], 0, function () {\n return this.millisecond() * 100;\n });\n addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSS', 6], 0, function () {\n return this.millisecond() * 1000;\n });\n addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSSS', 7], 0, function () {\n return this.millisecond() * 10000;\n });\n addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSSSS', 8], 0, function () {\n return this.millisecond() * 100000;\n });\n addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSSSSS', 9], 0, function () {\n return this.millisecond() * 1000000;\n });\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('S', match1to3, match1);\n addRegexToken('SS', match1to3, match2);\n addRegexToken('SSS', match1to3, match3);\n\n var token, getSetMillisecond;\n for (token = 'SSSS'; token.length <= 9; token += 'S') {\n addRegexToken(token, matchUnsigned);\n }\n\n function parseMs(input, array) {\n array[MILLISECOND] = toInt(('0.' + input) * 1000);\n }\n\n for (token = 'S'; token.length <= 9; token += 'S') {\n addParseToken(token, parseMs);\n }\n\n getSetMillisecond = makeGetSet('Milliseconds', false);\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('z', 0, 0, 'zoneAbbr');\n addFormatToken('zz', 0, 0, 'zoneName');\n\n // MOMENTS\n\n function getZoneAbbr() {\n return this._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '';\n }\n\n function getZoneName() {\n return this._isUTC ? 'Coordinated Universal Time' : '';\n }\n\n var proto = Moment.prototype;\n\n proto.add = add;\n proto.calendar = calendar$1;\n proto.clone = clone;\n proto.diff = diff;\n proto.endOf = endOf;\n proto.format = format;\n proto.from = from;\n proto.fromNow = fromNow;\n proto.to = to;\n proto.toNow = toNow;\n proto.get = stringGet;\n proto.invalidAt = invalidAt;\n proto.isAfter = isAfter;\n proto.isBefore = isBefore;\n proto.isBetween = isBetween;\n proto.isSame = isSame;\n proto.isSameOrAfter = isSameOrAfter;\n proto.isSameOrBefore = isSameOrBefore;\n proto.isValid = isValid$2;\n proto.lang = lang;\n proto.locale = locale;\n proto.localeData = localeData;\n proto.max = prototypeMax;\n proto.min = prototypeMin;\n proto.parsingFlags = parsingFlags;\n proto.set = stringSet;\n proto.startOf = startOf;\n proto.subtract = subtract;\n proto.toArray = toArray;\n proto.toObject = toObject;\n proto.toDate = toDate;\n proto.toISOString = toISOString;\n proto.inspect = inspect;\n if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.for != null) {\n proto[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')] = function () {\n return 'Moment<' + this.format() + '>';\n };\n }\n proto.toJSON = toJSON;\n proto.toString = toString;\n proto.unix = unix;\n proto.valueOf = valueOf;\n proto.creationData = creationData;\n proto.eraName = getEraName;\n proto.eraNarrow = getEraNarrow;\n proto.eraAbbr = getEraAbbr;\n proto.eraYear = getEraYear;\n proto.year = getSetYear;\n proto.isLeapYear = getIsLeapYear;\n proto.weekYear = getSetWeekYear;\n proto.isoWeekYear = getSetISOWeekYear;\n proto.quarter = proto.quarters = getSetQuarter;\n proto.month = getSetMonth;\n proto.daysInMonth = getDaysInMonth;\n proto.week = proto.weeks = getSetWeek;\n proto.isoWeek = proto.isoWeeks = getSetISOWeek;\n proto.weeksInYear = getWeeksInYear;\n proto.weeksInWeekYear = getWeeksInWeekYear;\n proto.isoWeeksInYear = getISOWeeksInYear;\n proto.isoWeeksInISOWeekYear = getISOWeeksInISOWeekYear;\n proto.date = getSetDayOfMonth;\n proto.day = proto.days = getSetDayOfWeek;\n proto.weekday = getSetLocaleDayOfWeek;\n proto.isoWeekday = getSetISODayOfWeek;\n proto.dayOfYear = getSetDayOfYear;\n proto.hour = proto.hours = getSetHour;\n proto.minute = proto.minutes = getSetMinute;\n proto.second = proto.seconds = getSetSecond;\n proto.millisecond = proto.milliseconds = getSetMillisecond;\n proto.utcOffset = getSetOffset;\n proto.utc = setOffsetToUTC;\n proto.local = setOffsetToLocal;\n proto.parseZone = setOffsetToParsedOffset;\n proto.hasAlignedHourOffset = hasAlignedHourOffset;\n proto.isDST = isDaylightSavingTime;\n proto.isLocal = isLocal;\n proto.isUtcOffset = isUtcOffset;\n proto.isUtc = isUtc;\n proto.isUTC = isUtc;\n proto.zoneAbbr = getZoneAbbr;\n proto.zoneName = getZoneName;\n proto.dates = deprecate(\n 'dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.',\n getSetDayOfMonth\n );\n proto.months = deprecate(\n 'months accessor is deprecated. Use month instead',\n getSetMonth\n );\n proto.years = deprecate(\n 'years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead',\n getSetYear\n );\n proto.zone = deprecate(\n 'moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead. http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/zone/',\n getSetZone\n );\n proto.isDSTShifted = deprecate(\n 'isDSTShifted is deprecated. See http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/dst-shifted/ for more information',\n isDaylightSavingTimeShifted\n );\n\n function createUnix(input) {\n return createLocal(input * 1000);\n }\n\n function createInZone() {\n return createLocal.apply(null, arguments).parseZone();\n }\n\n function preParsePostFormat(string) {\n return string;\n }\n\n var proto$1 = Locale.prototype;\n\n proto$1.calendar = calendar;\n proto$1.longDateFormat = longDateFormat;\n proto$1.invalidDate = invalidDate;\n proto$1.ordinal = ordinal;\n proto$1.preparse = preParsePostFormat;\n proto$1.postformat = preParsePostFormat;\n proto$1.relativeTime = relativeTime;\n proto$1.pastFuture = pastFuture;\n proto$1.set = set;\n proto$1.eras = localeEras;\n proto$1.erasParse = localeErasParse;\n proto$1.erasConvertYear = localeErasConvertYear;\n proto$1.erasAbbrRegex = erasAbbrRegex;\n proto$1.erasNameRegex = erasNameRegex;\n proto$1.erasNarrowRegex = erasNarrowRegex;\n\n proto$1.months = localeMonths;\n proto$1.monthsShort = localeMonthsShort;\n proto$1.monthsParse = localeMonthsParse;\n proto$1.monthsRegex = monthsRegex;\n proto$1.monthsShortRegex = monthsShortRegex;\n proto$1.week = localeWeek;\n proto$1.firstDayOfYear = localeFirstDayOfYear;\n proto$1.firstDayOfWeek = localeFirstDayOfWeek;\n\n proto$1.weekdays = localeWeekdays;\n proto$1.weekdaysMin = localeWeekdaysMin;\n proto$1.weekdaysShort = localeWeekdaysShort;\n proto$1.weekdaysParse = localeWeekdaysParse;\n\n proto$1.weekdaysRegex = weekdaysRegex;\n proto$1.weekdaysShortRegex = weekdaysShortRegex;\n proto$1.weekdaysMinRegex = weekdaysMinRegex;\n\n proto$1.isPM = localeIsPM;\n proto$1.meridiem = localeMeridiem;\n\n function get$1(format, index, field, setter) {\n var locale = getLocale(),\n utc = createUTC().set(setter, index);\n return locale[field](utc, format);\n }\n\n function listMonthsImpl(format, index, field) {\n if (isNumber(format)) {\n index = format;\n format = undefined;\n }\n\n format = format || '';\n\n if (index != null) {\n return get$1(format, index, field, 'month');\n }\n\n var i,\n out = [];\n for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {\n out[i] = get$1(format, i, field, 'month');\n }\n return out;\n }\n\n // ()\n // (5)\n // (fmt, 5)\n // (fmt)\n // (true)\n // (true, 5)\n // (true, fmt, 5)\n // (true, fmt)\n function listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, field) {\n if (typeof localeSorted === 'boolean') {\n if (isNumber(format)) {\n index = format;\n format = undefined;\n }\n\n format = format || '';\n } else {\n format = localeSorted;\n index = format;\n localeSorted = false;\n\n if (isNumber(format)) {\n index = format;\n format = undefined;\n }\n\n format = format || '';\n }\n\n var locale = getLocale(),\n shift = localeSorted ? locale._week.dow : 0,\n i,\n out = [];\n\n if (index != null) {\n return get$1(format, (index + shift) % 7, field, 'day');\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {\n out[i] = get$1(format, (i + shift) % 7, field, 'day');\n }\n return out;\n }\n\n function listMonths(format, index) {\n return listMonthsImpl(format, index, 'months');\n }\n\n function listMonthsShort(format, index) {\n return listMonthsImpl(format, index, 'monthsShort');\n }\n\n function listWeekdays(localeSorted, format, index) {\n return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, 'weekdays');\n }\n\n function listWeekdaysShort(localeSorted, format, index) {\n return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, 'weekdaysShort');\n }\n\n function listWeekdaysMin(localeSorted, format, index) {\n return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, 'weekdaysMin');\n }\n\n getSetGlobalLocale('en', {\n eras: [\n {\n since: '0001-01-01',\n until: +Infinity,\n offset: 1,\n name: 'Anno Domini',\n narrow: 'AD',\n abbr: 'AD',\n },\n {\n since: '0000-12-31',\n until: -Infinity,\n offset: 1,\n name: 'Before Christ',\n narrow: 'BC',\n abbr: 'BC',\n },\n ],\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/,\n ordinal: function (number) {\n var b = number % 10,\n output =\n toInt((number % 100) / 10) === 1\n ? 'th'\n : b === 1\n ? 'st'\n : b === 2\n ? 'nd'\n : b === 3\n ? 'rd'\n : 'th';\n return number + output;\n },\n });\n\n // Side effect imports\n\n hooks.lang = deprecate(\n 'moment.lang is deprecated. Use moment.locale instead.',\n getSetGlobalLocale\n );\n hooks.langData = deprecate(\n 'moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.',\n getLocale\n );\n\n var mathAbs = Math.abs;\n\n function abs() {\n var data = this._data;\n\n this._milliseconds = mathAbs(this._milliseconds);\n this._days = mathAbs(this._days);\n this._months = mathAbs(this._months);\n\n data.milliseconds = mathAbs(data.milliseconds);\n data.seconds = mathAbs(data.seconds);\n data.minutes = mathAbs(data.minutes);\n data.hours = mathAbs(data.hours);\n data.months = mathAbs(data.months);\n data.years = mathAbs(data.years);\n\n return this;\n }\n\n function addSubtract$1(duration, input, value, direction) {\n var other = createDuration(input, value);\n\n duration._milliseconds += direction * other._milliseconds;\n duration._days += direction * other._days;\n duration._months += direction * other._months;\n\n return duration._bubble();\n }\n\n // supports only 2.0-style add(1, 's') or add(duration)\n function add$1(input, value) {\n return addSubtract$1(this, input, value, 1);\n }\n\n // supports only 2.0-style subtract(1, 's') or subtract(duration)\n function subtract$1(input, value) {\n return addSubtract$1(this, input, value, -1);\n }\n\n function absCeil(number) {\n if (number < 0) {\n return Math.floor(number);\n } else {\n return Math.ceil(number);\n }\n }\n\n function bubble() {\n var milliseconds = this._milliseconds,\n days = this._days,\n months = this._months,\n data = this._data,\n seconds,\n minutes,\n hours,\n years,\n monthsFromDays;\n\n // if we have a mix of positive and negative values, bubble down first\n // check: https://github.com/moment/moment/issues/2166\n if (\n !(\n (milliseconds >= 0 && days >= 0 && months >= 0) ||\n (milliseconds <= 0 && days <= 0 && months <= 0)\n )\n ) {\n milliseconds += absCeil(monthsToDays(months) + days) * 864e5;\n days = 0;\n months = 0;\n }\n\n // The following code bubbles up values, see the tests for\n // examples of what that means.\n data.milliseconds = milliseconds % 1000;\n\n seconds = absFloor(milliseconds / 1000);\n data.seconds = seconds % 60;\n\n minutes = absFloor(seconds / 60);\n data.minutes = minutes % 60;\n\n hours = absFloor(minutes / 60);\n data.hours = hours % 24;\n\n days += absFloor(hours / 24);\n\n // convert days to months\n monthsFromDays = absFloor(daysToMonths(days));\n months += monthsFromDays;\n days -= absCeil(monthsToDays(monthsFromDays));\n\n // 12 months -> 1 year\n years = absFloor(months / 12);\n months %= 12;\n\n data.days = days;\n data.months = months;\n data.years = years;\n\n return this;\n }\n\n function daysToMonths(days) {\n // 400 years have 146097 days (taking into account leap year rules)\n // 400 years have 12 months === 4800\n return (days * 4800) / 146097;\n }\n\n function monthsToDays(months) {\n // the reverse of daysToMonths\n return (months * 146097) / 4800;\n }\n\n function as(units) {\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return NaN;\n }\n var days,\n months,\n milliseconds = this._milliseconds;\n\n units = normalizeUnits(units);\n\n if (units === 'month' || units === 'quarter' || units === 'year') {\n days = this._days + milliseconds / 864e5;\n months = this._months + daysToMonths(days);\n switch (units) {\n case 'month':\n return months;\n case 'quarter':\n return months / 3;\n case 'year':\n return months / 12;\n }\n } else {\n // handle milliseconds separately because of floating point math errors (issue #1867)\n days = this._days + Math.round(monthsToDays(this._months));\n switch (units) {\n case 'week':\n return days / 7 + milliseconds / 6048e5;\n case 'day':\n return days + milliseconds / 864e5;\n case 'hour':\n return days * 24 + milliseconds / 36e5;\n case 'minute':\n return days * 1440 + milliseconds / 6e4;\n case 'second':\n return days * 86400 + milliseconds / 1000;\n // Math.floor prevents floating point math errors here\n case 'millisecond':\n return Math.floor(days * 864e5) + milliseconds;\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown unit ' + units);\n }\n }\n }\n\n function makeAs(alias) {\n return function () {\n return this.as(alias);\n };\n }\n\n var asMilliseconds = makeAs('ms'),\n asSeconds = makeAs('s'),\n asMinutes = makeAs('m'),\n asHours = makeAs('h'),\n asDays = makeAs('d'),\n asWeeks = makeAs('w'),\n asMonths = makeAs('M'),\n asQuarters = makeAs('Q'),\n asYears = makeAs('y'),\n valueOf$1 = asMilliseconds;\n\n function clone$1() {\n return createDuration(this);\n }\n\n function get$2(units) {\n units = normalizeUnits(units);\n return this.isValid() ? this[units + 's']() : NaN;\n }\n\n function makeGetter(name) {\n return function () {\n return this.isValid() ? this._data[name] : NaN;\n };\n }\n\n var milliseconds = makeGetter('milliseconds'),\n seconds = makeGetter('seconds'),\n minutes = makeGetter('minutes'),\n hours = makeGetter('hours'),\n days = makeGetter('days'),\n months = makeGetter('months'),\n years = makeGetter('years');\n\n function weeks() {\n return absFloor(this.days() / 7);\n }\n\n var round = Math.round,\n thresholds = {\n ss: 44, // a few seconds to seconds\n s: 45, // seconds to minute\n m: 45, // minutes to hour\n h: 22, // hours to day\n d: 26, // days to month/week\n w: null, // weeks to month\n M: 11, // months to year\n };\n\n // helper function for moment.fn.from, moment.fn.fromNow, and moment.duration.fn.humanize\n function substituteTimeAgo(string, number, withoutSuffix, isFuture, locale) {\n return locale.relativeTime(number || 1, !!withoutSuffix, string, isFuture);\n }\n\n function relativeTime$1(posNegDuration, withoutSuffix, thresholds, locale) {\n var duration = createDuration(posNegDuration).abs(),\n seconds = round(duration.as('s')),\n minutes = round(duration.as('m')),\n hours = round(duration.as('h')),\n days = round(duration.as('d')),\n months = round(duration.as('M')),\n weeks = round(duration.as('w')),\n years = round(duration.as('y')),\n a =\n (seconds <= thresholds.ss && ['s', seconds]) ||\n (seconds < thresholds.s && ['ss', seconds]) ||\n (minutes <= 1 && ['m']) ||\n (minutes < thresholds.m && ['mm', minutes]) ||\n (hours <= 1 && ['h']) ||\n (hours < thresholds.h && ['hh', hours]) ||\n (days <= 1 && ['d']) ||\n (days < thresholds.d && ['dd', days]);\n\n if (thresholds.w != null) {\n a =\n a ||\n (weeks <= 1 && ['w']) ||\n (weeks < thresholds.w && ['ww', weeks]);\n }\n a = a ||\n (months <= 1 && ['M']) ||\n (months < thresholds.M && ['MM', months]) ||\n (years <= 1 && ['y']) || ['yy', years];\n\n a[2] = withoutSuffix;\n a[3] = +posNegDuration > 0;\n a[4] = locale;\n return substituteTimeAgo.apply(null, a);\n }\n\n // This function allows you to set the rounding function for relative time strings\n function getSetRelativeTimeRounding(roundingFunction) {\n if (roundingFunction === undefined) {\n return round;\n }\n if (typeof roundingFunction === 'function') {\n round = roundingFunction;\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n // This function allows you to set a threshold for relative time strings\n function getSetRelativeTimeThreshold(threshold, limit) {\n if (thresholds[threshold] === undefined) {\n return false;\n }\n if (limit === undefined) {\n return thresholds[threshold];\n }\n thresholds[threshold] = limit;\n if (threshold === 's') {\n thresholds.ss = limit - 1;\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n function humanize(argWithSuffix, argThresholds) {\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return this.localeData().invalidDate();\n }\n\n var withSuffix = false,\n th = thresholds,\n locale,\n output;\n\n if (typeof argWithSuffix === 'object') {\n argThresholds = argWithSuffix;\n argWithSuffix = false;\n }\n if (typeof argWithSuffix === 'boolean') {\n withSuffix = argWithSuffix;\n }\n if (typeof argThresholds === 'object') {\n th = Object.assign({}, thresholds, argThresholds);\n if (argThresholds.s != null && argThresholds.ss == null) {\n th.ss = argThresholds.s - 1;\n }\n }\n\n locale = this.localeData();\n output = relativeTime$1(this, !withSuffix, th, locale);\n\n if (withSuffix) {\n output = locale.pastFuture(+this, output);\n }\n\n return locale.postformat(output);\n }\n\n var abs$1 = Math.abs;\n\n function sign(x) {\n return (x > 0) - (x < 0) || +x;\n }\n\n function toISOString$1() {\n // for ISO strings we do not use the normal bubbling rules:\n // * milliseconds bubble up until they become hours\n // * days do not bubble at all\n // * months bubble up until they become years\n // This is because there is no context-free conversion between hours and days\n // (think of clock changes)\n // and also not between days and months (28-31 days per month)\n if (!this.isValid()) {\n return this.localeData().invalidDate();\n }\n\n var seconds = abs$1(this._milliseconds) / 1000,\n days = abs$1(this._days),\n months = abs$1(this._months),\n minutes,\n hours,\n years,\n s,\n total = this.asSeconds(),\n totalSign,\n ymSign,\n daysSign,\n hmsSign;\n\n if (!total) {\n // this is the same as C#'s (Noda) and python (isodate)...\n // but not other JS (goog.date)\n return 'P0D';\n }\n\n // 3600 seconds -> 60 minutes -> 1 hour\n minutes = absFloor(seconds / 60);\n hours = absFloor(minutes / 60);\n seconds %= 60;\n minutes %= 60;\n\n // 12 months -> 1 year\n years = absFloor(months / 12);\n months %= 12;\n\n // inspired by https://github.com/dordille/moment-isoduration/blob/master/moment.isoduration.js\n s = seconds ? seconds.toFixed(3).replace(/\\.?0+$/, '') : '';\n\n totalSign = total < 0 ? '-' : '';\n ymSign = sign(this._months) !== sign(total) ? '-' : '';\n daysSign = sign(this._days) !== sign(total) ? '-' : '';\n hmsSign = sign(this._milliseconds) !== sign(total) ? '-' : '';\n\n return (\n totalSign +\n 'P' +\n (years ? ymSign + years + 'Y' : '') +\n (months ? ymSign + months + 'M' : '') +\n (days ? daysSign + days + 'D' : '') +\n (hours || minutes || seconds ? 'T' : '') +\n (hours ? hmsSign + hours + 'H' : '') +\n (minutes ? hmsSign + minutes + 'M' : '') +\n (seconds ? hmsSign + s + 'S' : '')\n );\n }\n\n var proto$2 = Duration.prototype;\n\n proto$2.isValid = isValid$1;\n proto$2.abs = abs;\n proto$2.add = add$1;\n proto$2.subtract = subtract$1;\n proto$2.as = as;\n proto$2.asMilliseconds = asMilliseconds;\n proto$2.asSeconds = asSeconds;\n proto$2.asMinutes = asMinutes;\n proto$2.asHours = asHours;\n proto$2.asDays = asDays;\n proto$2.asWeeks = asWeeks;\n proto$2.asMonths = asMonths;\n proto$2.asQuarters = asQuarters;\n proto$2.asYears = asYears;\n proto$2.valueOf = valueOf$1;\n proto$2._bubble = bubble;\n proto$2.clone = clone$1;\n proto$2.get = get$2;\n proto$2.milliseconds = milliseconds;\n proto$2.seconds = seconds;\n proto$2.minutes = minutes;\n proto$2.hours = hours;\n proto$2.days = days;\n proto$2.weeks = weeks;\n proto$2.months = months;\n proto$2.years = years;\n proto$2.humanize = humanize;\n proto$2.toISOString = toISOString$1;\n proto$2.toString = toISOString$1;\n proto$2.toJSON = toISOString$1;\n proto$2.locale = locale;\n proto$2.localeData = localeData;\n\n proto$2.toIsoString = deprecate(\n 'toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice the capitals)',\n toISOString$1\n );\n proto$2.lang = lang;\n\n // FORMATTING\n\n addFormatToken('X', 0, 0, 'unix');\n addFormatToken('x', 0, 0, 'valueOf');\n\n // PARSING\n\n addRegexToken('x', matchSigned);\n addRegexToken('X', matchTimestamp);\n addParseToken('X', function (input, array, config) {\n config._d = new Date(parseFloat(input) * 1000);\n });\n addParseToken('x', function (input, array, config) {\n config._d = new Date(toInt(input));\n });\n\n //! moment.js\n\n hooks.version = '2.30.1';\n\n setHookCallback(createLocal);\n\n hooks.fn = proto;\n hooks.min = min;\n hooks.max = max;\n hooks.now = now;\n hooks.utc = createUTC;\n hooks.unix = createUnix;\n hooks.months = listMonths;\n hooks.isDate = isDate;\n hooks.locale = getSetGlobalLocale;\n hooks.invalid = createInvalid;\n hooks.duration = createDuration;\n hooks.isMoment = isMoment;\n hooks.weekdays = listWeekdays;\n hooks.parseZone = createInZone;\n hooks.localeData = getLocale;\n hooks.isDuration = isDuration;\n hooks.monthsShort = listMonthsShort;\n hooks.weekdaysMin = listWeekdaysMin;\n hooks.defineLocale = defineLocale;\n hooks.updateLocale = updateLocale;\n hooks.locales = listLocales;\n hooks.weekdaysShort = listWeekdaysShort;\n hooks.normalizeUnits = normalizeUnits;\n hooks.relativeTimeRounding = getSetRelativeTimeRounding;\n hooks.relativeTimeThreshold = getSetRelativeTimeThreshold;\n hooks.calendarFormat = getCalendarFormat;\n hooks.prototype = proto;\n\n // currently HTML5 input type only supports 24-hour formats\n hooks.HTML5_FMT = {\n DATETIME_LOCAL: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm', // \n DATETIME_LOCAL_SECONDS: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss', // \n DATETIME_LOCAL_MS: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS', // \n DATE: 'YYYY-MM-DD', // \n TIME: 'HH:mm', // \n TIME_SECONDS: 'HH:mm:ss', // \n TIME_MS: 'HH:mm:ss.SSS', // \n WEEK: 'GGGG-[W]WW', // \n MONTH: 'YYYY-MM', // \n };\n\n return hooks;\n\n})));\n","function _nonIterableRest() {\n throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\");\n}\nmodule.exports = _nonIterableRest, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\n\n// Headers whose duplicates are ignored by node\n// c.f. https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_message_headers\nvar ignoreDuplicateOf = [\n 'age', 'authorization', 'content-length', 'content-type', 'etag',\n 'expires', 'from', 'host', 'if-modified-since', 'if-unmodified-since',\n 'last-modified', 'location', 'max-forwards', 'proxy-authorization',\n 'referer', 'retry-after', 'user-agent'\n];\n\n/**\n * Parse headers into an object\n *\n * ```\n * Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 08:58:49 GMT\n * Content-Type: application/json\n * Connection: keep-alive\n * Transfer-Encoding: chunked\n * ```\n *\n * @param {String} headers Headers needing to be parsed\n * @returns {Object} Headers parsed into an object\n */\nmodule.exports = function parseHeaders(headers) {\n var parsed = {};\n var key;\n var val;\n var i;\n\n if (!headers) { return parsed; }\n\n utils.forEach(headers.split('\\n'), function parser(line) {\n i = line.indexOf(':');\n key = utils.trim(line.substr(0, i)).toLowerCase();\n val = utils.trim(line.substr(i + 1));\n\n if (key) {\n if (parsed[key] && ignoreDuplicateOf.indexOf(key) >= 0) {\n return;\n }\n if (key === 'set-cookie') {\n parsed[key] = (parsed[key] ? parsed[key] : []).concat([val]);\n } else {\n parsed[key] = parsed[key] ? parsed[key] + ', ' + val : val;\n }\n }\n });\n\n return parsed;\n};\n","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\nvar defaults = require('./../defaults');\n\n/**\n * Transform the data for a request or a response\n *\n * @param {Object|String} data The data to be transformed\n * @param {Array} headers The headers for the request or response\n * @param {Array|Function} fns A single function or Array of functions\n * @returns {*} The resulting transformed data\n */\nmodule.exports = function transformData(data, headers, fns) {\n var context = this || defaults;\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n utils.forEach(fns, function transform(fn) {\n data = fn.call(context, data, headers);\n });\n\n return data;\n};\n","module.exports = false;\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START tslib,_Subscriber,_util_noop,_util_isFunction PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport * as tslib_1 from \"tslib\";\nimport { Subscriber } from '../Subscriber';\nimport { noop } from '../util/noop';\nimport { isFunction } from '../util/isFunction';\nexport function tap(nextOrObserver, error, complete) {\n return function tapOperatorFunction(source) {\n return source.lift(new DoOperator(nextOrObserver, error, complete));\n };\n}\nvar DoOperator = /*@__PURE__*/ (function () {\n function DoOperator(nextOrObserver, error, complete) {\n this.nextOrObserver = nextOrObserver;\n this.error = error;\n this.complete = complete;\n }\n DoOperator.prototype.call = function (subscriber, source) {\n return source.subscribe(new TapSubscriber(subscriber, this.nextOrObserver, this.error, this.complete));\n };\n return DoOperator;\n}());\nvar TapSubscriber = /*@__PURE__*/ (function (_super) {\n tslib_1.__extends(TapSubscriber, _super);\n function TapSubscriber(destination, observerOrNext, error, complete) {\n var _this = _super.call(this, destination) || this;\n _this._tapNext = noop;\n _this._tapError = noop;\n _this._tapComplete = noop;\n _this._tapError = error || noop;\n _this._tapComplete = complete || noop;\n if (isFunction(observerOrNext)) {\n _this._context = _this;\n _this._tapNext = observerOrNext;\n }\n else if (observerOrNext) {\n _this._context = observerOrNext;\n _this._tapNext = observerOrNext.next || noop;\n _this._tapError = observerOrNext.error || noop;\n _this._tapComplete = observerOrNext.complete || noop;\n }\n return _this;\n }\n TapSubscriber.prototype._next = function (value) {\n try {\n this._tapNext.call(this._context, value);\n }\n catch (err) {\n this.destination.error(err);\n return;\n }\n this.destination.next(value);\n };\n TapSubscriber.prototype._error = function (err) {\n try {\n this._tapError.call(this._context, err);\n }\n catch (err) {\n this.destination.error(err);\n return;\n }\n this.destination.error(err);\n };\n TapSubscriber.prototype._complete = function () {\n try {\n this._tapComplete.call(this._context);\n }\n catch (err) {\n this.destination.error(err);\n return;\n }\n return this.destination.complete();\n };\n return TapSubscriber;\n}(Subscriber));\n//# sourceMappingURL=tap.js.map\n","var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar hasOwn = require('../internals/has-own-property');\nvar isSymbol = require('../internals/is-symbol');\nvar tryToString = require('../internals/try-to-string');\nvar shared = require('../internals/shared');\nvar NATIVE_SYMBOL_REGISTRY = require('../internals/symbol-registry-detection');\n\nvar SymbolToStringRegistry = shared('symbol-to-string-registry');\n\n// `Symbol.keyFor` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.keyfor\n$({ target: 'Symbol', stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL_REGISTRY }, {\n keyFor: function keyFor(sym) {\n if (!isSymbol(sym)) throw TypeError(tryToString(sym) + ' is not a symbol');\n if (hasOwn(SymbolToStringRegistry, sym)) return SymbolToStringRegistry[sym];\n }\n});\n","'use strict';\n\nvar bind = require('./helpers/bind');\n\n// utils is a library of generic helper functions non-specific to axios\n\nvar toString = Object.prototype.toString;\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is an Array\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an Array, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isArray(val) {\n return toString.call(val) === '[object Array]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is undefined\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if the value is undefined, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isUndefined(val) {\n return typeof val === 'undefined';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Buffer\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Buffer, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isBuffer(val) {\n return val !== null && !isUndefined(val) && val.constructor !== null && !isUndefined(val.constructor)\n && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === 'function' && val.constructor.isBuffer(val);\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is an ArrayBuffer\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an ArrayBuffer, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isArrayBuffer(val) {\n return toString.call(val) === '[object ArrayBuffer]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a FormData\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an FormData, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isFormData(val) {\n return (typeof FormData !== 'undefined') && (val instanceof FormData);\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a view on an ArrayBuffer\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a view on an ArrayBuffer, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isArrayBufferView(val) {\n var result;\n if ((typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined') && (ArrayBuffer.isView)) {\n result = ArrayBuffer.isView(val);\n } else {\n result = (val) && (val.buffer) && (val.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer);\n }\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a String\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a String, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isString(val) {\n return typeof val === 'string';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Number\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Number, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isNumber(val) {\n return typeof val === 'number';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is an Object\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an Object, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isObject(val) {\n return val !== null && typeof val === 'object';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a plain Object\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @return {boolean} True if value is a plain Object, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isPlainObject(val) {\n if (toString.call(val) !== '[object Object]') {\n return false;\n }\n\n var prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(val);\n return prototype === null || prototype === Object.prototype;\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Date\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Date, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isDate(val) {\n return toString.call(val) === '[object Date]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a File\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a File, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isFile(val) {\n return toString.call(val) === '[object File]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Blob\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Blob, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isBlob(val) {\n return toString.call(val) === '[object Blob]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Function\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Function, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isFunction(val) {\n return toString.call(val) === '[object Function]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Stream\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Stream, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isStream(val) {\n return isObject(val) && isFunction(val.pipe);\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a URLSearchParams object\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a URLSearchParams object, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isURLSearchParams(val) {\n return typeof URLSearchParams !== 'undefined' && val instanceof URLSearchParams;\n}\n\n/**\n * Trim excess whitespace off the beginning and end of a string\n *\n * @param {String} str The String to trim\n * @returns {String} The String freed of excess whitespace\n */\nfunction trim(str) {\n return str.trim ? str.trim() : str.replace(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g, '');\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if we're running in a standard browser environment\n *\n * This allows axios to run in a web worker, and react-native.\n * Both environments support XMLHttpRequest, but not fully standard globals.\n *\n * web workers:\n * typeof window -> undefined\n * typeof document -> undefined\n *\n * react-native:\n * navigator.product -> 'ReactNative'\n * nativescript\n * navigator.product -> 'NativeScript' or 'NS'\n */\nfunction isStandardBrowserEnv() {\n if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && (navigator.product === 'ReactNative' ||\n navigator.product === 'NativeScript' ||\n navigator.product === 'NS')) {\n return false;\n }\n return (\n typeof window !== 'undefined' &&\n typeof document !== 'undefined'\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Iterate over an Array or an Object invoking a function for each item.\n *\n * If `obj` is an Array callback will be called passing\n * the value, index, and complete array for each item.\n *\n * If 'obj' is an Object callback will be called passing\n * the value, key, and complete object for each property.\n *\n * @param {Object|Array} obj The object to iterate\n * @param {Function} fn The callback to invoke for each item\n */\nfunction forEach(obj, fn) {\n // Don't bother if no value provided\n if (obj === null || typeof obj === 'undefined') {\n return;\n }\n\n // Force an array if not already something iterable\n if (typeof obj !== 'object') {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n obj = [obj];\n }\n\n if (isArray(obj)) {\n // Iterate over array values\n for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {\n fn.call(null, obj[i], i, obj);\n }\n } else {\n // Iterate over object keys\n for (var key in obj) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) {\n fn.call(null, obj[key], key, obj);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Accepts varargs expecting each argument to be an object, then\n * immutably merges the properties of each object and returns result.\n *\n * When multiple objects contain the same key the later object in\n * the arguments list will take precedence.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * ```js\n * var result = merge({foo: 123}, {foo: 456});\n * console.log(result.foo); // outputs 456\n * ```\n *\n * @param {Object} obj1 Object to merge\n * @returns {Object} Result of all merge properties\n */\nfunction merge(/* obj1, obj2, obj3, ... */) {\n var result = {};\n function assignValue(val, key) {\n if (isPlainObject(result[key]) && isPlainObject(val)) {\n result[key] = merge(result[key], val);\n } else if (isPlainObject(val)) {\n result[key] = merge({}, val);\n } else if (isArray(val)) {\n result[key] = val.slice();\n } else {\n result[key] = val;\n }\n }\n\n for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {\n forEach(arguments[i], assignValue);\n }\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Extends object a by mutably adding to it the properties of object b.\n *\n * @param {Object} a The object to be extended\n * @param {Object} b The object to copy properties from\n * @param {Object} thisArg The object to bind function to\n * @return {Object} The resulting value of object a\n */\nfunction extend(a, b, thisArg) {\n forEach(b, function assignValue(val, key) {\n if (thisArg && typeof val === 'function') {\n a[key] = bind(val, thisArg);\n } else {\n a[key] = val;\n }\n });\n return a;\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove byte order marker. This catches EF BB BF (the UTF-8 BOM)\n *\n * @param {string} content with BOM\n * @return {string} content value without BOM\n */\nfunction stripBOM(content) {\n if (content.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF) {\n content = content.slice(1);\n }\n return content;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n isArray: isArray,\n isArrayBuffer: isArrayBuffer,\n isBuffer: isBuffer,\n isFormData: isFormData,\n isArrayBufferView: isArrayBufferView,\n isString: isString,\n isNumber: isNumber,\n isObject: isObject,\n isPlainObject: isPlainObject,\n isUndefined: isUndefined,\n isDate: isDate,\n isFile: isFile,\n isBlob: isBlob,\n isFunction: isFunction,\n isStream: isStream,\n isURLSearchParams: isURLSearchParams,\n isStandardBrowserEnv: isStandardBrowserEnv,\n forEach: forEach,\n merge: merge,\n extend: extend,\n trim: trim,\n stripBOM: stripBOM\n};\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nexport var observable = /*@__PURE__*/ (function () { return typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.observable || '@@observable'; })();\n//# sourceMappingURL=observable.js.map\n","/**\n * Checks if a `cache` value for `key` exists.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} cache The cache to query.\n * @param {string} key The key of the entry to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if an entry for `key` exists, else `false`.\n */\nfunction cacheHas(cache, key) {\n return cache.has(key);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = cacheHas;\n","function _isNativeFunction(fn) {\n try {\n return Function.toString.call(fn).indexOf(\"[native code]\") !== -1;\n } catch (e) {\n return typeof fn === \"function\";\n }\n}\nmodule.exports = _isNativeFunction, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar UNSUPPORTED_DOT_ALL = require('../internals/regexp-unsupported-dot-all');\nvar classof = require('../internals/classof-raw');\nvar defineBuiltInAccessor = require('../internals/define-built-in-accessor');\nvar getInternalState = require('../internals/internal-state').get;\n\nvar RegExpPrototype = RegExp.prototype;\nvar $TypeError = TypeError;\n\n// `RegExp.prototype.dotAll` getter\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-get-regexp.prototype.dotall\nif (DESCRIPTORS && UNSUPPORTED_DOT_ALL) {\n defineBuiltInAccessor(RegExpPrototype, 'dotAll', {\n configurable: true,\n get: function dotAll() {\n if (this === RegExpPrototype) return undefined;\n // We can't use InternalStateModule.getterFor because\n // we don't add metadata for regexps created by a literal.\n if (classof(this) === 'RegExp') {\n return !!getInternalState(this).dotAll;\n }\n throw $TypeError('Incompatible receiver, RegExp required');\n }\n });\n}\n","var hasOwn = require('../internals/has-own-property');\n\nmodule.exports = function (descriptor) {\n return descriptor !== undefined && (hasOwn(descriptor, 'value') || hasOwn(descriptor, 'writable'));\n};\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START tslib,_Subject,_Observable,_Subscriber,_Subscription,_operators_refCount PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport * as tslib_1 from \"tslib\";\nimport { SubjectSubscriber } from '../Subject';\nimport { Observable } from '../Observable';\nimport { Subscriber } from '../Subscriber';\nimport { Subscription } from '../Subscription';\nimport { refCount as higherOrderRefCount } from '../operators/refCount';\nvar ConnectableObservable = /*@__PURE__*/ (function (_super) {\n tslib_1.__extends(ConnectableObservable, _super);\n function ConnectableObservable(source, subjectFactory) {\n var _this = _super.call(this) || this;\n _this.source = source;\n _this.subjectFactory = subjectFactory;\n _this._refCount = 0;\n _this._isComplete = false;\n return _this;\n }\n ConnectableObservable.prototype._subscribe = function (subscriber) {\n return this.getSubject().subscribe(subscriber);\n };\n ConnectableObservable.prototype.getSubject = function () {\n var subject = this._subject;\n if (!subject || subject.isStopped) {\n this._subject = this.subjectFactory();\n }\n return this._subject;\n };\n ConnectableObservable.prototype.connect = function () {\n var connection = this._connection;\n if (!connection) {\n this._isComplete = false;\n connection = this._connection = new Subscription();\n connection.add(this.source\n .subscribe(new ConnectableSubscriber(this.getSubject(), this)));\n if (connection.closed) {\n this._connection = null;\n connection = Subscription.EMPTY;\n }\n }\n return connection;\n };\n ConnectableObservable.prototype.refCount = function () {\n return higherOrderRefCount()(this);\n };\n return ConnectableObservable;\n}(Observable));\nexport { ConnectableObservable };\nexport var connectableObservableDescriptor = /*@__PURE__*/ (function () {\n var connectableProto = ConnectableObservable.prototype;\n return {\n operator: { value: null },\n _refCount: { value: 0, writable: true },\n _subject: { value: null, writable: true },\n _connection: { value: null, writable: true },\n _subscribe: { value: connectableProto._subscribe },\n _isComplete: { value: connectableProto._isComplete, writable: true },\n getSubject: { value: connectableProto.getSubject },\n connect: { value: connectableProto.connect },\n refCount: { value: connectableProto.refCount }\n };\n})();\nvar ConnectableSubscriber = /*@__PURE__*/ (function (_super) {\n tslib_1.__extends(ConnectableSubscriber, _super);\n function ConnectableSubscriber(destination, connectable) {\n var _this = _super.call(this, destination) || this;\n _this.connectable = connectable;\n return _this;\n }\n ConnectableSubscriber.prototype._error = function (err) {\n this._unsubscribe();\n _super.prototype._error.call(this, err);\n };\n ConnectableSubscriber.prototype._complete = function () {\n this.connectable._isComplete = true;\n this._unsubscribe();\n _super.prototype._complete.call(this);\n };\n ConnectableSubscriber.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {\n var connectable = this.connectable;\n if (connectable) {\n this.connectable = null;\n var connection = connectable._connection;\n connectable._refCount = 0;\n connectable._subject = null;\n connectable._connection = null;\n if (connection) {\n connection.unsubscribe();\n }\n }\n };\n return ConnectableSubscriber;\n}(SubjectSubscriber));\nvar RefCountOperator = /*@__PURE__*/ (function () {\n function RefCountOperator(connectable) {\n this.connectable = connectable;\n }\n RefCountOperator.prototype.call = function (subscriber, source) {\n var connectable = this.connectable;\n connectable._refCount++;\n var refCounter = new RefCountSubscriber(subscriber, connectable);\n var subscription = source.subscribe(refCounter);\n if (!refCounter.closed) {\n refCounter.connection = connectable.connect();\n }\n return subscription;\n };\n return RefCountOperator;\n}());\nvar RefCountSubscriber = /*@__PURE__*/ (function (_super) {\n tslib_1.__extends(RefCountSubscriber, _super);\n function RefCountSubscriber(destination, connectable) {\n var _this = _super.call(this, destination) || this;\n _this.connectable = connectable;\n return _this;\n }\n RefCountSubscriber.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {\n var connectable = this.connectable;\n if (!connectable) {\n this.connection = null;\n return;\n }\n this.connectable = null;\n var refCount = connectable._refCount;\n if (refCount <= 0) {\n this.connection = null;\n return;\n }\n connectable._refCount = refCount - 1;\n if (refCount > 1) {\n this.connection = null;\n return;\n }\n var connection = this.connection;\n var sharedConnection = connectable._connection;\n this.connection = null;\n if (sharedConnection && (!connection || sharedConnection === connection)) {\n sharedConnection.unsubscribe();\n }\n };\n return RefCountSubscriber;\n}(Subscriber));\n//# sourceMappingURL=ConnectableObservable.js.map\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START _observable_ConnectableObservable PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport { connectableObservableDescriptor } from '../observable/ConnectableObservable';\nexport function multicast(subjectOrSubjectFactory, selector) {\n return function multicastOperatorFunction(source) {\n var subjectFactory;\n if (typeof subjectOrSubjectFactory === 'function') {\n subjectFactory = subjectOrSubjectFactory;\n }\n else {\n subjectFactory = function subjectFactory() {\n return subjectOrSubjectFactory;\n };\n }\n if (typeof selector === 'function') {\n return source.lift(new MulticastOperator(subjectFactory, selector));\n }\n var connectable = Object.create(source, connectableObservableDescriptor);\n connectable.source = source;\n connectable.subjectFactory = subjectFactory;\n return connectable;\n };\n}\nvar MulticastOperator = /*@__PURE__*/ (function () {\n function MulticastOperator(subjectFactory, selector) {\n this.subjectFactory = subjectFactory;\n this.selector = selector;\n }\n MulticastOperator.prototype.call = function (subscriber, source) {\n var selector = this.selector;\n var subject = this.subjectFactory();\n var subscription = selector(subject).subscribe(subscriber);\n subscription.add(source.subscribe(subject));\n return subscription;\n };\n return MulticastOperator;\n}());\nexport { MulticastOperator };\n//# sourceMappingURL=multicast.js.map\n","var NATIVE_BIND = require('../internals/function-bind-native');\n\nvar call = Function.prototype.call;\n\nmodule.exports = NATIVE_BIND ? call.bind(call) : function () {\n return call.apply(call, arguments);\n};\n","var uncurryThis = require('../internals/function-uncurry-this');\n\nvar toString = uncurryThis({}.toString);\nvar stringSlice = uncurryThis(''.slice);\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return stringSlice(toString(it), 8, -1);\n};\n","var global = require('../internals/global');\nvar defineGlobalProperty = require('../internals/define-global-property');\n\nvar SHARED = '__core-js_shared__';\nvar store = global[SHARED] || defineGlobalProperty(SHARED, {});\n\nmodule.exports = store;\n","'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar call = require('../internals/function-call');\nvar IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure');\nvar FunctionName = require('../internals/function-name');\nvar isCallable = require('../internals/is-callable');\nvar createIteratorConstructor = require('../internals/iterator-create-constructor');\nvar getPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-get-prototype-of');\nvar setPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-set-prototype-of');\nvar setToStringTag = require('../internals/set-to-string-tag');\nvar createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property');\nvar defineBuiltIn = require('../internals/define-built-in');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\nvar Iterators = require('../internals/iterators');\nvar IteratorsCore = require('../internals/iterators-core');\n\nvar PROPER_FUNCTION_NAME = FunctionName.PROPER;\nvar CONFIGURABLE_FUNCTION_NAME = FunctionName.CONFIGURABLE;\nvar IteratorPrototype = IteratorsCore.IteratorPrototype;\nvar BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS = IteratorsCore.BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS;\nvar ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator');\nvar KEYS = 'keys';\nvar VALUES = 'values';\nvar ENTRIES = 'entries';\n\nvar returnThis = function () { return this; };\n\nmodule.exports = function (Iterable, NAME, IteratorConstructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCED) {\n createIteratorConstructor(IteratorConstructor, NAME, next);\n\n var getIterationMethod = function (KIND) {\n if (KIND === DEFAULT && defaultIterator) return defaultIterator;\n if (!BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS && KIND in IterablePrototype) return IterablePrototype[KIND];\n switch (KIND) {\n case KEYS: return function keys() { return new IteratorConstructor(this, KIND); };\n case VALUES: return function values() { return new IteratorConstructor(this, KIND); };\n case ENTRIES: return function entries() { return new IteratorConstructor(this, KIND); };\n } return function () { return new IteratorConstructor(this); };\n };\n\n var TO_STRING_TAG = NAME + ' Iterator';\n var INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME = false;\n var IterablePrototype = Iterable.prototype;\n var nativeIterator = IterablePrototype[ITERATOR]\n || IterablePrototype['@@iterator']\n || DEFAULT && IterablePrototype[DEFAULT];\n var defaultIterator = !BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS && nativeIterator || getIterationMethod(DEFAULT);\n var anyNativeIterator = NAME == 'Array' ? IterablePrototype.entries || nativeIterator : nativeIterator;\n var CurrentIteratorPrototype, methods, KEY;\n\n // fix native\n if (anyNativeIterator) {\n CurrentIteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf(anyNativeIterator.call(new Iterable()));\n if (CurrentIteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype && CurrentIteratorPrototype.next) {\n if (!IS_PURE && getPrototypeOf(CurrentIteratorPrototype) !== IteratorPrototype) {\n if (setPrototypeOf) {\n setPrototypeOf(CurrentIteratorPrototype, IteratorPrototype);\n } else if (!isCallable(CurrentIteratorPrototype[ITERATOR])) {\n defineBuiltIn(CurrentIteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, returnThis);\n }\n }\n // Set @@toStringTag to native iterators\n setToStringTag(CurrentIteratorPrototype, TO_STRING_TAG, true, true);\n if (IS_PURE) Iterators[TO_STRING_TAG] = returnThis;\n }\n }\n\n // fix Array.prototype.{ values, @@iterator }.name in V8 / FF\n if (PROPER_FUNCTION_NAME && DEFAULT == VALUES && nativeIterator && nativeIterator.name !== VALUES) {\n if (!IS_PURE && CONFIGURABLE_FUNCTION_NAME) {\n createNonEnumerableProperty(IterablePrototype, 'name', VALUES);\n } else {\n INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME = true;\n defaultIterator = function values() { return call(nativeIterator, this); };\n }\n }\n\n // export additional methods\n if (DEFAULT) {\n methods = {\n values: getIterationMethod(VALUES),\n keys: IS_SET ? defaultIterator : getIterationMethod(KEYS),\n entries: getIterationMethod(ENTRIES)\n };\n if (FORCED) for (KEY in methods) {\n if (BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS || INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME || !(KEY in IterablePrototype)) {\n defineBuiltIn(IterablePrototype, KEY, methods[KEY]);\n }\n } else $({ target: NAME, proto: true, forced: BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS || INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME }, methods);\n }\n\n // define iterator\n if ((!IS_PURE || FORCED) && IterablePrototype[ITERATOR] !== defaultIterator) {\n defineBuiltIn(IterablePrototype, ITERATOR, defaultIterator, { name: DEFAULT });\n }\n Iterators[NAME] = defaultIterator;\n\n return methods;\n};\n","'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar $findIndex = require('../internals/array-iteration').findIndex;\nvar addToUnscopables = require('../internals/add-to-unscopables');\n\nvar FIND_INDEX = 'findIndex';\nvar SKIPS_HOLES = true;\n\n// Shouldn't skip holes\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-array-prototype-findindex -- testing\nif (FIND_INDEX in []) Array(1)[FIND_INDEX](function () { SKIPS_HOLES = false; });\n\n// `Array.prototype.findIndex` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.findindex\n$({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: SKIPS_HOLES }, {\n findIndex: function findIndex(callbackfn /* , that = undefined */) {\n return $findIndex(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined);\n }\n});\n\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype-@@unscopables\naddToUnscopables(FIND_INDEX);\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Hebrew [he]\n//! author : Tomer Cohen : https://github.com/tomer\n//! author : Moshe Simantov : https://github.com/DevelopmentIL\n//! author : Tal Ater : https://github.com/TalAter\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var he = moment.defineLocale('he', {\n months: 'ינואר_פברואר_מרץ_אפריל_מאי_יוני_יולי_אוגוסט_ספטמבר_אוקטובר_נובמבר_דצמבר'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort:\n 'ינו׳_פבר׳_מרץ_אפר׳_מאי_יוני_יולי_אוג׳_ספט׳_אוק׳_נוב׳_דצמ׳'.split('_'),\n weekdays: 'ראשון_שני_שלישי_רביעי_חמישי_שישי_שבת'.split('_'),\n weekdaysShort: 'א׳_ב׳_ג׳_ד׳_ה׳_ו׳_ש׳'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'א_ב_ג_ד_ה_ו_ש'.split('_'),\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL: 'D [ב]MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D [ב]MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D [ב]MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n l: 'D/M/YYYY',\n ll: 'D MMM YYYY',\n lll: 'D MMM YYYY HH:mm',\n llll: 'ddd, D MMM YYYY HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[היום ב־]LT',\n nextDay: '[מחר ב־]LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [בשעה] LT',\n lastDay: '[אתמול ב־]LT',\n lastWeek: '[ביום] dddd [האחרון בשעה] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'בעוד %s',\n past: 'לפני %s',\n s: 'מספר שניות',\n ss: '%d שניות',\n m: 'דקה',\n mm: '%d דקות',\n h: 'שעה',\n hh: function (number) {\n if (number === 2) {\n return 'שעתיים';\n }\n return number + ' שעות';\n },\n d: 'יום',\n dd: function (number) {\n if (number === 2) {\n return 'יומיים';\n }\n return number + ' ימים';\n },\n M: 'חודש',\n MM: function (number) {\n if (number === 2) {\n return 'חודשיים';\n }\n return number + ' חודשים';\n },\n y: 'שנה',\n yy: function (number) {\n if (number === 2) {\n return 'שנתיים';\n } else if (number % 10 === 0 && number !== 10) {\n return number + ' שנה';\n }\n return number + ' שנים';\n },\n },\n meridiemParse:\n /אחה\"צ|לפנה\"צ|אחרי הצהריים|לפני הצהריים|לפנות בוקר|בבוקר|בערב/i,\n isPM: function (input) {\n return /^(אחה\"צ|אחרי הצהריים|בערב)$/.test(input);\n },\n meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {\n if (hour < 5) {\n return 'לפנות בוקר';\n } else if (hour < 10) {\n return 'בבוקר';\n } else if (hour < 12) {\n return isLower ? 'לפנה\"צ' : 'לפני הצהריים';\n } else if (hour < 18) {\n return isLower ? 'אחה\"צ' : 'אחרי הצהריים';\n } else {\n return 'בערב';\n }\n },\n });\n\n return he;\n\n})));\n","import _typeof from \"./typeof.js\";\nexport default function _regeneratorRuntime() {\n \"use strict\"; /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/blob/main/LICENSE */\n _regeneratorRuntime = function _regeneratorRuntime() {\n return e;\n };\n var t,\n e = {},\n r = Object.prototype,\n n = r.hasOwnProperty,\n o = Object.defineProperty || function (t, e, r) {\n t[e] = r.value;\n },\n i = \"function\" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {},\n a = i.iterator || \"@@iterator\",\n c = i.asyncIterator || \"@@asyncIterator\",\n u = i.toStringTag || \"@@toStringTag\";\n function define(t, e, r) {\n return Object.defineProperty(t, e, {\n value: r,\n enumerable: !0,\n configurable: !0,\n writable: !0\n }), t[e];\n }\n try {\n define({}, \"\");\n } catch (t) {\n define = function define(t, e, r) {\n return t[e] = r;\n };\n }\n function wrap(t, e, r, n) {\n var i = e && e.prototype instanceof Generator ? e : Generator,\n a = Object.create(i.prototype),\n c = new Context(n || []);\n return o(a, \"_invoke\", {\n value: makeInvokeMethod(t, r, c)\n }), a;\n }\n function tryCatch(t, e, r) {\n try {\n return {\n type: \"normal\",\n arg: t.call(e, r)\n };\n } catch (t) {\n return {\n type: \"throw\",\n arg: t\n };\n }\n }\n e.wrap = wrap;\n var h = \"suspendedStart\",\n l = \"suspendedYield\",\n f = \"executing\",\n s = \"completed\",\n y = {};\n function Generator() {}\n function GeneratorFunction() {}\n function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {}\n var p = {};\n define(p, a, function () {\n return this;\n });\n var d = Object.getPrototypeOf,\n v = d && d(d(values([])));\n v && v !== r && n.call(v, a) && (p = v);\n var g = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(p);\n function defineIteratorMethods(t) {\n [\"next\", \"throw\", \"return\"].forEach(function (e) {\n define(t, e, function (t) {\n return this._invoke(e, t);\n });\n });\n }\n function AsyncIterator(t, e) {\n function invoke(r, o, i, a) {\n var c = tryCatch(t[r], t, o);\n if (\"throw\" !== c.type) {\n var u = c.arg,\n h = u.value;\n return h && \"object\" == _typeof(h) && n.call(h, \"__await\") ? e.resolve(h.__await).then(function (t) {\n invoke(\"next\", t, i, a);\n }, function (t) {\n invoke(\"throw\", t, i, a);\n }) : e.resolve(h).then(function (t) {\n u.value = t, i(u);\n }, function (t) {\n return invoke(\"throw\", t, i, a);\n });\n }\n a(c.arg);\n }\n var r;\n o(this, \"_invoke\", {\n value: function value(t, n) {\n function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() {\n return new e(function (e, r) {\n invoke(t, n, e, r);\n });\n }\n return r = r ? r.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg();\n }\n });\n }\n function makeInvokeMethod(e, r, n) {\n var o = h;\n return function (i, a) {\n if (o === f) throw Error(\"Generator is already running\");\n if (o === s) {\n if (\"throw\" === i) throw a;\n return {\n value: t,\n done: !0\n };\n }\n for (n.method = i, n.arg = a;;) {\n var c = n.delegate;\n if (c) {\n var u = maybeInvokeDelegate(c, n);\n if (u) {\n if (u === y) continue;\n return u;\n }\n }\n if (\"next\" === n.method) n.sent = n._sent = n.arg;else if (\"throw\" === n.method) {\n if (o === h) throw o = s, n.arg;\n n.dispatchException(n.arg);\n } else \"return\" === n.method && n.abrupt(\"return\", n.arg);\n o = f;\n var p = tryCatch(e, r, n);\n if (\"normal\" === p.type) {\n if (o = n.done ? s : l, p.arg === y) continue;\n return {\n value: p.arg,\n done: n.done\n };\n }\n \"throw\" === p.type && (o = s, n.method = \"throw\", n.arg = p.arg);\n }\n };\n }\n function maybeInvokeDelegate(e, r) {\n var n = r.method,\n o = e.iterator[n];\n if (o === t) return r.delegate = null, \"throw\" === n && e.iterator[\"return\"] && (r.method = \"return\", r.arg = t, maybeInvokeDelegate(e, r), \"throw\" === r.method) || \"return\" !== n && (r.method = \"throw\", r.arg = new TypeError(\"The iterator does not provide a '\" + n + \"' method\")), y;\n var i = tryCatch(o, e.iterator, r.arg);\n if (\"throw\" === i.type) return r.method = \"throw\", r.arg = i.arg, r.delegate = null, y;\n var a = i.arg;\n return a ? a.done ? (r[e.resultName] = a.value, r.next = e.nextLoc, \"return\" !== r.method && (r.method = \"next\", r.arg = t), r.delegate = null, y) : a : (r.method = \"throw\", r.arg = new TypeError(\"iterator result is not an object\"), r.delegate = null, y);\n }\n function pushTryEntry(t) {\n var e = {\n tryLoc: t[0]\n };\n 1 in t && (e.catchLoc = t[1]), 2 in t && (e.finallyLoc = t[2], e.afterLoc = t[3]), this.tryEntries.push(e);\n }\n function resetTryEntry(t) {\n var e = t.completion || {};\n e.type = \"normal\", delete e.arg, t.completion = e;\n }\n function Context(t) {\n this.tryEntries = [{\n tryLoc: \"root\"\n }], t.forEach(pushTryEntry, this), this.reset(!0);\n }\n function values(e) {\n if (e || \"\" === e) {\n var r = e[a];\n if (r) return r.call(e);\n if (\"function\" == typeof e.next) return e;\n if (!isNaN(e.length)) {\n var o = -1,\n i = function next() {\n for (; ++o < e.length;) if (n.call(e, o)) return next.value = e[o], next.done = !1, next;\n return next.value = t, next.done = !0, next;\n };\n return i.next = i;\n }\n }\n throw new TypeError(_typeof(e) + \" is not iterable\");\n }\n return GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, o(g, \"constructor\", {\n value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype,\n configurable: !0\n }), o(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, \"constructor\", {\n value: GeneratorFunction,\n configurable: !0\n }), GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, u, \"GeneratorFunction\"), e.isGeneratorFunction = function (t) {\n var e = \"function\" == typeof t && t.constructor;\n return !!e && (e === GeneratorFunction || \"GeneratorFunction\" === (e.displayName || e.name));\n }, e.mark = function (t) {\n return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(t, GeneratorFunctionPrototype) : (t.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, define(t, u, \"GeneratorFunction\")), t.prototype = Object.create(g), t;\n }, e.awrap = function (t) {\n return {\n __await: t\n };\n }, defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype), define(AsyncIterator.prototype, c, function () {\n return this;\n }), e.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator, e.async = function (t, r, n, o, i) {\n void 0 === i && (i = Promise);\n var a = new AsyncIterator(wrap(t, r, n, o), i);\n return e.isGeneratorFunction(r) ? a : a.next().then(function (t) {\n return t.done ? t.value : a.next();\n });\n }, defineIteratorMethods(g), define(g, u, \"Generator\"), define(g, a, function () {\n return this;\n }), define(g, \"toString\", function () {\n return \"[object Generator]\";\n }), e.keys = function (t) {\n var e = Object(t),\n r = [];\n for (var n in e) r.push(n);\n return r.reverse(), function next() {\n for (; r.length;) {\n var t = r.pop();\n if (t in e) return next.value = t, next.done = !1, next;\n }\n return next.done = !0, next;\n };\n }, e.values = values, Context.prototype = {\n constructor: Context,\n reset: function reset(e) {\n if (this.prev = 0, this.next = 0, this.sent = this._sent = t, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = \"next\", this.arg = t, this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry), !e) for (var r in this) \"t\" === r.charAt(0) && n.call(this, r) && !isNaN(+r.slice(1)) && (this[r] = t);\n },\n stop: function stop() {\n this.done = !0;\n var t = this.tryEntries[0].completion;\n if (\"throw\" === t.type) throw t.arg;\n return this.rval;\n },\n dispatchException: function dispatchException(e) {\n if (this.done) throw e;\n var r = this;\n function handle(n, o) {\n return a.type = \"throw\", a.arg = e, r.next = n, o && (r.method = \"next\", r.arg = t), !!o;\n }\n for (var o = this.tryEntries.length - 1; o >= 0; --o) {\n var i = this.tryEntries[o],\n a = i.completion;\n if (\"root\" === i.tryLoc) return handle(\"end\");\n if (i.tryLoc <= this.prev) {\n var c = n.call(i, \"catchLoc\"),\n u = n.call(i, \"finallyLoc\");\n if (c && u) {\n if (this.prev < i.catchLoc) return handle(i.catchLoc, !0);\n if (this.prev < i.finallyLoc) return handle(i.finallyLoc);\n } else if (c) {\n if (this.prev < i.catchLoc) return handle(i.catchLoc, !0);\n } else {\n if (!u) throw Error(\"try statement without catch or finally\");\n if (this.prev < i.finallyLoc) return handle(i.finallyLoc);\n }\n }\n }\n },\n abrupt: function abrupt(t, e) {\n for (var r = this.tryEntries.length - 1; r >= 0; --r) {\n var o = this.tryEntries[r];\n if (o.tryLoc <= this.prev && n.call(o, \"finallyLoc\") && this.prev < o.finallyLoc) {\n var i = o;\n break;\n }\n }\n i && (\"break\" === t || \"continue\" === t) && i.tryLoc <= e && e <= i.finallyLoc && (i = null);\n var a = i ? i.completion : {};\n return a.type = t, a.arg = e, i ? (this.method = \"next\", this.next = i.finallyLoc, y) : this.complete(a);\n },\n complete: function complete(t, e) {\n if (\"throw\" === t.type) throw t.arg;\n return \"break\" === t.type || \"continue\" === t.type ? this.next = t.arg : \"return\" === t.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = t.arg, this.method = \"return\", this.next = \"end\") : \"normal\" === t.type && e && (this.next = e), y;\n },\n finish: function finish(t) {\n for (var e = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) {\n var r = this.tryEntries[e];\n if (r.finallyLoc === t) return this.complete(r.completion, r.afterLoc), resetTryEntry(r), y;\n }\n },\n \"catch\": function _catch(t) {\n for (var e = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) {\n var r = this.tryEntries[e];\n if (r.tryLoc === t) {\n var n = r.completion;\n if (\"throw\" === n.type) {\n var o = n.arg;\n resetTryEntry(r);\n }\n return o;\n }\n }\n throw Error(\"illegal catch attempt\");\n },\n delegateYield: function delegateYield(e, r, n) {\n return this.delegate = {\n iterator: values(e),\n resultName: r,\n nextLoc: n\n }, \"next\" === this.method && (this.arg = t), y;\n }\n }, e;\n}","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START tslib,_Subscriber PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport * as tslib_1 from \"tslib\";\nimport { Subscriber } from '../Subscriber';\nexport function refCount() {\n return function refCountOperatorFunction(source) {\n return source.lift(new RefCountOperator(source));\n };\n}\nvar RefCountOperator = /*@__PURE__*/ (function () {\n function RefCountOperator(connectable) {\n this.connectable = connectable;\n }\n RefCountOperator.prototype.call = function (subscriber, source) {\n var connectable = this.connectable;\n connectable._refCount++;\n var refCounter = new RefCountSubscriber(subscriber, connectable);\n var subscription = source.subscribe(refCounter);\n if (!refCounter.closed) {\n refCounter.connection = connectable.connect();\n }\n return subscription;\n };\n return RefCountOperator;\n}());\nvar RefCountSubscriber = /*@__PURE__*/ (function (_super) {\n tslib_1.__extends(RefCountSubscriber, _super);\n function RefCountSubscriber(destination, connectable) {\n var _this = _super.call(this, destination) || this;\n _this.connectable = connectable;\n return _this;\n }\n RefCountSubscriber.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {\n var connectable = this.connectable;\n if (!connectable) {\n this.connection = null;\n return;\n }\n this.connectable = null;\n var refCount = connectable._refCount;\n if (refCount <= 0) {\n this.connection = null;\n return;\n }\n connectable._refCount = refCount - 1;\n if (refCount > 1) {\n this.connection = null;\n return;\n }\n var connection = this.connection;\n var sharedConnection = connectable._connection;\n this.connection = null;\n if (sharedConnection && (!connection || sharedConnection === connection)) {\n sharedConnection.unsubscribe();\n }\n };\n return RefCountSubscriber;\n}(Subscriber));\n//# sourceMappingURL=refCount.js.map\n","var getNative = require('./_getNative'),\n root = require('./_root');\n\n/* Built-in method references that are verified to be native. */\nvar Set = getNative(root, 'Set');\n\nmodule.exports = Set;\n","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('../utils');\n\nmodule.exports = function normalizeHeaderName(headers, normalizedName) {\n utils.forEach(headers, function processHeader(value, name) {\n if (name !== normalizedName && name.toUpperCase() === normalizedName.toUpperCase()) {\n headers[normalizedName] = value;\n delete headers[name];\n }\n });\n};\n","var g;\n\n// This works in non-strict mode\ng = (function() {\n\treturn this;\n})();\n\ntry {\n\t// This works if eval is allowed (see CSP)\n\tg = g || new Function(\"return this\")();\n} catch (e) {\n\t// This works if the window reference is available\n\tif (typeof window === \"object\") g = window;\n}\n\n// g can still be undefined, but nothing to do about it...\n// We return undefined, instead of nothing here, so it's\n// easier to handle this case. if(!global) { ...}\n\nmodule.exports = g;\n","var PROPER_FUNCTION_NAME = require('../internals/function-name').PROPER;\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar whitespaces = require('../internals/whitespaces');\n\nvar non = '\\u200B\\u0085\\u180E';\n\n// check that a method works with the correct list\n// of whitespaces and has a correct name\nmodule.exports = function (METHOD_NAME) {\n return fails(function () {\n return !!whitespaces[METHOD_NAME]()\n || non[METHOD_NAME]() !== non\n || (PROPER_FUNCTION_NAME && whitespaces[METHOD_NAME].name !== METHOD_NAME);\n });\n};\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Albanian [sq]\n//! author : Flakërim Ismani : https://github.com/flakerimi\n//! author : Menelion Elensúle : https://github.com/Oire\n//! author : Oerd Cukalla : https://github.com/oerd\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var sq = moment.defineLocale('sq', {\n months: 'Janar_Shkurt_Mars_Prill_Maj_Qershor_Korrik_Gusht_Shtator_Tetor_Nëntor_Dhjetor'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort: 'Jan_Shk_Mar_Pri_Maj_Qer_Kor_Gus_Sht_Tet_Nën_Dhj'.split('_'),\n weekdays: 'E Diel_E Hënë_E Martë_E Mërkurë_E Enjte_E Premte_E Shtunë'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdaysShort: 'Die_Hën_Mar_Mër_Enj_Pre_Sht'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'D_H_Ma_Më_E_P_Sh'.split('_'),\n weekdaysParseExact: true,\n meridiemParse: /PD|MD/,\n isPM: function (input) {\n return input.charAt(0) === 'M';\n },\n meridiem: function (hours, minutes, isLower) {\n return hours < 12 ? 'PD' : 'MD';\n },\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL: 'D MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[Sot në] LT',\n nextDay: '[Nesër në] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [në] LT',\n lastDay: '[Dje në] LT',\n lastWeek: 'dddd [e kaluar në] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'në %s',\n past: '%s më parë',\n s: 'disa sekonda',\n ss: '%d sekonda',\n m: 'një minutë',\n mm: '%d minuta',\n h: 'një orë',\n hh: '%d orë',\n d: 'një ditë',\n dd: '%d ditë',\n M: 'një muaj',\n MM: '%d muaj',\n y: 'një vit',\n yy: '%d vite',\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}\\./,\n ordinal: '%d.',\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return sq;\n\n})));\n","var cloneArrayBuffer = require('./_cloneArrayBuffer');\n\n/**\n * Creates a clone of `typedArray`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} typedArray The typed array to clone.\n * @param {boolean} [isDeep] Specify a deep clone.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned typed array.\n */\nfunction cloneTypedArray(typedArray, isDeep) {\n var buffer = isDeep ? cloneArrayBuffer(typedArray.buffer) : typedArray.buffer;\n return new typedArray.constructor(buffer, typedArray.byteOffset, typedArray.length);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = cloneTypedArray;\n","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon account-circle-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M12,19.2C9.5,19.2 7.29,17.92 6,16C6.03,14 10,12.9 12,12.9C14,12.9 17.97,14 18,16C16.71,17.92 14.5,19.2 12,19.2M12,5A3,3 0 0,1 15,8A3,3 0 0,1 12,11A3,3 0 0,1 9,8A3,3 0 0,1 12,5M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,6.47 17.5,2 12,2Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./AccountCircle.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./AccountCircle.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./AccountCircle.vue?vue&type=template&id=58724b47\"\nimport script from \"./AccountCircle.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./AccountCircle.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon arrow-up-bold-box-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21M12,7L7,12H10V16H14V12H17L12,7Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./ArrowUpBoldBox.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./ArrowUpBoldBox.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./ArrowUpBoldBox.vue?vue&type=template&id=05dd32f1\"\nimport script from \"./ArrowUpBoldBox.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./ArrowUpBoldBox.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","var uncurryThis = require('../internals/function-uncurry-this');\nvar hasOwn = require('../internals/has-own-property');\nvar toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object');\nvar indexOf = require('../internals/array-includes').indexOf;\nvar hiddenKeys = require('../internals/hidden-keys');\n\nvar push = uncurryThis([].push);\n\nmodule.exports = function (object, names) {\n var O = toIndexedObject(object);\n var i = 0;\n var result = [];\n var key;\n for (key in O) !hasOwn(hiddenKeys, key) && hasOwn(O, key) && push(result, key);\n // Don't enum bug & hidden keys\n while (names.length > i) if (hasOwn(O, key = names[i++])) {\n ~indexOf(result, key) || push(result, key);\n }\n return result;\n};\n","'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar $includes = require('../internals/array-includes').includes;\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar addToUnscopables = require('../internals/add-to-unscopables');\n\n// FF99+ bug\nvar BROKEN_ON_SPARSE = fails(function () {\n // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-array-prototype-includes -- detection\n return !Array(1).includes();\n});\n\n// `Array.prototype.includes` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.includes\n$({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: BROKEN_ON_SPARSE }, {\n includes: function includes(el /* , fromIndex = 0 */) {\n return $includes(this, el, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined);\n }\n});\n\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype-@@unscopables\naddToUnscopables('includes');\n","var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar trimEnd = require('../internals/string-trim-end');\n\n// `String.prototype.trimRight` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype.trimend\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-string-prototype-trimleft-trimright -- safe\n$({ target: 'String', proto: true, name: 'trimEnd', forced: ''.trimRight !== trimEnd }, {\n trimRight: trimEnd\n});\n","var uncurryThis = require('../internals/function-uncurry-this');\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-set -- safe\nvar SetPrototype = Set.prototype;\n\nmodule.exports = {\n // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-set -- safe\n Set: Set,\n add: uncurryThis(SetPrototype.add),\n has: uncurryThis(SetPrototype.has),\n remove: uncurryThis(SetPrototype['delete']),\n proto: SetPrototype\n};\n","var isCallable = require('../internals/is-callable');\nvar definePropertyModule = require('../internals/object-define-property');\nvar makeBuiltIn = require('../internals/make-built-in');\nvar defineGlobalProperty = require('../internals/define-global-property');\n\nmodule.exports = function (O, key, value, options) {\n if (!options) options = {};\n var simple = options.enumerable;\n var name = options.name !== undefined ? options.name : key;\n if (isCallable(value)) makeBuiltIn(value, name, options);\n if (options.global) {\n if (simple) O[key] = value;\n else defineGlobalProperty(key, value);\n } else {\n try {\n if (!options.unsafe) delete O[key];\n else if (O[key]) simple = true;\n } catch (error) { /* empty */ }\n if (simple) O[key] = value;\n else definePropertyModule.f(O, key, {\n value: value,\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: !options.nonConfigurable,\n writable: !options.nonWritable\n });\n } return O;\n};\n","'use strict';\nvar $trimEnd = require('../internals/string-trim').end;\nvar forcedStringTrimMethod = require('../internals/string-trim-forced');\n\n// `String.prototype.{ trimEnd, trimRight }` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype.trimend\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#String.prototype.trimright\nmodule.exports = forcedStringTrimMethod('trimEnd') ? function trimEnd() {\n return $trimEnd(this);\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-string-prototype-trimstart-trimend -- safe\n} : ''.trimEnd;\n","var eq = require('./eq');\n\n/**\n * Gets the index at which the `key` is found in `array` of key-value pairs.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n * @param {*} key The key to search for.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.\n */\nfunction assocIndexOf(array, key) {\n var length = array.length;\n while (length--) {\n if (eq(array[length][0], key)) {\n return length;\n }\n }\n return -1;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = assocIndexOf;\n","var global = require('../internals/global');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\n\nvar document = global.document;\n// typeof document.createElement is 'object' in old IE\nvar EXISTS = isObject(document) && isObject(document.createElement);\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return EXISTS ? document.createElement(it) : {};\n};\n","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon check-circle-outline-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 20C7.59 20 4 16.41 4 12S7.59 4 12 4 20 7.59 20 12 16.41 20 12 20M16.59 7.58L10 14.17L7.41 11.59L6 13L10 17L18 9L16.59 7.58Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./CheckCircleOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./CheckCircleOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./CheckCircleOutline.vue?vue&type=template&id=aedb40ca\"\nimport script from \"./CheckCircleOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./CheckCircleOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure');\nvar FORCED_PROMISE_CONSTRUCTOR = require('../internals/promise-constructor-detection').CONSTRUCTOR;\nvar NativePromiseConstructor = require('../internals/promise-native-constructor');\nvar getBuiltIn = require('../internals/get-built-in');\nvar isCallable = require('../internals/is-callable');\nvar defineBuiltIn = require('../internals/define-built-in');\n\nvar NativePromisePrototype = NativePromiseConstructor && NativePromiseConstructor.prototype;\n\n// `Promise.prototype.catch` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-promise.prototype.catch\n$({ target: 'Promise', proto: true, forced: FORCED_PROMISE_CONSTRUCTOR, real: true }, {\n 'catch': function (onRejected) {\n return this.then(undefined, onRejected);\n }\n});\n\n// makes sure that native promise-based APIs `Promise#catch` properly works with patched `Promise#then`\nif (!IS_PURE && isCallable(NativePromiseConstructor)) {\n var method = getBuiltIn('Promise').prototype['catch'];\n if (NativePromisePrototype['catch'] !== method) {\n defineBuiltIn(NativePromisePrototype, 'catch', method, { unsafe: true });\n }\n}\n","var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar assign = require('../internals/object-assign');\n\n// `Object.assign` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.assign\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-assign -- required for testing\n$({ target: 'Object', stat: true, arity: 2, forced: Object.assign !== assign }, {\n assign: assign\n});\n","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon plus-circle-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M17,13H13V17H11V13H7V11H11V7H13V11H17M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./PlusCircle.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./PlusCircle.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./PlusCircle.vue?vue&type=template&id=4cd08b7b\"\nimport script from \"./PlusCircle.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./PlusCircle.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","/**\n * This method returns the first argument it receives.\n *\n * @static\n * @since 0.1.0\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Util\n * @param {*} value Any value.\n * @returns {*} Returns `value`.\n * @example\n *\n * var object = { 'a': 1 };\n *\n * console.log(_.identity(object) === object);\n * // => true\n */\nfunction identity(value) {\n return value;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = identity;\n","var global = require('../internals/global');\nvar isCallable = require('../internals/is-callable');\n\nvar WeakMap = global.WeakMap;\n\nmodule.exports = isCallable(WeakMap) && /native code/.test(String(WeakMap));\n","var anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar newPromiseCapability = require('../internals/new-promise-capability');\n\nmodule.exports = function (C, x) {\n anObject(C);\n if (isObject(x) && x.constructor === C) return x;\n var promiseCapability = newPromiseCapability.f(C);\n var resolve = promiseCapability.resolve;\n resolve(x);\n return promiseCapability.promise;\n};\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START _Observable,_util_isArray,_util_isFunction,_operators_map PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport { Observable } from '../Observable';\nimport { isArray } from '../util/isArray';\nimport { isFunction } from '../util/isFunction';\nimport { map } from '../operators/map';\nvar toString = /*@__PURE__*/ (function () { return Object.prototype.toString; })();\nexport function fromEvent(target, eventName, options, resultSelector) {\n if (isFunction(options)) {\n resultSelector = options;\n options = undefined;\n }\n if (resultSelector) {\n return fromEvent(target, eventName, options).pipe(map(function (args) { return isArray(args) ? resultSelector.apply(void 0, args) : resultSelector(args); }));\n }\n return new Observable(function (subscriber) {\n function handler(e) {\n if (arguments.length > 1) {\n subscriber.next(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));\n }\n else {\n subscriber.next(e);\n }\n }\n setupSubscription(target, eventName, handler, subscriber, options);\n });\n}\nfunction setupSubscription(sourceObj, eventName, handler, subscriber, options) {\n var unsubscribe;\n if (isEventTarget(sourceObj)) {\n var source_1 = sourceObj;\n sourceObj.addEventListener(eventName, handler, options);\n unsubscribe = function () { return source_1.removeEventListener(eventName, handler, options); };\n }\n else if (isJQueryStyleEventEmitter(sourceObj)) {\n var source_2 = sourceObj;\n sourceObj.on(eventName, handler);\n unsubscribe = function () { return source_2.off(eventName, handler); };\n }\n else if (isNodeStyleEventEmitter(sourceObj)) {\n var source_3 = sourceObj;\n sourceObj.addListener(eventName, handler);\n unsubscribe = function () { return source_3.removeListener(eventName, handler); };\n }\n else if (sourceObj && sourceObj.length) {\n for (var i = 0, len = sourceObj.length; i < len; i++) {\n setupSubscription(sourceObj[i], eventName, handler, subscriber, options);\n }\n }\n else {\n throw new TypeError('Invalid event target');\n }\n subscriber.add(unsubscribe);\n}\nfunction isNodeStyleEventEmitter(sourceObj) {\n return sourceObj && typeof sourceObj.addListener === 'function' && typeof sourceObj.removeListener === 'function';\n}\nfunction isJQueryStyleEventEmitter(sourceObj) {\n return sourceObj && typeof sourceObj.on === 'function' && typeof sourceObj.off === 'function';\n}\nfunction isEventTarget(sourceObj) {\n return sourceObj && typeof sourceObj.addEventListener === 'function' && typeof sourceObj.removeEventListener === 'function';\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=fromEvent.js.map\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START _Observable,_util_noop PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport { Observable } from '../Observable';\nimport { noop } from '../util/noop';\nexport var NEVER = /*@__PURE__*/ new Observable(noop);\nexport function never() {\n return NEVER;\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=never.js.map\n","import { Subject, Subscription, fromEvent, Observable, NEVER } from 'rxjs';\nimport { share } from 'rxjs/operators';\n\nvar Vue$1;\nvar warn = function () {};\n\n// NOTE(benlesh): the value of this method seems dubious now, but I'm not sure\n// if this is a Vue convention I'm just not familiar with. Perhaps it would\n// be better to just import and use Vue directly?\nfunction install (_Vue) {\n Vue$1 = _Vue;\n warn = Vue$1.util.warn || warn;\n}\n\n// TODO(benlesh): as time passes, this should be updated to use RxJS 6.1's\n// `isObservable` method. But wait until you're ready to drop support for Rx 5\nfunction isObservable (ob) {\n return ob && typeof ob.subscribe === 'function'\n}\n\nfunction isObserver (subject) {\n return subject && (\n typeof subject.next === 'function'\n )\n}\n\nfunction defineReactive (vm, key, val) {\n if (key in vm) {\n vm[key] = val;\n } else {\n Vue$1.util.defineReactive(vm, key, val);\n }\n}\n\nfunction getKey (binding) {\n return [binding.arg].concat(Object.keys(binding.modifiers)).join(':')\n}\n\nvar rxMixin = {\n created: function created () {\n var vm = this;\n var domStreams = vm.$options.domStreams;\n if (domStreams) {\n domStreams.forEach(function (key) {\n vm[key] = new Subject();\n });\n }\n\n var observableMethods = vm.$options.observableMethods;\n if (observableMethods) {\n if (Array.isArray(observableMethods)) {\n observableMethods.forEach(function (methodName) {\n vm[ methodName + '$' ] = vm.$createObservableMethod(methodName);\n });\n } else {\n Object.keys(observableMethods).forEach(function (methodName) {\n vm[observableMethods[methodName]] = vm.$createObservableMethod(methodName);\n });\n }\n }\n\n var obs = vm.$options.subscriptions;\n if (typeof obs === 'function') {\n obs = obs.call(vm);\n }\n if (obs) {\n vm.$observables = {};\n vm._subscription = new Subscription();\n Object.keys(obs).forEach(function (key) {\n defineReactive(vm, key, undefined);\n var ob = vm.$observables[key] = obs[key];\n if (!isObservable(ob)) {\n warn(\n 'Invalid Observable found in subscriptions option with key \"' + key + '\".',\n vm\n );\n return\n }\n vm._subscription.add(obs[key].subscribe(function (value) {\n vm[key] = value;\n }, function (error) { throw error }));\n });\n }\n },\n\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {\n if (this._subscription) {\n this._subscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar streamDirective = {\n // Example ./example/counter_dir.html\n bind: function bind (el, binding, vnode) {\n var handle = binding.value;\n var event = binding.arg;\n var streamName = binding.expression;\n var modifiers = binding.modifiers;\n\n if (isObserver(handle)) {\n handle = { subject: handle };\n } else if (!handle || !isObserver(handle.subject)) {\n warn(\n 'Invalid Subject found in directive with key \"' + streamName + '\".' +\n streamName + ' should be an instance of Subject or have the ' +\n 'type { subject: Subject, data: any }.',\n vnode.context\n );\n return\n }\n\n var modifiersFuncs = {\n stop: function (e) { return e.stopPropagation(); },\n prevent: function (e) { return e.preventDefault(); }\n };\n\n var modifiersExists = Object.keys(modifiersFuncs).filter(\n function (key) { return modifiers[key]; }\n );\n\n var subject = handle.subject;\n var next = (subject.next || subject.onNext).bind(subject);\n\n if (!modifiers.native && vnode.componentInstance) {\n handle.subscription = vnode.componentInstance.$eventToObservable(event).subscribe(function (e) {\n modifiersExists.forEach(function (mod) { return modifiersFuncs[mod](e); });\n next({\n event: e,\n data: handle.data\n });\n });\n } else {\n var fromEventArgs = handle.options ? [el, event, handle.options] : [el, event];\n handle.subscription = fromEvent.apply(void 0, fromEventArgs).subscribe(function (e) {\n modifiersExists.forEach(function (mod) { return modifiersFuncs[mod](e); });\n next({\n event: e,\n data: handle.data\n });\n });\n }\n(el._rxHandles || (el._rxHandles = {}))[getKey(binding)] = handle;\n },\n\n update: function update (el, binding) {\n var handle = binding.value;\n var _handle = el._rxHandles && el._rxHandles[getKey(binding)];\n if (_handle && handle && isObserver(handle.subject)) {\n _handle.data = handle.data;\n }\n },\n\n unbind: function unbind (el, binding) {\n var key = getKey(binding);\n var handle = el._rxHandles && el._rxHandles[key];\n if (handle) {\n if (handle.subscription) {\n handle.subscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n el._rxHandles[key] = null;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction watchAsObservable (expOrFn, options) {\n var vm = this;\n var obs$ = new Observable(function (observer) {\n var _unwatch;\n var watch = function () {\n _unwatch = vm.$watch(expOrFn, function (newValue, oldValue) {\n observer.next({ oldValue: oldValue, newValue: newValue });\n }, options);\n };\n\n // if $watchAsObservable is called inside the subscriptions function,\n // because data hasn't been observed yet, the watcher will not work.\n // in that case, wait until created hook to watch.\n if (vm._data) {\n watch();\n } else {\n vm.$once('hook:created', watch);\n }\n\n // Returns function which disconnects the $watch expression\n return new Subscription(function () {\n _unwatch && _unwatch();\n })\n });\n\n return obs$\n}\n\nfunction fromDOMEvent (selector, event) {\n if (typeof window === 'undefined') {\n // TODO(benlesh): I'm not sure if this is really what you want here,\n // but it's equivalent to what you were doing. You might want EMPTY\n return NEVER\n }\n\n var vm = this;\n var doc = document.documentElement;\n var obs$ = new Observable(function (observer) {\n function listener (e) {\n if (!vm.$el) { return }\n if (selector === null && vm.$el === e.target) { return observer.next(e) }\n var els = vm.$el.querySelectorAll(selector);\n var el = e.target;\n for (var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) {\n if (els[i] === el) { return observer.next(e) }\n }\n }\n doc.addEventListener(event, listener);\n // Returns function which disconnects the $watch expression\n return new Subscription(function () {\n doc.removeEventListener(event, listener);\n })\n });\n\n return obs$\n}\n\nfunction subscribeTo (observable, next, error, complete) {\n var subscription = observable.subscribe(next, error, complete)\n ;(this._subscription || (this._subscription = new Subscription())).add(subscription);\n return subscription\n}\n\n/**\n * @see {@link https://vuejs.org/v2/api/#vm-on}\n * @param {String||Array} evtName Event name\n * @return {Observable} Event stream\n */\nfunction eventToObservable (evtName) {\n var vm = this;\n var evtNames = Array.isArray(evtName) ? evtName : [evtName];\n var obs$ = new Observable(function (observer) {\n var eventPairs = evtNames.map(function (name) {\n var callback = function (msg) { return observer.next({ name: name, msg: msg }); };\n vm.$on(name, callback);\n return { name: name, callback: callback }\n });\n return function () {\n // Only remove the specific callback\n eventPairs.forEach(function (pair) { return vm.$off(pair.name, pair.callback); });\n }\n });\n\n return obs$\n}\n\n/**\n * @name Vue.prototype.$createObservableMethod\n * @description Creates an observable from a given function name.\n * @param {String} methodName Function name\n * @param {Boolean} [passContext] Append the call context at the end of emit data?\n * @return {Observable} Hot stream\n */\nfunction createObservableMethod (methodName, passContext) {\n var vm = this;\n\n if (vm[methodName] !== undefined) {\n warn(\n 'Potential bug: ' +\n \"Method \" + methodName + \" already defined on vm and has been overwritten by $createObservableMethod.\" +\n String(vm[methodName]),\n vm\n );\n }\n\n var creator = function (observer) {\n vm[methodName] = function () {\n var args = Array.from(arguments);\n if (passContext) {\n args.push(this);\n observer.next(args);\n } else {\n if (args.length <= 1) {\n observer.next(args[0]);\n } else {\n observer.next(args);\n }\n }\n };\n return function () {\n delete vm[methodName];\n }\n };\n\n // Must be a hot stream otherwise function context may overwrite over and over again\n return new Observable(creator).pipe(share())\n}\n\n/* global Vue */\n\nfunction VueRx (Vue) {\n install(Vue);\n Vue.mixin(rxMixin);\n Vue.directive('stream', streamDirective);\n Vue.prototype.$watchAsObservable = watchAsObservable;\n Vue.prototype.$fromDOMEvent = fromDOMEvent;\n Vue.prototype.$subscribeTo = subscribeTo;\n Vue.prototype.$eventToObservable = eventToObservable;\n Vue.prototype.$createObservableMethod = createObservableMethod;\n Vue.config.optionMergeStrategies.subscriptions = Vue.config.optionMergeStrategies.data;\n}\n\n// auto install\nif (typeof Vue !== 'undefined') {\n Vue.use(VueRx);\n}\n\nexport default VueRx;\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START _multicast,_refCount,_Subject PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport { multicast } from './multicast';\nimport { refCount } from './refCount';\nimport { Subject } from '../Subject';\nfunction shareSubjectFactory() {\n return new Subject();\n}\nexport function share() {\n return function (source) { return refCount()(multicast(shareSubjectFactory)(source)); };\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=share.js.map\n","import { css } from \"@mds/core\";\r\n\r\nexport const navigationCSS = css`\r\n\t@supports (--foo: \"mds\") {\r\n\t\t/* \t###################################################################### */\r\n\t\t/**\tComponent tokens\r\n\t\t\t Use the design tokens to set these component tokens.\r\n\t\t */\r\n\t\t:host {\r\n\t\t\t--display: block;\r\n\t\t\t--direction: row;\r\n\t\t\t--background-color: var(--mds-color-background-pale);\r\n\t\t\t--justify: start;\r\n\t\t\t--align: center;\r\n\t\t\t--padding: 0;\r\n\t\t\t--gap: var(--mds-spacing-4);\r\n\t\t\t--columns: auto 1fr 1fr auto;\r\n\t\t\t--column: 1;\r\n\t\t\t--rows: 1fr;\r\n\t\t\t--font-weight: var(--mds-typography-font-gui-weight-light);\r\n\t\t\t--line-weight-horzontal: 2px;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t/* \t###################################################################### */\r\n\t\t/**\tNavigation container rules\r\n\t\t\t This is the main rule set.\r\n\t\t */\r\n\t\t:host {\r\n\t\t\tpadding: var(--pad-responsive, var(--gap)) 0;\r\n\t\t\tpadding-inline: var(--pad-responsive) var(--pad-responsive);\r\n\t\t\tdisplay: var(--display);\r\n\t\t\tgrid-template-columns: var(--columns);\r\n\t\t\tgrid-template-rows: var(--rows);\r\n\t\t\tjustify-content: var(--justify);\r\n\t\t\talign-items: var(--align);\r\n\t\t\tgap: var(--gap);\r\n\t\t\tflex-wrap: wrap;\r\n\t\t\ttext-align: var(--justify);\r\n\t\t\tz-index: 1;\r\n\t\t\tbackground-color: var(--background-color);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t.content,\r\n\t\t.corporate,\r\n\t\t.commerce {\r\n\t\t\tdisplay: var(--display);\r\n\t\t\tflex-direction: var(--direction);\r\n\t\t\tjustify-content: var(--justify);\r\n\t\t\tgap: var(--gap);\r\n\t\t\twhite-space: nowrap;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t.content {\r\n\t\t\tmargin-inline-start: var(--mds-spacing-5);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t.corporate {\r\n\t\t\tposition: relative;\r\n\t\t\tjustify-content: flex-end;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t.commerce {\r\n\t\t\tmargin-inline-start: var(--mds-spacing-5);\r\n\t\t\tjustify-self: var(--justify);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\ta:link,\r\n\t\ta:active,\r\n\t\ta:visited,\r\n\t\ta:focus-visible,\r\n\t\ta:hover {\r\n\t\t\ttext-decoration: none;\r\n\t\t\tborder-bottom: 0;\r\n\t\t\tcolor: transparent;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t.mds-logo {\r\n\t\t\talign-self: center;\r\n\t\t\twidth: 140px;\r\n\t\t\theight: 48px;\r\n\t\t\tbackground: transparent var(--mds-datauri-logos-mediq) no-repeat 0\r\n\t\t\t\t50%;\r\n\t\t\tcolor: transparent;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t.mds-logo svg {\r\n\t\t\tvertical-align: bottom;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host ::slotted(*) {\r\n\t\t\tdisplay: contents;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t/* \t###################################################################### */\r\n\t\t/**\tRules for mobile menu */\r\n\t\t:host([break]) {\r\n\t\t\tpadding: var(--mds-spacing-2) 0;\r\n\t\t\tpadding-inline-end: var(--padding-responsive, var(--gap));\r\n\t\t\talign-items: center;\r\n\t\t\twidth: 100%;\r\n\t\t\toverflow: hidden;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break]) .mds-logo {\r\n\t\t\twidth: 100%;\r\n\t\t\tgrid-row: 1;\r\n\t\t\tgrid-column: 2;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break]) .content,\r\n\t\t:host([break]) .corporate {\r\n\t\t\tposition: absolute;\r\n\t\t\ttop: var(--offset-top);\r\n\t\t\tdisplay: flex;\r\n\t\t\tflex-direction: column;\r\n\t\t\tgap: var(--gap);\r\n\t\t\tleft: -100vw;\r\n\t\t\tmargin-inline-start: 0;\r\n\t\t\tpadding-inline-start: 0;\r\n\t\t\tpadding: var(--mds-spacing-2) 0 var(--mds-spacing-4);\r\n\t\t\twidth: 100%;\r\n\t\t\ttransition: left 0.2s ease-in;\r\n\t\t\tbackground-color: var(--mds-color-background-light);\r\n\t\t\toverflow: hidden;\r\n\t\t\tz-index: 3;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break][isopen]) .content,\r\n\t\t:host([break][isopen]) .corporate {\r\n\t\t\tleft: 0;\r\n\t\t\ttransition: left 0.2s ease-out;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break]) .corporate {\r\n\t\t\tgrid-column: 3;\r\n\t\t\tgrid-row: 3;\r\n\t\t\tbackground-color: transparent;\r\n\t\t\tpadding-bottom: var(--mds-spacing-6);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break]) .corporate::before {\r\n\t\t\tposition: absolute;\r\n\t\t\ttop: 0;\r\n\t\t\tcontent: \"\";\r\n\t\t\twidth: 100vw;\r\n\t\t\theight: calc(100% - 8px);\r\n\t\t\tz-index: -1;\r\n\t\t\tbackground-color: var(--mds-color-background-light);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break]) .corporate::after {\r\n\t\t\tposition: absolute;\r\n\t\t\tbottom: 0px;\r\n\t\t\tcontent: \"\";\r\n\t\t\twidth: 100vw;\r\n\t\t\theight: 8px;\r\n\t\t\tz-index: 1;\r\n\t\t\tbackground: linear-gradient(\r\n\t\t\t\t180deg,\r\n\t\t\t\trgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24) 0%,\r\n\t\t\t\trgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%\r\n\t\t\t);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break]) .commerce {\r\n\t\t\talign-content: end;\r\n\t\t\tjustify-items: end;\r\n\t\t\ttext-align: end;\r\n\t\t\tgrid-column: 3;\r\n\t\t\tgrid-row: 1;\r\n\t\t\tz-index: 1;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t/* \t###################################################################### */\r\n\t\t/**\tProperties for navigation */\r\n\t\t:host {\r\n\t\t\t--display: grid;\r\n\t\t\t--gap: var(--mds-spacing-5);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host .content {\r\n\t\t\t--display: flex;\r\n\t\t\t--justify: start;\r\n\t\t\t--font-weight: var(--mds-typography-font-gui-weight-bold);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host .corporate {\r\n\t\t\t--display: flex;\r\n\t\t\t--justify: flex-end;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host .commerce {\r\n\t\t\t--display: flex;\r\n\t\t\t--justify: end;\r\n\t\t\t--line-weight-horzontal: 0;\r\n\t\t\t--gap: var(--mds-spacing-6);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t/* \t###################################################################### */\r\n\t\t/**\tProperties for mobile menu */\r\n\t\t:host([break]) {\r\n\t\t\t--display: grid;\r\n\t\t\t--columns: var(--pad-responsive, var(--gap)) 120px 1fr 3rem\r\n\t\t\t\tvar(--pad-responsive, var(--gap));\r\n\t\t\t--rows: auto auto auto;\r\n\t\t\t--justify: start;\r\n\t\t\t--gap: 0;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break]) .content {\r\n\t\t\t--active-color-bottom: var(--mds-color-background-pale);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break]) .corporate {\r\n\t\t\t--active-color-bottom: transparent;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break]) .commerce {\r\n\t\t\t--display: flex;\r\n\t\t\t--direction: row;\r\n\t\t\t--justify: end;\r\n\t\t\t--gap: 0;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t/* \t###################################################################### */\r\n\t\t/**\tProperties for hamburger menu */\r\n\t\t:host([break]) .hamburger {\r\n\t\t\tposition: relative;\r\n\t\t\tright: calc(var(--mds-spacing-1) * -1);\r\n\t\t\tgrid-column: 4;\r\n\t\t\tgrid-row: 1;\r\n\t\t\tborder-radius: var(--mds-line-border-base-radius);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break]) .hamburger span {\r\n\t\t\tposition: absolute;\r\n\t\t\ttop: -100vh;\r\n\t\t\tz-index: -100;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break]) .hamburger::before {\r\n\t\t\tfont-family: var(--mds-icon-font-base-family);\r\n\t\t\tcontent: var(--mds-icon-glyphs-base-menu-button);\r\n\t\t\tpadding: 0\r\n\t\t\t\tclamp(\r\n\t\t\t\t\tvar(--mds-spacing-1),\r\n\t\t\t\t\tvar(--pad-responsive, var(--gap)),\r\n\t\t\t\t\tvar(--mds-spacing-4)\r\n\t\t\t\t);\r\n\t\t\tline-height: 2.8;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break][isopen]) .hamburger::before {\r\n\t\t\tcontent: var(--mds-icon-glyphs-base-close);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break]) .hamburger::after {\r\n\t\t\tfont-family: var(--mds-icon-font-base-family);\r\n\t\t\tcontent: \"\";\r\n\t\t\tposition: absolute;\r\n\t\t\tbottom: calc(var(--mds-typography-scale-height-s) * -1rem);\r\n\t\t\tleft: clamp(\r\n\t\t\t\tvar(--mds-spacing-1),\r\n\t\t\t\tvar(--pad-responsive, var(--gap)),\r\n\t\t\t\tvar(--mds-spacing-4)\r\n\t\t\t);\r\n\t\t\twidth: 1rem;\r\n\t\t\theight: 1rem;\r\n\t\t\tbackground: white;\r\n\t\t\ttransform: rotate(45deg);\r\n\t\t\topacity: 0;\r\n\t\t\ttransition: opacity 0.2s step-start;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break][isopen]) .hamburger::after {\r\n\t\t\topacity: 1;\r\n\t\t\ttransition: opacity 0.2s step-end;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n`;\r\n","import { css } from \"@mds/core\";\r\n\r\nexport const navigationLinkCSS = css`\r\n\t@supports (--foo: \"mds\") {\r\n\t\t/* \t###################################################################### */\r\n\t\t/**\tComponent tokens\r\n\t\t\t Use the design tokens to set these component tokens.\r\n\t\t */\r\n\t\t:host {\r\n\t\t\t--display: inline-block;\r\n\t\t\t--pad-start: 0;\r\n\t\t\t--pad-end: 0;\r\n\t\t\t--line-weight-vertical: 0;\r\n\t\t\t--active-color-start: transparent;\r\n\t\t\t--color: var(--mds-color-text-link);\r\n\t\t\t--link-weight: var(--mds-typography-font-gui-weight-light, normal);\r\n\t\t\t--font-family: var(--mds-typography-font-gui-fonts);\r\n\t\t\t--line-height: calc(\r\n\t\t\t\t(var(--mds-typography-scale-height-xxl) * 2) - 0.25\r\n\t\t\t);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t/* \t###################################################################### */\r\n\t\t/**\tProperties for navigation */\r\n\t\t:host {\r\n\t\t\tdisplay: var(--display, inline-block);\r\n\t\t\tbox-sizing: border-box;\r\n\t\t\tborder-radius: var(--mds-line-border-base-radius);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\ta,\r\n\t\ta:link,\r\n\t\ta:active,\r\n\t\ta:visited,\r\n\t\ta:focus-visible,\r\n\t\ta:hover {\r\n\t\t\tdisplay: var(--display, inline-block);\r\n\t\t\ttext-decoration: none;\r\n\t\t\tcolor: var(--color);\r\n\t\t\tpadding-inline-start: var(--pad-start, 0);\r\n\t\t\tpadding-inline-end: var(--pad-end, 0);\r\n\t\t\tborder-bottom: var(--line-weight-horzontal, 2px) solid\r\n\t\t\t\tvar(--active-color-bottom, transparent);\r\n\t\t\tborder-inline-start: var(--line-weight-vertical, 0) solid\r\n\t\t\t\tvar(--active-color-start, transparent);\r\n\t\t\tborder-radius: var(--mds-line-border-base-radius);\r\n\t\t\tfont-family: var(--font-family);\r\n\t\t\tfont-weight: var(--link-weight);\r\n\t\t\tline-height: var(--line-height);\r\n\t\t\tcursor: pointer;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\ta:hover {\r\n\t\t\t--color: var(--mds-color-text-link-hover);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t[active] {\r\n\t\t\t--link-weight: var(--mds-typography-font-gui-weight-bold);\r\n\t\t\t--active-color-start: transparent;\r\n\t\t\t--active-color-bottom: var(--mds-color-border-link);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t/* \t###################################################################### */\r\n\t\t/**\tRules for icons */\r\n\t\t:host([icon]) a::before {\r\n\t\t\tfont-family: var(--mds-icon-font-base-family);\r\n\t\t\tcontent: var(--icon-glyph);\r\n\t\t\tpadding-inline-end: var(--mds-spacing-2);\r\n\t\t\tline-height: 2.8;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([issubmenulink]) a {\r\n\t\t\tbox-sizing: border-box;\r\n\t\t\tdisplay: block;\r\n\t\t\tpadding-inline-start: var(--mds-spacing-4);\r\n\t\t\tpadding-inline-end: var(--mds-spacing-4);\r\n\t\t\t--link-weight: var(--mds-typography-font-gui-weight-normal);\r\n\t\t\t--line-weight-horzontal: 1px;\r\n\t\t\t--line-weight-vertical: 4px;\r\n\t\t\t--active-color-start: transparent;\r\n\t\t\t--active-color-bottom: transparent;\r\n\t\t\tborder-bottom: 0;\r\n\t\t\twhite-space: normal;\r\n\t\t\tword-wrap: break-word;\r\n\t\t\twidth: 95%;\r\n\t\t\tline-height: var(--mds-typography-scale-height-l);\r\n\t\t\tpadding-block-start: var(--mds-spacing-3);\r\n\t\t\tpadding-block-end: var(--mds-spacing-3);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([issubmenulink]) a[active] {\r\n\t\t\t--link-weight: var(--mds-typography-font-gui-weight-bold);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([hasdropdown]) a::after {\r\n\t\t\tfont-family: var(--mds-icon-font-base-family);\r\n\t\t\tcontent: var(--mds-icon-glyphs-base-arrow-down-angle);\r\n\t\t\tpadding-inline-start: var(--mds-spacing-1);\r\n\t\t\tline-height: 2.8;\r\n\t\t\tfont-weight: normal;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([hasdropdown][toggled]) a::after {\r\n\t\t\tcontent: var(--mds-icon-glyphs-base-arrow-top-angle);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([hasdropdown][break]) a::after {\r\n\t\t\tfloat: right;\r\n\t\t\tpadding-inline-end: calc(\r\n\t\t\t\tvar(--pad-responsive) + var(--mds-spacing-3)\r\n\t\t\t);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([break]) {\r\n\t\t\tdisplay: block;\r\n\t\t\t--pad-start: var(--pad-responsive, var(--mds-spacing-2));\r\n\t\t\t--line-weight-horzontal: 1px;\r\n\t\t\t--line-weight-vertical: 4px;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break]:not([icon])) a {\r\n\t\t\tdisplay: block;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([issubmenulink]) a {\r\n\t\t\twidth: 100%;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([issubmenulink]) a:hover {\r\n\t\t\tbackground-color: var(--mds-color-background-neutral-subtle-hover);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([issubmenulink][break]) a {\r\n\t\t\ttext-align: start;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([issubmenulink]) a[active],\r\n\t\t:host([break]) [active] {\r\n\t\t\t--active-color-start: var(--mds-color-background-cta);\r\n\t\t\t--active-color-bottom: var(--mds-color-background-pale);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([break][icon]) a {\r\n\t\t\tposition: relative;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([break][icon][hasdropdown]) a::after {\r\n\t\t\tfont-family: var(--mds-icon-font-base-family);\r\n\t\t\tcontent: \"\";\r\n\t\t\tposition: absolute;\r\n\t\t\tpadding: 0;\r\n\t\t\tbottom: calc(var(--mds-typography-scale-height-s) * -1rem);\r\n\t\t\tleft: clamp(\r\n\t\t\t\tvar(--mds-spacing-1),\r\n\t\t\t\tvar(--pad-responsive, var(--gap)),\r\n\t\t\t\tvar(--mds-spacing-4)\r\n\t\t\t);\r\n\t\t\twidth: 1rem;\r\n\t\t\theight: 1rem;\r\n\t\t\tbackground: white;\r\n\t\t\ttransform: rotate(45deg);\r\n\t\t\topacity: 0;\r\n\t\t\ttransition: opacity 0.2s step-start;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([break][icon][hasdropdown][toggled]) a::after {\r\n\t\t\topacity: 1;\r\n\t\t\ttransition: opacity 0.2s step-end;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([break][icon]) {\r\n\t\t\tdisplay: inline-block;\r\n\t\t\twidth: auto;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t:host([break][icon]) a {\r\n\t\t\tborder: 0;\r\n\t\t\tpadding: 0\r\n\t\t\t\tclamp(\r\n\t\t\t\t\tvar(--mds-spacing-2),\r\n\t\t\t\t\tvar(--pad-responsive),\r\n\t\t\t\t\tvar(--mds-spacing-4)\r\n\t\t\t\t);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([issubmenulink][break]:not([icon])) a {\r\n\t\t\tborder: 0;\r\n\t\t\tbackground-color: transparent;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([break][icon]) a::after {\r\n\t\t\tcontent: none;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t:host([break][icon]) span {\r\n\t\t\tposition: absolute;\r\n\t\t\ttop: -100vh;\r\n\t\t\tz-index: -100;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n`;\r\n","import { LitState } from \"@mds/core\";\r\n\r\nclass MdsNavigationState extends LitState {\r\n\r\n\tstatic get stateVars() {\r\n\t\treturn {\r\n\t\t\tbreakpoint: '1024',\r\n\t\t\tbreak: false,\r\n\t\t\tisopen: false\r\n\t\t};\r\n\t}\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport const navigationState = new MdsNavigationState();\r\n","import { LitElement, html, ifDefined, styles, observeState, throttler, defineElement } from '@mds/core';\r\nimport { navigationLinkCSS } from './navigation-link.styles.js';\r\n\r\nimport { navigationState } from './navigation-state.js';\r\n\r\nconst isKeyboardClickEvent = (/** @type {KeyboardEvent} */ e) => e.key === ' ' || e.key === 'Enter';\r\nconst isSpaceKeyboardClickEvent = (/** @type {KeyboardEvent} */ e) => e.key === ' ';\r\nconst isArrowUpKeyboardEvent = (/** @type {KeyboardEvent} */ e) => e.key === 'ArrowUp';\r\nconst isArrowDownKeyboardEvent = (/** @type {KeyboardEvent} */ e) => e.key === 'ArrowDown';\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Navigation Web Component\r\n */\r\nexport class MdsNavigationLink extends observeState(LitElement) {\r\n\r\n\tstatic get styles() {\r\n\t\treturn [...styles, navigationLinkCSS];\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tstatic get properties() {\r\n\t\treturn {\r\n\t\t\thref: { type: String },\r\n\t\t\ttext: { type: String },\r\n\t\t\ttitle: { type: String },\r\n\t\t\ttype: { type: String },\r\n\t\t\ticon: { type: String },\r\n\t\t\tstyle: { type: String },\r\n\t\t\ttabindex: { type: String, reflect: true },\r\n\t\t\tbreak: { type: Boolean, reflect: true },\r\n\t\t\tcurrent: { type: Boolean },\r\n\t\t\tactive: { type: Boolean },\r\n\t\t\ttoggled: { type: Boolean, reflect: true },\r\n\t\t\thasdropdown: { type: Boolean, reflect: true },\r\n\t\t\tissubmenulink: { type: Boolean, reflect: true }\r\n\r\n\t\t};\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tconstructor() {\r\n\t\tsuper();\r\n\t\tthis.href = undefined;\r\n\t\tthis.text = undefined;\r\n\t\tthis.title = undefined;\r\n\t\tthis.type = undefined;\r\n\t\tthis.break = false;\r\n\t\tthis.icon = undefined;\r\n\t\tthis.style = undefined;\r\n\t\tthis.tabindex = undefined;\r\n\t\tthis.active = false;\r\n\t\tthis.focus = false;\r\n\t\tthis.current = false;\r\n\t\tthis.toggled = false;\r\n\t\tthis.hasdropdown = false;\r\n\t\tthis.issubmenulink = false;\r\n\t\tthis.addEventListener('keydown', this.__keydownHandler);\r\n\t\tthis.addEventListener('keyup', this.__keyupHandler);\r\n\t\twindow.addEventListener(\r\n\t\t\t'resize',\r\n\t\t\tthrottler(() => this.__toggle(false)),\r\n\t\t\t{ passive: true }\r\n\t\t);\r\n\t\tdocument.body.addEventListener('click',(event) => {\r\n\t\t\tif (event.target !== this.shadowRoot.host) this.__toggle(false);\r\n\t\t});\r\n\r\n\t}\r\n\tfirstUpdated(changedProperties) {\r\n\t\tthis.dropdown = this.shadowRoot.host.querySelector('mds-dropdown');\r\n\t\tthis.hasdropdown = !!this.dropdown;\r\n\t\t// the first parent is the slot, so we go up to the grandparent.\r\n\t\tthis.issubmenulink = !!this.shadowRoot.host.closest('mds-dropdown');\r\n\t\tthis.topLevel = this.shadowRoot.host.hasAttribute('icon');\r\n\t\tthis.dispatchClick = new Event(\"click\", { \"bubbles\":true, \"cancelable\":true });\r\n\t\tthis.toggledElement = this.shadowRoot.host.closest(this.tagName);\r\n\t\tthis.tabindex = \"0\";\r\n\t\tthis.__setTabIndex();\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t__setTabIndex(){\r\n\t\tArray.from(this.querySelectorAll(this.tagName)).forEach(el => {\r\n\t\t\trequestAnimationFrame(()=>{\r\n\t\t\t\tel.setAttribute('tabindex', this.toggled ? '0' : '-1');\r\n\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t});\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t__arrowNavigation(event) {\r\n\r\n\t\tconst close = () => {\r\n\t\t\tif (this.issubmenulink) {\r\n\t\t\t\tconst navLink = this.shadowRoot.host.closest('mds-dropdown').closest(this.tagName.toLowerCase());\r\n\t\t\t\tnavLink.shadowRoot.querySelector('a').click()\r\n\t\t\t\tnavLink.dispatchEvent(this.dispatchClick);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\tthis.__setTabIndex();\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t/* focus first item */\r\n\t\tif (event.target.hasAttribute('hasdropdown') && !this.toggled) {\r\n\t\t\tif (isArrowDownKeyboardEvent(event)) {\r\n\t\t\t\tthis.__clickEvent();\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t} else if (event.target.hasAttribute('hasdropdown') && this.toggled) {\r\n\t\t\tif (isArrowDownKeyboardEvent(event) || isArrowUpKeyboardEvent(event)) {\r\n\t\t\t\tconst link = this.dropdown.shadowRoot.host.querySelector(this.tagName.toLowerCase());\r\n\t\t\t\tconst trigger = link && link.shadowRoot.querySelector('a');\r\n\t\t\t\tif (typeof trigger?.focus === 'function') trigger.focus();\r\n\t\t\t\tthis.__toggle(true);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t} else {\r\n\t\t\tif (this.issubmenulink) {\r\n\t\t\t\tconst anchors = new Array();\r\n\t\t\t\tconst dropdown = event.target.closest('mds-dropdown');\r\n\t\t\t\tconst navLinks = [...dropdown.querySelectorAll(this.tagName.toLowerCase())];\r\n\t\t\t\tnavLinks.forEach(sl => {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tanchors.push(sl.shadowRoot.querySelector('a'));\r\n\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\tconst thisIndex = navLinks.indexOf(event.target);\r\n\t\t\t\tif (isArrowDownKeyboardEvent(event)) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.__toggle(true);\r\n\t\t\t\t\t((thisIndex + 1) < anchors.length)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t? anchors[thisIndex + 1].focus()\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t: close();\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\tif (isArrowUpKeyboardEvent(event)) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.__toggle(true);\r\n\t\t\t\t\t((thisIndex - 1) > -1)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t? anchors[thisIndex - 1].focus()\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t: close();\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\trender() {\r\n\t\tthis.break = navigationState.break ;\r\n\t\treturn this.__template();\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t__toggle(toggle = false) {\r\n\t\tthis.toggled = toggle;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t__clickEvent(event) {\r\n\t\tif(!this.toggled && this.topLevel && !this.issubmenulink) document.body.dispatchEvent(this.dispatchClick);\r\n\t\tif(this.href) this.shadowRoot.querySelector('a[href]').click();\r\n\t\tthis.__toggle(!this.toggled);\r\n\t\tthis.__setTabIndex()\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t/**\r\n\t * Navigation Template\r\n\t * @private\r\n\t */\r\n\t__template() {\r\n\t\tthis.active = this.current;\r\n\t\tif (this.href || this.issubmenulink) {\r\n\t\t\tthis.href = encodeURI(this.href);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\tthis.style = this.icon && `--icon-glyph: var(--mds-icon-glyphs-base-${this.icon.toLowerCase()})`;\r\n\t\treturn html`\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t${this.text}\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t`;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\r\n\t/**\r\n\t * @param {KeyboardEvent} event\r\n\t * @private\r\n\t */\r\n\t__keydownHandler(event) {\r\n\r\n\t\tif (isArrowDownKeyboardEvent(event) || isArrowUpKeyboardEvent(event)) {\r\n\t\t\tthis.__arrowNavigation(event);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\tif (this.focus || !isKeyboardClickEvent(event)) {\r\n\t\t\tif (isSpaceKeyboardClickEvent(event)) {\r\n\t\t\t\tevent.preventDefault();\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\treturn;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\tif (isSpaceKeyboardClickEvent(event)) {\r\n\t\t\tevent.preventDefault();\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\tthis.focus = true;\r\n\t\t/**\r\n\t\t * @param {KeyboardEvent} keyupEvent\r\n\t\t */\r\n\t\tconst keyupHandler = (keyupEvent) => {\r\n\t\t\tif (isKeyboardClickEvent(keyupEvent)) {\r\n\t\t\t\tthis.focus = false;\r\n\t\t\t\tdocument.removeEventListener('keyup', keyupHandler, true);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t};\r\n\t\tdocument.addEventListener('keyup', keyupHandler, true);\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t/**\r\n\t * @param {KeyboardEvent} event\r\n\t * @private\r\n\t */\r\n\t__keyupHandler(event) {\r\n\t\tif (isArrowDownKeyboardEvent(event) || isArrowUpKeyboardEvent(event)) {\r\n\t\t\tevent.preventDefault();\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\tif (isKeyboardClickEvent(event)) {\r\n\t\t\t// Fixes IE11 double submit/click. Enter keypress somehow triggers the __keyUpHandler on the native ',\n trigger: 'hover focus',\n offset: 0\n};\nvar openTooltips = [];\n\nvar Tooltip = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n /**\n * Create a new Tooltip.js instance\n * @class Tooltip\n * @param {HTMLElement} reference - The DOM node used as reference of the tooltip (it can be a jQuery element).\n * @param {Object} options\n * @param {String} options.placement=bottom\n * Placement of the popper accepted values: `top(-start, -end), right(-start, -end), bottom(-start, -end),\n * left(-start, -end)`\n * @param {HTMLElement|String|false} options.container=false - Append the tooltip to a specific element.\n * @param {Number|Object} options.delay=0\n * Delay showing and hiding the tooltip (ms) - does not apply to manual trigger type.\n * If a number is supplied, delay is applied to both hide/show.\n * Object structure is: `{ show: 500, hide: 100 }`\n * @param {Boolean} options.html=false - Insert HTML into the tooltip. If false, the content will inserted with `innerText`.\n * @param {String|PlacementFunction} options.placement='top' - One of the allowed placements, or a function returning one of them.\n * @param {String} [options.template='
']\n * Base HTML to used when creating the tooltip.\n * The tooltip's `title` will be injected into the `.tooltip-inner` or `.tooltip__inner`.\n * `.tooltip-arrow` or `.tooltip__arrow` will become the tooltip's arrow.\n * The outermost wrapper element should have the `.tooltip` class.\n * @param {String|HTMLElement|TitleFunction} options.title='' - Default title value if `title` attribute isn't present.\n * @param {String} [options.trigger='hover focus']\n * How tooltip is triggered - click, hover, focus, manual.\n * You may pass multiple triggers; separate them with a space. `manual` cannot be combined with any other trigger.\n * @param {HTMLElement} options.boundariesElement\n * The element used as boundaries for the tooltip. For more information refer to Popper.js'\n * [boundariesElement docs](https://popper.js.org/popper-documentation.html)\n * @param {Number|String} options.offset=0 - Offset of the tooltip relative to its reference. For more information refer to Popper.js'\n * [offset docs](https://popper.js.org/popper-documentation.html)\n * @param {Object} options.popperOptions={} - Popper options, will be passed directly to popper instance. For more information refer to Popper.js'\n * [options docs](https://popper.js.org/popper-documentation.html)\n * @param {string} [options.ariaId] Id used for accessibility\n * @return {Object} instance - The generated tooltip instance\n */\n function Tooltip(_reference, _options) {\n var _this = this;\n\n _classCallCheck(this, Tooltip);\n\n _defineProperty(this, \"_events\", []);\n\n _defineProperty(this, \"_setTooltipNodeEvent\", function (evt, reference, delay, options) {\n var relatedreference = evt.relatedreference || evt.toElement || evt.relatedTarget;\n\n var callback = function callback(evt2) {\n var relatedreference2 = evt2.relatedreference || evt2.toElement || evt2.relatedTarget; // Remove event listener after call\n\n _this._tooltipNode.removeEventListener(evt.type, callback); // If the new reference is not the reference element\n\n\n if (!reference.contains(relatedreference2)) {\n // Schedule to hide tooltip\n _this._scheduleHide(reference, options.delay, options, evt2);\n }\n };\n\n if (_this._tooltipNode.contains(relatedreference)) {\n // listen to mouseleave on the tooltip element to be able to hide the tooltip\n _this._tooltipNode.addEventListener(evt.type, callback);\n\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n });\n\n // apply user options over default ones\n _options = _objectSpread$2(_objectSpread$2({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS), _options);\n _reference.jquery && (_reference = _reference[0]);\n this.show = this.show.bind(this);\n this.hide = this.hide.bind(this); // cache reference and options\n\n this.reference = _reference;\n this.options = _options; // set initial state\n\n this._isOpen = false;\n\n this._init();\n } //\n // Public methods\n //\n\n /**\n * Reveals an element's tooltip. This is considered a \"manual\" triggering of the tooltip.\n * Tooltips with zero-length titles are never displayed.\n * @method Tooltip#show\n * @memberof Tooltip\n */\n\n\n _createClass(Tooltip, [{\n key: \"show\",\n value: function show() {\n this._show(this.reference, this.options);\n }\n /**\n * Hides an element’s tooltip. This is considered a “manual” triggering of the tooltip.\n * @method Tooltip#hide\n * @memberof Tooltip\n */\n\n }, {\n key: \"hide\",\n value: function hide() {\n this._hide();\n }\n /**\n * Hides and destroys an element’s tooltip.\n * @method Tooltip#dispose\n * @memberof Tooltip\n */\n\n }, {\n key: \"dispose\",\n value: function dispose() {\n this._dispose();\n }\n /**\n * Toggles an element’s tooltip. This is considered a “manual” triggering of the tooltip.\n * @method Tooltip#toggle\n * @memberof Tooltip\n */\n\n }, {\n key: \"toggle\",\n value: function toggle() {\n if (this._isOpen) {\n return this.hide();\n } else {\n return this.show();\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setClasses\",\n value: function setClasses(classes) {\n this._classes = classes;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setContent\",\n value: function setContent(content) {\n this.options.title = content;\n\n if (this._tooltipNode) {\n this._setContent(content, this.options);\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setOptions\",\n value: function setOptions(options) {\n var classesUpdated = false;\n var classes = options && options.classes || directive.options.defaultClass;\n\n if (!isEqual(this._classes, classes)) {\n this.setClasses(classes);\n classesUpdated = true;\n }\n\n options = getOptions(options);\n var needPopperUpdate = false;\n var needRestart = false;\n\n if (this.options.offset !== options.offset || this.options.placement !== options.placement) {\n needPopperUpdate = true;\n }\n\n if (this.options.template !== options.template || this.options.trigger !== options.trigger || this.options.container !== options.container || classesUpdated) {\n needRestart = true;\n }\n\n for (var key in options) {\n this.options[key] = options[key];\n }\n\n if (this._tooltipNode) {\n if (needRestart) {\n var isOpen = this._isOpen;\n this.dispose();\n\n this._init();\n\n if (isOpen) {\n this.show();\n }\n } else if (needPopperUpdate) {\n this.popperInstance.update();\n }\n }\n } //\n // Private methods\n //\n\n }, {\n key: \"_init\",\n value: function _init() {\n // get events list\n var events = typeof this.options.trigger === 'string' ? this.options.trigger.split(' ') : [];\n this._isDisposed = false;\n this._enableDocumentTouch = events.indexOf('manual') === -1;\n events = events.filter(function (trigger) {\n return ['click', 'hover', 'focus'].indexOf(trigger) !== -1;\n }); // set event listeners\n\n this._setEventListeners(this.reference, events, this.options); // title attribute\n\n\n this.$_originalTitle = this.reference.getAttribute('title');\n this.reference.removeAttribute('title');\n this.reference.setAttribute('data-original-title', this.$_originalTitle);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new tooltip node\n * @memberof Tooltip\n * @private\n * @param {HTMLElement} reference\n * @param {String} template\n * @param {String|HTMLElement|TitleFunction} title\n * @param {Boolean} allowHtml\n * @return {HTMLelement} tooltipNode\n */\n\n }, {\n key: \"_create\",\n value: function _create(reference, template) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n // create tooltip element\n var tooltipGenerator = window.document.createElement('div');\n tooltipGenerator.innerHTML = template.trim();\n var tooltipNode = tooltipGenerator.childNodes[0]; // add unique ID to our tooltip (needed for accessibility reasons)\n\n tooltipNode.id = this.options.ariaId || \"tooltip_\".concat(Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 10)); // Initially hide the tooltip\n // The attribute will be switched in a next frame so\n // CSS transitions can play\n\n tooltipNode.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');\n\n if (this.options.autoHide && this.options.trigger.indexOf('hover') !== -1) {\n tooltipNode.addEventListener('mouseenter', function (evt) {\n return _this2._scheduleHide(reference, _this2.options.delay, _this2.options, evt);\n });\n tooltipNode.addEventListener('click', function (evt) {\n return _this2._scheduleHide(reference, _this2.options.delay, _this2.options, evt);\n });\n } // return the generated tooltip node\n\n\n return tooltipNode;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_setContent\",\n value: function _setContent(content, options) {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n this.asyncContent = false;\n\n this._applyContent(content, options).then(function () {\n if (!_this3.popperInstance) return;\n\n _this3.popperInstance.update();\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_applyContent\",\n value: function _applyContent(title, options) {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n var allowHtml = options.html;\n var rootNode = _this4._tooltipNode;\n if (!rootNode) return;\n var titleNode = rootNode.querySelector(_this4.options.innerSelector);\n\n if (title.nodeType === 1) {\n // if title is a node, append it only if allowHtml is true\n if (allowHtml) {\n while (titleNode.firstChild) {\n titleNode.removeChild(titleNode.firstChild);\n }\n\n titleNode.appendChild(title);\n }\n } else if (typeof title === 'function') {\n // if title is a function, call it and set innerText or innerHtml depending by `allowHtml` value\n var result = title();\n\n if (result && typeof result.then === 'function') {\n _this4.asyncContent = true;\n options.loadingClass && addClasses(rootNode, options.loadingClass);\n\n if (options.loadingContent) {\n _this4._applyContent(options.loadingContent, options);\n }\n\n result.then(function (asyncResult) {\n options.loadingClass && removeClasses(rootNode, options.loadingClass);\n return _this4._applyContent(asyncResult, options);\n }).then(resolve).catch(reject);\n } else {\n _this4._applyContent(result, options).then(resolve).catch(reject);\n }\n\n return;\n } else {\n // if it's just a simple text, set innerText or innerHtml depending by `allowHtml` value\n allowHtml ? titleNode.innerHTML = title : titleNode.innerText = title;\n }\n\n resolve();\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_show\",\n value: function _show(reference, options) {\n if (options && typeof options.container === 'string') {\n var container = document.querySelector(options.container);\n if (!container) return;\n }\n\n clearTimeout(this._disposeTimer);\n options = Object.assign({}, options);\n delete options.offset;\n var updateClasses = true;\n\n if (this._tooltipNode) {\n addClasses(this._tooltipNode, this._classes);\n updateClasses = false;\n }\n\n var result = this._ensureShown(reference, options);\n\n if (updateClasses && this._tooltipNode) {\n addClasses(this._tooltipNode, this._classes);\n }\n\n addClasses(reference, ['v-tooltip-open']);\n return result;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_ensureShown\",\n value: function _ensureShown(reference, options) {\n var _this5 = this;\n\n // don't show if it's already visible\n if (this._isOpen) {\n return this;\n }\n\n this._isOpen = true;\n openTooltips.push(this); // if the tooltipNode already exists, just show it\n\n if (this._tooltipNode) {\n this._tooltipNode.style.display = '';\n\n this._tooltipNode.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false');\n\n this.popperInstance.enableEventListeners();\n this.popperInstance.update();\n\n if (this.asyncContent) {\n this._setContent(options.title, options);\n }\n\n return this;\n } // get title\n\n\n var title = reference.getAttribute('title') || options.title; // don't show tooltip if no title is defined\n\n if (!title) {\n return this;\n } // create tooltip node\n\n\n var tooltipNode = this._create(reference, options.template);\n\n this._tooltipNode = tooltipNode; // Add `aria-describedby` to our reference element for accessibility reasons\n\n reference.setAttribute('aria-describedby', tooltipNode.id); // append tooltip to container\n\n var container = this._findContainer(options.container, reference);\n\n this._append(tooltipNode, container);\n\n var popperOptions = _objectSpread$2(_objectSpread$2({}, options.popperOptions), {}, {\n placement: options.placement\n });\n\n popperOptions.modifiers = _objectSpread$2(_objectSpread$2({}, popperOptions.modifiers), {}, {\n arrow: {\n element: this.options.arrowSelector\n }\n });\n\n if (options.boundariesElement) {\n popperOptions.modifiers.preventOverflow = {\n boundariesElement: options.boundariesElement\n };\n }\n\n this.popperInstance = new Popper(reference, tooltipNode, popperOptions);\n\n this._setContent(title, options); // Fix position\n\n\n requestAnimationFrame(function () {\n if (!_this5._isDisposed && _this5.popperInstance) {\n _this5.popperInstance.update(); // Show the tooltip\n\n\n requestAnimationFrame(function () {\n if (!_this5._isDisposed) {\n _this5._isOpen && tooltipNode.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false');\n } else {\n _this5.dispose();\n }\n });\n } else {\n _this5.dispose();\n }\n });\n return this;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_noLongerOpen\",\n value: function _noLongerOpen() {\n var index = openTooltips.indexOf(this);\n\n if (index !== -1) {\n openTooltips.splice(index, 1);\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_hide\",\n value: function _hide()\n /* reference, options */\n {\n var _this6 = this;\n\n // don't hide if it's already hidden\n if (!this._isOpen) {\n return this;\n }\n\n this._isOpen = false;\n\n this._noLongerOpen(); // hide tooltipNode\n\n\n this._tooltipNode.style.display = 'none';\n\n this._tooltipNode.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');\n\n if (this.popperInstance) {\n this.popperInstance.disableEventListeners();\n }\n\n clearTimeout(this._disposeTimer);\n var disposeTime = directive.options.disposeTimeout;\n\n if (disposeTime !== null) {\n this._disposeTimer = setTimeout(function () {\n if (_this6._tooltipNode) {\n _this6._tooltipNode.removeEventListener('mouseenter', _this6.hide);\n\n _this6._tooltipNode.removeEventListener('click', _this6.hide); // Don't remove popper instance, just the HTML element\n\n\n _this6._removeTooltipNode();\n }\n }, disposeTime);\n }\n\n removeClasses(this.reference, ['v-tooltip-open']);\n return this;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_removeTooltipNode\",\n value: function _removeTooltipNode() {\n if (!this._tooltipNode) return;\n var parentNode = this._tooltipNode.parentNode;\n\n if (parentNode) {\n parentNode.removeChild(this._tooltipNode);\n this.reference.removeAttribute('aria-describedby');\n }\n\n this._tooltipNode = null;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_dispose\",\n value: function _dispose() {\n var _this7 = this;\n\n this._isDisposed = true;\n this.reference.removeAttribute('data-original-title');\n\n if (this.$_originalTitle) {\n this.reference.setAttribute('title', this.$_originalTitle);\n } // remove event listeners first to prevent any unexpected behaviour\n\n\n this._events.forEach(function (_ref) {\n var func = _ref.func,\n event = _ref.event;\n\n _this7.reference.removeEventListener(event, func);\n });\n\n this._events = [];\n\n if (this._tooltipNode) {\n this._hide();\n\n this._tooltipNode.removeEventListener('mouseenter', this.hide);\n\n this._tooltipNode.removeEventListener('click', this.hide); // destroy instance\n\n\n this.popperInstance.destroy(); // destroy tooltipNode if removeOnDestroy is not set, as popperInstance.destroy() already removes the element\n\n if (!this.popperInstance.options.removeOnDestroy) {\n this._removeTooltipNode();\n }\n } else {\n this._noLongerOpen();\n }\n\n return this;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_findContainer\",\n value: function _findContainer(container, reference) {\n // if container is a query, get the relative element\n if (typeof container === 'string') {\n container = window.document.querySelector(container);\n } else if (container === false) {\n // if container is `false`, set it to reference parent\n container = reference.parentNode;\n }\n\n return container;\n }\n /**\n * Append tooltip to container\n * @memberof Tooltip\n * @private\n * @param {HTMLElement} tooltip\n * @param {HTMLElement|String|false} container\n */\n\n }, {\n key: \"_append\",\n value: function _append(tooltipNode, container) {\n container.appendChild(tooltipNode);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_setEventListeners\",\n value: function _setEventListeners(reference, events, options) {\n var _this8 = this;\n\n var directEvents = [];\n var oppositeEvents = [];\n events.forEach(function (event) {\n switch (event) {\n case 'hover':\n directEvents.push('mouseenter');\n oppositeEvents.push('mouseleave');\n if (_this8.options.hideOnTargetClick) oppositeEvents.push('click');\n break;\n\n case 'focus':\n directEvents.push('focus');\n oppositeEvents.push('blur');\n if (_this8.options.hideOnTargetClick) oppositeEvents.push('click');\n break;\n\n case 'click':\n directEvents.push('click');\n oppositeEvents.push('click');\n break;\n }\n }); // schedule show tooltip\n\n directEvents.forEach(function (event) {\n var func = function func(evt) {\n if (_this8._isOpen === true) {\n return;\n }\n\n evt.usedByTooltip = true;\n\n _this8._scheduleShow(reference, options.delay, options, evt);\n };\n\n _this8._events.push({\n event: event,\n func: func\n });\n\n reference.addEventListener(event, func);\n }); // schedule hide tooltip\n\n oppositeEvents.forEach(function (event) {\n var func = function func(evt) {\n if (evt.usedByTooltip === true) {\n return;\n }\n\n _this8._scheduleHide(reference, options.delay, options, evt);\n };\n\n _this8._events.push({\n event: event,\n func: func\n });\n\n reference.addEventListener(event, func);\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_onDocumentTouch\",\n value: function _onDocumentTouch(event) {\n if (this._enableDocumentTouch) {\n this._scheduleHide(this.reference, this.options.delay, this.options, event);\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_scheduleShow\",\n value: function _scheduleShow(reference, delay, options\n /*, evt */\n ) {\n var _this9 = this;\n\n // defaults to 0\n var computedDelay = delay && delay.show || delay || 0;\n clearTimeout(this._scheduleTimer);\n this._scheduleTimer = window.setTimeout(function () {\n return _this9._show(reference, options);\n }, computedDelay);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_scheduleHide\",\n value: function _scheduleHide(reference, delay, options, evt) {\n var _this10 = this;\n\n // defaults to 0\n var computedDelay = delay && delay.hide || delay || 0;\n clearTimeout(this._scheduleTimer);\n this._scheduleTimer = window.setTimeout(function () {\n if (_this10._isOpen === false) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (!_this10._tooltipNode.ownerDocument.body.contains(_this10._tooltipNode)) {\n return;\n } // if we are hiding because of a mouseleave, we must check that the new\n // reference isn't the tooltip, because in this case we don't want to hide it\n\n\n if (evt.type === 'mouseleave') {\n var isSet = _this10._setTooltipNodeEvent(evt, reference, delay, options); // if we set the new event, don't hide the tooltip yet\n // the new event will take care to hide it if necessary\n\n\n if (isSet) {\n return;\n }\n }\n\n _this10._hide(reference, options);\n }, computedDelay);\n }\n }]);\n\n return Tooltip;\n}(); // Hide tooltips on touch devices\n\nif (typeof document !== 'undefined') {\n document.addEventListener('touchstart', function (event) {\n for (var i = 0; i < openTooltips.length; i++) {\n openTooltips[i]._onDocumentTouch(event);\n }\n }, supportsPassive ? {\n passive: true,\n capture: true\n } : true);\n}\n/**\n * Placement function, its context is the Tooltip instance.\n * @memberof Tooltip\n * @callback PlacementFunction\n * @param {HTMLElement} tooltip - tooltip DOM node.\n * @param {HTMLElement} reference - reference DOM node.\n * @return {String} placement - One of the allowed placement options.\n */\n\n/**\n * Title function, its context is the Tooltip instance.\n * @memberof Tooltip\n * @callback TitleFunction\n * @return {String} placement - The desired title.\n */\n\nfunction ownKeys$1(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread$1(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys$1(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys$1(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\nvar state = {\n enabled: true\n};\nvar positions = ['top', 'top-start', 'top-end', 'right', 'right-start', 'right-end', 'bottom', 'bottom-start', 'bottom-end', 'left', 'left-start', 'left-end'];\nvar defaultOptions = {\n // Default tooltip placement relative to target element\n defaultPlacement: 'top',\n // Default CSS classes applied to the tooltip element\n defaultClass: 'vue-tooltip-theme',\n // Default CSS classes applied to the target element of the tooltip\n defaultTargetClass: 'has-tooltip',\n // Is the content HTML by default?\n defaultHtml: true,\n // Default HTML template of the tooltip element\n // It must include `tooltip-arrow` & `tooltip-inner` CSS classes (can be configured, see below)\n // Change if the classes conflict with other libraries (for example bootstrap)\n defaultTemplate: '
',\n // Selector used to get the arrow element in the tooltip template\n defaultArrowSelector: '.tooltip-arrow, .tooltip__arrow',\n // Selector used to get the inner content element in the tooltip template\n defaultInnerSelector: '.tooltip-inner, .tooltip__inner',\n // Delay (ms)\n defaultDelay: 0,\n // Default events that trigger the tooltip\n defaultTrigger: 'hover focus',\n // Default position offset (px)\n defaultOffset: 0,\n // Default container where the tooltip will be appended\n defaultContainer: 'body',\n defaultBoundariesElement: undefined,\n defaultPopperOptions: {},\n // Class added when content is loading\n defaultLoadingClass: 'tooltip-loading',\n // Displayed when tooltip content is loading\n defaultLoadingContent: '...',\n // Hide on mouseover tooltip\n autoHide: true,\n // Close tooltip on click on tooltip target?\n defaultHideOnTargetClick: true,\n // Auto destroy tooltip DOM nodes (ms)\n disposeTimeout: 5000,\n // Options for popover\n popover: {\n defaultPlacement: 'bottom',\n // Use the `popoverClass` prop for theming\n defaultClass: 'vue-popover-theme',\n // Base class (change if conflicts with other libraries)\n defaultBaseClass: 'tooltip popover',\n // Wrapper class (contains arrow and inner)\n defaultWrapperClass: 'wrapper',\n // Inner content class\n defaultInnerClass: 'tooltip-inner popover-inner',\n // Arrow class\n defaultArrowClass: 'tooltip-arrow popover-arrow',\n // Class added when popover is open\n defaultOpenClass: 'open',\n defaultDelay: 0,\n defaultTrigger: 'click',\n defaultOffset: 0,\n defaultContainer: 'body',\n defaultBoundariesElement: undefined,\n defaultPopperOptions: {},\n // Hides if clicked outside of popover\n defaultAutoHide: true,\n // Update popper on content resize\n defaultHandleResize: true\n }\n};\nfunction getOptions(options) {\n var result = {\n placement: typeof options.placement !== 'undefined' ? options.placement : directive.options.defaultPlacement,\n delay: typeof options.delay !== 'undefined' ? options.delay : directive.options.defaultDelay,\n html: typeof options.html !== 'undefined' ? options.html : directive.options.defaultHtml,\n template: typeof options.template !== 'undefined' ? options.template : directive.options.defaultTemplate,\n arrowSelector: typeof options.arrowSelector !== 'undefined' ? options.arrowSelector : directive.options.defaultArrowSelector,\n innerSelector: typeof options.innerSelector !== 'undefined' ? options.innerSelector : directive.options.defaultInnerSelector,\n trigger: typeof options.trigger !== 'undefined' ? options.trigger : directive.options.defaultTrigger,\n offset: typeof options.offset !== 'undefined' ? options.offset : directive.options.defaultOffset,\n container: typeof options.container !== 'undefined' ? options.container : directive.options.defaultContainer,\n boundariesElement: typeof options.boundariesElement !== 'undefined' ? options.boundariesElement : directive.options.defaultBoundariesElement,\n autoHide: typeof options.autoHide !== 'undefined' ? options.autoHide : directive.options.autoHide,\n hideOnTargetClick: typeof options.hideOnTargetClick !== 'undefined' ? options.hideOnTargetClick : directive.options.defaultHideOnTargetClick,\n loadingClass: typeof options.loadingClass !== 'undefined' ? options.loadingClass : directive.options.defaultLoadingClass,\n loadingContent: typeof options.loadingContent !== 'undefined' ? options.loadingContent : directive.options.defaultLoadingContent,\n popperOptions: _objectSpread$1({}, typeof options.popperOptions !== 'undefined' ? options.popperOptions : directive.options.defaultPopperOptions)\n };\n\n if (result.offset) {\n var typeofOffset = _typeof(result.offset);\n\n var offset = result.offset; // One value -> switch\n\n if (typeofOffset === 'number' || typeofOffset === 'string' && offset.indexOf(',') === -1) {\n offset = \"0, \".concat(offset);\n }\n\n if (!result.popperOptions.modifiers) {\n result.popperOptions.modifiers = {};\n }\n\n result.popperOptions.modifiers.offset = {\n offset: offset\n };\n }\n\n if (result.trigger && result.trigger.indexOf('click') !== -1) {\n result.hideOnTargetClick = false;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\nfunction getPlacement(value, modifiers) {\n var placement = value.placement;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) {\n var pos = positions[i];\n\n if (modifiers[pos]) {\n placement = pos;\n }\n }\n\n return placement;\n}\nfunction getContent(value) {\n var type = _typeof(value);\n\n if (type === 'string') {\n return value;\n } else if (value && type === 'object') {\n return value.content;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n}\nfunction createTooltip(el, value) {\n var modifiers = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n var content = getContent(value);\n var classes = typeof value.classes !== 'undefined' ? value.classes : directive.options.defaultClass;\n\n var opts = _objectSpread$1({\n title: content\n }, getOptions(_objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, _typeof(value) === 'object' ? value : {}), {}, {\n placement: getPlacement(value, modifiers)\n })));\n\n var tooltip = el._tooltip = new Tooltip(el, opts);\n tooltip.setClasses(classes);\n tooltip._vueEl = el; // Class on target\n\n var targetClasses = typeof value.targetClasses !== 'undefined' ? value.targetClasses : directive.options.defaultTargetClass;\n el._tooltipTargetClasses = targetClasses;\n addClasses(el, targetClasses);\n return tooltip;\n}\nfunction destroyTooltip(el) {\n if (el._tooltip) {\n el._tooltip.dispose();\n\n delete el._tooltip;\n delete el._tooltipOldShow;\n }\n\n if (el._tooltipTargetClasses) {\n removeClasses(el, el._tooltipTargetClasses);\n delete el._tooltipTargetClasses;\n }\n}\nfunction bind(el, _ref) {\n var value = _ref.value;\n _ref.oldValue;\n var modifiers = _ref.modifiers;\n var content = getContent(value);\n\n if (!content || !state.enabled) {\n destroyTooltip(el);\n } else {\n var tooltip;\n\n if (el._tooltip) {\n tooltip = el._tooltip; // Content\n\n tooltip.setContent(content); // Options\n\n tooltip.setOptions(_objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, value), {}, {\n placement: getPlacement(value, modifiers)\n }));\n } else {\n tooltip = createTooltip(el, value, modifiers);\n } // Manual show\n\n\n if (typeof value.show !== 'undefined' && value.show !== el._tooltipOldShow) {\n el._tooltipOldShow = value.show;\n value.show ? tooltip.show() : tooltip.hide();\n }\n }\n}\nvar directive = {\n options: defaultOptions,\n bind: bind,\n update: bind,\n unbind: function unbind(el) {\n destroyTooltip(el);\n }\n};\n\nfunction addListeners(el) {\n el.addEventListener('click', onClick);\n el.addEventListener('touchstart', onTouchStart, supportsPassive ? {\n passive: true\n } : false);\n}\n\nfunction removeListeners(el) {\n el.removeEventListener('click', onClick);\n el.removeEventListener('touchstart', onTouchStart);\n el.removeEventListener('touchend', onTouchEnd);\n el.removeEventListener('touchcancel', onTouchCancel);\n}\n\nfunction onClick(event) {\n var el = event.currentTarget;\n event.closePopover = !el.$_vclosepopover_touch;\n event.closeAllPopover = el.$_closePopoverModifiers && !!el.$_closePopoverModifiers.all;\n}\n\nfunction onTouchStart(event) {\n if (event.changedTouches.length === 1) {\n var el = event.currentTarget;\n el.$_vclosepopover_touch = true;\n var touch = event.changedTouches[0];\n el.$_vclosepopover_touchPoint = touch;\n el.addEventListener('touchend', onTouchEnd);\n el.addEventListener('touchcancel', onTouchCancel);\n }\n}\n\nfunction onTouchEnd(event) {\n var el = event.currentTarget;\n el.$_vclosepopover_touch = false;\n\n if (event.changedTouches.length === 1) {\n var touch = event.changedTouches[0];\n var firstTouch = el.$_vclosepopover_touchPoint;\n event.closePopover = Math.abs(touch.screenY - firstTouch.screenY) < 20 && Math.abs(touch.screenX - firstTouch.screenX) < 20;\n event.closeAllPopover = el.$_closePopoverModifiers && !!el.$_closePopoverModifiers.all;\n }\n}\n\nfunction onTouchCancel(event) {\n var el = event.currentTarget;\n el.$_vclosepopover_touch = false;\n}\n\nvar vclosepopover = {\n bind: function bind(el, _ref) {\n var value = _ref.value,\n modifiers = _ref.modifiers;\n el.$_closePopoverModifiers = modifiers;\n\n if (typeof value === 'undefined' || value) {\n addListeners(el);\n }\n },\n update: function update(el, _ref2) {\n var value = _ref2.value,\n oldValue = _ref2.oldValue,\n modifiers = _ref2.modifiers;\n el.$_closePopoverModifiers = modifiers;\n\n if (value !== oldValue) {\n if (typeof value === 'undefined' || value) {\n addListeners(el);\n } else {\n removeListeners(el);\n }\n }\n },\n unbind: function unbind(el) {\n removeListeners(el);\n }\n};\n\nfunction ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\n\nfunction getDefault(key) {\n var value = directive.options.popover[key];\n\n if (typeof value === 'undefined') {\n return directive.options[key];\n }\n\n return value;\n}\n\nvar isIOS = false;\n\nif (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof navigator !== 'undefined') {\n isIOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream;\n}\n\nvar openPopovers = [];\n\nvar Element = function Element() {};\n\nif (typeof window !== 'undefined') {\n Element = window.Element;\n}\n\nvar script = {\n name: 'VPopover',\n components: {\n ResizeObserver: ResizeObserver\n },\n props: {\n open: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n disabled: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n placement: {\n type: String,\n default: function _default() {\n return getDefault('defaultPlacement');\n }\n },\n delay: {\n type: [String, Number, Object],\n default: function _default() {\n return getDefault('defaultDelay');\n }\n },\n offset: {\n type: [String, Number],\n default: function _default() {\n return getDefault('defaultOffset');\n }\n },\n trigger: {\n type: String,\n default: function _default() {\n return getDefault('defaultTrigger');\n }\n },\n container: {\n type: [String, Object, Element, Boolean],\n default: function _default() {\n return getDefault('defaultContainer');\n }\n },\n boundariesElement: {\n type: [String, Element],\n default: function _default() {\n return getDefault('defaultBoundariesElement');\n }\n },\n popperOptions: {\n type: Object,\n default: function _default() {\n return getDefault('defaultPopperOptions');\n }\n },\n popoverClass: {\n type: [String, Array],\n default: function _default() {\n return getDefault('defaultClass');\n }\n },\n popoverBaseClass: {\n type: [String, Array],\n default: function _default() {\n return directive.options.popover.defaultBaseClass;\n }\n },\n popoverInnerClass: {\n type: [String, Array],\n default: function _default() {\n return directive.options.popover.defaultInnerClass;\n }\n },\n popoverWrapperClass: {\n type: [String, Array],\n default: function _default() {\n return directive.options.popover.defaultWrapperClass;\n }\n },\n popoverArrowClass: {\n type: [String, Array],\n default: function _default() {\n return directive.options.popover.defaultArrowClass;\n }\n },\n autoHide: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: function _default() {\n return directive.options.popover.defaultAutoHide;\n }\n },\n handleResize: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: function _default() {\n return directive.options.popover.defaultHandleResize;\n }\n },\n openGroup: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n openClass: {\n type: [String, Array],\n default: function _default() {\n return directive.options.popover.defaultOpenClass;\n }\n },\n ariaId: {\n default: null\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n isOpen: false,\n id: Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 10)\n };\n },\n computed: {\n cssClass: function cssClass() {\n return _defineProperty({}, this.openClass, this.isOpen);\n },\n popoverId: function popoverId() {\n return \"popover_\".concat(this.ariaId != null ? this.ariaId : this.id);\n }\n },\n watch: {\n open: function open(val) {\n if (val) {\n this.show();\n } else {\n this.hide();\n }\n },\n disabled: function disabled(val, oldVal) {\n if (val !== oldVal) {\n if (val) {\n this.hide();\n } else if (this.open) {\n this.show();\n }\n }\n },\n container: function container(val) {\n if (this.isOpen && this.popperInstance) {\n var popoverNode = this.$refs.popover;\n var reference = this.$refs.trigger;\n var container = this.$_findContainer(this.container, reference);\n\n if (!container) {\n console.warn('No container for popover', this);\n return;\n }\n\n container.appendChild(popoverNode);\n this.popperInstance.scheduleUpdate();\n }\n },\n trigger: function trigger(val) {\n this.$_removeEventListeners();\n this.$_addEventListeners();\n },\n placement: function placement(val) {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.$_updatePopper(function () {\n _this.popperInstance.options.placement = val;\n });\n },\n offset: '$_restartPopper',\n boundariesElement: '$_restartPopper',\n popperOptions: {\n handler: '$_restartPopper',\n deep: true\n }\n },\n created: function created() {\n this.$_isDisposed = false;\n this.$_mounted = false;\n this.$_events = [];\n this.$_preventOpen = false;\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n var popoverNode = this.$refs.popover;\n popoverNode.parentNode && popoverNode.parentNode.removeChild(popoverNode);\n this.$_init();\n\n if (this.open) {\n this.show();\n }\n },\n deactivated: function deactivated() {\n this.hide();\n },\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n this.dispose();\n },\n methods: {\n show: function show() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var _ref2 = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},\n event = _ref2.event;\n _ref2.skipDelay;\n var _ref2$force = _ref2.force,\n force = _ref2$force === void 0 ? false : _ref2$force;\n\n if (force || !this.disabled) {\n this.$_scheduleShow(event);\n this.$emit('show');\n }\n\n this.$emit('update:open', true);\n this.$_beingShowed = true;\n requestAnimationFrame(function () {\n _this2.$_beingShowed = false;\n });\n },\n hide: function hide() {\n var _ref3 = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},\n event = _ref3.event;\n _ref3.skipDelay;\n\n this.$_scheduleHide(event);\n this.$emit('hide');\n this.$emit('update:open', false);\n },\n dispose: function dispose() {\n this.$_isDisposed = true;\n this.$_removeEventListeners();\n this.hide({\n skipDelay: true\n });\n\n if (this.popperInstance) {\n this.popperInstance.destroy(); // destroy tooltipNode if removeOnDestroy is not set, as popperInstance.destroy() already removes the element\n\n if (!this.popperInstance.options.removeOnDestroy) {\n var popoverNode = this.$refs.popover;\n popoverNode.parentNode && popoverNode.parentNode.removeChild(popoverNode);\n }\n }\n\n this.$_mounted = false;\n this.popperInstance = null;\n this.isOpen = false;\n this.$emit('dispose');\n },\n $_init: function $_init() {\n if (this.trigger.indexOf('manual') === -1) {\n this.$_addEventListeners();\n }\n },\n $_show: function $_show() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var reference = this.$refs.trigger;\n var popoverNode = this.$refs.popover;\n clearTimeout(this.$_disposeTimer); // Already open\n\n if (this.isOpen) {\n return;\n } // Popper is already initialized\n\n\n if (this.popperInstance) {\n this.isOpen = true;\n this.popperInstance.enableEventListeners();\n this.popperInstance.scheduleUpdate();\n }\n\n if (!this.$_mounted) {\n var container = this.$_findContainer(this.container, reference);\n\n if (!container) {\n console.warn('No container for popover', this);\n return;\n }\n\n container.appendChild(popoverNode);\n this.$_mounted = true;\n this.isOpen = false;\n\n if (this.popperInstance) {\n requestAnimationFrame(function () {\n if (!_this3.hidden) {\n _this3.isOpen = true;\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (!this.popperInstance) {\n var popperOptions = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.popperOptions), {}, {\n placement: this.placement\n });\n\n popperOptions.modifiers = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, popperOptions.modifiers), {}, {\n arrow: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, popperOptions.modifiers && popperOptions.modifiers.arrow), {}, {\n element: this.$refs.arrow\n })\n });\n\n if (this.offset) {\n var offset = this.$_getOffset();\n popperOptions.modifiers.offset = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, popperOptions.modifiers && popperOptions.modifiers.offset), {}, {\n offset: offset\n });\n }\n\n if (this.boundariesElement) {\n popperOptions.modifiers.preventOverflow = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, popperOptions.modifiers && popperOptions.modifiers.preventOverflow), {}, {\n boundariesElement: this.boundariesElement\n });\n }\n\n this.popperInstance = new Popper(reference, popoverNode, popperOptions); // Fix position\n\n requestAnimationFrame(function () {\n if (_this3.hidden) {\n _this3.hidden = false;\n\n _this3.$_hide();\n\n return;\n }\n\n if (!_this3.$_isDisposed && _this3.popperInstance) {\n _this3.popperInstance.scheduleUpdate(); // Show the tooltip\n\n\n requestAnimationFrame(function () {\n if (_this3.hidden) {\n _this3.hidden = false;\n\n _this3.$_hide();\n\n return;\n }\n\n if (!_this3.$_isDisposed) {\n _this3.isOpen = true;\n } else {\n _this3.dispose();\n }\n });\n } else {\n _this3.dispose();\n }\n });\n }\n\n var openGroup = this.openGroup;\n\n if (openGroup) {\n var popover;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < openPopovers.length; i++) {\n popover = openPopovers[i];\n\n if (popover.openGroup !== openGroup) {\n popover.hide();\n popover.$emit('close-group');\n }\n }\n }\n\n openPopovers.push(this);\n this.$emit('apply-show');\n },\n $_hide: function $_hide() {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n // Already hidden\n if (!this.isOpen) {\n return;\n }\n\n var index = openPopovers.indexOf(this);\n\n if (index !== -1) {\n openPopovers.splice(index, 1);\n }\n\n this.isOpen = false;\n\n if (this.popperInstance) {\n this.popperInstance.disableEventListeners();\n }\n\n clearTimeout(this.$_disposeTimer);\n var disposeTime = directive.options.popover.disposeTimeout || directive.options.disposeTimeout;\n\n if (disposeTime !== null) {\n this.$_disposeTimer = setTimeout(function () {\n var popoverNode = _this4.$refs.popover;\n\n if (popoverNode) {\n // Don't remove popper instance, just the HTML element\n popoverNode.parentNode && popoverNode.parentNode.removeChild(popoverNode);\n _this4.$_mounted = false;\n }\n }, disposeTime);\n }\n\n this.$emit('apply-hide');\n },\n $_findContainer: function $_findContainer(container, reference) {\n // if container is a query, get the relative element\n if (typeof container === 'string') {\n container = window.document.querySelector(container);\n } else if (container === false) {\n // if container is `false`, set it to reference parent\n container = reference.parentNode;\n }\n\n return container;\n },\n $_getOffset: function $_getOffset() {\n var typeofOffset = _typeof(this.offset);\n\n var offset = this.offset; // One value -> switch\n\n if (typeofOffset === 'number' || typeofOffset === 'string' && offset.indexOf(',') === -1) {\n offset = \"0, \".concat(offset);\n }\n\n return offset;\n },\n $_addEventListeners: function $_addEventListeners() {\n var _this5 = this;\n\n var reference = this.$refs.trigger;\n var directEvents = [];\n var oppositeEvents = [];\n var events = typeof this.trigger === 'string' ? this.trigger.split(' ').filter(function (trigger) {\n return ['click', 'hover', 'focus'].indexOf(trigger) !== -1;\n }) : [];\n events.forEach(function (event) {\n switch (event) {\n case 'hover':\n directEvents.push('mouseenter');\n oppositeEvents.push('mouseleave');\n break;\n\n case 'focus':\n directEvents.push('focus');\n oppositeEvents.push('blur');\n break;\n\n case 'click':\n directEvents.push('click');\n oppositeEvents.push('click');\n break;\n }\n }); // schedule show tooltip\n\n directEvents.forEach(function (event) {\n var func = function func(event) {\n if (_this5.isOpen) {\n return;\n }\n\n event.usedByTooltip = true;\n !_this5.$_preventOpen && _this5.show({\n event: event\n });\n _this5.hidden = false;\n };\n\n _this5.$_events.push({\n event: event,\n func: func\n });\n\n reference.addEventListener(event, func);\n }); // schedule hide tooltip\n\n oppositeEvents.forEach(function (event) {\n var func = function func(event) {\n if (event.usedByTooltip) {\n return;\n }\n\n _this5.hide({\n event: event\n });\n\n _this5.hidden = true;\n };\n\n _this5.$_events.push({\n event: event,\n func: func\n });\n\n reference.addEventListener(event, func);\n });\n },\n $_scheduleShow: function $_scheduleShow() {\n var skipDelay = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n clearTimeout(this.$_scheduleTimer);\n\n if (skipDelay) {\n this.$_show();\n } else {\n // defaults to 0\n var computedDelay = parseInt(this.delay && this.delay.show || this.delay || 0);\n this.$_scheduleTimer = setTimeout(this.$_show.bind(this), computedDelay);\n }\n },\n $_scheduleHide: function $_scheduleHide() {\n var _this6 = this;\n\n var event = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null;\n var skipDelay = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n clearTimeout(this.$_scheduleTimer);\n\n if (skipDelay) {\n this.$_hide();\n } else {\n // defaults to 0\n var computedDelay = parseInt(this.delay && this.delay.hide || this.delay || 0);\n this.$_scheduleTimer = setTimeout(function () {\n if (!_this6.isOpen) {\n return;\n } // if we are hiding because of a mouseleave, we must check that the new\n // reference isn't the tooltip, because in this case we don't want to hide it\n\n\n if (event && event.type === 'mouseleave') {\n var isSet = _this6.$_setTooltipNodeEvent(event); // if we set the new event, don't hide the tooltip yet\n // the new event will take care to hide it if necessary\n\n\n if (isSet) {\n return;\n }\n }\n\n _this6.$_hide();\n }, computedDelay);\n }\n },\n $_setTooltipNodeEvent: function $_setTooltipNodeEvent(event) {\n var _this7 = this;\n\n var reference = this.$refs.trigger;\n var popoverNode = this.$refs.popover;\n var relatedreference = event.relatedreference || event.toElement || event.relatedTarget;\n\n var callback = function callback(event2) {\n var relatedreference2 = event2.relatedreference || event2.toElement || event2.relatedTarget; // Remove event listener after call\n\n popoverNode.removeEventListener(event.type, callback); // If the new reference is not the reference element\n\n if (!reference.contains(relatedreference2)) {\n // Schedule to hide tooltip\n _this7.hide({\n event: event2\n });\n }\n };\n\n if (popoverNode.contains(relatedreference)) {\n // listen to mouseleave on the tooltip element to be able to hide the tooltip\n popoverNode.addEventListener(event.type, callback);\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n },\n $_removeEventListeners: function $_removeEventListeners() {\n var reference = this.$refs.trigger;\n this.$_events.forEach(function (_ref4) {\n var func = _ref4.func,\n event = _ref4.event;\n reference.removeEventListener(event, func);\n });\n this.$_events = [];\n },\n $_updatePopper: function $_updatePopper(cb) {\n if (this.popperInstance) {\n cb();\n if (this.isOpen) this.popperInstance.scheduleUpdate();\n }\n },\n $_restartPopper: function $_restartPopper() {\n if (this.popperInstance) {\n var isOpen = this.isOpen;\n this.dispose();\n this.$_isDisposed = false;\n this.$_init();\n\n if (isOpen) {\n this.show({\n skipDelay: true,\n force: true\n });\n }\n }\n },\n $_handleGlobalClose: function $_handleGlobalClose(event) {\n var _this8 = this;\n\n var touch = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n if (this.$_beingShowed) return;\n this.hide({\n event: event\n });\n\n if (event.closePopover) {\n this.$emit('close-directive');\n } else {\n this.$emit('auto-hide');\n }\n\n if (touch) {\n this.$_preventOpen = true;\n setTimeout(function () {\n _this8.$_preventOpen = false;\n }, 300);\n }\n },\n $_handleResize: function $_handleResize() {\n if (this.isOpen && this.popperInstance) {\n this.popperInstance.scheduleUpdate();\n this.$emit('resize');\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nif (typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof window !== 'undefined') {\n if (isIOS) {\n document.addEventListener('touchend', handleGlobalTouchend, supportsPassive ? {\n passive: true,\n capture: true\n } : true);\n } else {\n window.addEventListener('click', handleGlobalClick, true);\n }\n}\n\nfunction handleGlobalClick(event) {\n handleGlobalClose(event);\n}\n\nfunction handleGlobalTouchend(event) {\n handleGlobalClose(event, true);\n}\n\nfunction handleGlobalClose(event) {\n var touch = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n\n var _loop = function _loop(i) {\n var popover = openPopovers[i];\n\n if (popover.$refs.popover) {\n var contains = popover.$refs.popover.contains(event.target);\n requestAnimationFrame(function () {\n if (event.closeAllPopover || event.closePopover && contains || popover.autoHide && !contains) {\n popover.$_handleGlobalClose(event, touch);\n }\n });\n }\n };\n\n // Delay so that close directive has time to set values\n for (var i = 0; i < openPopovers.length; i++) {\n _loop(i);\n }\n}\n\nfunction normalizeComponent(template, style, script, scopeId, isFunctionalTemplate, moduleIdentifier /* server only */, shadowMode, createInjector, createInjectorSSR, createInjectorShadow) {\r\n if (typeof shadowMode !== 'boolean') {\r\n createInjectorSSR = createInjector;\r\n createInjector = shadowMode;\r\n shadowMode = false;\r\n }\r\n // Vue.extend constructor export interop.\r\n const options = typeof script === 'function' ? script.options : script;\r\n // render functions\r\n if (template && template.render) {\r\n options.render = template.render;\r\n options.staticRenderFns = template.staticRenderFns;\r\n options._compiled = true;\r\n // functional template\r\n if (isFunctionalTemplate) {\r\n options.functional = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // scopedId\r\n if (scopeId) {\r\n options._scopeId = scopeId;\r\n }\r\n let hook;\r\n if (moduleIdentifier) {\r\n // server build\r\n hook = function (context) {\r\n // 2.3 injection\r\n context =\r\n context || // cached call\r\n (this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext) || // stateful\r\n (this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext); // functional\r\n // 2.2 with runInNewContext: true\r\n if (!context && typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ !== 'undefined') {\r\n context = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__;\r\n }\r\n // inject component styles\r\n if (style) {\r\n style.call(this, createInjectorSSR(context));\r\n }\r\n // register component module identifier for async chunk inference\r\n if (context && context._registeredComponents) {\r\n context._registeredComponents.add(moduleIdentifier);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n // used by ssr in case component is cached and beforeCreate\r\n // never gets called\r\n options._ssrRegister = hook;\r\n }\r\n else if (style) {\r\n hook = shadowMode\r\n ? function (context) {\r\n style.call(this, createInjectorShadow(context, this.$root.$options.shadowRoot));\r\n }\r\n : function (context) {\r\n style.call(this, createInjector(context));\r\n };\r\n }\r\n if (hook) {\r\n if (options.functional) {\r\n // register for functional component in vue file\r\n const originalRender = options.render;\r\n options.render = function renderWithStyleInjection(h, context) {\r\n hook.call(context);\r\n return originalRender(h, context);\r\n };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // inject component registration as beforeCreate hook\r\n const existing = options.beforeCreate;\r\n options.beforeCreate = existing ? [].concat(existing, hook) : [hook];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return script;\r\n}\n\n/* script */\nvar __vue_script__ = script;\n/* template */\n\nvar __vue_render__ = function __vue_render__() {\n var _vm = this;\n\n var _h = _vm.$createElement;\n\n var _c = _vm._self._c || _h;\n\n return _c(\"div\", {\n staticClass: \"v-popover\",\n class: _vm.cssClass\n }, [_c(\"div\", {\n ref: \"trigger\",\n staticClass: \"trigger\",\n staticStyle: {\n display: \"inline-block\"\n },\n attrs: {\n \"aria-describedby\": _vm.isOpen ? _vm.popoverId : undefined,\n tabindex: _vm.trigger.indexOf(\"focus\") !== -1 ? 0 : undefined\n }\n }, [_vm._t(\"default\")], 2), _vm._v(\" \"), _c(\"div\", {\n ref: \"popover\",\n class: [_vm.popoverBaseClass, _vm.popoverClass, _vm.cssClass],\n style: {\n visibility: _vm.isOpen ? \"visible\" : \"hidden\"\n },\n attrs: {\n id: _vm.popoverId,\n \"aria-hidden\": _vm.isOpen ? \"false\" : \"true\",\n tabindex: _vm.autoHide ? 0 : undefined\n },\n on: {\n keyup: function keyup($event) {\n if (!$event.type.indexOf(\"key\") && _vm._k($event.keyCode, \"esc\", 27, $event.key, [\"Esc\", \"Escape\"])) {\n return null;\n }\n\n _vm.autoHide && _vm.hide();\n }\n }\n }, [_c(\"div\", {\n class: _vm.popoverWrapperClass\n }, [_c(\"div\", {\n ref: \"inner\",\n class: _vm.popoverInnerClass,\n staticStyle: {\n position: \"relative\"\n }\n }, [_c(\"div\", [_vm._t(\"popover\", null, {\n isOpen: _vm.isOpen\n })], 2), _vm._v(\" \"), _vm.handleResize ? _c(\"ResizeObserver\", {\n on: {\n notify: _vm.$_handleResize\n }\n }) : _vm._e()], 1), _vm._v(\" \"), _c(\"div\", {\n ref: \"arrow\",\n class: _vm.popoverArrowClass\n })])])]);\n};\n\nvar __vue_staticRenderFns__ = [];\n__vue_render__._withStripped = true;\n/* style */\n\nvar __vue_inject_styles__ = undefined;\n/* scoped */\n\nvar __vue_scope_id__ = undefined;\n/* module identifier */\n\nvar __vue_module_identifier__ = undefined;\n/* functional template */\n\nvar __vue_is_functional_template__ = false;\n/* style inject */\n\n/* style inject SSR */\n\n/* style inject shadow dom */\n\nvar __vue_component__ = /*#__PURE__*/normalizeComponent({\n render: __vue_render__,\n staticRenderFns: __vue_staticRenderFns__\n}, __vue_inject_styles__, __vue_script__, __vue_scope_id__, __vue_is_functional_template__, __vue_module_identifier__, false, undefined, undefined, undefined);\n\nfunction styleInject(css, ref) {\n if ( ref === void 0 ) ref = {};\n var insertAt = ref.insertAt;\n\n if (!css || typeof document === 'undefined') { return; }\n\n var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];\n var style = document.createElement('style');\n style.type = 'text/css';\n\n if (insertAt === 'top') {\n if (head.firstChild) {\n head.insertBefore(style, head.firstChild);\n } else {\n head.appendChild(style);\n }\n } else {\n head.appendChild(style);\n }\n\n if (style.styleSheet) {\n style.styleSheet.cssText = css;\n } else {\n style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css));\n }\n}\n\nvar css_248z = \".resize-observer[data-v-8859cc6c]{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:-1;width:100%;height:100%;border:none;background-color:transparent;pointer-events:none;display:block;overflow:hidden;opacity:0}.resize-observer[data-v-8859cc6c] object{display:block;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;height:100%;width:100%;overflow:hidden;pointer-events:none;z-index:-1}\";\nstyleInject(css_248z);\n\nfunction install(Vue) {\n var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n if (install.installed) return;\n install.installed = true;\n var finalOptions = {};\n merge(finalOptions, defaultOptions, options);\n plugin.options = finalOptions;\n directive.options = finalOptions;\n Vue.directive('tooltip', directive);\n Vue.directive('close-popover', vclosepopover);\n Vue.component('VPopover', __vue_component__);\n}\nvar VTooltip = directive;\nvar VClosePopover = vclosepopover;\nvar VPopover = __vue_component__;\nvar plugin = {\n install: install,\n\n get enabled() {\n return state.enabled;\n },\n\n set enabled(value) {\n state.enabled = value;\n }\n\n}; // Auto-install\n\nvar GlobalVue = null;\n\nif (typeof window !== 'undefined') {\n GlobalVue = window.Vue;\n} else if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {\n GlobalVue = global.Vue;\n}\n\nif (GlobalVue) {\n GlobalVue.use(plugin);\n}\n\nexport default plugin;\nexport { VClosePopover, VPopover, VTooltip, createTooltip, destroyTooltip, install };\n","var toString = require('../internals/to-string');\n\nmodule.exports = function (argument, $default) {\n return argument === undefined ? arguments.length < 2 ? '' : $default : toString(argument);\n};\n","var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object');\nvar nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor').f;\nvar DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\n\nvar FORCED = !DESCRIPTORS || fails(function () { nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(1); });\n\n// `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.getownpropertydescriptor\n$({ target: 'Object', stat: true, forced: FORCED, sham: !DESCRIPTORS }, {\n getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(it, key) {\n return nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(toIndexedObject(it), key);\n }\n});\n","var _typeof = require(\"./typeof.js\")[\"default\"];\nfunction toPrimitive(t, r) {\n if (\"object\" != _typeof(t) || !t) return t;\n var e = t[Symbol.toPrimitive];\n if (void 0 !== e) {\n var i = e.call(t, r || \"default\");\n if (\"object\" != _typeof(i)) return i;\n throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\");\n }\n return (\"string\" === r ? String : Number)(t);\n}\nmodule.exports = toPrimitive, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\n\nexports.f = wellKnownSymbol;\n","var root = require('./_root');\n\n/** Detect free variable `exports`. */\nvar freeExports = typeof exports == 'object' && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports;\n\n/** Detect free variable `module`. */\nvar freeModule = freeExports && typeof module == 'object' && module && !module.nodeType && module;\n\n/** Detect the popular CommonJS extension `module.exports`. */\nvar moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports;\n\n/** Built-in value references. */\nvar Buffer = moduleExports ? root.Buffer : undefined,\n allocUnsafe = Buffer ? Buffer.allocUnsafe : undefined;\n\n/**\n * Creates a clone of `buffer`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Buffer} buffer The buffer to clone.\n * @param {boolean} [isDeep] Specify a deep clone.\n * @returns {Buffer} Returns the cloned buffer.\n */\nfunction cloneBuffer(buffer, isDeep) {\n if (isDeep) {\n return buffer.slice();\n }\n var length = buffer.length,\n result = allocUnsafe ? allocUnsafe(length) : new buffer.constructor(length);\n\n buffer.copy(result);\n return result;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = cloneBuffer;\n","'use strict';\nvar getBuiltIn = require('../internals/get-built-in');\nvar hasOwn = require('../internals/has-own-property');\nvar createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property');\nvar isPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-is-prototype-of');\nvar setPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-set-prototype-of');\nvar copyConstructorProperties = require('../internals/copy-constructor-properties');\nvar proxyAccessor = require('../internals/proxy-accessor');\nvar inheritIfRequired = require('../internals/inherit-if-required');\nvar normalizeStringArgument = require('../internals/normalize-string-argument');\nvar installErrorCause = require('../internals/install-error-cause');\nvar installErrorStack = require('../internals/error-stack-install');\nvar DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure');\n\nmodule.exports = function (FULL_NAME, wrapper, FORCED, IS_AGGREGATE_ERROR) {\n var STACK_TRACE_LIMIT = 'stackTraceLimit';\n var OPTIONS_POSITION = IS_AGGREGATE_ERROR ? 2 : 1;\n var path = FULL_NAME.split('.');\n var ERROR_NAME = path[path.length - 1];\n var OriginalError = getBuiltIn.apply(null, path);\n\n if (!OriginalError) return;\n\n var OriginalErrorPrototype = OriginalError.prototype;\n\n // V8 9.3- bug https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=12006\n if (!IS_PURE && hasOwn(OriginalErrorPrototype, 'cause')) delete OriginalErrorPrototype.cause;\n\n if (!FORCED) return OriginalError;\n\n var BaseError = getBuiltIn('Error');\n\n var WrappedError = wrapper(function (a, b) {\n var message = normalizeStringArgument(IS_AGGREGATE_ERROR ? b : a, undefined);\n var result = IS_AGGREGATE_ERROR ? new OriginalError(a) : new OriginalError();\n if (message !== undefined) createNonEnumerableProperty(result, 'message', message);\n installErrorStack(result, WrappedError, result.stack, 2);\n if (this && isPrototypeOf(OriginalErrorPrototype, this)) inheritIfRequired(result, this, WrappedError);\n if (arguments.length > OPTIONS_POSITION) installErrorCause(result, arguments[OPTIONS_POSITION]);\n return result;\n });\n\n WrappedError.prototype = OriginalErrorPrototype;\n\n if (ERROR_NAME !== 'Error') {\n if (setPrototypeOf) setPrototypeOf(WrappedError, BaseError);\n else copyConstructorProperties(WrappedError, BaseError, { name: true });\n } else if (DESCRIPTORS && STACK_TRACE_LIMIT in OriginalError) {\n proxyAccessor(WrappedError, OriginalError, STACK_TRACE_LIMIT);\n proxyAccessor(WrappedError, OriginalError, 'prepareStackTrace');\n }\n\n copyConstructorProperties(WrappedError, OriginalError);\n\n if (!IS_PURE) try {\n // Safari 13- bug: WebAssembly errors does not have a proper `.name`\n if (OriginalErrorPrototype.name !== ERROR_NAME) {\n createNonEnumerableProperty(OriginalErrorPrototype, 'name', ERROR_NAME);\n }\n OriginalErrorPrototype.constructor = WrappedError;\n } catch (error) { /* empty */ }\n\n return WrappedError;\n};\n","module.exports = function (exec) {\n try {\n return { error: false, value: exec() };\n } catch (error) {\n return { error: true, value: error };\n }\n};\n","'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Creates a new URL by combining the specified URLs\n *\n * @param {string} baseURL The base URL\n * @param {string} relativeURL The relative URL\n * @returns {string} The combined URL\n */\nmodule.exports = function combineURLs(baseURL, relativeURL) {\n return relativeURL\n ? baseURL.replace(/\\/+$/, '') + '/' + relativeURL.replace(/^\\/+/, '')\n : baseURL;\n};\n","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon plus-circle-outline-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M13,7H11V11H7V13H11V17H13V13H17V11H13V7Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","
\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./PlusCircleOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./PlusCircleOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./PlusCircleOutline.vue?vue&type=template&id=525696bd\"\nimport script from \"./PlusCircleOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./PlusCircleOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","// TODO: Remove this module from `core-js@4` since it's split to modules listed below\nrequire('../modules/es.promise.constructor');\nrequire('../modules/es.promise.all');\nrequire('../modules/es.promise.catch');\nrequire('../modules/es.promise.race');\nrequire('../modules/es.promise.reject');\nrequire('../modules/es.promise.resolve');\n","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon cloud-upload-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M11 20H6.5Q4.22 20 2.61 18.43 1 16.85 1 14.58 1 12.63 2.17 11.1 3.35 9.57 5.25 9.15 5.88 6.85 7.75 5.43 9.63 4 12 4 14.93 4 16.96 6.04 19 8.07 19 11 20.73 11.2 21.86 12.5 23 13.78 23 15.5 23 17.38 21.69 18.69 20.38 20 18.5 20H13V12.85L14.6 14.4L16 13L12 9L8 13L9.4 14.4L11 12.85Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","
\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./CloudUpload.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./CloudUpload.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./CloudUpload.vue?vue&type=template&id=72d9e98c\"\nimport script from \"./CloudUpload.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./CloudUpload.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Cambodian [km]\n//! author : Kruy Vanna : https://github.com/kruyvanna\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var symbolMap = {\n 1: '១',\n 2: '២',\n 3: '៣',\n 4: '៤',\n 5: '៥',\n 6: '៦',\n 7: '៧',\n 8: '៨',\n 9: '៩',\n 0: '០',\n },\n numberMap = {\n '១': '1',\n '២': '2',\n '៣': '3',\n '៤': '4',\n '៥': '5',\n '៦': '6',\n '៧': '7',\n '៨': '8',\n '៩': '9',\n '០': '0',\n };\n\n var km = moment.defineLocale('km', {\n months: 'មករា_កុម្ភៈ_មីនា_មេសា_ឧសភា_មិថុនា_កក្កដា_សីហា_កញ្ញា_តុលា_វិច្ឆិកា_ធ្នូ'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort:\n 'មករា_កុម្ភៈ_មីនា_មេសា_ឧសភា_មិថុនា_កក្កដា_សីហា_កញ្ញា_តុលា_វិច្ឆិកា_ធ្នូ'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdays: 'អាទិត្យ_ច័ន្ទ_អង្គារ_ពុធ_ព្រហស្បតិ៍_សុក្រ_សៅរ៍'.split('_'),\n weekdaysShort: 'អា_ច_អ_ព_ព្រ_សុ_ស'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'អា_ច_អ_ព_ព្រ_សុ_ស'.split('_'),\n weekdaysParseExact: true,\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL: 'D MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n },\n meridiemParse: /ព្រឹក|ល្ងាច/,\n isPM: function (input) {\n return input === 'ល្ងាច';\n },\n meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {\n if (hour < 12) {\n return 'ព្រឹក';\n } else {\n return 'ល្ងាច';\n }\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[ថ្ងៃនេះ ម៉ោង] LT',\n nextDay: '[ស្អែក ម៉ោង] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [ម៉ោង] LT',\n lastDay: '[ម្សិលមិញ ម៉ោង] LT',\n lastWeek: 'dddd [សប្តាហ៍មុន] [ម៉ោង] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: '%sទៀត',\n past: '%sមុន',\n s: 'ប៉ុន្មានវិនាទី',\n ss: '%d វិនាទី',\n m: 'មួយនាទី',\n mm: '%d នាទី',\n h: 'មួយម៉ោង',\n hh: '%d ម៉ោង',\n d: 'មួយថ្ងៃ',\n dd: '%d ថ្ងៃ',\n M: 'មួយខែ',\n MM: '%d ខែ',\n y: 'មួយឆ្នាំ',\n yy: '%d ឆ្នាំ',\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /ទី\\d{1,2}/,\n ordinal: 'ទី%d',\n preparse: function (string) {\n return string.replace(/[១២៣៤៥៦៧៨៩០]/g, function (match) {\n return numberMap[match];\n });\n },\n postformat: function (string) {\n return string.replace(/\\d/g, function (match) {\n return symbolMap[match];\n });\n },\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return km;\n\n})));\n","var hasOwn = require('../internals/has-own-property');\nvar ownKeys = require('../internals/own-keys');\nvar getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor');\nvar definePropertyModule = require('../internals/object-define-property');\n\nmodule.exports = function (target, source, exceptions) {\n var keys = ownKeys(source);\n var defineProperty = definePropertyModule.f;\n var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f;\n for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n var key = keys[i];\n if (!hasOwn(target, key) && !(exceptions && hasOwn(exceptions, key))) {\n defineProperty(target, key, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));\n }\n }\n};\n","var classof = require('../internals/classof-raw');\n\n// `IsArray` abstract operation\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-isarray\n// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-array-isarray -- safe\nmodule.exports = Array.isArray || function isArray(argument) {\n return classof(argument) == 'Array';\n};\n","var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\nvar Iterators = require('../internals/iterators');\n\nvar ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator');\nvar ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype;\n\n// check on default Array iterator\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return it !== undefined && (Iterators.Array === it || ArrayPrototype[ITERATOR] === it);\n};\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START _config,_util_hostReportError PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport { config } from './config';\nimport { hostReportError } from './util/hostReportError';\nexport var empty = {\n closed: true,\n next: function (value) { },\n error: function (err) {\n if (config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling) {\n throw err;\n }\n else {\n hostReportError(err);\n }\n },\n complete: function () { }\n};\n//# sourceMappingURL=Observer.js.map\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START _Subscriber PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport { Subscriber } from '../Subscriber';\nexport function canReportError(observer) {\n while (observer) {\n var _a = observer, closed_1 = _a.closed, destination = _a.destination, isStopped = _a.isStopped;\n if (closed_1 || isStopped) {\n return false;\n }\n else if (destination && destination instanceof Subscriber) {\n observer = destination;\n }\n else {\n observer = null;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=canReportError.js.map\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START _Subscriber,_symbol_rxSubscriber,_Observer PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport { Subscriber } from '../Subscriber';\nimport { rxSubscriber as rxSubscriberSymbol } from '../symbol/rxSubscriber';\nimport { empty as emptyObserver } from '../Observer';\nexport function toSubscriber(nextOrObserver, error, complete) {\n if (nextOrObserver) {\n if (nextOrObserver instanceof Subscriber) {\n return nextOrObserver;\n }\n if (nextOrObserver[rxSubscriberSymbol]) {\n return nextOrObserver[rxSubscriberSymbol]();\n }\n }\n if (!nextOrObserver && !error && !complete) {\n return new Subscriber(emptyObserver);\n }\n return new Subscriber(nextOrObserver, error, complete);\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=toSubscriber.js.map\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START _identity PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport { identity } from './identity';\nexport function pipe() {\n var fns = [];\n for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n fns[_i] = arguments[_i];\n }\n return pipeFromArray(fns);\n}\nexport function pipeFromArray(fns) {\n if (fns.length === 0) {\n return identity;\n }\n if (fns.length === 1) {\n return fns[0];\n }\n return function piped(input) {\n return fns.reduce(function (prev, fn) { return fn(prev); }, input);\n };\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=pipe.js.map\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START _util_canReportError,_util_toSubscriber,_symbol_observable,_util_pipe,_config PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport { canReportError } from './util/canReportError';\nimport { toSubscriber } from './util/toSubscriber';\nimport { observable as Symbol_observable } from './symbol/observable';\nimport { pipeFromArray } from './util/pipe';\nimport { config } from './config';\nvar Observable = /*@__PURE__*/ (function () {\n function Observable(subscribe) {\n this._isScalar = false;\n if (subscribe) {\n this._subscribe = subscribe;\n }\n }\n Observable.prototype.lift = function (operator) {\n var observable = new Observable();\n observable.source = this;\n observable.operator = operator;\n return observable;\n };\n Observable.prototype.subscribe = function (observerOrNext, error, complete) {\n var operator = this.operator;\n var sink = toSubscriber(observerOrNext, error, complete);\n if (operator) {\n sink.add(operator.call(sink, this.source));\n }\n else {\n sink.add(this.source || (config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling && !sink.syncErrorThrowable) ?\n this._subscribe(sink) :\n this._trySubscribe(sink));\n }\n if (config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling) {\n if (sink.syncErrorThrowable) {\n sink.syncErrorThrowable = false;\n if (sink.syncErrorThrown) {\n throw sink.syncErrorValue;\n }\n }\n }\n return sink;\n };\n Observable.prototype._trySubscribe = function (sink) {\n try {\n return this._subscribe(sink);\n }\n catch (err) {\n if (config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling) {\n sink.syncErrorThrown = true;\n sink.syncErrorValue = err;\n }\n if (canReportError(sink)) {\n sink.error(err);\n }\n else {\n console.warn(err);\n }\n }\n };\n Observable.prototype.forEach = function (next, promiseCtor) {\n var _this = this;\n promiseCtor = getPromiseCtor(promiseCtor);\n return new promiseCtor(function (resolve, reject) {\n var subscription;\n subscription = _this.subscribe(function (value) {\n try {\n next(value);\n }\n catch (err) {\n reject(err);\n if (subscription) {\n subscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n }\n }, reject, resolve);\n });\n };\n Observable.prototype._subscribe = function (subscriber) {\n var source = this.source;\n return source && source.subscribe(subscriber);\n };\n Observable.prototype[Symbol_observable] = function () {\n return this;\n };\n Observable.prototype.pipe = function () {\n var operations = [];\n for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n operations[_i] = arguments[_i];\n }\n if (operations.length === 0) {\n return this;\n }\n return pipeFromArray(operations)(this);\n };\n Observable.prototype.toPromise = function (promiseCtor) {\n var _this = this;\n promiseCtor = getPromiseCtor(promiseCtor);\n return new promiseCtor(function (resolve, reject) {\n var value;\n _this.subscribe(function (x) { return value = x; }, function (err) { return reject(err); }, function () { return resolve(value); });\n });\n };\n Observable.create = function (subscribe) {\n return new Observable(subscribe);\n };\n return Observable;\n}());\nexport { Observable };\nfunction getPromiseCtor(promiseCtor) {\n if (!promiseCtor) {\n promiseCtor = config.Promise || Promise;\n }\n if (!promiseCtor) {\n throw new Error('no Promise impl found');\n }\n return promiseCtor;\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=Observable.js.map\n","'use strict';\nvar aSet = require('../internals/a-set');\nvar add = require('../internals/set-helpers').add;\nvar clone = require('../internals/set-clone');\nvar getSetRecord = require('../internals/get-set-record');\nvar iterateSimple = require('../internals/iterate-simple');\n\n// `Set.prototype.union` method\n// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-set-methods\nmodule.exports = function union(other) {\n var O = aSet(this);\n var keysIter = getSetRecord(other).getIterator();\n var result = clone(O);\n iterateSimple(keysIter, function (it) {\n add(result, it);\n });\n return result;\n};\n","var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar getBuiltIn = require('../internals/get-built-in');\nvar apply = require('../internals/function-apply');\nvar call = require('../internals/function-call');\nvar uncurryThis = require('../internals/function-uncurry-this');\nvar fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar isCallable = require('../internals/is-callable');\nvar isSymbol = require('../internals/is-symbol');\nvar arraySlice = require('../internals/array-slice');\nvar getReplacerFunction = require('../internals/get-json-replacer-function');\nvar NATIVE_SYMBOL = require('../internals/symbol-constructor-detection');\n\nvar $String = String;\nvar $stringify = getBuiltIn('JSON', 'stringify');\nvar exec = uncurryThis(/./.exec);\nvar charAt = uncurryThis(''.charAt);\nvar charCodeAt = uncurryThis(''.charCodeAt);\nvar replace = uncurryThis(''.replace);\nvar numberToString = uncurryThis(1.0.toString);\n\nvar tester = /[\\uD800-\\uDFFF]/g;\nvar low = /^[\\uD800-\\uDBFF]$/;\nvar hi = /^[\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]$/;\n\nvar WRONG_SYMBOLS_CONVERSION = !NATIVE_SYMBOL || fails(function () {\n var symbol = getBuiltIn('Symbol')();\n // MS Edge converts symbol values to JSON as {}\n return $stringify([symbol]) != '[null]'\n // WebKit converts symbol values to JSON as null\n || $stringify({ a: symbol }) != '{}'\n // V8 throws on boxed symbols\n || $stringify(Object(symbol)) != '{}';\n});\n\n// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-well-formed-stringify\nvar ILL_FORMED_UNICODE = fails(function () {\n return $stringify('\\uDF06\\uD834') !== '\"\\\\udf06\\\\ud834\"'\n || $stringify('\\uDEAD') !== '\"\\\\udead\"';\n});\n\nvar stringifyWithSymbolsFix = function (it, replacer) {\n var args = arraySlice(arguments);\n var $replacer = getReplacerFunction(replacer);\n if (!isCallable($replacer) && (it === undefined || isSymbol(it))) return; // IE8 returns string on undefined\n args[1] = function (key, value) {\n // some old implementations (like WebKit) could pass numbers as keys\n if (isCallable($replacer)) value = call($replacer, this, $String(key), value);\n if (!isSymbol(value)) return value;\n };\n return apply($stringify, null, args);\n};\n\nvar fixIllFormed = function (match, offset, string) {\n var prev = charAt(string, offset - 1);\n var next = charAt(string, offset + 1);\n if ((exec(low, match) && !exec(hi, next)) || (exec(hi, match) && !exec(low, prev))) {\n return '\\\\u' + numberToString(charCodeAt(match, 0), 16);\n } return match;\n};\n\nif ($stringify) {\n // `JSON.stringify` method\n // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-json.stringify\n $({ target: 'JSON', stat: true, arity: 3, forced: WRONG_SYMBOLS_CONVERSION || ILL_FORMED_UNICODE }, {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars -- required for `.length`\n stringify: function stringify(it, replacer, space) {\n var args = arraySlice(arguments);\n var result = apply(WRONG_SYMBOLS_CONVERSION ? stringifyWithSymbolsFix : $stringify, null, args);\n return ILL_FORMED_UNICODE && typeof result == 'string' ? replace(result, tester, fixIllFormed) : result;\n }\n });\n}\n","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon arrow-right-bold-box-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19M17,12L12,7V10H8V14H12V17L17,12Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","
\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./ArrowRightBoldBox.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./ArrowRightBoldBox.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./ArrowRightBoldBox.vue?vue&type=template&id=e0257a92\"\nimport script from \"./ArrowRightBoldBox.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./ArrowRightBoldBox.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","/** Used for built-in method references. */\nvar objectProto = Object.prototype;\n\n/**\n * Checks if `value` is likely a prototype object.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a prototype, else `false`.\n */\nfunction isPrototype(value) {\n var Ctor = value && value.constructor,\n proto = (typeof Ctor == 'function' && Ctor.prototype) || objectProto;\n\n return value === proto;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = isPrototype;\n","var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar isDisjointFrom = require('../internals/set-is-disjoint-from');\nvar setMethodAcceptSetLike = require('../internals/set-method-accept-set-like');\n\n// `Set.prototype.isDisjointFrom` method\n// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-set-methods\n$({ target: 'Set', proto: true, real: true, forced: !setMethodAcceptSetLike('isDisjointFrom') }, {\n isDisjointFrom: isDisjointFrom\n});\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START tslib,_Subscriber PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport * as tslib_1 from \"tslib\";\nimport { Subscriber } from '../Subscriber';\nexport function map(project, thisArg) {\n return function mapOperation(source) {\n if (typeof project !== 'function') {\n throw new TypeError('argument is not a function. Are you looking for `mapTo()`?');\n }\n return source.lift(new MapOperator(project, thisArg));\n };\n}\nvar MapOperator = /*@__PURE__*/ (function () {\n function MapOperator(project, thisArg) {\n this.project = project;\n this.thisArg = thisArg;\n }\n MapOperator.prototype.call = function (subscriber, source) {\n return source.subscribe(new MapSubscriber(subscriber, this.project, this.thisArg));\n };\n return MapOperator;\n}());\nexport { MapOperator };\nvar MapSubscriber = /*@__PURE__*/ (function (_super) {\n tslib_1.__extends(MapSubscriber, _super);\n function MapSubscriber(destination, project, thisArg) {\n var _this = _super.call(this, destination) || this;\n _this.project = project;\n _this.count = 0;\n _this.thisArg = thisArg || _this;\n return _this;\n }\n MapSubscriber.prototype._next = function (value) {\n var result;\n try {\n result = this.project.call(this.thisArg, value, this.count++);\n }\n catch (err) {\n this.destination.error(err);\n return;\n }\n this.destination.next(result);\n };\n return MapSubscriber;\n}(Subscriber));\n//# sourceMappingURL=map.js.map\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Malay [ms]\n//! author : Weldan Jamili : https://github.com/weldan\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var ms = moment.defineLocale('ms', {\n months: 'Januari_Februari_Mac_April_Mei_Jun_Julai_Ogos_September_Oktober_November_Disember'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mac_Apr_Mei_Jun_Jul_Ogs_Sep_Okt_Nov_Dis'.split('_'),\n weekdays: 'Ahad_Isnin_Selasa_Rabu_Khamis_Jumaat_Sabtu'.split('_'),\n weekdaysShort: 'Ahd_Isn_Sel_Rab_Kha_Jum_Sab'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'Ah_Is_Sl_Rb_Km_Jm_Sb'.split('_'),\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH.mm',\n LTS: 'HH.mm.ss',\n L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL: 'D MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY [pukul] HH.mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY [pukul] HH.mm',\n },\n meridiemParse: /pagi|tengahari|petang|malam/,\n meridiemHour: function (hour, meridiem) {\n if (hour === 12) {\n hour = 0;\n }\n if (meridiem === 'pagi') {\n return hour;\n } else if (meridiem === 'tengahari') {\n return hour >= 11 ? hour : hour + 12;\n } else if (meridiem === 'petang' || meridiem === 'malam') {\n return hour + 12;\n }\n },\n meridiem: function (hours, minutes, isLower) {\n if (hours < 11) {\n return 'pagi';\n } else if (hours < 15) {\n return 'tengahari';\n } else if (hours < 19) {\n return 'petang';\n } else {\n return 'malam';\n }\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[Hari ini pukul] LT',\n nextDay: '[Esok pukul] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [pukul] LT',\n lastDay: '[Kelmarin pukul] LT',\n lastWeek: 'dddd [lepas pukul] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'dalam %s',\n past: '%s yang lepas',\n s: 'beberapa saat',\n ss: '%d saat',\n m: 'seminit',\n mm: '%d minit',\n h: 'sejam',\n hh: '%d jam',\n d: 'sehari',\n dd: '%d hari',\n M: 'sebulan',\n MM: '%d bulan',\n y: 'setahun',\n yy: '%d tahun',\n },\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 7, // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return ms;\n\n})));\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Estonian [et]\n//! author : Henry Kehlmann : https://github.com/madhenry\n//! improvements : Illimar Tambek : https://github.com/ragulka\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n function processRelativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {\n var format = {\n s: ['mõne sekundi', 'mõni sekund', 'paar sekundit'],\n ss: [number + 'sekundi', number + 'sekundit'],\n m: ['ühe minuti', 'üks minut'],\n mm: [number + ' minuti', number + ' minutit'],\n h: ['ühe tunni', 'tund aega', 'üks tund'],\n hh: [number + ' tunni', number + ' tundi'],\n d: ['ühe päeva', 'üks päev'],\n M: ['kuu aja', 'kuu aega', 'üks kuu'],\n MM: [number + ' kuu', number + ' kuud'],\n y: ['ühe aasta', 'aasta', 'üks aasta'],\n yy: [number + ' aasta', number + ' aastat'],\n };\n if (withoutSuffix) {\n return format[key][2] ? format[key][2] : format[key][1];\n }\n return isFuture ? format[key][0] : format[key][1];\n }\n\n var et = moment.defineLocale('et', {\n months: 'jaanuar_veebruar_märts_aprill_mai_juuni_juuli_august_september_oktoober_november_detsember'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort:\n 'jaan_veebr_märts_apr_mai_juuni_juuli_aug_sept_okt_nov_dets'.split('_'),\n weekdays:\n 'pühapäev_esmaspäev_teisipäev_kolmapäev_neljapäev_reede_laupäev'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdaysShort: 'P_E_T_K_N_R_L'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'P_E_T_K_N_R_L'.split('_'),\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'H:mm',\n LTS: 'H:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',\n LL: 'D. MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY H:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[Täna,] LT',\n nextDay: '[Homme,] LT',\n nextWeek: '[Järgmine] dddd LT',\n lastDay: '[Eile,] LT',\n lastWeek: '[Eelmine] dddd LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: '%s pärast',\n past: '%s tagasi',\n s: processRelativeTime,\n ss: processRelativeTime,\n m: processRelativeTime,\n mm: processRelativeTime,\n h: processRelativeTime,\n hh: processRelativeTime,\n d: processRelativeTime,\n dd: '%d päeva',\n M: processRelativeTime,\n MM: processRelativeTime,\n y: processRelativeTime,\n yy: processRelativeTime,\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}\\./,\n ordinal: '%d.',\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return et;\n\n})));\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : English (India) [en-in]\n//! author : Jatin Agrawal : https://github.com/jatinag22\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var enIn = moment.defineLocale('en-in', {\n months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),\n weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'h:mm A',\n LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',\n L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL: 'D MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY h:mm A',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[Today at] LT',\n nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',\n lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',\n lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'in %s',\n past: '%s ago',\n s: 'a few seconds',\n ss: '%d seconds',\n m: 'a minute',\n mm: '%d minutes',\n h: 'an hour',\n hh: '%d hours',\n d: 'a day',\n dd: '%d days',\n M: 'a month',\n MM: '%d months',\n y: 'a year',\n yy: '%d years',\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,\n ordinal: function (number) {\n var b = number % 10,\n output =\n ~~((number % 100) / 10) === 1\n ? 'th'\n : b === 1\n ? 'st'\n : b === 2\n ? 'nd'\n : b === 3\n ? 'rd'\n : 'th';\n return number + output;\n },\n week: {\n dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 6, // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return enIn;\n\n})));\n","var arrayLikeKeys = require('./_arrayLikeKeys'),\n baseKeys = require('./_baseKeys'),\n isArrayLike = require('./isArrayLike');\n\n/**\n * Creates an array of the own enumerable property names of `object`.\n *\n * **Note:** Non-object values are coerced to objects. See the\n * [ES spec](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-object.keys)\n * for more details.\n *\n * @static\n * @since 0.1.0\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Object\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names.\n * @example\n *\n * function Foo() {\n * this.a = 1;\n * this.b = 2;\n * }\n *\n * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n *\n * _.keys(new Foo);\n * // => ['a', 'b'] (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n *\n * _.keys('hi');\n * // => ['0', '1']\n */\nfunction keys(object) {\n return isArrayLike(object) ? arrayLikeKeys(object) : baseKeys(object);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = keys;\n","/**\n * This function is like\n * [`Object.keys`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-object.keys)\n * except that it includes inherited enumerable properties.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names.\n */\nfunction nativeKeysIn(object) {\n var result = [];\n if (object != null) {\n for (var key in Object(object)) {\n result.push(key);\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = nativeKeysIn;\n","var setPrototypeOf = require(\"./setPrototypeOf.js\");\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) {\n if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\");\n }\n subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {\n constructor: {\n value: subClass,\n writable: true,\n configurable: true\n }\n });\n Object.defineProperty(subClass, \"prototype\", {\n writable: false\n });\n if (superClass) setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);\n}\nmodule.exports = _inherits, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Sinhalese [si]\n//! author : Sampath Sitinamaluwa : https://github.com/sampathsris\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n /*jshint -W100*/\n var si = moment.defineLocale('si', {\n months: 'ජනවාරි_පෙබරවාරි_මාර්තු_අප්රේල්_මැයි_ජූනි_ජූලි_අගෝස්තු_සැප්තැම්බර්_ඔක්තෝබර්_නොවැම්බර්_දෙසැම්බර්'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort: 'ජන_පෙබ_මාර්_අප්_මැයි_ජූනි_ජූලි_අගෝ_සැප්_ඔක්_නොවැ_දෙසැ'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdays:\n 'ඉරිදා_සඳුදා_අඟහරුවාදා_බදාදා_බ්රහස්පතින්දා_සිකුරාදා_සෙනසුරාදා'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdaysShort: 'ඉරි_සඳු_අඟ_බදා_බ්රහ_සිකු_සෙන'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'ඉ_ස_අ_බ_බ්ර_සි_සෙ'.split('_'),\n weekdaysParseExact: true,\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'a h:mm',\n LTS: 'a h:mm:ss',\n L: 'YYYY/MM/DD',\n LL: 'YYYY MMMM D',\n LLL: 'YYYY MMMM D, a h:mm',\n LLLL: 'YYYY MMMM D [වැනි] dddd, a h:mm:ss',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[අද] LT[ට]',\n nextDay: '[හෙට] LT[ට]',\n nextWeek: 'dddd LT[ට]',\n lastDay: '[ඊයේ] LT[ට]',\n lastWeek: '[පසුගිය] dddd LT[ට]',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: '%sකින්',\n past: '%sකට පෙර',\n s: 'තත්පර කිහිපය',\n ss: 'තත්පර %d',\n m: 'මිනිත්තුව',\n mm: 'මිනිත්තු %d',\n h: 'පැය',\n hh: 'පැය %d',\n d: 'දිනය',\n dd: 'දින %d',\n M: 'මාසය',\n MM: 'මාස %d',\n y: 'වසර',\n yy: 'වසර %d',\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2} වැනි/,\n ordinal: function (number) {\n return number + ' වැනි';\n },\n meridiemParse: /පෙර වරු|පස් වරු|පෙ.ව|ප.ව./,\n isPM: function (input) {\n return input === 'ප.ව.' || input === 'පස් වරු';\n },\n meridiem: function (hours, minutes, isLower) {\n if (hours > 11) {\n return isLower ? 'ප.ව.' : 'පස් වරු';\n } else {\n return isLower ? 'පෙ.ව.' : 'පෙර වරු';\n }\n },\n });\n\n return si;\n\n})));\n","var makeBuiltIn = require('../internals/make-built-in');\nvar defineProperty = require('../internals/object-define-property');\n\nmodule.exports = function (target, name, descriptor) {\n if (descriptor.get) makeBuiltIn(descriptor.get, name, { getter: true });\n if (descriptor.set) makeBuiltIn(descriptor.set, name, { setter: true });\n return defineProperty.f(target, name, descriptor);\n};\n","/**\n * Converts `map` to its key-value pairs.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} map The map to convert.\n * @returns {Array} Returns the key-value pairs.\n */\nfunction mapToArray(map) {\n var index = -1,\n result = Array(map.size);\n\n map.forEach(function(value, key) {\n result[++index] = [key, value];\n });\n return result;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = mapToArray;\n","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon receipt-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M3 22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.5 20.5L15 22L16.5 20.5L18 22L19.5 20.5L21 22V2L19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","
\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./Receipt.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./Receipt.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./Receipt.vue?vue&type=template&id=fb549662\"\nimport script from \"./Receipt.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./Receipt.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon arrow-down-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M11,4H13V16L18.5,10.5L19.92,11.92L12,19.84L4.08,11.92L5.5,10.5L11,16V4Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","
\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./ArrowDown.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./ArrowDown.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./ArrowDown.vue?vue&type=template&id=fb6e0974\"\nimport script from \"./ArrowDown.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./ArrowDown.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","var ListCache = require('./_ListCache');\n\n/**\n * Removes all key-value entries from the stack.\n *\n * @private\n * @name clear\n * @memberOf Stack\n */\nfunction stackClear() {\n this.__data__ = new ListCache;\n this.size = 0;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = stackClear;\n","var hasOwn = require('../internals/has-own-property');\nvar defineBuiltIn = require('../internals/define-built-in');\nvar dateToPrimitive = require('../internals/date-to-primitive');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\n\nvar TO_PRIMITIVE = wellKnownSymbol('toPrimitive');\nvar DatePrototype = Date.prototype;\n\n// `Date.prototype[@@toPrimitive]` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-date.prototype-@@toprimitive\nif (!hasOwn(DatePrototype, TO_PRIMITIVE)) {\n defineBuiltIn(DatePrototype, TO_PRIMITIVE, dateToPrimitive);\n}\n","'use strict';\nvar aCallable = require('../internals/a-callable');\n\nvar $TypeError = TypeError;\n\nvar PromiseCapability = function (C) {\n var resolve, reject;\n this.promise = new C(function ($$resolve, $$reject) {\n if (resolve !== undefined || reject !== undefined) throw $TypeError('Bad Promise constructor');\n resolve = $$resolve;\n reject = $$reject;\n });\n this.resolve = aCallable(resolve);\n this.reject = aCallable(reject);\n};\n\n// `NewPromiseCapability` abstract operation\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-newpromisecapability\nmodule.exports.f = function (C) {\n return new PromiseCapability(C);\n};\n","/**!\n * @fileOverview Kickass library to create and place poppers near their reference elements.\n * @version 1.16.1\n * @license\n * Copyright (c) 2016 Federico Zivolo and contributors\n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\n * copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\n * SOFTWARE.\n */\nvar isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof navigator !== 'undefined';\n\nvar timeoutDuration = function () {\n var longerTimeoutBrowsers = ['Edge', 'Trident', 'Firefox'];\n for (var i = 0; i < longerTimeoutBrowsers.length; i += 1) {\n if (isBrowser && navigator.userAgent.indexOf(longerTimeoutBrowsers[i]) >= 0) {\n return 1;\n }\n }\n return 0;\n}();\n\nfunction microtaskDebounce(fn) {\n var called = false;\n return function () {\n if (called) {\n return;\n }\n called = true;\n window.Promise.resolve().then(function () {\n called = false;\n fn();\n });\n };\n}\n\nfunction taskDebounce(fn) {\n var scheduled = false;\n return function () {\n if (!scheduled) {\n scheduled = true;\n setTimeout(function () {\n scheduled = false;\n fn();\n }, timeoutDuration);\n }\n };\n}\n\nvar supportsMicroTasks = isBrowser && window.Promise;\n\n/**\n* Create a debounced version of a method, that's asynchronously deferred\n* but called in the minimum time possible.\n*\n* @method\n* @memberof Popper.Utils\n* @argument {Function} fn\n* @returns {Function}\n*/\nvar debounce = supportsMicroTasks ? microtaskDebounce : taskDebounce;\n\n/**\n * Check if the given variable is a function\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Any} functionToCheck - variable to check\n * @returns {Boolean} answer to: is a function?\n */\nfunction isFunction(functionToCheck) {\n var getType = {};\n return functionToCheck && getType.toString.call(functionToCheck) === '[object Function]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Get CSS computed property of the given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Eement} element\n * @argument {String} property\n */\nfunction getStyleComputedProperty(element, property) {\n if (element.nodeType !== 1) {\n return [];\n }\n // NOTE: 1 DOM access here\n var window = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;\n var css = window.getComputedStyle(element, null);\n return property ? css[property] : css;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the parentNode or the host of the element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Element} parent\n */\nfunction getParentNode(element) {\n if (element.nodeName === 'HTML') {\n return element;\n }\n return element.parentNode || element.host;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the scrolling parent of the given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Element} scroll parent\n */\nfunction getScrollParent(element) {\n // Return body, `getScroll` will take care to get the correct `scrollTop` from it\n if (!element) {\n return document.body;\n }\n\n switch (element.nodeName) {\n case 'HTML':\n case 'BODY':\n return element.ownerDocument.body;\n case '#document':\n return element.body;\n }\n\n // Firefox want us to check `-x` and `-y` variations as well\n\n var _getStyleComputedProp = getStyleComputedProperty(element),\n overflow = _getStyleComputedProp.overflow,\n overflowX = _getStyleComputedProp.overflowX,\n overflowY = _getStyleComputedProp.overflowY;\n\n if (/(auto|scroll|overlay)/.test(overflow + overflowY + overflowX)) {\n return element;\n }\n\n return getScrollParent(getParentNode(element));\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the reference node of the reference object, or the reference object itself.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {Element|Object} reference - the reference element (the popper will be relative to this)\n * @returns {Element} parent\n */\nfunction getReferenceNode(reference) {\n return reference && reference.referenceNode ? reference.referenceNode : reference;\n}\n\nvar isIE11 = isBrowser && !!(window.MSInputMethodContext && document.documentMode);\nvar isIE10 = isBrowser && /MSIE 10/.test(navigator.userAgent);\n\n/**\n * Determines if the browser is Internet Explorer\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {Number} version to check\n * @returns {Boolean} isIE\n */\nfunction isIE(version) {\n if (version === 11) {\n return isIE11;\n }\n if (version === 10) {\n return isIE10;\n }\n return isIE11 || isIE10;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the offset parent of the given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Element} offset parent\n */\nfunction getOffsetParent(element) {\n if (!element) {\n return document.documentElement;\n }\n\n var noOffsetParent = isIE(10) ? document.body : null;\n\n // NOTE: 1 DOM access here\n var offsetParent = element.offsetParent || null;\n // Skip hidden elements which don't have an offsetParent\n while (offsetParent === noOffsetParent && element.nextElementSibling) {\n offsetParent = (element = element.nextElementSibling).offsetParent;\n }\n\n var nodeName = offsetParent && offsetParent.nodeName;\n\n if (!nodeName || nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {\n return element ? element.ownerDocument.documentElement : document.documentElement;\n }\n\n // .offsetParent will return the closest TH, TD or TABLE in case\n // no offsetParent is present, I hate this job...\n if (['TH', 'TD', 'TABLE'].indexOf(offsetParent.nodeName) !== -1 && getStyleComputedProperty(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static') {\n return getOffsetParent(offsetParent);\n }\n\n return offsetParent;\n}\n\nfunction isOffsetContainer(element) {\n var nodeName = element.nodeName;\n\n if (nodeName === 'BODY') {\n return false;\n }\n return nodeName === 'HTML' || getOffsetParent(element.firstElementChild) === element;\n}\n\n/**\n * Finds the root node (document, shadowDOM root) of the given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} node\n * @returns {Element} root node\n */\nfunction getRoot(node) {\n if (node.parentNode !== null) {\n return getRoot(node.parentNode);\n }\n\n return node;\n}\n\n/**\n * Finds the offset parent common to the two provided nodes\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element1\n * @argument {Element} element2\n * @returns {Element} common offset parent\n */\nfunction findCommonOffsetParent(element1, element2) {\n // This check is needed to avoid errors in case one of the elements isn't defined for any reason\n if (!element1 || !element1.nodeType || !element2 || !element2.nodeType) {\n return document.documentElement;\n }\n\n // Here we make sure to give as \"start\" the element that comes first in the DOM\n var order = element1.compareDocumentPosition(element2) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING;\n var start = order ? element1 : element2;\n var end = order ? element2 : element1;\n\n // Get common ancestor container\n var range = document.createRange();\n range.setStart(start, 0);\n range.setEnd(end, 0);\n var commonAncestorContainer = range.commonAncestorContainer;\n\n // Both nodes are inside #document\n\n if (element1 !== commonAncestorContainer && element2 !== commonAncestorContainer || start.contains(end)) {\n if (isOffsetContainer(commonAncestorContainer)) {\n return commonAncestorContainer;\n }\n\n return getOffsetParent(commonAncestorContainer);\n }\n\n // one of the nodes is inside shadowDOM, find which one\n var element1root = getRoot(element1);\n if (element1root.host) {\n return findCommonOffsetParent(element1root.host, element2);\n } else {\n return findCommonOffsetParent(element1, getRoot(element2).host);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Gets the scroll value of the given element in the given side (top and left)\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @argument {String} side `top` or `left`\n * @returns {number} amount of scrolled pixels\n */\nfunction getScroll(element) {\n var side = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'top';\n\n var upperSide = side === 'top' ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft';\n var nodeName = element.nodeName;\n\n if (nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {\n var html = element.ownerDocument.documentElement;\n var scrollingElement = element.ownerDocument.scrollingElement || html;\n return scrollingElement[upperSide];\n }\n\n return element[upperSide];\n}\n\n/*\n * Sum or subtract the element scroll values (left and top) from a given rect object\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {Object} rect - Rect object you want to change\n * @param {HTMLElement} element - The element from the function reads the scroll values\n * @param {Boolean} subtract - set to true if you want to subtract the scroll values\n * @return {Object} rect - The modifier rect object\n */\nfunction includeScroll(rect, element) {\n var subtract = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;\n\n var scrollTop = getScroll(element, 'top');\n var scrollLeft = getScroll(element, 'left');\n var modifier = subtract ? -1 : 1;\n rect.top += scrollTop * modifier;\n rect.bottom += scrollTop * modifier;\n rect.left += scrollLeft * modifier;\n rect.right += scrollLeft * modifier;\n return rect;\n}\n\n/*\n * Helper to detect borders of a given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} styles\n * Result of `getStyleComputedProperty` on the given element\n * @param {String} axis - `x` or `y`\n * @return {number} borders - The borders size of the given axis\n */\n\nfunction getBordersSize(styles, axis) {\n var sideA = axis === 'x' ? 'Left' : 'Top';\n var sideB = sideA === 'Left' ? 'Right' : 'Bottom';\n\n return parseFloat(styles['border' + sideA + 'Width']) + parseFloat(styles['border' + sideB + 'Width']);\n}\n\nfunction getSize(axis, body, html, computedStyle) {\n return Math.max(body['offset' + axis], body['scroll' + axis], html['client' + axis], html['offset' + axis], html['scroll' + axis], isIE(10) ? parseInt(html['offset' + axis]) + parseInt(computedStyle['margin' + (axis === 'Height' ? 'Top' : 'Left')]) + parseInt(computedStyle['margin' + (axis === 'Height' ? 'Bottom' : 'Right')]) : 0);\n}\n\nfunction getWindowSizes(document) {\n var body = document.body;\n var html = document.documentElement;\n var computedStyle = isIE(10) && getComputedStyle(html);\n\n return {\n height: getSize('Height', body, html, computedStyle),\n width: getSize('Width', body, html, computedStyle)\n };\n}\n\nvar classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) {\n if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\");\n }\n};\n\nvar createClass = function () {\n function defineProperties(target, props) {\n for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {\n var descriptor = props[i];\n descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;\n descriptor.configurable = true;\n if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;\n Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);\n }\n }\n\n return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {\n if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);\n if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);\n return Constructor;\n };\n}();\n\n\n\n\n\nvar defineProperty = function (obj, key, value) {\n if (key in obj) {\n Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {\n value: value,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true\n });\n } else {\n obj[key] = value;\n }\n\n return obj;\n};\n\nvar _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n var source = arguments[i];\n\n for (var key in source) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return target;\n};\n\n/**\n * Given element offsets, generate an output similar to getBoundingClientRect\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Object} offsets\n * @returns {Object} ClientRect like output\n */\nfunction getClientRect(offsets) {\n return _extends({}, offsets, {\n right: offsets.left + offsets.width,\n bottom: offsets.top + offsets.height\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Get bounding client rect of given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {HTMLElement} element\n * @return {Object} client rect\n */\nfunction getBoundingClientRect(element) {\n var rect = {};\n\n // IE10 10 FIX: Please, don't ask, the element isn't\n // considered in DOM in some circumstances...\n // This isn't reproducible in IE10 compatibility mode of IE11\n try {\n if (isIE(10)) {\n rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();\n var scrollTop = getScroll(element, 'top');\n var scrollLeft = getScroll(element, 'left');\n rect.top += scrollTop;\n rect.left += scrollLeft;\n rect.bottom += scrollTop;\n rect.right += scrollLeft;\n } else {\n rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n\n var result = {\n left: rect.left,\n top: rect.top,\n width: rect.right - rect.left,\n height: rect.bottom - rect.top\n };\n\n // subtract scrollbar size from sizes\n var sizes = element.nodeName === 'HTML' ? getWindowSizes(element.ownerDocument) : {};\n var width = sizes.width || element.clientWidth || result.width;\n var height = sizes.height || element.clientHeight || result.height;\n\n var horizScrollbar = element.offsetWidth - width;\n var vertScrollbar = element.offsetHeight - height;\n\n // if an hypothetical scrollbar is detected, we must be sure it's not a `border`\n // we make this check conditional for performance reasons\n if (horizScrollbar || vertScrollbar) {\n var styles = getStyleComputedProperty(element);\n horizScrollbar -= getBordersSize(styles, 'x');\n vertScrollbar -= getBordersSize(styles, 'y');\n\n result.width -= horizScrollbar;\n result.height -= vertScrollbar;\n }\n\n return getClientRect(result);\n}\n\nfunction getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(children, parent) {\n var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;\n\n var isIE10 = isIE(10);\n var isHTML = parent.nodeName === 'HTML';\n var childrenRect = getBoundingClientRect(children);\n var parentRect = getBoundingClientRect(parent);\n var scrollParent = getScrollParent(children);\n\n var styles = getStyleComputedProperty(parent);\n var borderTopWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderTopWidth);\n var borderLeftWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderLeftWidth);\n\n // In cases where the parent is fixed, we must ignore negative scroll in offset calc\n if (fixedPosition && isHTML) {\n parentRect.top = Math.max(parentRect.top, 0);\n parentRect.left = Math.max(parentRect.left, 0);\n }\n var offsets = getClientRect({\n top: childrenRect.top - parentRect.top - borderTopWidth,\n left: childrenRect.left - parentRect.left - borderLeftWidth,\n width: childrenRect.width,\n height: childrenRect.height\n });\n offsets.marginTop = 0;\n offsets.marginLeft = 0;\n\n // Subtract margins of documentElement in case it's being used as parent\n // we do this only on HTML because it's the only element that behaves\n // differently when margins are applied to it. The margins are included in\n // the box of the documentElement, in the other cases not.\n if (!isIE10 && isHTML) {\n var marginTop = parseFloat(styles.marginTop);\n var marginLeft = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft);\n\n offsets.top -= borderTopWidth - marginTop;\n offsets.bottom -= borderTopWidth - marginTop;\n offsets.left -= borderLeftWidth - marginLeft;\n offsets.right -= borderLeftWidth - marginLeft;\n\n // Attach marginTop and marginLeft because in some circumstances we may need them\n offsets.marginTop = marginTop;\n offsets.marginLeft = marginLeft;\n }\n\n if (isIE10 && !fixedPosition ? parent.contains(scrollParent) : parent === scrollParent && scrollParent.nodeName !== 'BODY') {\n offsets = includeScroll(offsets, parent);\n }\n\n return offsets;\n}\n\nfunction getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode(element) {\n var excludeScroll = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n\n var html = element.ownerDocument.documentElement;\n var relativeOffset = getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(element, html);\n var width = Math.max(html.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);\n var height = Math.max(html.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);\n\n var scrollTop = !excludeScroll ? getScroll(html) : 0;\n var scrollLeft = !excludeScroll ? getScroll(html, 'left') : 0;\n\n var offset = {\n top: scrollTop - relativeOffset.top + relativeOffset.marginTop,\n left: scrollLeft - relativeOffset.left + relativeOffset.marginLeft,\n width: width,\n height: height\n };\n\n return getClientRect(offset);\n}\n\n/**\n * Check if the given element is fixed or is inside a fixed parent\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @argument {Element} customContainer\n * @returns {Boolean} answer to \"isFixed?\"\n */\nfunction isFixed(element) {\n var nodeName = element.nodeName;\n if (nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {\n return false;\n }\n if (getStyleComputedProperty(element, 'position') === 'fixed') {\n return true;\n }\n var parentNode = getParentNode(element);\n if (!parentNode) {\n return false;\n }\n return isFixed(parentNode);\n}\n\n/**\n * Finds the first parent of an element that has a transformed property defined\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Element} first transformed parent or documentElement\n */\n\nfunction getFixedPositionOffsetParent(element) {\n // This check is needed to avoid errors in case one of the elements isn't defined for any reason\n if (!element || !element.parentElement || isIE()) {\n return document.documentElement;\n }\n var el = element.parentElement;\n while (el && getStyleComputedProperty(el, 'transform') === 'none') {\n el = el.parentElement;\n }\n return el || document.documentElement;\n}\n\n/**\n * Computed the boundaries limits and return them\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {HTMLElement} popper\n * @param {HTMLElement} reference\n * @param {number} padding\n * @param {HTMLElement} boundariesElement - Element used to define the boundaries\n * @param {Boolean} fixedPosition - Is in fixed position mode\n * @returns {Object} Coordinates of the boundaries\n */\nfunction getBoundaries(popper, reference, padding, boundariesElement) {\n var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : false;\n\n // NOTE: 1 DOM access here\n\n var boundaries = { top: 0, left: 0 };\n var offsetParent = fixedPosition ? getFixedPositionOffsetParent(popper) : findCommonOffsetParent(popper, getReferenceNode(reference));\n\n // Handle viewport case\n if (boundariesElement === 'viewport') {\n boundaries = getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode(offsetParent, fixedPosition);\n } else {\n // Handle other cases based on DOM element used as boundaries\n var boundariesNode = void 0;\n if (boundariesElement === 'scrollParent') {\n boundariesNode = getScrollParent(getParentNode(reference));\n if (boundariesNode.nodeName === 'BODY') {\n boundariesNode = popper.ownerDocument.documentElement;\n }\n } else if (boundariesElement === 'window') {\n boundariesNode = popper.ownerDocument.documentElement;\n } else {\n boundariesNode = boundariesElement;\n }\n\n var offsets = getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(boundariesNode, offsetParent, fixedPosition);\n\n // In case of HTML, we need a different computation\n if (boundariesNode.nodeName === 'HTML' && !isFixed(offsetParent)) {\n var _getWindowSizes = getWindowSizes(popper.ownerDocument),\n height = _getWindowSizes.height,\n width = _getWindowSizes.width;\n\n boundaries.top += offsets.top - offsets.marginTop;\n boundaries.bottom = height + offsets.top;\n boundaries.left += offsets.left - offsets.marginLeft;\n boundaries.right = width + offsets.left;\n } else {\n // for all the other DOM elements, this one is good\n boundaries = offsets;\n }\n }\n\n // Add paddings\n padding = padding || 0;\n var isPaddingNumber = typeof padding === 'number';\n boundaries.left += isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.left || 0;\n boundaries.top += isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.top || 0;\n boundaries.right -= isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.right || 0;\n boundaries.bottom -= isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.bottom || 0;\n\n return boundaries;\n}\n\nfunction getArea(_ref) {\n var width = _ref.width,\n height = _ref.height;\n\n return width * height;\n}\n\n/**\n * Utility used to transform the `auto` placement to the placement with more\n * available space.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction computeAutoPlacement(placement, refRect, popper, reference, boundariesElement) {\n var padding = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : 0;\n\n if (placement.indexOf('auto') === -1) {\n return placement;\n }\n\n var boundaries = getBoundaries(popper, reference, padding, boundariesElement);\n\n var rects = {\n top: {\n width: boundaries.width,\n height: refRect.top - boundaries.top\n },\n right: {\n width: boundaries.right - refRect.right,\n height: boundaries.height\n },\n bottom: {\n width: boundaries.width,\n height: boundaries.bottom - refRect.bottom\n },\n left: {\n width: refRect.left - boundaries.left,\n height: boundaries.height\n }\n };\n\n var sortedAreas = Object.keys(rects).map(function (key) {\n return _extends({\n key: key\n }, rects[key], {\n area: getArea(rects[key])\n });\n }).sort(function (a, b) {\n return b.area - a.area;\n });\n\n var filteredAreas = sortedAreas.filter(function (_ref2) {\n var width = _ref2.width,\n height = _ref2.height;\n return width >= popper.clientWidth && height >= popper.clientHeight;\n });\n\n var computedPlacement = filteredAreas.length > 0 ? filteredAreas[0].key : sortedAreas[0].key;\n\n var variation = placement.split('-')[1];\n\n return computedPlacement + (variation ? '-' + variation : '');\n}\n\n/**\n * Get offsets to the reference element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {Object} state\n * @param {Element} popper - the popper element\n * @param {Element} reference - the reference element (the popper will be relative to this)\n * @param {Element} fixedPosition - is in fixed position mode\n * @returns {Object} An object containing the offsets which will be applied to the popper\n */\nfunction getReferenceOffsets(state, popper, reference) {\n var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null;\n\n var commonOffsetParent = fixedPosition ? getFixedPositionOffsetParent(popper) : findCommonOffsetParent(popper, getReferenceNode(reference));\n return getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(reference, commonOffsetParent, fixedPosition);\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the outer sizes of the given element (offset size + margins)\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Object} object containing width and height properties\n */\nfunction getOuterSizes(element) {\n var window = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;\n var styles = window.getComputedStyle(element);\n var x = parseFloat(styles.marginTop || 0) + parseFloat(styles.marginBottom || 0);\n var y = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft || 0) + parseFloat(styles.marginRight || 0);\n var result = {\n width: element.offsetWidth + y,\n height: element.offsetHeight + x\n };\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the opposite placement of the given one\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {String} placement\n * @returns {String} flipped placement\n */\nfunction getOppositePlacement(placement) {\n var hash = { left: 'right', right: 'left', bottom: 'top', top: 'bottom' };\n return placement.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, function (matched) {\n return hash[matched];\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Get offsets to the popper\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {Object} position - CSS position the Popper will get applied\n * @param {HTMLElement} popper - the popper element\n * @param {Object} referenceOffsets - the reference offsets (the popper will be relative to this)\n * @param {String} placement - one of the valid placement options\n * @returns {Object} popperOffsets - An object containing the offsets which will be applied to the popper\n */\nfunction getPopperOffsets(popper, referenceOffsets, placement) {\n placement = placement.split('-')[0];\n\n // Get popper node sizes\n var popperRect = getOuterSizes(popper);\n\n // Add position, width and height to our offsets object\n var popperOffsets = {\n width: popperRect.width,\n height: popperRect.height\n };\n\n // depending by the popper placement we have to compute its offsets slightly differently\n var isHoriz = ['right', 'left'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;\n var mainSide = isHoriz ? 'top' : 'left';\n var secondarySide = isHoriz ? 'left' : 'top';\n var measurement = isHoriz ? 'height' : 'width';\n var secondaryMeasurement = !isHoriz ? 'height' : 'width';\n\n popperOffsets[mainSide] = referenceOffsets[mainSide] + referenceOffsets[measurement] / 2 - popperRect[measurement] / 2;\n if (placement === secondarySide) {\n popperOffsets[secondarySide] = referenceOffsets[secondarySide] - popperRect[secondaryMeasurement];\n } else {\n popperOffsets[secondarySide] = referenceOffsets[getOppositePlacement(secondarySide)];\n }\n\n return popperOffsets;\n}\n\n/**\n * Mimics the `find` method of Array\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Array} arr\n * @argument prop\n * @argument value\n * @returns index or -1\n */\nfunction find(arr, check) {\n // use native find if supported\n if (Array.prototype.find) {\n return arr.find(check);\n }\n\n // use `filter` to obtain the same behavior of `find`\n return arr.filter(check)[0];\n}\n\n/**\n * Return the index of the matching object\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Array} arr\n * @argument prop\n * @argument value\n * @returns index or -1\n */\nfunction findIndex(arr, prop, value) {\n // use native findIndex if supported\n if (Array.prototype.findIndex) {\n return arr.findIndex(function (cur) {\n return cur[prop] === value;\n });\n }\n\n // use `find` + `indexOf` if `findIndex` isn't supported\n var match = find(arr, function (obj) {\n return obj[prop] === value;\n });\n return arr.indexOf(match);\n}\n\n/**\n * Loop trough the list of modifiers and run them in order,\n * each of them will then edit the data object.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {dataObject} data\n * @param {Array} modifiers\n * @param {String} ends - Optional modifier name used as stopper\n * @returns {dataObject}\n */\nfunction runModifiers(modifiers, data, ends) {\n var modifiersToRun = ends === undefined ? modifiers : modifiers.slice(0, findIndex(modifiers, 'name', ends));\n\n modifiersToRun.forEach(function (modifier) {\n if (modifier['function']) {\n // eslint-disable-line dot-notation\n console.warn('`modifier.function` is deprecated, use `modifier.fn`!');\n }\n var fn = modifier['function'] || modifier.fn; // eslint-disable-line dot-notation\n if (modifier.enabled && isFunction(fn)) {\n // Add properties to offsets to make them a complete clientRect object\n // we do this before each modifier to make sure the previous one doesn't\n // mess with these values\n data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(data.offsets.popper);\n data.offsets.reference = getClientRect(data.offsets.reference);\n\n data = fn(data, modifier);\n }\n });\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Updates the position of the popper, computing the new offsets and applying\n * the new style.
\n * Prefer `scheduleUpdate` over `update` because of performance reasons.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nfunction update() {\n // if popper is destroyed, don't perform any further update\n if (this.state.isDestroyed) {\n return;\n }\n\n var data = {\n instance: this,\n styles: {},\n arrowStyles: {},\n attributes: {},\n flipped: false,\n offsets: {}\n };\n\n // compute reference element offsets\n data.offsets.reference = getReferenceOffsets(this.state, this.popper, this.reference, this.options.positionFixed);\n\n // compute auto placement, store placement inside the data object,\n // modifiers will be able to edit `placement` if needed\n // and refer to originalPlacement to know the original value\n data.placement = computeAutoPlacement(this.options.placement, data.offsets.reference, this.popper, this.reference, this.options.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement, this.options.modifiers.flip.padding);\n\n // store the computed placement inside `originalPlacement`\n data.originalPlacement = data.placement;\n\n data.positionFixed = this.options.positionFixed;\n\n // compute the popper offsets\n data.offsets.popper = getPopperOffsets(this.popper, data.offsets.reference, data.placement);\n\n data.offsets.popper.position = this.options.positionFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute';\n\n // run the modifiers\n data = runModifiers(this.modifiers, data);\n\n // the first `update` will call `onCreate` callback\n // the other ones will call `onUpdate` callback\n if (!this.state.isCreated) {\n this.state.isCreated = true;\n this.options.onCreate(data);\n } else {\n this.options.onUpdate(data);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Helper used to know if the given modifier is enabled.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @returns {Boolean}\n */\nfunction isModifierEnabled(modifiers, modifierName) {\n return modifiers.some(function (_ref) {\n var name = _ref.name,\n enabled = _ref.enabled;\n return enabled && name === modifierName;\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the prefixed supported property name\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {String} property (camelCase)\n * @returns {String} prefixed property (camelCase or PascalCase, depending on the vendor prefix)\n */\nfunction getSupportedPropertyName(property) {\n var prefixes = [false, 'ms', 'Webkit', 'Moz', 'O'];\n var upperProp = property.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + property.slice(1);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {\n var prefix = prefixes[i];\n var toCheck = prefix ? '' + prefix + upperProp : property;\n if (typeof document.body.style[toCheck] !== 'undefined') {\n return toCheck;\n }\n }\n return null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Destroys the popper.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nfunction destroy() {\n this.state.isDestroyed = true;\n\n // touch DOM only if `applyStyle` modifier is enabled\n if (isModifierEnabled(this.modifiers, 'applyStyle')) {\n this.popper.removeAttribute('x-placement');\n this.popper.style.position = '';\n this.popper.style.top = '';\n this.popper.style.left = '';\n this.popper.style.right = '';\n this.popper.style.bottom = '';\n this.popper.style.willChange = '';\n this.popper.style[getSupportedPropertyName('transform')] = '';\n }\n\n this.disableEventListeners();\n\n // remove the popper if user explicitly asked for the deletion on destroy\n // do not use `remove` because IE11 doesn't support it\n if (this.options.removeOnDestroy) {\n this.popper.parentNode.removeChild(this.popper);\n }\n return this;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the window associated with the element\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Window}\n */\nfunction getWindow(element) {\n var ownerDocument = element.ownerDocument;\n return ownerDocument ? ownerDocument.defaultView : window;\n}\n\nfunction attachToScrollParents(scrollParent, event, callback, scrollParents) {\n var isBody = scrollParent.nodeName === 'BODY';\n var target = isBody ? scrollParent.ownerDocument.defaultView : scrollParent;\n target.addEventListener(event, callback, { passive: true });\n\n if (!isBody) {\n attachToScrollParents(getScrollParent(target.parentNode), event, callback, scrollParents);\n }\n scrollParents.push(target);\n}\n\n/**\n * Setup needed event listeners used to update the popper position\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @private\n */\nfunction setupEventListeners(reference, options, state, updateBound) {\n // Resize event listener on window\n state.updateBound = updateBound;\n getWindow(reference).addEventListener('resize', state.updateBound, { passive: true });\n\n // Scroll event listener on scroll parents\n var scrollElement = getScrollParent(reference);\n attachToScrollParents(scrollElement, 'scroll', state.updateBound, state.scrollParents);\n state.scrollElement = scrollElement;\n state.eventsEnabled = true;\n\n return state;\n}\n\n/**\n * It will add resize/scroll events and start recalculating\n * position of the popper element when they are triggered.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nfunction enableEventListeners() {\n if (!this.state.eventsEnabled) {\n this.state = setupEventListeners(this.reference, this.options, this.state, this.scheduleUpdate);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove event listeners used to update the popper position\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @private\n */\nfunction removeEventListeners(reference, state) {\n // Remove resize event listener on window\n getWindow(reference).removeEventListener('resize', state.updateBound);\n\n // Remove scroll event listener on scroll parents\n state.scrollParents.forEach(function (target) {\n target.removeEventListener('scroll', state.updateBound);\n });\n\n // Reset state\n state.updateBound = null;\n state.scrollParents = [];\n state.scrollElement = null;\n state.eventsEnabled = false;\n return state;\n}\n\n/**\n * It will remove resize/scroll events and won't recalculate popper position\n * when they are triggered. It also won't trigger `onUpdate` callback anymore,\n * unless you call `update` method manually.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nfunction disableEventListeners() {\n if (this.state.eventsEnabled) {\n cancelAnimationFrame(this.scheduleUpdate);\n this.state = removeEventListeners(this.reference, this.state);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Tells if a given input is a number\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {*} input to check\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\nfunction isNumeric(n) {\n return n !== '' && !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the style to the given popper\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element - Element to apply the style to\n * @argument {Object} styles\n * Object with a list of properties and values which will be applied to the element\n */\nfunction setStyles(element, styles) {\n Object.keys(styles).forEach(function (prop) {\n var unit = '';\n // add unit if the value is numeric and is one of the following\n if (['width', 'height', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'].indexOf(prop) !== -1 && isNumeric(styles[prop])) {\n unit = 'px';\n }\n element.style[prop] = styles[prop] + unit;\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the attributes to the given popper\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element - Element to apply the attributes to\n * @argument {Object} styles\n * Object with a list of properties and values which will be applied to the element\n */\nfunction setAttributes(element, attributes) {\n Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (prop) {\n var value = attributes[prop];\n if (value !== false) {\n element.setAttribute(prop, attributes[prop]);\n } else {\n element.removeAttribute(prop);\n }\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} data.styles - List of style properties - values to apply to popper element\n * @argument {Object} data.attributes - List of attribute properties - values to apply to popper element\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The same data object\n */\nfunction applyStyle(data) {\n // any property present in `data.styles` will be applied to the popper,\n // in this way we can make the 3rd party modifiers add custom styles to it\n // Be aware, modifiers could override the properties defined in the previous\n // lines of this modifier!\n setStyles(data.instance.popper, data.styles);\n\n // any property present in `data.attributes` will be applied to the popper,\n // they will be set as HTML attributes of the element\n setAttributes(data.instance.popper, data.attributes);\n\n // if arrowElement is defined and arrowStyles has some properties\n if (data.arrowElement && Object.keys(data.arrowStyles).length) {\n setStyles(data.arrowElement, data.arrowStyles);\n }\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the x-placement attribute before everything else because it could be used\n * to add margins to the popper margins needs to be calculated to get the\n * correct popper offsets.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.modifiers\n * @param {HTMLElement} reference - The reference element used to position the popper\n * @param {HTMLElement} popper - The HTML element used as popper\n * @param {Object} options - Popper.js options\n */\nfunction applyStyleOnLoad(reference, popper, options, modifierOptions, state) {\n // compute reference element offsets\n var referenceOffsets = getReferenceOffsets(state, popper, reference, options.positionFixed);\n\n // compute auto placement, store placement inside the data object,\n // modifiers will be able to edit `placement` if needed\n // and refer to originalPlacement to know the original value\n var placement = computeAutoPlacement(options.placement, referenceOffsets, popper, reference, options.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement, options.modifiers.flip.padding);\n\n popper.setAttribute('x-placement', placement);\n\n // Apply `position` to popper before anything else because\n // without the position applied we can't guarantee correct computations\n setStyles(popper, { position: options.positionFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute' });\n\n return options;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Boolean} shouldRound - If the offsets should be rounded at all\n * @returns {Object} The popper's position offsets rounded\n *\n * The tale of pixel-perfect positioning. It's still not 100% perfect, but as\n * good as it can be within reason.\n * Discussion here: https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js/pull/715\n *\n * Low DPI screens cause a popper to be blurry if not using full pixels (Safari\n * as well on High DPI screens).\n *\n * Firefox prefers no rounding for positioning and does not have blurriness on\n * high DPI screens.\n *\n * Only horizontal placement and left/right values need to be considered.\n */\nfunction getRoundedOffsets(data, shouldRound) {\n var _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference;\n var round = Math.round,\n floor = Math.floor;\n\n var noRound = function noRound(v) {\n return v;\n };\n\n var referenceWidth = round(reference.width);\n var popperWidth = round(popper.width);\n\n var isVertical = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(data.placement) !== -1;\n var isVariation = data.placement.indexOf('-') !== -1;\n var sameWidthParity = referenceWidth % 2 === popperWidth % 2;\n var bothOddWidth = referenceWidth % 2 === 1 && popperWidth % 2 === 1;\n\n var horizontalToInteger = !shouldRound ? noRound : isVertical || isVariation || sameWidthParity ? round : floor;\n var verticalToInteger = !shouldRound ? noRound : round;\n\n return {\n left: horizontalToInteger(bothOddWidth && !isVariation && shouldRound ? popper.left - 1 : popper.left),\n top: verticalToInteger(popper.top),\n bottom: verticalToInteger(popper.bottom),\n right: horizontalToInteger(popper.right)\n };\n}\n\nvar isFirefox = isBrowser && /Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent);\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction computeStyle(data, options) {\n var x = options.x,\n y = options.y;\n var popper = data.offsets.popper;\n\n // Remove this legacy support in Popper.js v2\n\n var legacyGpuAccelerationOption = find(data.instance.modifiers, function (modifier) {\n return modifier.name === 'applyStyle';\n }).gpuAcceleration;\n if (legacyGpuAccelerationOption !== undefined) {\n console.warn('WARNING: `gpuAcceleration` option moved to `computeStyle` modifier and will not be supported in future versions of Popper.js!');\n }\n var gpuAcceleration = legacyGpuAccelerationOption !== undefined ? legacyGpuAccelerationOption : options.gpuAcceleration;\n\n var offsetParent = getOffsetParent(data.instance.popper);\n var offsetParentRect = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent);\n\n // Styles\n var styles = {\n position: popper.position\n };\n\n var offsets = getRoundedOffsets(data, window.devicePixelRatio < 2 || !isFirefox);\n\n var sideA = x === 'bottom' ? 'top' : 'bottom';\n var sideB = y === 'right' ? 'left' : 'right';\n\n // if gpuAcceleration is set to `true` and transform is supported,\n // we use `translate3d` to apply the position to the popper we\n // automatically use the supported prefixed version if needed\n var prefixedProperty = getSupportedPropertyName('transform');\n\n // now, let's make a step back and look at this code closely (wtf?)\n // If the content of the popper grows once it's been positioned, it\n // may happen that the popper gets misplaced because of the new content\n // overflowing its reference element\n // To avoid this problem, we provide two options (x and y), which allow\n // the consumer to define the offset origin.\n // If we position a popper on top of a reference element, we can set\n // `x` to `top` to make the popper grow towards its top instead of\n // its bottom.\n var left = void 0,\n top = void 0;\n if (sideA === 'bottom') {\n // when offsetParent is the positioning is relative to the bottom of the screen (excluding the scrollbar)\n // and not the bottom of the html element\n if (offsetParent.nodeName === 'HTML') {\n top = -offsetParent.clientHeight + offsets.bottom;\n } else {\n top = -offsetParentRect.height + offsets.bottom;\n }\n } else {\n top = offsets.top;\n }\n if (sideB === 'right') {\n if (offsetParent.nodeName === 'HTML') {\n left = -offsetParent.clientWidth + offsets.right;\n } else {\n left = -offsetParentRect.width + offsets.right;\n }\n } else {\n left = offsets.left;\n }\n if (gpuAcceleration && prefixedProperty) {\n styles[prefixedProperty] = 'translate3d(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px, 0)';\n styles[sideA] = 0;\n styles[sideB] = 0;\n styles.willChange = 'transform';\n } else {\n // othwerise, we use the standard `top`, `left`, `bottom` and `right` properties\n var invertTop = sideA === 'bottom' ? -1 : 1;\n var invertLeft = sideB === 'right' ? -1 : 1;\n styles[sideA] = top * invertTop;\n styles[sideB] = left * invertLeft;\n styles.willChange = sideA + ', ' + sideB;\n }\n\n // Attributes\n var attributes = {\n 'x-placement': data.placement\n };\n\n // Update `data` attributes, styles and arrowStyles\n data.attributes = _extends({}, attributes, data.attributes);\n data.styles = _extends({}, styles, data.styles);\n data.arrowStyles = _extends({}, data.offsets.arrow, data.arrowStyles);\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Helper used to know if the given modifier depends from another one.
\n * It checks if the needed modifier is listed and enabled.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {Array} modifiers - list of modifiers\n * @param {String} requestingName - name of requesting modifier\n * @param {String} requestedName - name of requested modifier\n * @returns {Boolean}\n */\nfunction isModifierRequired(modifiers, requestingName, requestedName) {\n var requesting = find(modifiers, function (_ref) {\n var name = _ref.name;\n return name === requestingName;\n });\n\n var isRequired = !!requesting && modifiers.some(function (modifier) {\n return modifier.name === requestedName && modifier.enabled && modifier.order < requesting.order;\n });\n\n if (!isRequired) {\n var _requesting = '`' + requestingName + '`';\n var requested = '`' + requestedName + '`';\n console.warn(requested + ' modifier is required by ' + _requesting + ' modifier in order to work, be sure to include it before ' + _requesting + '!');\n }\n return isRequired;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction arrow(data, options) {\n var _data$offsets$arrow;\n\n // arrow depends on keepTogether in order to work\n if (!isModifierRequired(data.instance.modifiers, 'arrow', 'keepTogether')) {\n return data;\n }\n\n var arrowElement = options.element;\n\n // if arrowElement is a string, suppose it's a CSS selector\n if (typeof arrowElement === 'string') {\n arrowElement = data.instance.popper.querySelector(arrowElement);\n\n // if arrowElement is not found, don't run the modifier\n if (!arrowElement) {\n return data;\n }\n } else {\n // if the arrowElement isn't a query selector we must check that the\n // provided DOM node is child of its popper node\n if (!data.instance.popper.contains(arrowElement)) {\n console.warn('WARNING: `arrow.element` must be child of its popper element!');\n return data;\n }\n }\n\n var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];\n var _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference;\n\n var isVertical = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;\n\n var len = isVertical ? 'height' : 'width';\n var sideCapitalized = isVertical ? 'Top' : 'Left';\n var side = sideCapitalized.toLowerCase();\n var altSide = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';\n var opSide = isVertical ? 'bottom' : 'right';\n var arrowElementSize = getOuterSizes(arrowElement)[len];\n\n //\n // extends keepTogether behavior making sure the popper and its\n // reference have enough pixels in conjunction\n //\n\n // top/left side\n if (reference[opSide] - arrowElementSize < popper[side]) {\n data.offsets.popper[side] -= popper[side] - (reference[opSide] - arrowElementSize);\n }\n // bottom/right side\n if (reference[side] + arrowElementSize > popper[opSide]) {\n data.offsets.popper[side] += reference[side] + arrowElementSize - popper[opSide];\n }\n data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(data.offsets.popper);\n\n // compute center of the popper\n var center = reference[side] + reference[len] / 2 - arrowElementSize / 2;\n\n // Compute the sideValue using the updated popper offsets\n // take popper margin in account because we don't have this info available\n var css = getStyleComputedProperty(data.instance.popper);\n var popperMarginSide = parseFloat(css['margin' + sideCapitalized]);\n var popperBorderSide = parseFloat(css['border' + sideCapitalized + 'Width']);\n var sideValue = center - data.offsets.popper[side] - popperMarginSide - popperBorderSide;\n\n // prevent arrowElement from being placed not contiguously to its popper\n sideValue = Math.max(Math.min(popper[len] - arrowElementSize, sideValue), 0);\n\n data.arrowElement = arrowElement;\n data.offsets.arrow = (_data$offsets$arrow = {}, defineProperty(_data$offsets$arrow, side, Math.round(sideValue)), defineProperty(_data$offsets$arrow, altSide, ''), _data$offsets$arrow);\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the opposite placement variation of the given one\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {String} placement variation\n * @returns {String} flipped placement variation\n */\nfunction getOppositeVariation(variation) {\n if (variation === 'end') {\n return 'start';\n } else if (variation === 'start') {\n return 'end';\n }\n return variation;\n}\n\n/**\n * List of accepted placements to use as values of the `placement` option.
\n * Valid placements are:\n * - `auto`\n * - `top`\n * - `right`\n * - `bottom`\n * - `left`\n *\n * Each placement can have a variation from this list:\n * - `-start`\n * - `-end`\n *\n * Variations are interpreted easily if you think of them as the left to right\n * written languages. Horizontally (`top` and `bottom`), `start` is left and `end`\n * is right.
\n * Vertically (`left` and `right`), `start` is top and `end` is bottom.\n *\n * Some valid examples are:\n * - `top-end` (on top of reference, right aligned)\n * - `right-start` (on right of reference, top aligned)\n * - `bottom` (on bottom, centered)\n * - `auto-end` (on the side with more space available, alignment depends by placement)\n *\n * @static\n * @type {Array}\n * @enum {String}\n * @readonly\n * @method placements\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nvar placements = ['auto-start', 'auto', 'auto-end', 'top-start', 'top', 'top-end', 'right-start', 'right', 'right-end', 'bottom-end', 'bottom', 'bottom-start', 'left-end', 'left', 'left-start'];\n\n// Get rid of `auto` `auto-start` and `auto-end`\nvar validPlacements = placements.slice(3);\n\n/**\n * Given an initial placement, returns all the subsequent placements\n * clockwise (or counter-clockwise).\n *\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {String} placement - A valid placement (it accepts variations)\n * @argument {Boolean} counter - Set to true to walk the placements counterclockwise\n * @returns {Array} placements including their variations\n */\nfunction clockwise(placement) {\n var counter = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n\n var index = validPlacements.indexOf(placement);\n var arr = validPlacements.slice(index + 1).concat(validPlacements.slice(0, index));\n return counter ? arr.reverse() : arr;\n}\n\nvar BEHAVIORS = {\n FLIP: 'flip',\n CLOCKWISE: 'clockwise',\n COUNTERCLOCKWISE: 'counterclockwise'\n};\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction flip(data, options) {\n // if `inner` modifier is enabled, we can't use the `flip` modifier\n if (isModifierEnabled(data.instance.modifiers, 'inner')) {\n return data;\n }\n\n if (data.flipped && data.placement === data.originalPlacement) {\n // seems like flip is trying to loop, probably there's not enough space on any of the flippable sides\n return data;\n }\n\n var boundaries = getBoundaries(data.instance.popper, data.instance.reference, options.padding, options.boundariesElement, data.positionFixed);\n\n var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];\n var placementOpposite = getOppositePlacement(placement);\n var variation = data.placement.split('-')[1] || '';\n\n var flipOrder = [];\n\n switch (options.behavior) {\n case BEHAVIORS.FLIP:\n flipOrder = [placement, placementOpposite];\n break;\n case BEHAVIORS.CLOCKWISE:\n flipOrder = clockwise(placement);\n break;\n case BEHAVIORS.COUNTERCLOCKWISE:\n flipOrder = clockwise(placement, true);\n break;\n default:\n flipOrder = options.behavior;\n }\n\n flipOrder.forEach(function (step, index) {\n if (placement !== step || flipOrder.length === index + 1) {\n return data;\n }\n\n placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];\n placementOpposite = getOppositePlacement(placement);\n\n var popperOffsets = data.offsets.popper;\n var refOffsets = data.offsets.reference;\n\n // using floor because the reference offsets may contain decimals we are not going to consider here\n var floor = Math.floor;\n var overlapsRef = placement === 'left' && floor(popperOffsets.right) > floor(refOffsets.left) || placement === 'right' && floor(popperOffsets.left) < floor(refOffsets.right) || placement === 'top' && floor(popperOffsets.bottom) > floor(refOffsets.top) || placement === 'bottom' && floor(popperOffsets.top) < floor(refOffsets.bottom);\n\n var overflowsLeft = floor(popperOffsets.left) < floor(boundaries.left);\n var overflowsRight = floor(popperOffsets.right) > floor(boundaries.right);\n var overflowsTop = floor(popperOffsets.top) < floor(boundaries.top);\n var overflowsBottom = floor(popperOffsets.bottom) > floor(boundaries.bottom);\n\n var overflowsBoundaries = placement === 'left' && overflowsLeft || placement === 'right' && overflowsRight || placement === 'top' && overflowsTop || placement === 'bottom' && overflowsBottom;\n\n // flip the variation if required\n var isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;\n\n // flips variation if reference element overflows boundaries\n var flippedVariationByRef = !!options.flipVariations && (isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsLeft || isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsRight || !isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsTop || !isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsBottom);\n\n // flips variation if popper content overflows boundaries\n var flippedVariationByContent = !!options.flipVariationsByContent && (isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsRight || isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsLeft || !isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsBottom || !isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsTop);\n\n var flippedVariation = flippedVariationByRef || flippedVariationByContent;\n\n if (overlapsRef || overflowsBoundaries || flippedVariation) {\n // this boolean to detect any flip loop\n data.flipped = true;\n\n if (overlapsRef || overflowsBoundaries) {\n placement = flipOrder[index + 1];\n }\n\n if (flippedVariation) {\n variation = getOppositeVariation(variation);\n }\n\n data.placement = placement + (variation ? '-' + variation : '');\n\n // this object contains `position`, we want to preserve it along with\n // any additional property we may add in the future\n data.offsets.popper = _extends({}, data.offsets.popper, getPopperOffsets(data.instance.popper, data.offsets.reference, data.placement));\n\n data = runModifiers(data.instance.modifiers, data, 'flip');\n }\n });\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction keepTogether(data) {\n var _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference;\n\n var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];\n var floor = Math.floor;\n var isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;\n var side = isVertical ? 'right' : 'bottom';\n var opSide = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';\n var measurement = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height';\n\n if (popper[side] < floor(reference[opSide])) {\n data.offsets.popper[opSide] = floor(reference[opSide]) - popper[measurement];\n }\n if (popper[opSide] > floor(reference[side])) {\n data.offsets.popper[opSide] = floor(reference[side]);\n }\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts a string containing value + unit into a px value number\n * @function\n * @memberof {modifiers~offset}\n * @private\n * @argument {String} str - Value + unit string\n * @argument {String} measurement - `height` or `width`\n * @argument {Object} popperOffsets\n * @argument {Object} referenceOffsets\n * @returns {Number|String}\n * Value in pixels, or original string if no values were extracted\n */\nfunction toValue(str, measurement, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets) {\n // separate value from unit\n var split = str.match(/((?:\\-|\\+)?\\d*\\.?\\d*)(.*)/);\n var value = +split[1];\n var unit = split[2];\n\n // If it's not a number it's an operator, I guess\n if (!value) {\n return str;\n }\n\n if (unit.indexOf('%') === 0) {\n var element = void 0;\n switch (unit) {\n case '%p':\n element = popperOffsets;\n break;\n case '%':\n case '%r':\n default:\n element = referenceOffsets;\n }\n\n var rect = getClientRect(element);\n return rect[measurement] / 100 * value;\n } else if (unit === 'vh' || unit === 'vw') {\n // if is a vh or vw, we calculate the size based on the viewport\n var size = void 0;\n if (unit === 'vh') {\n size = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);\n } else {\n size = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);\n }\n return size / 100 * value;\n } else {\n // if is an explicit pixel unit, we get rid of the unit and keep the value\n // if is an implicit unit, it's px, and we return just the value\n return value;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Parse an `offset` string to extrapolate `x` and `y` numeric offsets.\n * @function\n * @memberof {modifiers~offset}\n * @private\n * @argument {String} offset\n * @argument {Object} popperOffsets\n * @argument {Object} referenceOffsets\n * @argument {String} basePlacement\n * @returns {Array} a two cells array with x and y offsets in numbers\n */\nfunction parseOffset(offset, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets, basePlacement) {\n var offsets = [0, 0];\n\n // Use height if placement is left or right and index is 0 otherwise use width\n // in this way the first offset will use an axis and the second one\n // will use the other one\n var useHeight = ['right', 'left'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;\n\n // Split the offset string to obtain a list of values and operands\n // The regex addresses values with the plus or minus sign in front (+10, -20, etc)\n var fragments = offset.split(/(\\+|\\-)/).map(function (frag) {\n return frag.trim();\n });\n\n // Detect if the offset string contains a pair of values or a single one\n // they could be separated by comma or space\n var divider = fragments.indexOf(find(fragments, function (frag) {\n return frag.search(/,|\\s/) !== -1;\n }));\n\n if (fragments[divider] && fragments[divider].indexOf(',') === -1) {\n console.warn('Offsets separated by white space(s) are deprecated, use a comma (,) instead.');\n }\n\n // If divider is found, we divide the list of values and operands to divide\n // them by ofset X and Y.\n var splitRegex = /\\s*,\\s*|\\s+/;\n var ops = divider !== -1 ? [fragments.slice(0, divider).concat([fragments[divider].split(splitRegex)[0]]), [fragments[divider].split(splitRegex)[1]].concat(fragments.slice(divider + 1))] : [fragments];\n\n // Convert the values with units to absolute pixels to allow our computations\n ops = ops.map(function (op, index) {\n // Most of the units rely on the orientation of the popper\n var measurement = (index === 1 ? !useHeight : useHeight) ? 'height' : 'width';\n var mergeWithPrevious = false;\n return op\n // This aggregates any `+` or `-` sign that aren't considered operators\n // e.g.: 10 + +5 => [10, +, +5]\n .reduce(function (a, b) {\n if (a[a.length - 1] === '' && ['+', '-'].indexOf(b) !== -1) {\n a[a.length - 1] = b;\n mergeWithPrevious = true;\n return a;\n } else if (mergeWithPrevious) {\n a[a.length - 1] += b;\n mergeWithPrevious = false;\n return a;\n } else {\n return a.concat(b);\n }\n }, [])\n // Here we convert the string values into number values (in px)\n .map(function (str) {\n return toValue(str, measurement, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets);\n });\n });\n\n // Loop trough the offsets arrays and execute the operations\n ops.forEach(function (op, index) {\n op.forEach(function (frag, index2) {\n if (isNumeric(frag)) {\n offsets[index] += frag * (op[index2 - 1] === '-' ? -1 : 1);\n }\n });\n });\n return offsets;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @argument {Number|String} options.offset=0\n * The offset value as described in the modifier description\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction offset(data, _ref) {\n var offset = _ref.offset;\n var placement = data.placement,\n _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference;\n\n var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];\n\n var offsets = void 0;\n if (isNumeric(+offset)) {\n offsets = [+offset, 0];\n } else {\n offsets = parseOffset(offset, popper, reference, basePlacement);\n }\n\n if (basePlacement === 'left') {\n popper.top += offsets[0];\n popper.left -= offsets[1];\n } else if (basePlacement === 'right') {\n popper.top += offsets[0];\n popper.left += offsets[1];\n } else if (basePlacement === 'top') {\n popper.left += offsets[0];\n popper.top -= offsets[1];\n } else if (basePlacement === 'bottom') {\n popper.left += offsets[0];\n popper.top += offsets[1];\n }\n\n data.popper = popper;\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction preventOverflow(data, options) {\n var boundariesElement = options.boundariesElement || getOffsetParent(data.instance.popper);\n\n // If offsetParent is the reference element, we really want to\n // go one step up and use the next offsetParent as reference to\n // avoid to make this modifier completely useless and look like broken\n if (data.instance.reference === boundariesElement) {\n boundariesElement = getOffsetParent(boundariesElement);\n }\n\n // NOTE: DOM access here\n // resets the popper's position so that the document size can be calculated excluding\n // the size of the popper element itself\n var transformProp = getSupportedPropertyName('transform');\n var popperStyles = data.instance.popper.style; // assignment to help minification\n var top = popperStyles.top,\n left = popperStyles.left,\n transform = popperStyles[transformProp];\n\n popperStyles.top = '';\n popperStyles.left = '';\n popperStyles[transformProp] = '';\n\n var boundaries = getBoundaries(data.instance.popper, data.instance.reference, options.padding, boundariesElement, data.positionFixed);\n\n // NOTE: DOM access here\n // restores the original style properties after the offsets have been computed\n popperStyles.top = top;\n popperStyles.left = left;\n popperStyles[transformProp] = transform;\n\n options.boundaries = boundaries;\n\n var order = options.priority;\n var popper = data.offsets.popper;\n\n var check = {\n primary: function primary(placement) {\n var value = popper[placement];\n if (popper[placement] < boundaries[placement] && !options.escapeWithReference) {\n value = Math.max(popper[placement], boundaries[placement]);\n }\n return defineProperty({}, placement, value);\n },\n secondary: function secondary(placement) {\n var mainSide = placement === 'right' ? 'left' : 'top';\n var value = popper[mainSide];\n if (popper[placement] > boundaries[placement] && !options.escapeWithReference) {\n value = Math.min(popper[mainSide], boundaries[placement] - (placement === 'right' ? popper.width : popper.height));\n }\n return defineProperty({}, mainSide, value);\n }\n };\n\n order.forEach(function (placement) {\n var side = ['left', 'top'].indexOf(placement) !== -1 ? 'primary' : 'secondary';\n popper = _extends({}, popper, check[side](placement));\n });\n\n data.offsets.popper = popper;\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction shift(data) {\n var placement = data.placement;\n var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];\n var shiftvariation = placement.split('-')[1];\n\n // if shift shiftvariation is specified, run the modifier\n if (shiftvariation) {\n var _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper;\n\n var isVertical = ['bottom', 'top'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;\n var side = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';\n var measurement = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height';\n\n var shiftOffsets = {\n start: defineProperty({}, side, reference[side]),\n end: defineProperty({}, side, reference[side] + reference[measurement] - popper[measurement])\n };\n\n data.offsets.popper = _extends({}, popper, shiftOffsets[shiftvariation]);\n }\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction hide(data) {\n if (!isModifierRequired(data.instance.modifiers, 'hide', 'preventOverflow')) {\n return data;\n }\n\n var refRect = data.offsets.reference;\n var bound = find(data.instance.modifiers, function (modifier) {\n return modifier.name === 'preventOverflow';\n }).boundaries;\n\n if (refRect.bottom < bound.top || refRect.left > bound.right || refRect.top > bound.bottom || refRect.right < bound.left) {\n // Avoid unnecessary DOM access if visibility hasn't changed\n if (data.hide === true) {\n return data;\n }\n\n data.hide = true;\n data.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries'] = '';\n } else {\n // Avoid unnecessary DOM access if visibility hasn't changed\n if (data.hide === false) {\n return data;\n }\n\n data.hide = false;\n data.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries'] = false;\n }\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction inner(data) {\n var placement = data.placement;\n var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];\n var _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference;\n\n var isHoriz = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;\n\n var subtractLength = ['top', 'left'].indexOf(basePlacement) === -1;\n\n popper[isHoriz ? 'left' : 'top'] = reference[basePlacement] - (subtractLength ? popper[isHoriz ? 'width' : 'height'] : 0);\n\n data.placement = getOppositePlacement(placement);\n data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(popper);\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Modifier function, each modifier can have a function of this type assigned\n * to its `fn` property.
\n * These functions will be called on each update, this means that you must\n * make sure they are performant enough to avoid performance bottlenecks.\n *\n * @function ModifierFn\n * @argument {dataObject} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {dataObject} The data object, properly modified\n */\n\n/**\n * Modifiers are plugins used to alter the behavior of your poppers.
\n * Popper.js uses a set of 9 modifiers to provide all the basic functionalities\n * needed by the library.\n *\n * Usually you don't want to override the `order`, `fn` and `onLoad` props.\n * All the other properties are configurations that could be tweaked.\n * @namespace modifiers\n */\nvar modifiers = {\n /**\n * Modifier used to shift the popper on the start or end of its reference\n * element.
\n * It will read the variation of the `placement` property.
\n * It can be one either `-end` or `-start`.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n shift: {\n /** @prop {number} order=100 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 100,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: shift\n },\n\n /**\n * The `offset` modifier can shift your popper on both its axis.\n *\n * It accepts the following units:\n * - `px` or unit-less, interpreted as pixels\n * - `%` or `%r`, percentage relative to the length of the reference element\n * - `%p`, percentage relative to the length of the popper element\n * - `vw`, CSS viewport width unit\n * - `vh`, CSS viewport height unit\n *\n * For length is intended the main axis relative to the placement of the popper.
\n * This means that if the placement is `top` or `bottom`, the length will be the\n * `width`. In case of `left` or `right`, it will be the `height`.\n *\n * You can provide a single value (as `Number` or `String`), or a pair of values\n * as `String` divided by a comma or one (or more) white spaces.
\n * The latter is a deprecated method because it leads to confusion and will be\n * removed in v2.
\n * Additionally, it accepts additions and subtractions between different units.\n * Note that multiplications and divisions aren't supported.\n *\n * Valid examples are:\n * ```\n * 10\n * '10%'\n * '10, 10'\n * '10%, 10'\n * '10 + 10%'\n * '10 - 5vh + 3%'\n * '-10px + 5vh, 5px - 6%'\n * ```\n * > **NB**: If you desire to apply offsets to your poppers in a way that may make them overlap\n * > with their reference element, unfortunately, you will have to disable the `flip` modifier.\n * > You can read more on this at this [issue](https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js/issues/373).\n *\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n offset: {\n /** @prop {number} order=200 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 200,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: offset,\n /** @prop {Number|String} offset=0\n * The offset value as described in the modifier description\n */\n offset: 0\n },\n\n /**\n * Modifier used to prevent the popper from being positioned outside the boundary.\n *\n * A scenario exists where the reference itself is not within the boundaries.
\n * We can say it has \"escaped the boundaries\" — or just \"escaped\".
\n * In this case we need to decide whether the popper should either:\n *\n * - detach from the reference and remain \"trapped\" in the boundaries, or\n * - if it should ignore the boundary and \"escape with its reference\"\n *\n * When `escapeWithReference` is set to`true` and reference is completely\n * outside its boundaries, the popper will overflow (or completely leave)\n * the boundaries in order to remain attached to the edge of the reference.\n *\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n preventOverflow: {\n /** @prop {number} order=300 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 300,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: preventOverflow,\n /**\n * @prop {Array} [priority=['left','right','top','bottom']]\n * Popper will try to prevent overflow following these priorities by default,\n * then, it could overflow on the left and on top of the `boundariesElement`\n */\n priority: ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'],\n /**\n * @prop {number} padding=5\n * Amount of pixel used to define a minimum distance between the boundaries\n * and the popper. This makes sure the popper always has a little padding\n * between the edges of its container\n */\n padding: 5,\n /**\n * @prop {String|HTMLElement} boundariesElement='scrollParent'\n * Boundaries used by the modifier. Can be `scrollParent`, `window`,\n * `viewport` or any DOM element.\n */\n boundariesElement: 'scrollParent'\n },\n\n /**\n * Modifier used to make sure the reference and its popper stay near each other\n * without leaving any gap between the two. Especially useful when the arrow is\n * enabled and you want to ensure that it points to its reference element.\n * It cares only about the first axis. You can still have poppers with margin\n * between the popper and its reference element.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n keepTogether: {\n /** @prop {number} order=400 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 400,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: keepTogether\n },\n\n /**\n * This modifier is used to move the `arrowElement` of the popper to make\n * sure it is positioned between the reference element and its popper element.\n * It will read the outer size of the `arrowElement` node to detect how many\n * pixels of conjunction are needed.\n *\n * It has no effect if no `arrowElement` is provided.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n arrow: {\n /** @prop {number} order=500 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 500,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: arrow,\n /** @prop {String|HTMLElement} element='[x-arrow]' - Selector or node used as arrow */\n element: '[x-arrow]'\n },\n\n /**\n * Modifier used to flip the popper's placement when it starts to overlap its\n * reference element.\n *\n * Requires the `preventOverflow` modifier before it in order to work.\n *\n * **NOTE:** this modifier will interrupt the current update cycle and will\n * restart it if it detects the need to flip the placement.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n flip: {\n /** @prop {number} order=600 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 600,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: flip,\n /**\n * @prop {String|Array} behavior='flip'\n * The behavior used to change the popper's placement. It can be one of\n * `flip`, `clockwise`, `counterclockwise` or an array with a list of valid\n * placements (with optional variations)\n */\n behavior: 'flip',\n /**\n * @prop {number} padding=5\n * The popper will flip if it hits the edges of the `boundariesElement`\n */\n padding: 5,\n /**\n * @prop {String|HTMLElement} boundariesElement='viewport'\n * The element which will define the boundaries of the popper position.\n * The popper will never be placed outside of the defined boundaries\n * (except if `keepTogether` is enabled)\n */\n boundariesElement: 'viewport',\n /**\n * @prop {Boolean} flipVariations=false\n * The popper will switch placement variation between `-start` and `-end` when\n * the reference element overlaps its boundaries.\n *\n * The original placement should have a set variation.\n */\n flipVariations: false,\n /**\n * @prop {Boolean} flipVariationsByContent=false\n * The popper will switch placement variation between `-start` and `-end` when\n * the popper element overlaps its reference boundaries.\n *\n * The original placement should have a set variation.\n */\n flipVariationsByContent: false\n },\n\n /**\n * Modifier used to make the popper flow toward the inner of the reference element.\n * By default, when this modifier is disabled, the popper will be placed outside\n * the reference element.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n inner: {\n /** @prop {number} order=700 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 700,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=false - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: false,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: inner\n },\n\n /**\n * Modifier used to hide the popper when its reference element is outside of the\n * popper boundaries. It will set a `x-out-of-boundaries` attribute which can\n * be used to hide with a CSS selector the popper when its reference is\n * out of boundaries.\n *\n * Requires the `preventOverflow` modifier before it in order to work.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n hide: {\n /** @prop {number} order=800 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 800,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: hide\n },\n\n /**\n * Computes the style that will be applied to the popper element to gets\n * properly positioned.\n *\n * Note that this modifier will not touch the DOM, it just prepares the styles\n * so that `applyStyle` modifier can apply it. This separation is useful\n * in case you need to replace `applyStyle` with a custom implementation.\n *\n * This modifier has `850` as `order` value to maintain backward compatibility\n * with previous versions of Popper.js. Expect the modifiers ordering method\n * to change in future major versions of the library.\n *\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n computeStyle: {\n /** @prop {number} order=850 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 850,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: computeStyle,\n /**\n * @prop {Boolean} gpuAcceleration=true\n * If true, it uses the CSS 3D transformation to position the popper.\n * Otherwise, it will use the `top` and `left` properties\n */\n gpuAcceleration: true,\n /**\n * @prop {string} [x='bottom']\n * Where to anchor the X axis (`bottom` or `top`). AKA X offset origin.\n * Change this if your popper should grow in a direction different from `bottom`\n */\n x: 'bottom',\n /**\n * @prop {string} [x='left']\n * Where to anchor the Y axis (`left` or `right`). AKA Y offset origin.\n * Change this if your popper should grow in a direction different from `right`\n */\n y: 'right'\n },\n\n /**\n * Applies the computed styles to the popper element.\n *\n * All the DOM manipulations are limited to this modifier. This is useful in case\n * you want to integrate Popper.js inside a framework or view library and you\n * want to delegate all the DOM manipulations to it.\n *\n * Note that if you disable this modifier, you must make sure the popper element\n * has its position set to `absolute` before Popper.js can do its work!\n *\n * Just disable this modifier and define your own to achieve the desired effect.\n *\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n applyStyle: {\n /** @prop {number} order=900 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 900,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: applyStyle,\n /** @prop {Function} */\n onLoad: applyStyleOnLoad,\n /**\n * @deprecated since version 1.10.0, the property moved to `computeStyle` modifier\n * @prop {Boolean} gpuAcceleration=true\n * If true, it uses the CSS 3D transformation to position the popper.\n * Otherwise, it will use the `top` and `left` properties\n */\n gpuAcceleration: undefined\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * The `dataObject` is an object containing all the information used by Popper.js.\n * This object is passed to modifiers and to the `onCreate` and `onUpdate` callbacks.\n * @name dataObject\n * @property {Object} data.instance The Popper.js instance\n * @property {String} data.placement Placement applied to popper\n * @property {String} data.originalPlacement Placement originally defined on init\n * @property {Boolean} data.flipped True if popper has been flipped by flip modifier\n * @property {Boolean} data.hide True if the reference element is out of boundaries, useful to know when to hide the popper\n * @property {HTMLElement} data.arrowElement Node used as arrow by arrow modifier\n * @property {Object} data.styles Any CSS property defined here will be applied to the popper. It expects the JavaScript nomenclature (eg. `marginBottom`)\n * @property {Object} data.arrowStyles Any CSS property defined here will be applied to the popper arrow. It expects the JavaScript nomenclature (eg. `marginBottom`)\n * @property {Object} data.boundaries Offsets of the popper boundaries\n * @property {Object} data.offsets The measurements of popper, reference and arrow elements\n * @property {Object} data.offsets.popper `top`, `left`, `width`, `height` values\n * @property {Object} data.offsets.reference `top`, `left`, `width`, `height` values\n * @property {Object} data.offsets.arrow] `top` and `left` offsets, only one of them will be different from 0\n */\n\n/**\n * Default options provided to Popper.js constructor.
\n * These can be overridden using the `options` argument of Popper.js.
\n * To override an option, simply pass an object with the same\n * structure of the `options` object, as the 3rd argument. For example:\n * ```\n * new Popper(ref, pop, {\n * modifiers: {\n * preventOverflow: { enabled: false }\n * }\n * })\n * ```\n * @type {Object}\n * @static\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nvar Defaults = {\n /**\n * Popper's placement.\n * @prop {Popper.placements} placement='bottom'\n */\n placement: 'bottom',\n\n /**\n * Set this to true if you want popper to position it self in 'fixed' mode\n * @prop {Boolean} positionFixed=false\n */\n positionFixed: false,\n\n /**\n * Whether events (resize, scroll) are initially enabled.\n * @prop {Boolean} eventsEnabled=true\n */\n eventsEnabled: true,\n\n /**\n * Set to true if you want to automatically remove the popper when\n * you call the `destroy` method.\n * @prop {Boolean} removeOnDestroy=false\n */\n removeOnDestroy: false,\n\n /**\n * Callback called when the popper is created.
\n * By default, it is set to no-op.
\n * Access Popper.js instance with `data.instance`.\n * @prop {onCreate}\n */\n onCreate: function onCreate() {},\n\n /**\n * Callback called when the popper is updated. This callback is not called\n * on the initialization/creation of the popper, but only on subsequent\n * updates.
\n * By default, it is set to no-op.
\n * Access Popper.js instance with `data.instance`.\n * @prop {onUpdate}\n */\n onUpdate: function onUpdate() {},\n\n /**\n * List of modifiers used to modify the offsets before they are applied to the popper.\n * They provide most of the functionalities of Popper.js.\n * @prop {modifiers}\n */\n modifiers: modifiers\n};\n\n/**\n * @callback onCreate\n * @param {dataObject} data\n */\n\n/**\n * @callback onUpdate\n * @param {dataObject} data\n */\n\n// Utils\n// Methods\nvar Popper = function () {\n /**\n * Creates a new Popper.js instance.\n * @class Popper\n * @param {Element|referenceObject} reference - The reference element used to position the popper\n * @param {Element} popper - The HTML / XML element used as the popper\n * @param {Object} options - Your custom options to override the ones defined in [Defaults](#defaults)\n * @return {Object} instance - The generated Popper.js instance\n */\n function Popper(reference, popper) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n classCallCheck(this, Popper);\n\n this.scheduleUpdate = function () {\n return requestAnimationFrame(_this.update);\n };\n\n // make update() debounced, so that it only runs at most once-per-tick\n this.update = debounce(this.update.bind(this));\n\n // with {} we create a new object with the options inside it\n this.options = _extends({}, Popper.Defaults, options);\n\n // init state\n this.state = {\n isDestroyed: false,\n isCreated: false,\n scrollParents: []\n };\n\n // get reference and popper elements (allow jQuery wrappers)\n this.reference = reference && reference.jquery ? reference[0] : reference;\n this.popper = popper && popper.jquery ? popper[0] : popper;\n\n // Deep merge modifiers options\n this.options.modifiers = {};\n Object.keys(_extends({}, Popper.Defaults.modifiers, options.modifiers)).forEach(function (name) {\n _this.options.modifiers[name] = _extends({}, Popper.Defaults.modifiers[name] || {}, options.modifiers ? options.modifiers[name] : {});\n });\n\n // Refactoring modifiers' list (Object => Array)\n this.modifiers = Object.keys(this.options.modifiers).map(function (name) {\n return _extends({\n name: name\n }, _this.options.modifiers[name]);\n })\n // sort the modifiers by order\n .sort(function (a, b) {\n return a.order - b.order;\n });\n\n // modifiers have the ability to execute arbitrary code when Popper.js get inited\n // such code is executed in the same order of its modifier\n // they could add new properties to their options configuration\n // BE AWARE: don't add options to `options.modifiers.name` but to `modifierOptions`!\n this.modifiers.forEach(function (modifierOptions) {\n if (modifierOptions.enabled && isFunction(modifierOptions.onLoad)) {\n modifierOptions.onLoad(_this.reference, _this.popper, _this.options, modifierOptions, _this.state);\n }\n });\n\n // fire the first update to position the popper in the right place\n this.update();\n\n var eventsEnabled = this.options.eventsEnabled;\n if (eventsEnabled) {\n // setup event listeners, they will take care of update the position in specific situations\n this.enableEventListeners();\n }\n\n this.state.eventsEnabled = eventsEnabled;\n }\n\n // We can't use class properties because they don't get listed in the\n // class prototype and break stuff like Sinon stubs\n\n\n createClass(Popper, [{\n key: 'update',\n value: function update$$1() {\n return update.call(this);\n }\n }, {\n key: 'destroy',\n value: function destroy$$1() {\n return destroy.call(this);\n }\n }, {\n key: 'enableEventListeners',\n value: function enableEventListeners$$1() {\n return enableEventListeners.call(this);\n }\n }, {\n key: 'disableEventListeners',\n value: function disableEventListeners$$1() {\n return disableEventListeners.call(this);\n }\n\n /**\n * Schedules an update. It will run on the next UI update available.\n * @method scheduleUpdate\n * @memberof Popper\n */\n\n\n /**\n * Collection of utilities useful when writing custom modifiers.\n * Starting from version 1.7, this method is available only if you\n * include `popper-utils.js` before `popper.js`.\n *\n * **DEPRECATION**: This way to access PopperUtils is deprecated\n * and will be removed in v2! Use the PopperUtils module directly instead.\n * Due to the high instability of the methods contained in Utils, we can't\n * guarantee them to follow semver. Use them at your own risk!\n * @static\n * @private\n * @type {Object}\n * @deprecated since version 1.8\n * @member Utils\n * @memberof Popper\n */\n\n }]);\n return Popper;\n}();\n\n/**\n * The `referenceObject` is an object that provides an interface compatible with Popper.js\n * and lets you use it as replacement of a real DOM node.
\n * You can use this method to position a popper relatively to a set of coordinates\n * in case you don't have a DOM node to use as reference.\n *\n * ```\n * new Popper(referenceObject, popperNode);\n * ```\n *\n * NB: This feature isn't supported in Internet Explorer 10.\n * @name referenceObject\n * @property {Function} data.getBoundingClientRect\n * A function that returns a set of coordinates compatible with the native `getBoundingClientRect` method.\n * @property {number} data.clientWidth\n * An ES6 getter that will return the width of the virtual reference element.\n * @property {number} data.clientHeight\n * An ES6 getter that will return the height of the virtual reference element.\n */\n\n\nPopper.Utils = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global).PopperUtils;\nPopper.placements = placements;\nPopper.Defaults = Defaults;\n\nexport default Popper;\n//# sourceMappingURL=popper.js.map\n","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon plus-box-outline-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M19,19V5H5V19H19M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.9,3 5,3H19M11,7H13V11H17V13H13V17H11V13H7V11H11V7Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","
\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./PlusBoxOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./PlusBoxOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./PlusBoxOutline.vue?vue&type=template&id=18252a32\"\nimport script from \"./PlusBoxOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./PlusBoxOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar uncurryThis = require('../internals/function-uncurry-this');\nvar hiddenKeys = require('../internals/hidden-keys');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar hasOwn = require('../internals/has-own-property');\nvar defineProperty = require('../internals/object-define-property').f;\nvar getOwnPropertyNamesModule = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-names');\nvar getOwnPropertyNamesExternalModule = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-names-external');\nvar isExtensible = require('../internals/object-is-extensible');\nvar uid = require('../internals/uid');\nvar FREEZING = require('../internals/freezing');\n\nvar REQUIRED = false;\nvar METADATA = uid('meta');\nvar id = 0;\n\nvar setMetadata = function (it) {\n defineProperty(it, METADATA, { value: {\n objectID: 'O' + id++, // object ID\n weakData: {} // weak collections IDs\n } });\n};\n\nvar fastKey = function (it, create) {\n // return a primitive with prefix\n if (!isObject(it)) return typeof it == 'symbol' ? it : (typeof it == 'string' ? 'S' : 'P') + it;\n if (!hasOwn(it, METADATA)) {\n // can't set metadata to uncaught frozen object\n if (!isExtensible(it)) return 'F';\n // not necessary to add metadata\n if (!create) return 'E';\n // add missing metadata\n setMetadata(it);\n // return object ID\n } return it[METADATA].objectID;\n};\n\nvar getWeakData = function (it, create) {\n if (!hasOwn(it, METADATA)) {\n // can't set metadata to uncaught frozen object\n if (!isExtensible(it)) return true;\n // not necessary to add metadata\n if (!create) return false;\n // add missing metadata\n setMetadata(it);\n // return the store of weak collections IDs\n } return it[METADATA].weakData;\n};\n\n// add metadata on freeze-family methods calling\nvar onFreeze = function (it) {\n if (FREEZING && REQUIRED && isExtensible(it) && !hasOwn(it, METADATA)) setMetadata(it);\n return it;\n};\n\nvar enable = function () {\n meta.enable = function () { /* empty */ };\n REQUIRED = true;\n var getOwnPropertyNames = getOwnPropertyNamesModule.f;\n var splice = uncurryThis([].splice);\n var test = {};\n test[METADATA] = 1;\n\n // prevent exposing of metadata key\n if (getOwnPropertyNames(test).length) {\n getOwnPropertyNamesModule.f = function (it) {\n var result = getOwnPropertyNames(it);\n for (var i = 0, length = result.length; i < length; i++) {\n if (result[i] === METADATA) {\n splice(result, i, 1);\n break;\n }\n } return result;\n };\n\n $({ target: 'Object', stat: true, forced: true }, {\n getOwnPropertyNames: getOwnPropertyNamesExternalModule.f\n });\n }\n};\n\nvar meta = module.exports = {\n enable: enable,\n fastKey: fastKey,\n getWeakData: getWeakData,\n onFreeze: onFreeze\n};\n\nhiddenKeys[METADATA] = true;\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nvar ObjectUnsubscribedErrorImpl = /*@__PURE__*/ (function () {\n function ObjectUnsubscribedErrorImpl() {\n Error.call(this);\n this.message = 'object unsubscribed';\n this.name = 'ObjectUnsubscribedError';\n return this;\n }\n ObjectUnsubscribedErrorImpl.prototype = /*@__PURE__*/ Object.create(Error.prototype);\n return ObjectUnsubscribedErrorImpl;\n})();\nexport var ObjectUnsubscribedError = ObjectUnsubscribedErrorImpl;\n//# sourceMappingURL=ObjectUnsubscribedError.js.map\n","'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar call = require('../internals/function-call');\nvar newPromiseCapabilityModule = require('../internals/new-promise-capability');\nvar FORCED_PROMISE_CONSTRUCTOR = require('../internals/promise-constructor-detection').CONSTRUCTOR;\n\n// `Promise.reject` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-promise.reject\n$({ target: 'Promise', stat: true, forced: FORCED_PROMISE_CONSTRUCTOR }, {\n reject: function reject(r) {\n var capability = newPromiseCapabilityModule.f(this);\n call(capability.reject, undefined, r);\n return capability.promise;\n }\n});\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Portuguese [pt]\n//! author : Jefferson : https://github.com/jalex79\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var pt = moment.defineLocale('pt', {\n months: 'janeiro_fevereiro_março_abril_maio_junho_julho_agosto_setembro_outubro_novembro_dezembro'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort: 'jan_fev_mar_abr_mai_jun_jul_ago_set_out_nov_dez'.split('_'),\n weekdays:\n 'Domingo_Segunda-feira_Terça-feira_Quarta-feira_Quinta-feira_Sexta-feira_Sábado'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdaysShort: 'Dom_Seg_Ter_Qua_Qui_Sex_Sáb'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'Do_2ª_3ª_4ª_5ª_6ª_Sá'.split('_'),\n weekdaysParseExact: true,\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY',\n LLL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[Hoje às] LT',\n nextDay: '[Amanhã às] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [às] LT',\n lastDay: '[Ontem às] LT',\n lastWeek: function () {\n return this.day() === 0 || this.day() === 6\n ? '[Último] dddd [às] LT' // Saturday + Sunday\n : '[Última] dddd [às] LT'; // Monday - Friday\n },\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'em %s',\n past: 'há %s',\n s: 'segundos',\n ss: '%d segundos',\n m: 'um minuto',\n mm: '%d minutos',\n h: 'uma hora',\n hh: '%d horas',\n d: 'um dia',\n dd: '%d dias',\n w: 'uma semana',\n ww: '%d semanas',\n M: 'um mês',\n MM: '%d meses',\n y: 'um ano',\n yy: '%d anos',\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}º/,\n ordinal: '%dº',\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return pt;\n\n})));\n","var fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\nvar DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');\nvar IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure');\n\nvar ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator');\n\nmodule.exports = !fails(function () {\n // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/relative-url-style -- required for testing\n var url = new URL('b?a=1&b=2&c=3', 'http://a');\n var searchParams = url.searchParams;\n var searchParams2 = new URLSearchParams('a=1&a=2');\n var result = '';\n url.pathname = 'c%20d';\n searchParams.forEach(function (value, key) {\n searchParams['delete']('b');\n result += key + value;\n });\n searchParams2['delete']('a', 2);\n return (IS_PURE && (!url.toJSON || !searchParams2.has('a', 1) || searchParams2.has('a', 2)))\n || (!searchParams.size && (IS_PURE || !DESCRIPTORS))\n || !searchParams.sort\n || url.href !== 'http://a/c%20d?a=1&c=3'\n || searchParams.get('c') !== '3'\n || String(new URLSearchParams('?a=1')) !== 'a=1'\n || !searchParams[ITERATOR]\n // throws in Edge\n || new URL('https://a@b').username !== 'a'\n || new URLSearchParams(new URLSearchParams('a=b')).get('a') !== 'b'\n // not punycoded in Edge\n || new URL('http://тест').host !== 'xn--e1aybc'\n // not escaped in Chrome 62-\n || new URL('http://a#б').hash !== '#%D0%B1'\n // fails in Chrome 66-\n || result !== 'a1c3'\n // throws in Safari\n || new URL('http://x', undefined).host !== 'x';\n});\n","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon feature-search-outline-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M15.5,2C13,2 11,4 11,6.5C11,9 13,11 15.5,11C16.4,11 17.2,10.7 17.9,10.3L21,13.4L22.4,12L19.3,8.9C19.7,8.2 20,7.4 20,6.5C20,4 18,2 15.5,2M4,4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V15L18,13V20H4V6H9.03C9.09,5.3 9.26,4.65 9.5,4H4M15.5,4C16.9,4 18,5.1 18,6.5C18,7.9 16.9,9 15.5,9C14.1,9 13,7.9 13,6.5C13,5.1 14.1,4 15.5,4Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","
\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./FeatureSearchOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./FeatureSearchOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./FeatureSearchOutline.vue?vue&type=template&id=8abb1662\"\nimport script from \"./FeatureSearchOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./FeatureSearchOutline.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","var uncurryThis = require('../internals/function-uncurry-this');\n\nmodule.exports = uncurryThis([].slice);\n","/** Used to detect hot functions by number of calls within a span of milliseconds. */\nvar HOT_COUNT = 800,\n HOT_SPAN = 16;\n\n/* Built-in method references for those with the same name as other `lodash` methods. */\nvar nativeNow = Date.now;\n\n/**\n * Creates a function that'll short out and invoke `identity` instead\n * of `func` when it's called `HOT_COUNT` or more times in `HOT_SPAN`\n * milliseconds.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Function} func The function to restrict.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new shortable function.\n */\nfunction shortOut(func) {\n var count = 0,\n lastCalled = 0;\n\n return function() {\n var stamp = nativeNow(),\n remaining = HOT_SPAN - (stamp - lastCalled);\n\n lastCalled = stamp;\n if (remaining > 0) {\n if (++count >= HOT_COUNT) {\n return arguments[0];\n }\n } else {\n count = 0;\n }\n return func.apply(undefined, arguments);\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = shortOut;\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Punjabi (India) [pa-in]\n//! author : Harpreet Singh : https://github.com/harpreetkhalsagtbit\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var symbolMap = {\n 1: '੧',\n 2: '੨',\n 3: '੩',\n 4: '੪',\n 5: '੫',\n 6: '੬',\n 7: '੭',\n 8: '੮',\n 9: '੯',\n 0: '੦',\n },\n numberMap = {\n '੧': '1',\n '੨': '2',\n '੩': '3',\n '੪': '4',\n '੫': '5',\n '੬': '6',\n '੭': '7',\n '੮': '8',\n '੯': '9',\n '੦': '0',\n };\n\n var paIn = moment.defineLocale('pa-in', {\n // There are months name as per Nanakshahi Calendar but they are not used as rigidly in modern Punjabi.\n months: 'ਜਨਵਰੀ_ਫ਼ਰਵਰੀ_ਮਾਰਚ_ਅਪ੍ਰੈਲ_ਮਈ_ਜੂਨ_ਜੁਲਾਈ_ਅਗਸਤ_ਸਤੰਬਰ_ਅਕਤੂਬਰ_ਨਵੰਬਰ_ਦਸੰਬਰ'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort:\n 'ਜਨਵਰੀ_ਫ਼ਰਵਰੀ_ਮਾਰਚ_ਅਪ੍ਰੈਲ_ਮਈ_ਜੂਨ_ਜੁਲਾਈ_ਅਗਸਤ_ਸਤੰਬਰ_ਅਕਤੂਬਰ_ਨਵੰਬਰ_ਦਸੰਬਰ'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdays: 'ਐਤਵਾਰ_ਸੋਮਵਾਰ_ਮੰਗਲਵਾਰ_ਬੁਧਵਾਰ_ਵੀਰਵਾਰ_ਸ਼ੁੱਕਰਵਾਰ_ਸ਼ਨੀਚਰਵਾਰ'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdaysShort: 'ਐਤ_ਸੋਮ_ਮੰਗਲ_ਬੁਧ_ਵੀਰ_ਸ਼ੁਕਰ_ਸ਼ਨੀ'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'ਐਤ_ਸੋਮ_ਮੰਗਲ_ਬੁਧ_ਵੀਰ_ਸ਼ੁਕਰ_ਸ਼ਨੀ'.split('_'),\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'A h:mm ਵਜੇ',\n LTS: 'A h:mm:ss ਵਜੇ',\n L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL: 'D MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm ਵਜੇ',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm ਵਜੇ',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[ਅਜ] LT',\n nextDay: '[ਕਲ] LT',\n nextWeek: '[ਅਗਲਾ] dddd, LT',\n lastDay: '[ਕਲ] LT',\n lastWeek: '[ਪਿਛਲੇ] dddd, LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: '%s ਵਿੱਚ',\n past: '%s ਪਿਛਲੇ',\n s: 'ਕੁਝ ਸਕਿੰਟ',\n ss: '%d ਸਕਿੰਟ',\n m: 'ਇਕ ਮਿੰਟ',\n mm: '%d ਮਿੰਟ',\n h: 'ਇੱਕ ਘੰਟਾ',\n hh: '%d ਘੰਟੇ',\n d: 'ਇੱਕ ਦਿਨ',\n dd: '%d ਦਿਨ',\n M: 'ਇੱਕ ਮਹੀਨਾ',\n MM: '%d ਮਹੀਨੇ',\n y: 'ਇੱਕ ਸਾਲ',\n yy: '%d ਸਾਲ',\n },\n preparse: function (string) {\n return string.replace(/[੧੨੩੪੫੬੭੮੯੦]/g, function (match) {\n return numberMap[match];\n });\n },\n postformat: function (string) {\n return string.replace(/\\d/g, function (match) {\n return symbolMap[match];\n });\n },\n // Punjabi notation for meridiems are quite fuzzy in practice. While there exists\n // a rigid notion of a 'Pahar' it is not used as rigidly in modern Punjabi.\n meridiemParse: /ਰਾਤ|ਸਵੇਰ|ਦੁਪਹਿਰ|ਸ਼ਾਮ/,\n meridiemHour: function (hour, meridiem) {\n if (hour === 12) {\n hour = 0;\n }\n if (meridiem === 'ਰਾਤ') {\n return hour < 4 ? hour : hour + 12;\n } else if (meridiem === 'ਸਵੇਰ') {\n return hour;\n } else if (meridiem === 'ਦੁਪਹਿਰ') {\n return hour >= 10 ? hour : hour + 12;\n } else if (meridiem === 'ਸ਼ਾਮ') {\n return hour + 12;\n }\n },\n meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {\n if (hour < 4) {\n return 'ਰਾਤ';\n } else if (hour < 10) {\n return 'ਸਵੇਰ';\n } else if (hour < 17) {\n return 'ਦੁਪਹਿਰ';\n } else if (hour < 20) {\n return 'ਸ਼ਾਮ';\n } else {\n return 'ਰਾਤ';\n }\n },\n week: {\n dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 6, // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return paIn;\n\n})));\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START tslib,_innerSubscribe PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nimport * as tslib_1 from \"tslib\";\nimport { SimpleOuterSubscriber, SimpleInnerSubscriber, innerSubscribe } from '../innerSubscribe';\nexport function catchError(selector) {\n return function catchErrorOperatorFunction(source) {\n var operator = new CatchOperator(selector);\n var caught = source.lift(operator);\n return (operator.caught = caught);\n };\n}\nvar CatchOperator = /*@__PURE__*/ (function () {\n function CatchOperator(selector) {\n this.selector = selector;\n }\n CatchOperator.prototype.call = function (subscriber, source) {\n return source.subscribe(new CatchSubscriber(subscriber, this.selector, this.caught));\n };\n return CatchOperator;\n}());\nvar CatchSubscriber = /*@__PURE__*/ (function (_super) {\n tslib_1.__extends(CatchSubscriber, _super);\n function CatchSubscriber(destination, selector, caught) {\n var _this = _super.call(this, destination) || this;\n _this.selector = selector;\n _this.caught = caught;\n return _this;\n }\n CatchSubscriber.prototype.error = function (err) {\n if (!this.isStopped) {\n var result = void 0;\n try {\n result = this.selector(err, this.caught);\n }\n catch (err2) {\n _super.prototype.error.call(this, err2);\n return;\n }\n this._unsubscribeAndRecycle();\n var innerSubscriber = new SimpleInnerSubscriber(this);\n this.add(innerSubscriber);\n var innerSubscription = innerSubscribe(result, innerSubscriber);\n if (innerSubscription !== innerSubscriber) {\n this.add(innerSubscription);\n }\n }\n };\n return CatchSubscriber;\n}(SimpleOuterSubscriber));\n//# sourceMappingURL=catchError.js.map\n","var TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT = require('../internals/to-string-tag-support');\nvar isCallable = require('../internals/is-callable');\nvar classofRaw = require('../internals/classof-raw');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\n\nvar TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol('toStringTag');\nvar $Object = Object;\n\n// ES3 wrong here\nvar CORRECT_ARGUMENTS = classofRaw(function () { return arguments; }()) == 'Arguments';\n\n// fallback for IE11 Script Access Denied error\nvar tryGet = function (it, key) {\n try {\n return it[key];\n } catch (error) { /* empty */ }\n};\n\n// getting tag from ES6+ `Object.prototype.toString`\nmodule.exports = TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT ? classofRaw : function (it) {\n var O, tag, result;\n return it === undefined ? 'Undefined' : it === null ? 'Null'\n // @@toStringTag case\n : typeof (tag = tryGet(O = $Object(it), TO_STRING_TAG)) == 'string' ? tag\n // builtinTag case\n : CORRECT_ARGUMENTS ? classofRaw(O)\n // ES3 arguments fallback\n : (result = classofRaw(O)) == 'Object' && isCallable(O.callee) ? 'Arguments' : result;\n};\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Scottish Gaelic [gd]\n//! author : Jon Ashdown : https://github.com/jonashdown\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var months = [\n 'Am Faoilleach',\n 'An Gearran',\n 'Am Màrt',\n 'An Giblean',\n 'An Cèitean',\n 'An t-Ògmhios',\n 'An t-Iuchar',\n 'An Lùnastal',\n 'An t-Sultain',\n 'An Dàmhair',\n 'An t-Samhain',\n 'An Dùbhlachd',\n ],\n monthsShort = [\n 'Faoi',\n 'Gear',\n 'Màrt',\n 'Gibl',\n 'Cèit',\n 'Ògmh',\n 'Iuch',\n 'Lùn',\n 'Sult',\n 'Dàmh',\n 'Samh',\n 'Dùbh',\n ],\n weekdays = [\n 'Didòmhnaich',\n 'Diluain',\n 'Dimàirt',\n 'Diciadain',\n 'Diardaoin',\n 'Dihaoine',\n 'Disathairne',\n ],\n weekdaysShort = ['Did', 'Dil', 'Dim', 'Dic', 'Dia', 'Dih', 'Dis'],\n weekdaysMin = ['Dò', 'Lu', 'Mà', 'Ci', 'Ar', 'Ha', 'Sa'];\n\n var gd = moment.defineLocale('gd', {\n months: months,\n monthsShort: monthsShort,\n monthsParseExact: true,\n weekdays: weekdays,\n weekdaysShort: weekdaysShort,\n weekdaysMin: weekdaysMin,\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL: 'D MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[An-diugh aig] LT',\n nextDay: '[A-màireach aig] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [aig] LT',\n lastDay: '[An-dè aig] LT',\n lastWeek: 'dddd [seo chaidh] [aig] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'ann an %s',\n past: 'bho chionn %s',\n s: 'beagan diogan',\n ss: '%d diogan',\n m: 'mionaid',\n mm: '%d mionaidean',\n h: 'uair',\n hh: '%d uairean',\n d: 'latha',\n dd: '%d latha',\n M: 'mìos',\n MM: '%d mìosan',\n y: 'bliadhna',\n yy: '%d bliadhna',\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}(d|na|mh)/,\n ordinal: function (number) {\n var output = number === 1 ? 'd' : number % 10 === 2 ? 'na' : 'mh';\n return number + output;\n },\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return gd;\n\n})));\n","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\n\nfunction InterceptorManager() {\n this.handlers = [];\n}\n\n/**\n * Add a new interceptor to the stack\n *\n * @param {Function} fulfilled The function to handle `then` for a `Promise`\n * @param {Function} rejected The function to handle `reject` for a `Promise`\n *\n * @return {Number} An ID used to remove interceptor later\n */\nInterceptorManager.prototype.use = function use(fulfilled, rejected, options) {\n this.handlers.push({\n fulfilled: fulfilled,\n rejected: rejected,\n synchronous: options ? options.synchronous : false,\n runWhen: options ? options.runWhen : null\n });\n return this.handlers.length - 1;\n};\n\n/**\n * Remove an interceptor from the stack\n *\n * @param {Number} id The ID that was returned by `use`\n */\nInterceptorManager.prototype.eject = function eject(id) {\n if (this.handlers[id]) {\n this.handlers[id] = null;\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Iterate over all the registered interceptors\n *\n * This method is particularly useful for skipping over any\n * interceptors that may have become `null` calling `eject`.\n *\n * @param {Function} fn The function to call for each interceptor\n */\nInterceptorManager.prototype.forEach = function forEach(fn) {\n utils.forEach(this.handlers, function forEachHandler(h) {\n if (h !== null) {\n fn(h);\n }\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = InterceptorManager;\n","var shared = require('../internals/shared');\nvar uid = require('../internals/uid');\n\nvar keys = shared('keys');\n\nmodule.exports = function (key) {\n return keys[key] || (keys[key] = uid(key));\n};\n","var Uint8Array = require('./_Uint8Array');\n\n/**\n * Creates a clone of `arrayBuffer`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {ArrayBuffer} arrayBuffer The array buffer to clone.\n * @returns {ArrayBuffer} Returns the cloned array buffer.\n */\nfunction cloneArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer) {\n var result = new arrayBuffer.constructor(arrayBuffer.byteLength);\n new Uint8Array(result).set(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));\n return result;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = cloneArrayBuffer;\n","var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar global = require('../internals/global');\nvar setToStringTag = require('../internals/set-to-string-tag');\n\n$({ global: true }, { Reflect: {} });\n\n// Reflect[@@toStringTag] property\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-reflect-@@tostringtag\nsetToStringTag(global.Reflect, 'Reflect', true);\n","var Stack = require('./_Stack'),\n assignMergeValue = require('./_assignMergeValue'),\n baseFor = require('./_baseFor'),\n baseMergeDeep = require('./_baseMergeDeep'),\n isObject = require('./isObject'),\n keysIn = require('./keysIn'),\n safeGet = require('./_safeGet');\n\n/**\n * The base implementation of `_.merge` without support for multiple sources.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n * @param {Object} source The source object.\n * @param {number} srcIndex The index of `source`.\n * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize merged values.\n * @param {Object} [stack] Tracks traversed source values and their merged\n * counterparts.\n */\nfunction baseMerge(object, source, srcIndex, customizer, stack) {\n if (object === source) {\n return;\n }\n baseFor(source, function(srcValue, key) {\n stack || (stack = new Stack);\n if (isObject(srcValue)) {\n baseMergeDeep(object, source, key, srcIndex, baseMerge, customizer, stack);\n }\n else {\n var newValue = customizer\n ? customizer(safeGet(object, key), srcValue, (key + ''), object, source, stack)\n : undefined;\n\n if (newValue === undefined) {\n newValue = srcValue;\n }\n assignMergeValue(object, key, newValue);\n }\n }, keysIn);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = baseMerge;\n","var baseCreate = require('./_baseCreate'),\n getPrototype = require('./_getPrototype'),\n isPrototype = require('./_isPrototype');\n\n/**\n * Initializes an object clone.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {Object} object The object to clone.\n * @returns {Object} Returns the initialized clone.\n */\nfunction initCloneObject(object) {\n return (typeof object.constructor == 'function' && !isPrototype(object))\n ? baseCreate(getPrototype(object))\n : {};\n}\n\nmodule.exports = initCloneObject;\n","function _typeof(obj) {\n if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") {\n _typeof = function (obj) {\n return typeof obj;\n };\n } else {\n _typeof = function (obj) {\n return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj;\n };\n }\n\n return _typeof(obj);\n}\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {\n if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\");\n }\n}\n\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) {\n for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {\n var descriptor = props[i];\n descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;\n descriptor.configurable = true;\n if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;\n Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);\n }\n}\n\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {\n if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);\n if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);\n return Constructor;\n}\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {\n if (key in obj) {\n Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {\n value: value,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true\n });\n } else {\n obj[key] = value;\n }\n\n return obj;\n}\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {};\n var ownKeys = Object.keys(source);\n\n if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === 'function') {\n ownKeys = ownKeys.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source).filter(function (sym) {\n return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, sym).enumerable;\n }));\n }\n\n ownKeys.forEach(function (key) {\n _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]);\n });\n }\n\n return target;\n}\n\nvar Language =\n/*#__PURE__*/\nfunction () {\n function Language(language, months, monthsAbbr, days) {\n _classCallCheck(this, Language);\n\n this.language = language;\n this.months = months;\n this.monthsAbbr = monthsAbbr;\n this.days = days;\n this.rtl = false;\n this.ymd = false;\n this.yearSuffix = '';\n }\n\n _createClass(Language, [{\n key: \"language\",\n get: function get() {\n return this._language;\n },\n set: function set(language) {\n if (typeof language !== 'string') {\n throw new TypeError('Language must be a string');\n }\n\n this._language = language;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"months\",\n get: function get() {\n return this._months;\n },\n set: function set(months) {\n if (months.length !== 12) {\n throw new RangeError(\"There must be 12 months for \".concat(this.language, \" language\"));\n }\n\n this._months = months;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"monthsAbbr\",\n get: function get() {\n return this._monthsAbbr;\n },\n set: function set(monthsAbbr) {\n if (monthsAbbr.length !== 12) {\n throw new RangeError(\"There must be 12 abbreviated months for \".concat(this.language, \" language\"));\n }\n\n this._monthsAbbr = monthsAbbr;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"days\",\n get: function get() {\n return this._days;\n },\n set: function set(days) {\n if (days.length !== 7) {\n throw new RangeError(\"There must be 7 days for \".concat(this.language, \" language\"));\n }\n\n this._days = days;\n }\n }]);\n\n return Language;\n}(); // eslint-disable-next-line\n\nvar en = new Language('English', ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat']) // eslint-disable-next-line\n;\n\nvar utils = {\n /**\n * @type {Boolean}\n */\n useUtc: false,\n\n /**\n * Returns the full year, using UTC or not\n * @param {Date} date\n */\n getFullYear: function getFullYear(date) {\n return this.useUtc ? date.getUTCFullYear() : date.getFullYear();\n },\n\n /**\n * Returns the month, using UTC or not\n * @param {Date} date\n */\n getMonth: function getMonth(date) {\n return this.useUtc ? date.getUTCMonth() : date.getMonth();\n },\n\n /**\n * Returns the date, using UTC or not\n * @param {Date} date\n */\n getDate: function getDate(date) {\n return this.useUtc ? date.getUTCDate() : date.getDate();\n },\n\n /**\n * Returns the day, using UTC or not\n * @param {Date} date\n */\n getDay: function getDay(date) {\n return this.useUtc ? date.getUTCDay() : date.getDay();\n },\n\n /**\n * Returns the hours, using UTC or not\n * @param {Date} date\n */\n getHours: function getHours(date) {\n return this.useUtc ? date.getUTCHours() : date.getHours();\n },\n\n /**\n * Returns the minutes, using UTC or not\n * @param {Date} date\n */\n getMinutes: function getMinutes(date) {\n return this.useUtc ? date.getUTCMinutes() : date.getMinutes();\n },\n\n /**\n * Sets the full year, using UTC or not\n * @param {Date} date\n */\n setFullYear: function setFullYear(date, value, useUtc) {\n return this.useUtc ? date.setUTCFullYear(value) : date.setFullYear(value);\n },\n\n /**\n * Sets the month, using UTC or not\n * @param {Date} date\n */\n setMonth: function setMonth(date, value, useUtc) {\n return this.useUtc ? date.setUTCMonth(value) : date.setMonth(value);\n },\n\n /**\n * Sets the date, using UTC or not\n * @param {Date} date\n * @param {Number} value\n */\n setDate: function setDate(date, value, useUtc) {\n return this.useUtc ? date.setUTCDate(value) : date.setDate(value);\n },\n\n /**\n * Check if date1 is equivalent to date2, without comparing the time\n * @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/6202196/4455925\n * @param {Date} date1\n * @param {Date} date2\n */\n compareDates: function compareDates(date1, date2) {\n var d1 = new Date(date1.getTime());\n var d2 = new Date(date2.getTime());\n\n if (this.useUtc) {\n d1.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\n d2.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\n } else {\n d1.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\n d2.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\n }\n\n return d1.getTime() === d2.getTime();\n },\n\n /**\n * Validates a date object\n * @param {Date} date - an object instantiated with the new Date constructor\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isValidDate: function isValidDate(date) {\n if (Object.prototype.toString.call(date) !== '[object Date]') {\n return false;\n }\n\n return !isNaN(date.getTime());\n },\n\n /**\n * Return abbreviated week day name\n * @param {Date}\n * @param {Array}\n * @return {String}\n */\n getDayNameAbbr: function getDayNameAbbr(date, days) {\n if (_typeof(date) !== 'object') {\n throw TypeError('Invalid Type');\n }\n\n return days[this.getDay(date)];\n },\n\n /**\n * Return name of the month\n * @param {Number|Date}\n * @param {Array}\n * @return {String}\n */\n getMonthName: function getMonthName(month, months) {\n if (!months) {\n throw Error('missing 2nd parameter Months array');\n }\n\n if (_typeof(month) === 'object') {\n return months[this.getMonth(month)];\n }\n\n if (typeof month === 'number') {\n return months[month];\n }\n\n throw TypeError('Invalid type');\n },\n\n /**\n * Return an abbreviated version of the month\n * @param {Number|Date}\n * @return {String}\n */\n getMonthNameAbbr: function getMonthNameAbbr(month, monthsAbbr) {\n if (!monthsAbbr) {\n throw Error('missing 2nd paramter Months array');\n }\n\n if (_typeof(month) === 'object') {\n return monthsAbbr[this.getMonth(month)];\n }\n\n if (typeof month === 'number') {\n return monthsAbbr[month];\n }\n\n throw TypeError('Invalid type');\n },\n\n /**\n * Alternative get total number of days in month\n * @param {Number} year\n * @param {Number} m\n * @return {Number}\n */\n daysInMonth: function daysInMonth(year, month) {\n return /8|3|5|10/.test(month) ? 30 : month === 1 ? !(year % 4) && year % 100 || !(year % 400) ? 29 : 28 : 31;\n },\n\n /**\n * Get nth suffix for date\n * @param {Number} day\n * @return {String}\n */\n getNthSuffix: function getNthSuffix(day) {\n switch (day) {\n case 1:\n case 21:\n case 31:\n return 'st';\n\n case 2:\n case 22:\n return 'nd';\n\n case 3:\n case 23:\n return 'rd';\n\n default:\n return 'th';\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Formats date object\n * @param {Date}\n * @param {String}\n * @param {Object}\n * @return {String}\n */\n formatDate: function formatDate(date, format, translation) {\n translation = !translation ? en : translation;\n var year = this.getFullYear(date);\n var month = this.getMonth(date) + 1;\n var day = this.getDate(date);\n var str = format.replace(/dd/, ('0' + day).slice(-2)).replace(/d/, day).replace(/yyyy/, year).replace(/yy/, String(year).slice(2)).replace(/MMMM/, this.getMonthName(this.getMonth(date), translation.months)).replace(/MMM/, this.getMonthNameAbbr(this.getMonth(date), translation.monthsAbbr)).replace(/MM/, ('0' + month).slice(-2)).replace(/M(?!a|ä|e)/, month).replace(/su/, this.getNthSuffix(this.getDate(date))).replace(/D(?!e|é|i)/, this.getDayNameAbbr(date, translation.days));\n return str;\n },\n\n /**\n * Creates an array of dates for each day in between two dates.\n * @param {Date} start\n * @param {Date} end\n * @return {Array}\n */\n createDateArray: function createDateArray(start, end) {\n var dates = [];\n\n while (start <= end) {\n dates.push(new Date(start));\n start = this.setDate(new Date(start), this.getDate(new Date(start)) + 1);\n }\n\n return dates;\n },\n\n /**\n * method used as a prop validator for input values\n * @param {*} val\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n validateDateInput: function validateDateInput(val) {\n return val === null || val instanceof Date || typeof val === 'string' || typeof val === 'number';\n }\n};\nvar makeDateUtils = function makeDateUtils(useUtc) {\n return _objectSpread({}, utils, {\n useUtc: useUtc\n });\n};\nvar utils$1 = _objectSpread({}, utils) // eslint-disable-next-line\n;\n\nvar script = {\n props: {\n selectedDate: Date,\n resetTypedDate: [Date],\n format: [String, Function],\n translation: Object,\n inline: Boolean,\n id: String,\n name: String,\n refName: String,\n openDate: Date,\n placeholder: String,\n inputClass: [String, Object, Array],\n clearButton: Boolean,\n clearButtonIcon: String,\n calendarButton: Boolean,\n calendarButtonIcon: String,\n calendarButtonIconContent: String,\n disabled: Boolean,\n required: Boolean,\n typeable: Boolean,\n bootstrapStyling: Boolean,\n useUtc: Boolean\n },\n data: function data() {\n var constructedDateUtils = makeDateUtils(this.useUtc);\n return {\n input: null,\n typedDate: false,\n utils: constructedDateUtils\n };\n },\n computed: {\n formattedValue: function formattedValue() {\n if (!this.selectedDate) {\n return null;\n }\n\n if (this.typedDate) {\n return this.typedDate;\n }\n\n return typeof this.format === 'function' ? this.format(this.selectedDate) : this.utils.formatDate(new Date(this.selectedDate), this.format, this.translation);\n },\n computedInputClass: function computedInputClass() {\n if (this.bootstrapStyling) {\n if (typeof this.inputClass === 'string') {\n return [this.inputClass, 'form-control'].join(' ');\n }\n\n return _objectSpread({\n 'form-control': true\n }, this.inputClass);\n }\n\n return this.inputClass;\n }\n },\n watch: {\n resetTypedDate: function resetTypedDate() {\n this.typedDate = false;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n showCalendar: function showCalendar() {\n this.$emit('showCalendar');\n },\n\n /**\n * Attempt to parse a typed date\n * @param {Event} event\n */\n parseTypedDate: function parseTypedDate(event) {\n // close calendar if escape or enter are pressed\n if ([27, // escape\n 13 // enter\n ].includes(event.keyCode)) {\n this.input.blur();\n }\n\n if (this.typeable) {\n var typedDate = Date.parse(this.input.value);\n\n if (!isNaN(typedDate)) {\n this.typedDate = this.input.value;\n this.$emit('typedDate', new Date(this.typedDate));\n }\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * nullify the typed date to defer to regular formatting\n * called once the input is blurred\n */\n inputBlurred: function inputBlurred() {\n if (this.typeable && isNaN(Date.parse(this.input.value))) {\n this.clearDate();\n this.input.value = null;\n this.typedDate = null;\n }\n\n this.$emit('closeCalendar');\n },\n\n /**\n * emit a clearDate event\n */\n clearDate: function clearDate() {\n this.$emit('clearDate');\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.input = this.$el.querySelector('input');\n }\n} // eslint-disable-next-line\n;\n\nfunction normalizeComponent(template, style, script, scopeId, isFunctionalTemplate, moduleIdentifier\n/* server only */\n, shadowMode, createInjector, createInjectorSSR, createInjectorShadow) {\n if (typeof shadowMode !== 'boolean') {\n createInjectorSSR = createInjector;\n createInjector = shadowMode;\n shadowMode = false;\n } // Vue.extend constructor export interop.\n\n\n var options = typeof script === 'function' ? script.options : script; // render functions\n\n if (template && template.render) {\n options.render = template.render;\n options.staticRenderFns = template.staticRenderFns;\n options._compiled = true; // functional template\n\n if (isFunctionalTemplate) {\n options.functional = true;\n }\n } // scopedId\n\n\n if (scopeId) {\n options._scopeId = scopeId;\n }\n\n var hook;\n\n if (moduleIdentifier) {\n // server build\n hook = function hook(context) {\n // 2.3 injection\n context = context || // cached call\n this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext || // stateful\n this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext; // functional\n // 2.2 with runInNewContext: true\n\n if (!context && typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ !== 'undefined') {\n context = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__;\n } // inject component styles\n\n\n if (style) {\n style.call(this, createInjectorSSR(context));\n } // register component module identifier for async chunk inference\n\n\n if (context && context._registeredComponents) {\n context._registeredComponents.add(moduleIdentifier);\n }\n }; // used by ssr in case component is cached and beforeCreate\n // never gets called\n\n\n options._ssrRegister = hook;\n } else if (style) {\n hook = shadowMode ? function () {\n style.call(this, createInjectorShadow(this.$root.$options.shadowRoot));\n } : function (context) {\n style.call(this, createInjector(context));\n };\n }\n\n if (hook) {\n if (options.functional) {\n // register for functional component in vue file\n var originalRender = options.render;\n\n options.render = function renderWithStyleInjection(h, context) {\n hook.call(context);\n return originalRender(h, context);\n };\n } else {\n // inject component registration as beforeCreate hook\n var existing = options.beforeCreate;\n options.beforeCreate = existing ? [].concat(existing, hook) : [hook];\n }\n }\n\n return script;\n}\n\nvar normalizeComponent_1 = normalizeComponent;\n\n/* script */\nconst __vue_script__ = script;\n\n/* template */\nvar __vue_render__ = function() {\n var _vm = this;\n var _h = _vm.$createElement;\n var _c = _vm._self._c || _h;\n return _c(\n \"div\",\n { class: { \"input-group\": _vm.bootstrapStyling } },\n [\n _vm.calendarButton\n ? _c(\n \"span\",\n {\n staticClass: \"vdp-datepicker__calendar-button\",\n class: { \"input-group-prepend\": _vm.bootstrapStyling },\n style: { \"cursor:not-allowed;\": _vm.disabled },\n on: { click: _vm.showCalendar }\n },\n [\n _c(\n \"span\",\n { class: { \"input-group-text\": _vm.bootstrapStyling } },\n [\n _c(\"i\", { class: _vm.calendarButtonIcon }, [\n _vm._v(\n \"\\n \" +\n _vm._s(_vm.calendarButtonIconContent) +\n \"\\n \"\n ),\n !_vm.calendarButtonIcon\n ? _c(\"span\", [_vm._v(\"…\")])\n : _vm._e()\n ])\n ]\n )\n ]\n )\n : _vm._e(),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _c(\"input\", {\n ref: _vm.refName,\n class: _vm.computedInputClass,\n attrs: {\n type: _vm.inline ? \"hidden\" : \"text\",\n name: _vm.name,\n id: _vm.id,\n \"open-date\": _vm.openDate,\n placeholder: _vm.placeholder,\n \"clear-button\": _vm.clearButton,\n disabled: _vm.disabled,\n required: _vm.required,\n readonly: !_vm.typeable,\n autocomplete: \"off\"\n },\n domProps: { value: _vm.formattedValue },\n on: {\n click: _vm.showCalendar,\n keyup: _vm.parseTypedDate,\n blur: _vm.inputBlurred\n }\n }),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _vm.clearButton && _vm.selectedDate\n ? _c(\n \"span\",\n {\n staticClass: \"vdp-datepicker__clear-button\",\n class: { \"input-group-append\": _vm.bootstrapStyling },\n on: {\n click: function($event) {\n return _vm.clearDate()\n }\n }\n },\n [\n _c(\n \"span\",\n { class: { \"input-group-text\": _vm.bootstrapStyling } },\n [\n _c(\"i\", { class: _vm.clearButtonIcon }, [\n !_vm.clearButtonIcon ? _c(\"span\", [_vm._v(\"×\")]) : _vm._e()\n ])\n ]\n )\n ]\n )\n : _vm._e(),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _vm._t(\"afterDateInput\")\n ],\n 2\n )\n};\nvar __vue_staticRenderFns__ = [];\n__vue_render__._withStripped = true;\n\n /* style */\n const __vue_inject_styles__ = undefined;\n /* scoped */\n const __vue_scope_id__ = undefined;\n /* module identifier */\n const __vue_module_identifier__ = undefined;\n /* functional template */\n const __vue_is_functional_template__ = false;\n /* style inject */\n \n /* style inject SSR */\n \n\n \n var DateInput = normalizeComponent_1(\n { render: __vue_render__, staticRenderFns: __vue_staticRenderFns__ },\n __vue_inject_styles__,\n __vue_script__,\n __vue_scope_id__,\n __vue_is_functional_template__,\n __vue_module_identifier__,\n undefined,\n undefined\n );\n\n//\nvar script$1 = {\n props: {\n showDayView: Boolean,\n selectedDate: Date,\n pageDate: Date,\n pageTimestamp: Number,\n fullMonthName: Boolean,\n allowedToShowView: Function,\n dayCellContent: {\n type: Function,\n \"default\": function _default(day) {\n return day.date;\n }\n },\n disabledDates: Object,\n highlighted: Object,\n calendarClass: [String, Object, Array],\n calendarStyle: Object,\n translation: Object,\n isRtl: Boolean,\n mondayFirst: Boolean,\n useUtc: Boolean\n },\n data: function data() {\n var constructedDateUtils = makeDateUtils(this.useUtc);\n return {\n utils: constructedDateUtils\n };\n },\n computed: {\n /**\n * Returns an array of day names\n * @return {String[]}\n */\n daysOfWeek: function daysOfWeek() {\n if (this.mondayFirst) {\n var tempDays = this.translation.days.slice();\n tempDays.push(tempDays.shift());\n return tempDays;\n }\n\n return this.translation.days;\n },\n\n /**\n * Returns the day number of the week less one for the first of the current month\n * Used to show amount of empty cells before the first in the day calendar layout\n * @return {Number}\n */\n blankDays: function blankDays() {\n var d = this.pageDate;\n var dObj = this.useUtc ? new Date(Date.UTC(d.getUTCFullYear(), d.getUTCMonth(), 1)) : new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), 1, d.getHours(), d.getMinutes());\n\n if (this.mondayFirst) {\n return this.utils.getDay(dObj) > 0 ? this.utils.getDay(dObj) - 1 : 6;\n }\n\n return this.utils.getDay(dObj);\n },\n\n /**\n * @return {Object[]}\n */\n days: function days() {\n var d = this.pageDate;\n var days = []; // set up a new date object to the beginning of the current 'page'\n\n var dObj = this.useUtc ? new Date(Date.UTC(d.getUTCFullYear(), d.getUTCMonth(), 1)) : new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), 1, d.getHours(), d.getMinutes());\n var daysInMonth = this.utils.daysInMonth(this.utils.getFullYear(dObj), this.utils.getMonth(dObj));\n\n for (var i = 0; i < daysInMonth; i++) {\n days.push({\n date: this.utils.getDate(dObj),\n timestamp: dObj.getTime(),\n isSelected: this.isSelectedDate(dObj),\n isDisabled: this.isDisabledDate(dObj),\n isHighlighted: this.isHighlightedDate(dObj),\n isHighlightStart: this.isHighlightStart(dObj),\n isHighlightEnd: this.isHighlightEnd(dObj),\n isToday: this.utils.compareDates(dObj, new Date()),\n isWeekend: this.utils.getDay(dObj) === 0 || this.utils.getDay(dObj) === 6,\n isSaturday: this.utils.getDay(dObj) === 6,\n isSunday: this.utils.getDay(dObj) === 0\n });\n this.utils.setDate(dObj, this.utils.getDate(dObj) + 1);\n }\n\n return days;\n },\n\n /**\n * Gets the name of the month the current page is on\n * @return {String}\n */\n currMonthName: function currMonthName() {\n var monthName = this.fullMonthName ? this.translation.months : this.translation.monthsAbbr;\n return this.utils.getMonthNameAbbr(this.utils.getMonth(this.pageDate), monthName);\n },\n\n /**\n * Gets the name of the year that current page is on\n * @return {Number}\n */\n currYearName: function currYearName() {\n var yearSuffix = this.translation.yearSuffix;\n return \"\".concat(this.utils.getFullYear(this.pageDate)).concat(yearSuffix);\n },\n\n /**\n * Is this translation using year/month/day format?\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isYmd: function isYmd() {\n return this.translation.ymd && this.translation.ymd === true;\n },\n\n /**\n * Is the left hand navigation button disabled?\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isLeftNavDisabled: function isLeftNavDisabled() {\n return this.isRtl ? this.isNextMonthDisabled(this.pageTimestamp) : this.isPreviousMonthDisabled(this.pageTimestamp);\n },\n\n /**\n * Is the right hand navigation button disabled?\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isRightNavDisabled: function isRightNavDisabled() {\n return this.isRtl ? this.isPreviousMonthDisabled(this.pageTimestamp) : this.isNextMonthDisabled(this.pageTimestamp);\n }\n },\n methods: {\n selectDate: function selectDate(date) {\n if (date.isDisabled) {\n this.$emit('selectedDisabled', date);\n return false;\n }\n\n this.$emit('selectDate', date);\n },\n\n /**\n * @return {Number}\n */\n getPageMonth: function getPageMonth() {\n return this.utils.getMonth(this.pageDate);\n },\n\n /**\n * Emit an event to show the month picker\n */\n showMonthCalendar: function showMonthCalendar() {\n this.$emit('showMonthCalendar');\n },\n\n /**\n * Change the page month\n * @param {Number} incrementBy\n */\n changeMonth: function changeMonth(incrementBy) {\n var date = this.pageDate;\n this.utils.setMonth(date, this.utils.getMonth(date) + incrementBy);\n this.$emit('changedMonth', date);\n },\n\n /**\n * Decrement the page month\n */\n previousMonth: function previousMonth() {\n if (!this.isPreviousMonthDisabled()) {\n this.changeMonth(-1);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Is the previous month disabled?\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isPreviousMonthDisabled: function isPreviousMonthDisabled() {\n if (!this.disabledDates || !this.disabledDates.to) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var d = this.pageDate;\n return this.utils.getMonth(this.disabledDates.to) >= this.utils.getMonth(d) && this.utils.getFullYear(this.disabledDates.to) >= this.utils.getFullYear(d);\n },\n\n /**\n * Increment the current page month\n */\n nextMonth: function nextMonth() {\n if (!this.isNextMonthDisabled()) {\n this.changeMonth(+1);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Is the next month disabled?\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isNextMonthDisabled: function isNextMonthDisabled() {\n if (!this.disabledDates || !this.disabledDates.from) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var d = this.pageDate;\n return this.utils.getMonth(this.disabledDates.from) <= this.utils.getMonth(d) && this.utils.getFullYear(this.disabledDates.from) <= this.utils.getFullYear(d);\n },\n\n /**\n * Whether a day is selected\n * @param {Date}\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isSelectedDate: function isSelectedDate(dObj) {\n return this.selectedDate && this.utils.compareDates(this.selectedDate, dObj);\n },\n\n /**\n * Whether a day is disabled\n * @param {Date}\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isDisabledDate: function isDisabledDate(date) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var disabledDates = false;\n\n if (typeof this.disabledDates === 'undefined') {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (typeof this.disabledDates.dates !== 'undefined') {\n this.disabledDates.dates.forEach(function (d) {\n if (_this.utils.compareDates(date, d)) {\n disabledDates = true;\n return true;\n }\n });\n }\n\n if (typeof this.disabledDates.to !== 'undefined' && this.disabledDates.to && date < this.disabledDates.to) {\n disabledDates = true;\n }\n\n if (typeof this.disabledDates.from !== 'undefined' && this.disabledDates.from && date > this.disabledDates.from) {\n disabledDates = true;\n }\n\n if (typeof this.disabledDates.ranges !== 'undefined') {\n this.disabledDates.ranges.forEach(function (range) {\n if (typeof range.from !== 'undefined' && range.from && typeof range.to !== 'undefined' && range.to) {\n if (date < range.to && date > range.from) {\n disabledDates = true;\n return true;\n }\n }\n });\n }\n\n if (typeof this.disabledDates.days !== 'undefined' && this.disabledDates.days.indexOf(this.utils.getDay(date)) !== -1) {\n disabledDates = true;\n }\n\n if (typeof this.disabledDates.daysOfMonth !== 'undefined' && this.disabledDates.daysOfMonth.indexOf(this.utils.getDate(date)) !== -1) {\n disabledDates = true;\n }\n\n if (typeof this.disabledDates.customPredictor === 'function' && this.disabledDates.customPredictor(date)) {\n disabledDates = true;\n }\n\n return disabledDates;\n },\n\n /**\n * Whether a day is highlighted (only if it is not disabled already except when highlighted.includeDisabled is true)\n * @param {Date}\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isHighlightedDate: function isHighlightedDate(date) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n if (!(this.highlighted && this.highlighted.includeDisabled) && this.isDisabledDate(date)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var highlighted = false;\n\n if (typeof this.highlighted === 'undefined') {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (typeof this.highlighted.dates !== 'undefined') {\n this.highlighted.dates.forEach(function (d) {\n if (_this2.utils.compareDates(date, d)) {\n highlighted = true;\n return true;\n }\n });\n }\n\n if (this.isDefined(this.highlighted.from) && this.isDefined(this.highlighted.to)) {\n highlighted = date >= this.highlighted.from && date <= this.highlighted.to;\n }\n\n if (typeof this.highlighted.days !== 'undefined' && this.highlighted.days.indexOf(this.utils.getDay(date)) !== -1) {\n highlighted = true;\n }\n\n if (typeof this.highlighted.daysOfMonth !== 'undefined' && this.highlighted.daysOfMonth.indexOf(this.utils.getDate(date)) !== -1) {\n highlighted = true;\n }\n\n if (typeof this.highlighted.customPredictor === 'function' && this.highlighted.customPredictor(date)) {\n highlighted = true;\n }\n\n return highlighted;\n },\n dayClasses: function dayClasses(day) {\n return {\n 'selected': day.isSelected,\n 'disabled': day.isDisabled,\n 'highlighted': day.isHighlighted,\n 'today': day.isToday,\n 'weekend': day.isWeekend,\n 'sat': day.isSaturday,\n 'sun': day.isSunday,\n 'highlight-start': day.isHighlightStart,\n 'highlight-end': day.isHighlightEnd\n };\n },\n\n /**\n * Whether a day is highlighted and it is the first date\n * in the highlighted range of dates\n * @param {Date}\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isHighlightStart: function isHighlightStart(date) {\n return this.isHighlightedDate(date) && this.highlighted.from instanceof Date && this.utils.getFullYear(this.highlighted.from) === this.utils.getFullYear(date) && this.utils.getMonth(this.highlighted.from) === this.utils.getMonth(date) && this.utils.getDate(this.highlighted.from) === this.utils.getDate(date);\n },\n\n /**\n * Whether a day is highlighted and it is the first date\n * in the highlighted range of dates\n * @param {Date}\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isHighlightEnd: function isHighlightEnd(date) {\n return this.isHighlightedDate(date) && this.highlighted.to instanceof Date && this.utils.getFullYear(this.highlighted.to) === this.utils.getFullYear(date) && this.utils.getMonth(this.highlighted.to) === this.utils.getMonth(date) && this.utils.getDate(this.highlighted.to) === this.utils.getDate(date);\n },\n\n /**\n * Helper\n * @param {mixed} prop\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isDefined: function isDefined(prop) {\n return typeof prop !== 'undefined' && prop;\n }\n } // eslint-disable-next-line\n\n};\n\n/* script */\nconst __vue_script__$1 = script$1;\n\n/* template */\nvar __vue_render__$1 = function() {\n var _vm = this;\n var _h = _vm.$createElement;\n var _c = _vm._self._c || _h;\n return _c(\n \"div\",\n {\n directives: [\n {\n name: \"show\",\n rawName: \"v-show\",\n value: _vm.showDayView,\n expression: \"showDayView\"\n }\n ],\n class: [_vm.calendarClass, \"vdp-datepicker__calendar\"],\n style: _vm.calendarStyle,\n on: {\n mousedown: function($event) {\n $event.preventDefault();\n }\n }\n },\n [\n _vm._t(\"beforeCalendarHeader\"),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _c(\"header\", [\n _c(\n \"span\",\n {\n staticClass: \"prev\",\n class: { disabled: _vm.isLeftNavDisabled },\n on: {\n click: function($event) {\n _vm.isRtl ? _vm.nextMonth() : _vm.previousMonth();\n }\n }\n },\n [_vm._v(\"<\")]\n ),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _c(\n \"span\",\n {\n staticClass: \"day__month_btn\",\n class: _vm.allowedToShowView(\"month\") ? \"up\" : \"\",\n on: { click: _vm.showMonthCalendar }\n },\n [\n _vm._v(\n _vm._s(_vm.isYmd ? _vm.currYearName : _vm.currMonthName) +\n \" \" +\n _vm._s(_vm.isYmd ? _vm.currMonthName : _vm.currYearName)\n )\n ]\n ),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _c(\n \"span\",\n {\n staticClass: \"next\",\n class: { disabled: _vm.isRightNavDisabled },\n on: {\n click: function($event) {\n _vm.isRtl ? _vm.previousMonth() : _vm.nextMonth();\n }\n }\n },\n [_vm._v(\">\")]\n )\n ]),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _c(\n \"div\",\n { class: _vm.isRtl ? \"flex-rtl\" : \"\" },\n [\n _vm._l(_vm.daysOfWeek, function(d) {\n return _c(\n \"span\",\n { key: d.timestamp, staticClass: \"cell day-header\" },\n [_vm._v(_vm._s(d))]\n )\n }),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _vm.blankDays > 0\n ? _vm._l(_vm.blankDays, function(d) {\n return _c(\"span\", {\n key: d.timestamp,\n staticClass: \"cell day blank\"\n })\n })\n : _vm._e(),\n _vm._l(_vm.days, function(day) {\n return _c(\"span\", {\n key: day.timestamp,\n staticClass: \"cell day\",\n class: _vm.dayClasses(day),\n domProps: { innerHTML: _vm._s(_vm.dayCellContent(day)) },\n on: {\n click: function($event) {\n return _vm.selectDate(day)\n }\n }\n })\n })\n ],\n 2\n )\n ],\n 2\n )\n};\nvar __vue_staticRenderFns__$1 = [];\n__vue_render__$1._withStripped = true;\n\n /* style */\n const __vue_inject_styles__$1 = undefined;\n /* scoped */\n const __vue_scope_id__$1 = undefined;\n /* module identifier */\n const __vue_module_identifier__$1 = undefined;\n /* functional template */\n const __vue_is_functional_template__$1 = false;\n /* style inject */\n \n /* style inject SSR */\n \n\n \n var PickerDay = normalizeComponent_1(\n { render: __vue_render__$1, staticRenderFns: __vue_staticRenderFns__$1 },\n __vue_inject_styles__$1,\n __vue_script__$1,\n __vue_scope_id__$1,\n __vue_is_functional_template__$1,\n __vue_module_identifier__$1,\n undefined,\n undefined\n );\n\n//\nvar script$2 = {\n props: {\n showMonthView: Boolean,\n selectedDate: Date,\n pageDate: Date,\n pageTimestamp: Number,\n disabledDates: Object,\n calendarClass: [String, Object, Array],\n calendarStyle: Object,\n translation: Object,\n isRtl: Boolean,\n allowedToShowView: Function,\n useUtc: Boolean\n },\n data: function data() {\n var constructedDateUtils = makeDateUtils(this.useUtc);\n return {\n utils: constructedDateUtils\n };\n },\n computed: {\n months: function months() {\n var d = this.pageDate;\n var months = []; // set up a new date object to the beginning of the current 'page'\n\n var dObj = this.useUtc ? new Date(Date.UTC(d.getUTCFullYear(), 0, d.getUTCDate())) : new Date(d.getFullYear(), 0, d.getDate(), d.getHours(), d.getMinutes());\n\n for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {\n months.push({\n month: this.utils.getMonthName(i, this.translation.months),\n timestamp: dObj.getTime(),\n isSelected: this.isSelectedMonth(dObj),\n isDisabled: this.isDisabledMonth(dObj)\n });\n this.utils.setMonth(dObj, this.utils.getMonth(dObj) + 1);\n }\n\n return months;\n },\n\n /**\n * Get year name on current page.\n * @return {String}\n */\n pageYearName: function pageYearName() {\n var yearSuffix = this.translation.yearSuffix;\n return \"\".concat(this.utils.getFullYear(this.pageDate)).concat(yearSuffix);\n },\n\n /**\n * Is the left hand navigation disabled\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isLeftNavDisabled: function isLeftNavDisabled() {\n return this.isRtl ? this.isNextYearDisabled(this.pageTimestamp) : this.isPreviousYearDisabled(this.pageTimestamp);\n },\n\n /**\n * Is the right hand navigation disabled\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isRightNavDisabled: function isRightNavDisabled() {\n return this.isRtl ? this.isPreviousYearDisabled(this.pageTimestamp) : this.isNextYearDisabled(this.pageTimestamp);\n }\n },\n methods: {\n /**\n * Emits a selectMonth event\n * @param {Object} month\n */\n selectMonth: function selectMonth(month) {\n if (month.isDisabled) {\n return false;\n }\n\n this.$emit('selectMonth', month);\n },\n\n /**\n * Changes the year up or down\n * @param {Number} incrementBy\n */\n changeYear: function changeYear(incrementBy) {\n var date = this.pageDate;\n this.utils.setFullYear(date, this.utils.getFullYear(date) + incrementBy);\n this.$emit('changedYear', date);\n },\n\n /**\n * Decrements the year\n */\n previousYear: function previousYear() {\n if (!this.isPreviousYearDisabled()) {\n this.changeYear(-1);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Checks if the previous year is disabled or not\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isPreviousYearDisabled: function isPreviousYearDisabled() {\n if (!this.disabledDates || !this.disabledDates.to) {\n return false;\n }\n\n return this.utils.getFullYear(this.disabledDates.to) >= this.utils.getFullYear(this.pageDate);\n },\n\n /**\n * Increments the year\n */\n nextYear: function nextYear() {\n if (!this.isNextYearDisabled()) {\n this.changeYear(1);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Checks if the next year is disabled or not\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isNextYearDisabled: function isNextYearDisabled() {\n if (!this.disabledDates || !this.disabledDates.from) {\n return false;\n }\n\n return this.utils.getFullYear(this.disabledDates.from) <= this.utils.getFullYear(this.pageDate);\n },\n\n /**\n * Emits an event that shows the year calendar\n */\n showYearCalendar: function showYearCalendar() {\n this.$emit('showYearCalendar');\n },\n\n /**\n * Whether the selected date is in this month\n * @param {Date}\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isSelectedMonth: function isSelectedMonth(date) {\n return this.selectedDate && this.utils.getFullYear(this.selectedDate) === this.utils.getFullYear(date) && this.utils.getMonth(this.selectedDate) === this.utils.getMonth(date);\n },\n\n /**\n * Whether a month is disabled\n * @param {Date}\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isDisabledMonth: function isDisabledMonth(date) {\n var disabledDates = false;\n\n if (typeof this.disabledDates === 'undefined') {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (typeof this.disabledDates.to !== 'undefined' && this.disabledDates.to) {\n if (this.utils.getMonth(date) < this.utils.getMonth(this.disabledDates.to) && this.utils.getFullYear(date) <= this.utils.getFullYear(this.disabledDates.to) || this.utils.getFullYear(date) < this.utils.getFullYear(this.disabledDates.to)) {\n disabledDates = true;\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof this.disabledDates.from !== 'undefined' && this.disabledDates.from) {\n if (this.utils.getMonth(date) > this.utils.getMonth(this.disabledDates.from) && this.utils.getFullYear(date) >= this.utils.getFullYear(this.disabledDates.from) || this.utils.getFullYear(date) > this.utils.getFullYear(this.disabledDates.from)) {\n disabledDates = true;\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof this.disabledDates.customPredictor === 'function' && this.disabledDates.customPredictor(date)) {\n disabledDates = true;\n }\n\n return disabledDates;\n }\n } // eslint-disable-next-line\n\n};\n\n/* script */\nconst __vue_script__$2 = script$2;\n\n/* template */\nvar __vue_render__$2 = function() {\n var _vm = this;\n var _h = _vm.$createElement;\n var _c = _vm._self._c || _h;\n return _c(\n \"div\",\n {\n directives: [\n {\n name: \"show\",\n rawName: \"v-show\",\n value: _vm.showMonthView,\n expression: \"showMonthView\"\n }\n ],\n class: [_vm.calendarClass, \"vdp-datepicker__calendar\"],\n style: _vm.calendarStyle,\n on: {\n mousedown: function($event) {\n $event.preventDefault();\n }\n }\n },\n [\n _vm._t(\"beforeCalendarHeader\"),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _c(\"header\", [\n _c(\n \"span\",\n {\n staticClass: \"prev\",\n class: { disabled: _vm.isLeftNavDisabled },\n on: {\n click: function($event) {\n _vm.isRtl ? _vm.nextYear() : _vm.previousYear();\n }\n }\n },\n [_vm._v(\"<\")]\n ),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _c(\n \"span\",\n {\n staticClass: \"month__year_btn\",\n class: _vm.allowedToShowView(\"year\") ? \"up\" : \"\",\n on: { click: _vm.showYearCalendar }\n },\n [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.pageYearName))]\n ),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _c(\n \"span\",\n {\n staticClass: \"next\",\n class: { disabled: _vm.isRightNavDisabled },\n on: {\n click: function($event) {\n _vm.isRtl ? _vm.previousYear() : _vm.nextYear();\n }\n }\n },\n [_vm._v(\">\")]\n )\n ]),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _vm._l(_vm.months, function(month) {\n return _c(\n \"span\",\n {\n key: month.timestamp,\n staticClass: \"cell month\",\n class: { selected: month.isSelected, disabled: month.isDisabled },\n on: {\n click: function($event) {\n $event.stopPropagation();\n return _vm.selectMonth(month)\n }\n }\n },\n [_vm._v(_vm._s(month.month))]\n )\n })\n ],\n 2\n )\n};\nvar __vue_staticRenderFns__$2 = [];\n__vue_render__$2._withStripped = true;\n\n /* style */\n const __vue_inject_styles__$2 = undefined;\n /* scoped */\n const __vue_scope_id__$2 = undefined;\n /* module identifier */\n const __vue_module_identifier__$2 = undefined;\n /* functional template */\n const __vue_is_functional_template__$2 = false;\n /* style inject */\n \n /* style inject SSR */\n \n\n \n var PickerMonth = normalizeComponent_1(\n { render: __vue_render__$2, staticRenderFns: __vue_staticRenderFns__$2 },\n __vue_inject_styles__$2,\n __vue_script__$2,\n __vue_scope_id__$2,\n __vue_is_functional_template__$2,\n __vue_module_identifier__$2,\n undefined,\n undefined\n );\n\n//\nvar script$3 = {\n props: {\n showYearView: Boolean,\n selectedDate: Date,\n pageDate: Date,\n pageTimestamp: Number,\n disabledDates: Object,\n highlighted: Object,\n calendarClass: [String, Object, Array],\n calendarStyle: Object,\n translation: Object,\n isRtl: Boolean,\n allowedToShowView: Function,\n useUtc: Boolean\n },\n computed: {\n years: function years() {\n var d = this.pageDate;\n var years = []; // set up a new date object to the beginning of the current 'page'7\n\n var dObj = this.useUtc ? new Date(Date.UTC(Math.floor(d.getUTCFullYear() / 10) * 10, d.getUTCMonth(), d.getUTCDate())) : new Date(Math.floor(d.getFullYear() / 10) * 10, d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours(), d.getMinutes());\n\n for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n years.push({\n year: this.utils.getFullYear(dObj),\n timestamp: dObj.getTime(),\n isSelected: this.isSelectedYear(dObj),\n isDisabled: this.isDisabledYear(dObj)\n });\n this.utils.setFullYear(dObj, this.utils.getFullYear(dObj) + 1);\n }\n\n return years;\n },\n\n /**\n * @return {String}\n */\n getPageDecade: function getPageDecade() {\n var decadeStart = Math.floor(this.utils.getFullYear(this.pageDate) / 10) * 10;\n var decadeEnd = decadeStart + 9;\n var yearSuffix = this.translation.yearSuffix;\n return \"\".concat(decadeStart, \" - \").concat(decadeEnd).concat(yearSuffix);\n },\n\n /**\n * Is the left hand navigation button disabled?\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isLeftNavDisabled: function isLeftNavDisabled() {\n return this.isRtl ? this.isNextDecadeDisabled(this.pageTimestamp) : this.isPreviousDecadeDisabled(this.pageTimestamp);\n },\n\n /**\n * Is the right hand navigation button disabled?\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isRightNavDisabled: function isRightNavDisabled() {\n return this.isRtl ? this.isPreviousDecadeDisabled(this.pageTimestamp) : this.isNextDecadeDisabled(this.pageTimestamp);\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n var constructedDateUtils = makeDateUtils(this.useUtc);\n return {\n utils: constructedDateUtils\n };\n },\n methods: {\n selectYear: function selectYear(year) {\n if (year.isDisabled) {\n return false;\n }\n\n this.$emit('selectYear', year);\n },\n changeYear: function changeYear(incrementBy) {\n var date = this.pageDate;\n this.utils.setFullYear(date, this.utils.getFullYear(date) + incrementBy);\n this.$emit('changedDecade', date);\n },\n previousDecade: function previousDecade() {\n if (this.isPreviousDecadeDisabled()) {\n return false;\n }\n\n this.changeYear(-10);\n },\n isPreviousDecadeDisabled: function isPreviousDecadeDisabled() {\n if (!this.disabledDates || !this.disabledDates.to) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var disabledYear = this.utils.getFullYear(this.disabledDates.to);\n var lastYearInPreviousPage = Math.floor(this.utils.getFullYear(this.pageDate) / 10) * 10 - 1;\n return disabledYear > lastYearInPreviousPage;\n },\n nextDecade: function nextDecade() {\n if (this.isNextDecadeDisabled()) {\n return false;\n }\n\n this.changeYear(10);\n },\n isNextDecadeDisabled: function isNextDecadeDisabled() {\n if (!this.disabledDates || !this.disabledDates.from) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var disabledYear = this.utils.getFullYear(this.disabledDates.from);\n var firstYearInNextPage = Math.ceil(this.utils.getFullYear(this.pageDate) / 10) * 10;\n return disabledYear < firstYearInNextPage;\n },\n\n /**\n * Whether the selected date is in this year\n * @param {Date}\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isSelectedYear: function isSelectedYear(date) {\n return this.selectedDate && this.utils.getFullYear(this.selectedDate) === this.utils.getFullYear(date);\n },\n\n /**\n * Whether a year is disabled\n * @param {Date}\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n isDisabledYear: function isDisabledYear(date) {\n var disabledDates = false;\n\n if (typeof this.disabledDates === 'undefined' || !this.disabledDates) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (typeof this.disabledDates.to !== 'undefined' && this.disabledDates.to) {\n if (this.utils.getFullYear(date) < this.utils.getFullYear(this.disabledDates.to)) {\n disabledDates = true;\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof this.disabledDates.from !== 'undefined' && this.disabledDates.from) {\n if (this.utils.getFullYear(date) > this.utils.getFullYear(this.disabledDates.from)) {\n disabledDates = true;\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof this.disabledDates.customPredictor === 'function' && this.disabledDates.customPredictor(date)) {\n disabledDates = true;\n }\n\n return disabledDates;\n }\n } // eslint-disable-next-line\n\n};\n\n/* script */\nconst __vue_script__$3 = script$3;\n\n/* template */\nvar __vue_render__$3 = function() {\n var _vm = this;\n var _h = _vm.$createElement;\n var _c = _vm._self._c || _h;\n return _c(\n \"div\",\n {\n directives: [\n {\n name: \"show\",\n rawName: \"v-show\",\n value: _vm.showYearView,\n expression: \"showYearView\"\n }\n ],\n class: [_vm.calendarClass, \"vdp-datepicker__calendar\"],\n style: _vm.calendarStyle,\n on: {\n mousedown: function($event) {\n $event.preventDefault();\n }\n }\n },\n [\n _vm._t(\"beforeCalendarHeader\"),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _c(\"header\", [\n _c(\n \"span\",\n {\n staticClass: \"prev\",\n class: { disabled: _vm.isLeftNavDisabled },\n on: {\n click: function($event) {\n _vm.isRtl ? _vm.nextDecade() : _vm.previousDecade();\n }\n }\n },\n [_vm._v(\"<\")]\n ),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _c(\"span\", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.getPageDecade))]),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _c(\n \"span\",\n {\n staticClass: \"next\",\n class: { disabled: _vm.isRightNavDisabled },\n on: {\n click: function($event) {\n _vm.isRtl ? _vm.previousDecade() : _vm.nextDecade();\n }\n }\n },\n [_vm._v(\">\")]\n )\n ]),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _vm._l(_vm.years, function(year) {\n return _c(\n \"span\",\n {\n key: year.timestamp,\n staticClass: \"cell year\",\n class: { selected: year.isSelected, disabled: year.isDisabled },\n on: {\n click: function($event) {\n $event.stopPropagation();\n return _vm.selectYear(year)\n }\n }\n },\n [_vm._v(_vm._s(year.year))]\n )\n })\n ],\n 2\n )\n};\nvar __vue_staticRenderFns__$3 = [];\n__vue_render__$3._withStripped = true;\n\n /* style */\n const __vue_inject_styles__$3 = undefined;\n /* scoped */\n const __vue_scope_id__$3 = undefined;\n /* module identifier */\n const __vue_module_identifier__$3 = undefined;\n /* functional template */\n const __vue_is_functional_template__$3 = false;\n /* style inject */\n \n /* style inject SSR */\n \n\n \n var PickerYear = normalizeComponent_1(\n { render: __vue_render__$3, staticRenderFns: __vue_staticRenderFns__$3 },\n __vue_inject_styles__$3,\n __vue_script__$3,\n __vue_scope_id__$3,\n __vue_is_functional_template__$3,\n __vue_module_identifier__$3,\n undefined,\n undefined\n );\n\n//\nvar script$4 = {\n components: {\n DateInput: DateInput,\n PickerDay: PickerDay,\n PickerMonth: PickerMonth,\n PickerYear: PickerYear\n },\n props: {\n value: {\n validator: function validator(val) {\n return utils$1.validateDateInput(val);\n }\n },\n name: String,\n refName: String,\n id: String,\n format: {\n type: [String, Function],\n \"default\": 'dd MMM yyyy'\n },\n language: {\n type: Object,\n \"default\": function _default() {\n return en;\n }\n },\n openDate: {\n validator: function validator(val) {\n return utils$1.validateDateInput(val);\n }\n },\n dayCellContent: Function,\n fullMonthName: Boolean,\n disabledDates: Object,\n highlighted: Object,\n placeholder: String,\n inline: Boolean,\n calendarClass: [String, Object, Array],\n inputClass: [String, Object, Array],\n wrapperClass: [String, Object, Array],\n mondayFirst: Boolean,\n clearButton: Boolean,\n clearButtonIcon: String,\n calendarButton: Boolean,\n calendarButtonIcon: String,\n calendarButtonIconContent: String,\n bootstrapStyling: Boolean,\n initialView: String,\n disabled: Boolean,\n required: Boolean,\n typeable: Boolean,\n useUtc: Boolean,\n minimumView: {\n type: String,\n \"default\": 'day'\n },\n maximumView: {\n type: String,\n \"default\": 'year'\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n var startDate = this.openDate ? new Date(this.openDate) : new Date();\n var constructedDateUtils = makeDateUtils(this.useUtc);\n var pageTimestamp = constructedDateUtils.setDate(startDate, 1);\n return {\n /*\n * Vue cannot observe changes to a Date Object so date must be stored as a timestamp\n * This represents the first day of the current viewing month\n * {Number}\n */\n pageTimestamp: pageTimestamp,\n\n /*\n * Selected Date\n * {Date}\n */\n selectedDate: null,\n\n /*\n * Flags to show calendar views\n * {Boolean}\n */\n showDayView: false,\n showMonthView: false,\n showYearView: false,\n\n /*\n * Positioning\n */\n calendarHeight: 0,\n resetTypedDate: new Date(),\n utils: constructedDateUtils\n };\n },\n watch: {\n value: function value(_value) {\n this.setValue(_value);\n },\n openDate: function openDate() {\n this.setPageDate();\n },\n initialView: function initialView() {\n this.setInitialView();\n }\n },\n computed: {\n computedInitialView: function computedInitialView() {\n if (!this.initialView) {\n return this.minimumView;\n }\n\n return this.initialView;\n },\n pageDate: function pageDate() {\n return new Date(this.pageTimestamp);\n },\n translation: function translation() {\n return this.language;\n },\n calendarStyle: function calendarStyle() {\n return {\n position: this.isInline ? 'static' : undefined\n };\n },\n isOpen: function isOpen() {\n return this.showDayView || this.showMonthView || this.showYearView;\n },\n isInline: function isInline() {\n return !!this.inline;\n },\n isRtl: function isRtl() {\n return this.translation.rtl === true;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n /**\n * Called in the event that the user navigates to date pages and\n * closes the picker without selecting a date.\n */\n resetDefaultPageDate: function resetDefaultPageDate() {\n if (this.selectedDate === null) {\n this.setPageDate();\n return;\n }\n\n this.setPageDate(this.selectedDate);\n },\n\n /**\n * Effectively a toggle to show/hide the calendar\n * @return {mixed}\n */\n showCalendar: function showCalendar() {\n if (this.disabled || this.isInline) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (this.isOpen) {\n return this.close(true);\n }\n\n this.setInitialView();\n },\n\n /**\n * Sets the initial picker page view: day, month or year\n */\n setInitialView: function setInitialView() {\n var initialView = this.computedInitialView;\n\n if (!this.allowedToShowView(initialView)) {\n throw new Error(\"initialView '\".concat(this.initialView, \"' cannot be rendered based on minimum '\").concat(this.minimumView, \"' and maximum '\").concat(this.maximumView, \"'\"));\n }\n\n switch (initialView) {\n case 'year':\n this.showYearCalendar();\n break;\n\n case 'month':\n this.showMonthCalendar();\n break;\n\n default:\n this.showDayCalendar();\n break;\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Are we allowed to show a specific picker view?\n * @param {String} view\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n allowedToShowView: function allowedToShowView(view) {\n var views = ['day', 'month', 'year'];\n var minimumViewIndex = views.indexOf(this.minimumView);\n var maximumViewIndex = views.indexOf(this.maximumView);\n var viewIndex = views.indexOf(view);\n return viewIndex >= minimumViewIndex && viewIndex <= maximumViewIndex;\n },\n\n /**\n * Show the day picker\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n showDayCalendar: function showDayCalendar() {\n if (!this.allowedToShowView('day')) {\n return false;\n }\n\n this.close();\n this.showDayView = true;\n return true;\n },\n\n /**\n * Show the month picker\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n showMonthCalendar: function showMonthCalendar() {\n if (!this.allowedToShowView('month')) {\n return false;\n }\n\n this.close();\n this.showMonthView = true;\n return true;\n },\n\n /**\n * Show the year picker\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n showYearCalendar: function showYearCalendar() {\n if (!this.allowedToShowView('year')) {\n return false;\n }\n\n this.close();\n this.showYearView = true;\n return true;\n },\n\n /**\n * Set the selected date\n * @param {Number} timestamp\n */\n setDate: function setDate(timestamp) {\n var date = new Date(timestamp);\n this.selectedDate = date;\n this.setPageDate(date);\n this.$emit('selected', date);\n this.$emit('input', date);\n },\n\n /**\n * Clear the selected date\n */\n clearDate: function clearDate() {\n this.selectedDate = null;\n this.setPageDate();\n this.$emit('selected', null);\n this.$emit('input', null);\n this.$emit('cleared');\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {Object} date\n */\n selectDate: function selectDate(date) {\n this.setDate(date.timestamp);\n\n if (!this.isInline) {\n this.close(true);\n }\n\n this.resetTypedDate = new Date();\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {Object} date\n */\n selectDisabledDate: function selectDisabledDate(date) {\n this.$emit('selectedDisabled', date);\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {Object} month\n */\n selectMonth: function selectMonth(month) {\n var date = new Date(month.timestamp);\n\n if (this.allowedToShowView('day')) {\n this.setPageDate(date);\n this.$emit('changedMonth', month);\n this.showDayCalendar();\n } else {\n this.selectDate(month);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * @param {Object} year\n */\n selectYear: function selectYear(year) {\n var date = new Date(year.timestamp);\n\n if (this.allowedToShowView('month')) {\n this.setPageDate(date);\n this.$emit('changedYear', year);\n this.showMonthCalendar();\n } else {\n this.selectDate(year);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Set the datepicker value\n * @param {Date|String|Number|null} date\n */\n setValue: function setValue(date) {\n if (typeof date === 'string' || typeof date === 'number') {\n var parsed = new Date(date);\n date = isNaN(parsed.valueOf()) ? null : parsed;\n }\n\n if (!date) {\n this.setPageDate();\n this.selectedDate = null;\n return;\n }\n\n this.selectedDate = date;\n this.setPageDate(date);\n },\n\n /**\n * Sets the date that the calendar should open on\n */\n setPageDate: function setPageDate(date) {\n if (!date) {\n if (this.openDate) {\n date = new Date(this.openDate);\n } else {\n date = new Date();\n }\n }\n\n this.pageTimestamp = this.utils.setDate(new Date(date), 1);\n },\n\n /**\n * Handles a month change from the day picker\n */\n handleChangedMonthFromDayPicker: function handleChangedMonthFromDayPicker(date) {\n this.setPageDate(date);\n this.$emit('changedMonth', date);\n },\n\n /**\n * Set the date from a typedDate event\n */\n setTypedDate: function setTypedDate(date) {\n this.setDate(date.getTime());\n },\n\n /**\n * Close all calendar layers\n * @param {Boolean} emitEvent - emit close event\n */\n close: function close(emitEvent) {\n this.showDayView = this.showMonthView = this.showYearView = false;\n\n if (!this.isInline) {\n if (emitEvent) {\n this.$emit('closed');\n }\n\n document.removeEventListener('click', this.clickOutside, false);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Initiate the component\n */\n init: function init() {\n if (this.value) {\n this.setValue(this.value);\n }\n\n if (this.isInline) {\n this.setInitialView();\n }\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.init();\n }\n} // eslint-disable-next-line\n;\n\nvar isOldIE = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /msie [6-9]\\\\b/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase());\nfunction createInjector(context) {\n return function (id, style) {\n return addStyle(id, style);\n };\n}\nvar HEAD = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];\nvar styles = {};\n\nfunction addStyle(id, css) {\n var group = isOldIE ? css.media || 'default' : id;\n var style = styles[group] || (styles[group] = {\n ids: new Set(),\n styles: []\n });\n\n if (!style.ids.has(id)) {\n style.ids.add(id);\n var code = css.source;\n\n if (css.map) {\n // https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/javascript-debugging\n // this makes source maps inside style tags work properly in Chrome\n code += '\\n/*# sourceURL=' + css.map.sources[0] + ' */'; // http://stackoverflow.com/a/26603875\n\n code += '\\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,' + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(css.map)))) + ' */';\n }\n\n if (!style.element) {\n style.element = document.createElement('style');\n style.element.type = 'text/css';\n if (css.media) style.element.setAttribute('media', css.media);\n HEAD.appendChild(style.element);\n }\n\n if ('styleSheet' in style.element) {\n style.styles.push(code);\n style.element.styleSheet.cssText = style.styles.filter(Boolean).join('\\n');\n } else {\n var index = style.ids.size - 1;\n var textNode = document.createTextNode(code);\n var nodes = style.element.childNodes;\n if (nodes[index]) style.element.removeChild(nodes[index]);\n if (nodes.length) style.element.insertBefore(textNode, nodes[index]);else style.element.appendChild(textNode);\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar browser = createInjector;\n\n/* script */\nconst __vue_script__$4 = script$4;\n\n/* template */\nvar __vue_render__$4 = function() {\n var _vm = this;\n var _h = _vm.$createElement;\n var _c = _vm._self._c || _h;\n return _c(\n \"div\",\n {\n staticClass: \"vdp-datepicker\",\n class: [_vm.wrapperClass, _vm.isRtl ? \"rtl\" : \"\"]\n },\n [\n _c(\n \"date-input\",\n {\n attrs: {\n selectedDate: _vm.selectedDate,\n resetTypedDate: _vm.resetTypedDate,\n format: _vm.format,\n translation: _vm.translation,\n inline: _vm.inline,\n id: _vm.id,\n name: _vm.name,\n refName: _vm.refName,\n openDate: _vm.openDate,\n placeholder: _vm.placeholder,\n inputClass: _vm.inputClass,\n typeable: _vm.typeable,\n clearButton: _vm.clearButton,\n clearButtonIcon: _vm.clearButtonIcon,\n calendarButton: _vm.calendarButton,\n calendarButtonIcon: _vm.calendarButtonIcon,\n calendarButtonIconContent: _vm.calendarButtonIconContent,\n disabled: _vm.disabled,\n required: _vm.required,\n bootstrapStyling: _vm.bootstrapStyling,\n \"use-utc\": _vm.useUtc\n },\n on: {\n showCalendar: _vm.showCalendar,\n closeCalendar: _vm.close,\n typedDate: _vm.setTypedDate,\n clearDate: _vm.clearDate\n }\n },\n [_vm._t(\"afterDateInput\", null, { slot: \"afterDateInput\" })],\n 2\n ),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _vm.allowedToShowView(\"day\")\n ? _c(\n \"picker-day\",\n {\n attrs: {\n pageDate: _vm.pageDate,\n selectedDate: _vm.selectedDate,\n showDayView: _vm.showDayView,\n fullMonthName: _vm.fullMonthName,\n allowedToShowView: _vm.allowedToShowView,\n disabledDates: _vm.disabledDates,\n highlighted: _vm.highlighted,\n calendarClass: _vm.calendarClass,\n calendarStyle: _vm.calendarStyle,\n translation: _vm.translation,\n pageTimestamp: _vm.pageTimestamp,\n isRtl: _vm.isRtl,\n mondayFirst: _vm.mondayFirst,\n dayCellContent: _vm.dayCellContent,\n \"use-utc\": _vm.useUtc\n },\n on: {\n changedMonth: _vm.handleChangedMonthFromDayPicker,\n selectDate: _vm.selectDate,\n showMonthCalendar: _vm.showMonthCalendar,\n selectedDisabled: _vm.selectDisabledDate\n }\n },\n [\n _vm._t(\"beforeCalendarHeader\", null, {\n slot: \"beforeCalendarHeader\"\n })\n ],\n 2\n )\n : _vm._e(),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _vm.allowedToShowView(\"month\")\n ? _c(\n \"picker-month\",\n {\n attrs: {\n pageDate: _vm.pageDate,\n selectedDate: _vm.selectedDate,\n showMonthView: _vm.showMonthView,\n allowedToShowView: _vm.allowedToShowView,\n disabledDates: _vm.disabledDates,\n calendarClass: _vm.calendarClass,\n calendarStyle: _vm.calendarStyle,\n translation: _vm.translation,\n isRtl: _vm.isRtl,\n \"use-utc\": _vm.useUtc\n },\n on: {\n selectMonth: _vm.selectMonth,\n showYearCalendar: _vm.showYearCalendar,\n changedYear: _vm.setPageDate\n }\n },\n [\n _vm._t(\"beforeCalendarHeader\", null, {\n slot: \"beforeCalendarHeader\"\n })\n ],\n 2\n )\n : _vm._e(),\n _vm._v(\" \"),\n _vm.allowedToShowView(\"year\")\n ? _c(\n \"picker-year\",\n {\n attrs: {\n pageDate: _vm.pageDate,\n selectedDate: _vm.selectedDate,\n showYearView: _vm.showYearView,\n allowedToShowView: _vm.allowedToShowView,\n disabledDates: _vm.disabledDates,\n calendarClass: _vm.calendarClass,\n calendarStyle: _vm.calendarStyle,\n translation: _vm.translation,\n isRtl: _vm.isRtl,\n \"use-utc\": _vm.useUtc\n },\n on: { selectYear: _vm.selectYear, changedDecade: _vm.setPageDate }\n },\n [\n _vm._t(\"beforeCalendarHeader\", null, {\n slot: \"beforeCalendarHeader\"\n })\n ],\n 2\n )\n : _vm._e()\n ],\n 1\n )\n};\nvar __vue_staticRenderFns__$4 = [];\n__vue_render__$4._withStripped = true;\n\n /* style */\n const __vue_inject_styles__$4 = function (inject) {\n if (!inject) return\n inject(\"data-v-64ca2bb5_0\", { source: \".rtl {\\n direction: rtl;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker {\\n position: relative;\\n text-align: left;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker * {\\n box-sizing: border-box;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar {\\n position: absolute;\\n z-index: 100;\\n background: #fff;\\n width: 300px;\\n border: 1px solid #ccc;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header {\\n display: block;\\n line-height: 40px;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header span {\\n display: inline-block;\\n text-align: center;\\n width: 71.42857142857143%;\\n float: left;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .prev,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .next {\\n width: 14.285714285714286%;\\n float: left;\\n text-indent: -10000px;\\n position: relative;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .prev:after,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .next:after {\\n content: '';\\n position: absolute;\\n left: 50%;\\n top: 50%;\\n transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);\\n border: 6px solid transparent;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .prev:after {\\n border-right: 10px solid #000;\\n margin-left: -5px;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .prev.disabled:after {\\n border-right: 10px solid #ddd;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .next:after {\\n border-left: 10px solid #000;\\n margin-left: 5px;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .next.disabled:after {\\n border-left: 10px solid #ddd;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .prev:not(.disabled),\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .next:not(.disabled),\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .up:not(.disabled) {\\n cursor: pointer;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .prev:not(.disabled):hover,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .next:not(.disabled):hover,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .up:not(.disabled):hover {\\n background: #eee;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .disabled {\\n color: #ddd;\\n cursor: default;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .flex-rtl {\\n display: flex;\\n width: inherit;\\n flex-wrap: wrap;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell {\\n display: inline-block;\\n padding: 0 5px;\\n width: 14.285714285714286%;\\n height: 40px;\\n line-height: 40px;\\n text-align: center;\\n vertical-align: middle;\\n border: 1px solid transparent;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell:not(.blank):not(.disabled).day,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell:not(.blank):not(.disabled).month,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell:not(.blank):not(.disabled).year {\\n cursor: pointer;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell:not(.blank):not(.disabled).day:hover,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell:not(.blank):not(.disabled).month:hover,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell:not(.blank):not(.disabled).year:hover {\\n border: 1px solid #4bd;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.selected {\\n background: #4bd;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.selected:hover {\\n background: #4bd;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.selected.highlighted {\\n background: #4bd;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.highlighted {\\n background: #cae5ed;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.highlighted.disabled {\\n color: #a3a3a3;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.grey {\\n color: #888;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.grey:hover {\\n background: inherit;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.day-header {\\n font-size: 75%;\\n white-space: nowrap;\\n cursor: inherit;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.day-header:hover {\\n background: inherit;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .month,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .year {\\n width: 33.333%;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__clear-button,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar-button {\\n cursor: pointer;\\n font-style: normal;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__clear-button.disabled,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar-button.disabled {\\n color: #999;\\n cursor: default;\\n}\\n\", map: {\"version\":3,\"sources\":[\"Datepicker.vue\"],\"names\":[],\"mappings\":\"AAAA;EACE,cAAc;AAChB;AACA;EACE,kBAAkB;EAClB,gBAAgB;AAClB;AACA;EACE,sBAAsB;AACxB;AACA;EACE,kBAAkB;EAClB,YAAY;EACZ,gBAAgB;EAChB,YAAY;EACZ,sBAAsB;AACxB;AACA;EACE,cAAc;EACd,iBAAiB;AACnB;AACA;EACE,qBAAqB;EACrB,kBAAkB;EAClB,yBAAyB;EACzB,WAAW;AACb;AACA;;EAEE,0BAA0B;EAC1B,WAAW;EACX,qBAAqB;EACrB,kBAAkB;AACpB;AACA;;EAEE,WAAW;EACX,kBAAkB;EAClB,SAAS;EACT,QAAQ;EACR,4CAA4C;EAC5C,6BAA6B;AAC/B;AACA;EACE,6BAA6B;EAC7B,iBAAiB;AACnB;AACA;EACE,6BAA6B;AAC/B;AACA;EACE,4BAA4B;EAC5B,gBAAgB;AAClB;AACA;EACE,4BAA4B;AAC9B;AACA;;;EAGE,eAAe;AACjB;AACA;;;EAGE,gBAAgB;AAClB;AACA;EACE,WAAW;EACX,eAAe;AACjB;AACA;EACE,aAAa;EACb,cAAc;EACd,eAAe;AACjB;AACA;EACE,qBAAqB;EACrB,cAAc;EACd,0BAA0B;EAC1B,YAAY;EACZ,iBAAiB;EACjB,kBAAkB;EAClB,sBAAsB;EACtB,6BAA6B;AAC/B;AACA;;;EAGE,eAAe;AACjB;AACA;;;EAGE,sBAAsB;AACxB;AACA;EACE,gBAAgB;AAClB;AACA;EACE,gBAAgB;AAClB;AACA;EACE,gBAAgB;AAClB;AACA;EACE,mBAAmB;AACrB;AACA;EACE,cAAc;AAChB;AACA;EACE,WAAW;AACb;AACA;EACE,mBAAmB;AACrB;AACA;EACE,cAAc;EACd,mBAAmB;EACnB,eAAe;AACjB;AACA;EACE,mBAAmB;AACrB;AACA;;EAEE,cAAc;AAChB;AACA;;EAEE,eAAe;EACf,kBAAkB;AACpB;AACA;;EAEE,WAAW;EACX,eAAe;AACjB\",\"file\":\"Datepicker.vue\",\"sourcesContent\":[\".rtl {\\n direction: rtl;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker {\\n position: relative;\\n text-align: left;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker * {\\n box-sizing: border-box;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar {\\n position: absolute;\\n z-index: 100;\\n background: #fff;\\n width: 300px;\\n border: 1px solid #ccc;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header {\\n display: block;\\n line-height: 40px;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header span {\\n display: inline-block;\\n text-align: center;\\n width: 71.42857142857143%;\\n float: left;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .prev,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .next {\\n width: 14.285714285714286%;\\n float: left;\\n text-indent: -10000px;\\n position: relative;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .prev:after,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .next:after {\\n content: '';\\n position: absolute;\\n left: 50%;\\n top: 50%;\\n transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);\\n border: 6px solid transparent;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .prev:after {\\n border-right: 10px solid #000;\\n margin-left: -5px;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .prev.disabled:after {\\n border-right: 10px solid #ddd;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .next:after {\\n border-left: 10px solid #000;\\n margin-left: 5px;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .next.disabled:after {\\n border-left: 10px solid #ddd;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .prev:not(.disabled),\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .next:not(.disabled),\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .up:not(.disabled) {\\n cursor: pointer;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .prev:not(.disabled):hover,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .next:not(.disabled):hover,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar header .up:not(.disabled):hover {\\n background: #eee;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .disabled {\\n color: #ddd;\\n cursor: default;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .flex-rtl {\\n display: flex;\\n width: inherit;\\n flex-wrap: wrap;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell {\\n display: inline-block;\\n padding: 0 5px;\\n width: 14.285714285714286%;\\n height: 40px;\\n line-height: 40px;\\n text-align: center;\\n vertical-align: middle;\\n border: 1px solid transparent;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell:not(.blank):not(.disabled).day,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell:not(.blank):not(.disabled).month,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell:not(.blank):not(.disabled).year {\\n cursor: pointer;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell:not(.blank):not(.disabled).day:hover,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell:not(.blank):not(.disabled).month:hover,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell:not(.blank):not(.disabled).year:hover {\\n border: 1px solid #4bd;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.selected {\\n background: #4bd;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.selected:hover {\\n background: #4bd;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.selected.highlighted {\\n background: #4bd;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.highlighted {\\n background: #cae5ed;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.highlighted.disabled {\\n color: #a3a3a3;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.grey {\\n color: #888;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.grey:hover {\\n background: inherit;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.day-header {\\n font-size: 75%;\\n white-space: nowrap;\\n cursor: inherit;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .cell.day-header:hover {\\n background: inherit;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .month,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar .year {\\n width: 33.333%;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__clear-button,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar-button {\\n cursor: pointer;\\n font-style: normal;\\n}\\n.vdp-datepicker__clear-button.disabled,\\n.vdp-datepicker__calendar-button.disabled {\\n color: #999;\\n cursor: default;\\n}\\n\"]}, media: undefined });\n\n };\n /* scoped */\n const __vue_scope_id__$4 = undefined;\n /* module identifier */\n const __vue_module_identifier__$4 = undefined;\n /* functional template */\n const __vue_is_functional_template__$4 = false;\n /* style inject SSR */\n \n\n \n var Datepicker = normalizeComponent_1(\n { render: __vue_render__$4, staticRenderFns: __vue_staticRenderFns__$4 },\n __vue_inject_styles__$4,\n __vue_script__$4,\n __vue_scope_id__$4,\n __vue_is_functional_template__$4,\n __vue_module_identifier__$4,\n browser,\n undefined\n );\n\nexport default Datepicker;\n","var $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar symmetricDifference = require('../internals/set-symmetric-difference');\nvar setMethodAcceptSetLike = require('../internals/set-method-accept-set-like');\n\n// `Set.prototype.symmetricDifference` method\n// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-set-methods\n$({ target: 'Set', proto: true, real: true, forced: !setMethodAcceptSetLike('symmetricDifference') }, {\n symmetricDifference: symmetricDifference\n});\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Dutch [nl]\n//! author : Joris Röling : https://github.com/jorisroling\n//! author : Jacob Middag : https://github.com/middagj\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var monthsShortWithDots =\n 'jan._feb._mrt._apr._mei_jun._jul._aug._sep._okt._nov._dec.'.split('_'),\n monthsShortWithoutDots =\n 'jan_feb_mrt_apr_mei_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_'),\n monthsParse = [\n /^jan/i,\n /^feb/i,\n /^(maart|mrt\\.?)$/i,\n /^apr/i,\n /^mei$/i,\n /^jun[i.]?$/i,\n /^jul[i.]?$/i,\n /^aug/i,\n /^sep/i,\n /^okt/i,\n /^nov/i,\n /^dec/i,\n ],\n monthsRegex =\n /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\\.?|feb\\.?|mrt\\.?|apr\\.?|ju[nl]\\.?|aug\\.?|sep\\.?|okt\\.?|nov\\.?|dec\\.?)/i;\n\n var nl = moment.defineLocale('nl', {\n months: 'januari_februari_maart_april_mei_juni_juli_augustus_september_oktober_november_december'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort: function (m, format) {\n if (!m) {\n return monthsShortWithDots;\n } else if (/-MMM-/.test(format)) {\n return monthsShortWithoutDots[m.month()];\n } else {\n return monthsShortWithDots[m.month()];\n }\n },\n\n monthsRegex: monthsRegex,\n monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex,\n monthsStrictRegex:\n /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,\n monthsShortStrictRegex:\n /^(jan\\.?|feb\\.?|mrt\\.?|apr\\.?|mei|ju[nl]\\.?|aug\\.?|sep\\.?|okt\\.?|nov\\.?|dec\\.?)/i,\n\n monthsParse: monthsParse,\n longMonthsParse: monthsParse,\n shortMonthsParse: monthsParse,\n\n weekdays:\n 'zondag_maandag_dinsdag_woensdag_donderdag_vrijdag_zaterdag'.split('_'),\n weekdaysShort: 'zo._ma._di._wo._do._vr._za.'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'zo_ma_di_wo_do_vr_za'.split('_'),\n weekdaysParseExact: true,\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD-MM-YYYY',\n LL: 'D MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[vandaag om] LT',\n nextDay: '[morgen om] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [om] LT',\n lastDay: '[gisteren om] LT',\n lastWeek: '[afgelopen] dddd [om] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'over %s',\n past: '%s geleden',\n s: 'een paar seconden',\n ss: '%d seconden',\n m: 'één minuut',\n mm: '%d minuten',\n h: 'één uur',\n hh: '%d uur',\n d: 'één dag',\n dd: '%d dagen',\n w: 'één week',\n ww: '%d weken',\n M: 'één maand',\n MM: '%d maanden',\n y: 'één jaar',\n yy: '%d jaar',\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}(ste|de)/,\n ordinal: function (number) {\n return (\n number +\n (number === 1 || number === 8 || number >= 20 ? 'ste' : 'de')\n );\n },\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return nl;\n\n})));\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nexport var subscribeToArray = function (array) {\n return function (subscriber) {\n for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len && !subscriber.closed; i++) {\n subscriber.next(array[i]);\n }\n subscriber.complete();\n };\n};\n//# sourceMappingURL=subscribeToArray.js.map\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nexport function noop() { }\n//# sourceMappingURL=noop.js.map\n","'use strict';\nvar $ = require('../internals/export');\nvar isArray = require('../internals/is-array');\nvar isConstructor = require('../internals/is-constructor');\nvar isObject = require('../internals/is-object');\nvar toAbsoluteIndex = require('../internals/to-absolute-index');\nvar lengthOfArrayLike = require('../internals/length-of-array-like');\nvar toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object');\nvar createProperty = require('../internals/create-property');\nvar wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');\nvar arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport = require('../internals/array-method-has-species-support');\nvar nativeSlice = require('../internals/array-slice');\n\nvar HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT = arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport('slice');\n\nvar SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol('species');\nvar $Array = Array;\nvar max = Math.max;\n\n// `Array.prototype.slice` method\n// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.slice\n// fallback for not array-like ES3 strings and DOM objects\n$({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: !HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT }, {\n slice: function slice(start, end) {\n var O = toIndexedObject(this);\n var length = lengthOfArrayLike(O);\n var k = toAbsoluteIndex(start, length);\n var fin = toAbsoluteIndex(end === undefined ? length : end, length);\n // inline `ArraySpeciesCreate` for usage native `Array#slice` where it's possible\n var Constructor, result, n;\n if (isArray(O)) {\n Constructor = O.constructor;\n // cross-realm fallback\n if (isConstructor(Constructor) && (Constructor === $Array || isArray(Constructor.prototype))) {\n Constructor = undefined;\n } else if (isObject(Constructor)) {\n Constructor = Constructor[SPECIES];\n if (Constructor === null) Constructor = undefined;\n }\n if (Constructor === $Array || Constructor === undefined) {\n return nativeSlice(O, k, fin);\n }\n }\n result = new (Constructor === undefined ? $Array : Constructor)(max(fin - k, 0));\n for (n = 0; k < fin; k++, n++) if (k in O) createProperty(result, n, O[k]);\n result.length = n;\n return result;\n }\n});\n","var assocIndexOf = require('./_assocIndexOf');\n\n/**\n * Checks if a list cache value for `key` exists.\n *\n * @private\n * @name has\n * @memberOf ListCache\n * @param {string} key The key of the entry to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if an entry for `key` exists, else `false`.\n */\nfunction listCacheHas(key) {\n return assocIndexOf(this.__data__, key) > -1;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = listCacheHas;\n","// toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings\nvar IndexedObject = require('../internals/indexed-object');\nvar requireObjectCoercible = require('../internals/require-object-coercible');\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return IndexedObject(requireObjectCoercible(it));\n};\n","var fails = require('../internals/fails');\nvar global = require('../internals/global');\n\n// babel-minify and Closure Compiler transpiles RegExp('.', 's') -> /./s and it causes SyntaxError\nvar $RegExp = global.RegExp;\n\nmodule.exports = fails(function () {\n var re = $RegExp('.', 's');\n return !(re.dotAll && re.exec('\\n') && re.flags === 's');\n});\n","/** PURE_IMPORTS_START PURE_IMPORTS_END */\nexport function isPromise(value) {\n return !!value && typeof value.subscribe !== 'function' && typeof value.then === 'function';\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=isPromise.js.map\n","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Pseudo [x-pseudo]\n//! author : Andrew Hood : https://github.com/andrewhood125\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var xPseudo = moment.defineLocale('x-pseudo', {\n months: 'J~áñúá~rý_F~ébrú~árý_~Márc~h_Áp~ríl_~Máý_~Júñé~_Júl~ý_Áú~gúst~_Sép~témb~ér_Ó~ctób~ér_Ñ~óvém~bér_~Décé~mbér'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort:\n 'J~áñ_~Féb_~Már_~Ápr_~Máý_~Júñ_~Júl_~Áúg_~Sép_~Óct_~Ñóv_~Déc'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsParseExact: true,\n weekdays:\n 'S~úñdá~ý_Mó~ñdáý~_Túé~sdáý~_Wéd~ñésd~áý_T~húrs~dáý_~Fríd~áý_S~átúr~dáý'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdaysShort: 'S~úñ_~Móñ_~Túé_~Wéd_~Thú_~Frí_~Sát'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 'S~ú_Mó~_Tú_~Wé_T~h_Fr~_Sá'.split('_'),\n weekdaysParseExact: true,\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',\n LL: 'D MMMM YYYY',\n LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[T~ódá~ý át] LT',\n nextDay: '[T~ómó~rró~w át] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [át] LT',\n lastDay: '[Ý~ést~érdá~ý át] LT',\n lastWeek: '[L~ást] dddd [át] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: 'í~ñ %s',\n past: '%s á~gó',\n s: 'á ~féw ~sécó~ñds',\n ss: '%d s~écóñ~ds',\n m: 'á ~míñ~úté',\n mm: '%d m~íñú~tés',\n h: 'á~ñ hó~úr',\n hh: '%d h~óúrs',\n d: 'á ~dáý',\n dd: '%d d~áýs',\n M: 'á ~móñ~th',\n MM: '%d m~óñt~hs',\n y: 'á ~ýéár',\n yy: '%d ý~éárs',\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/,\n ordinal: function (number) {\n var b = number % 10,\n output =\n ~~((number % 100) / 10) === 1\n ? 'th'\n : b === 1\n ? 'st'\n : b === 2\n ? 'nd'\n : b === 3\n ? 'rd'\n : 'th';\n return number + output;\n },\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return xPseudo;\n\n})));\n","// iterable DOM collections\n// flag - `iterable` interface - 'entries', 'keys', 'values', 'forEach' methods\nmodule.exports = {\n CSSRuleList: 0,\n CSSStyleDeclaration: 0,\n CSSValueList: 0,\n ClientRectList: 0,\n DOMRectList: 0,\n DOMStringList: 0,\n DOMTokenList: 1,\n DataTransferItemList: 0,\n FileList: 0,\n HTMLAllCollection: 0,\n HTMLCollection: 0,\n HTMLFormElement: 0,\n HTMLSelectElement: 0,\n MediaList: 0,\n MimeTypeArray: 0,\n NamedNodeMap: 0,\n NodeList: 1,\n PaintRequestList: 0,\n Plugin: 0,\n PluginArray: 0,\n SVGLengthList: 0,\n SVGNumberList: 0,\n SVGPathSegList: 0,\n SVGPointList: 0,\n SVGStringList: 0,\n SVGTransformList: 0,\n SourceBufferList: 0,\n StyleSheetList: 0,\n TextTrackCueList: 0,\n TextTrackList: 0,\n TouchList: 0\n};\n","/* eslint-disable es/no-symbol -- required for testing */\nvar NATIVE_SYMBOL = require('../internals/symbol-constructor-detection');\n\nmodule.exports = NATIVE_SYMBOL\n && !Symbol.sham\n && typeof Symbol.iterator == 'symbol';\n","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('span',_vm._b({staticClass:\"material-design-icon chevron-right-icon\",attrs:{\"aria-hidden\":_vm.title ? null : true,\"aria-label\":_vm.title,\"role\":\"img\"},on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.$emit('click', $event)}}},'span',_vm.$attrs,false),[_c('svg',{staticClass:\"material-design-icon__svg\",attrs:{\"fill\":_vm.fillColor,\"width\":_vm.size,\"height\":_vm.size,\"viewBox\":\"0 0 24 24\"}},[_c('path',{attrs:{\"d\":\"M8.59,16.58L13.17,12L8.59,7.41L10,6L16,12L10,18L8.59,16.58Z\"}},[(_vm.title)?_c('title',[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]):_vm._e()])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","
\n \n \n \n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./ChevronRight.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!../thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../@vue/cli-plugin-babel/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!../vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./ChevronRight.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./ChevronRight.vue?vue&type=template&id=d6df4f34\"\nimport script from \"./ChevronRight.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./ChevronRight.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","//! moment.js locale configuration\n//! locale : Northern Sami [se]\n//! authors : Bård Rolstad Henriksen : https://github.com/karamell\n\n;(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'\n && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :\n factory(global.moment)\n}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';\n\n //! moment.js locale configuration\n\n var se = moment.defineLocale('se', {\n months: 'ođđajagemánnu_guovvamánnu_njukčamánnu_cuoŋománnu_miessemánnu_geassemánnu_suoidnemánnu_borgemánnu_čakčamánnu_golggotmánnu_skábmamánnu_juovlamánnu'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n monthsShort:\n 'ođđj_guov_njuk_cuo_mies_geas_suoi_borg_čakč_golg_skáb_juov'.split('_'),\n weekdays:\n 'sotnabeaivi_vuossárga_maŋŋebárga_gaskavahkku_duorastat_bearjadat_lávvardat'.split(\n '_'\n ),\n weekdaysShort: 'sotn_vuos_maŋ_gask_duor_bear_láv'.split('_'),\n weekdaysMin: 's_v_m_g_d_b_L'.split('_'),\n longDateFormat: {\n LT: 'HH:mm',\n LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',\n L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',\n LL: 'MMMM D. [b.] YYYY',\n LLL: 'MMMM D. [b.] YYYY [ti.] HH:mm',\n LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM D. [b.] YYYY [ti.] HH:mm',\n },\n calendar: {\n sameDay: '[otne ti] LT',\n nextDay: '[ihttin ti] LT',\n nextWeek: 'dddd [ti] LT',\n lastDay: '[ikte ti] LT',\n lastWeek: '[ovddit] dddd [ti] LT',\n sameElse: 'L',\n },\n relativeTime: {\n future: '%s geažes',\n past: 'maŋit %s',\n s: 'moadde sekunddat',\n ss: '%d sekunddat',\n m: 'okta minuhta',\n mm: '%d minuhtat',\n h: 'okta diimmu',\n hh: '%d diimmut',\n d: 'okta beaivi',\n dd: '%d beaivvit',\n M: 'okta mánnu',\n MM: '%d mánut',\n y: 'okta jahki',\n yy: '%d jagit',\n },\n dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\\d{1,2}\\./,\n ordinal: '%d.',\n week: {\n dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.\n doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.\n },\n });\n\n return se;\n\n})));\n"],"sourceRoot":""}